/** @file Framework to UEFI 2.1 Setup Browser Thunk. The file consume EFI_FORM_BROWSER2_PROTOCOL to produce a EFI_FORM_BROWSER_PROTOCOL. Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "HiiDatabase.h" #include "SetupBrowser.h" EFI_GUID gFrameworkBdsFrontPageFormsetGuid = FRAMEWORK_BDS_FRONTPAGE_FORMSET_GUID; EFI_HII_HANDLE gStringPackHandle = NULL; BOOLEAN mFrontPageDisplayed = FALSE; // // 106F3545-B788-4cb5-9D2A-CE0CDB208DF5 // EFI_GUID gEfiHiiThunkProducerGuid = { 0x106f3545, 0xb788, 0x4cb5, { 0x9d, 0x2a, 0xce, 0xc, 0xdb, 0x20, 0x8d, 0xf5 } }; /** Get string by string id from HII Interface @param Id String ID. @retval CHAR16 * String from ID. @retval NULL If error occurs. **/ CHAR16 * GetStringById ( IN EFI_STRING_ID Id ) { return HiiGetString (gStringPackHandle, Id, NULL); } /** Show progress bar with title above it. It only works in Graphics mode. @param TitleForeground Foreground color for Title. @param TitleBackground Background color for Title. @param Title Title above progress bar. @param ProgressColor Progress bar color. @param Progress Progress (0-100) @param PreviousValue The previous value of the progress. @retval EFI_STATUS Success update the progress bar **/ EFI_STATUS PlatformBdsShowProgress ( IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL TitleForeground, IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL TitleBackground, IN CHAR16 *Title, IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL ProgressColor, IN UINTN Progress, IN UINTN PreviousValue ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *GraphicsOutput; EFI_UGA_DRAW_PROTOCOL *UgaDraw; UINT32 SizeOfX; UINT32 SizeOfY; UINT32 ColorDepth; UINT32 RefreshRate; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL Color; UINTN BlockHeight; UINTN BlockWidth; UINTN BlockNum; UINTN PosX; UINTN PosY; UINTN Index; if (Progress > 100) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } UgaDraw = NULL; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &GraphicsOutput ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { GraphicsOutput = NULL; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiUgaDrawProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &UgaDraw ); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (GraphicsOutput == NULL && UgaDraw == NULL)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } SizeOfX = 0; SizeOfY = 0; if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { SizeOfX = GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; SizeOfY = GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution; } else { Status = UgaDraw->GetMode ( UgaDraw, &SizeOfX, &SizeOfY, &ColorDepth, &RefreshRate ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } BlockWidth = SizeOfX / 100; BlockHeight = SizeOfY / 50; BlockNum = Progress; PosX = 0; PosY = SizeOfY * 48 / 50; if (BlockNum == 0) { // // Clear progress area // SetMem (&Color, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL), 0x0); if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { Status = GraphicsOutput->Blt ( GraphicsOutput, &Color, EfiBltVideoFill, 0, 0, 0, PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1, SizeOfX, SizeOfY - (PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1), SizeOfX * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) ); } else { Status = UgaDraw->Blt ( UgaDraw, (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *) &Color, EfiUgaVideoFill, 0, 0, 0, PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1, SizeOfX, SizeOfY - (PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1), SizeOfX * sizeof (EFI_UGA_PIXEL) ); } } // // Show progress by drawing blocks // for (Index = PreviousValue; Index < BlockNum; Index++) { PosX = Index * BlockWidth; if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { Status = GraphicsOutput->Blt ( GraphicsOutput, &ProgressColor, EfiBltVideoFill, 0, 0, PosX, PosY, BlockWidth - 1, BlockHeight, (BlockWidth) * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) ); } else { Status = UgaDraw->Blt ( UgaDraw, (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *) &ProgressColor, EfiUgaVideoFill, 0, 0, PosX, PosY, BlockWidth - 1, BlockHeight, (BlockWidth) * sizeof (EFI_UGA_PIXEL) ); } } PrintXY ( (SizeOfX - StrLen (Title) * EFI_GLYPH_WIDTH) / 2, PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1, &TitleForeground, &TitleBackground, Title ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Function waits for a given event to fire, or for an optional timeout to expire. @param Event The event to wait for @param Timeout An optional timeout value in 100 ns units. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Event fired before Timeout expired. @retval EFI_TIME_OUT Timout expired before Event fired.. **/ EFI_STATUS WaitForSingleEvent ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN UINT64 Timeout OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; EFI_EVENT TimerEvent; EFI_EVENT WaitList[2]; if (Timeout != 0) { // // Create a timer event // Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &TimerEvent); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Set the timer event // gBS->SetTimer ( TimerEvent, TimerRelative, Timeout ); // // Wait for the original event or the timer // WaitList[0] = Event; WaitList[1] = TimerEvent; Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (2, WaitList, &Index); gBS->CloseEvent (TimerEvent); // // If the timer expired, change the return to timed out // if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && Index == 1) { Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; } } } else { // // No timeout... just wait on the event // Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (1, &Event, &Index); ASSERT (!EFI_ERROR (Status)); ASSERT (Index == 0); } return Status; } /** Function show progress bar to wait for user input. @param TimeoutDefault - The fault time out value before the system continue to boot. @retval EFI_SUCCESS User pressed some key except "Enter" @retval EFI_TIME_OUT Timout expired or user press "Enter" **/ EFI_STATUS ShowProgress ( IN UINT16 TimeoutDefault ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *TmpStr; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL Foreground; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL Background; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL Color; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; UINT16 TimeoutRemain; if (TimeoutDefault == 0) { return EFI_TIMEOUT; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "\n\nStart showing progress bar... Press any key to stop it! ...Zzz....\n")); SetMem (&Foreground, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL), 0xff); SetMem (&Background, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL), 0x0); SetMem (&Color, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL), 0xff); // // Clear the progress status bar first // TmpStr = GetStringById (STRING_TOKEN (STR_START_BOOT_OPTION)); if (TmpStr != NULL) { PlatformBdsShowProgress (Foreground, Background, TmpStr, Color, 0, 0); } TimeoutRemain = TimeoutDefault; while (TimeoutRemain != 0) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Showing progress bar...Remaining %d second!\n", TimeoutRemain)); Status = WaitForSingleEvent (gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, ONE_SECOND); if (Status != EFI_TIMEOUT) { break; } TimeoutRemain--; // // Show progress // if (TmpStr != NULL) { PlatformBdsShowProgress ( Foreground, Background, TmpStr, Color, ((TimeoutDefault - TimeoutRemain) * 100 / TimeoutDefault), 0 ); } } gBS->FreePool (TmpStr); // // Timeout expired // if (TimeoutRemain == 0) { return EFI_TIMEOUT; } // // User pressed some key // Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN) { // // User pressed enter, equivalent to select "continue" // return EFI_TIMEOUT; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Return the default value for system Timeout variable. @return Timeout value. **/ UINT16 EFIAPI GetTimeout ( VOID ) { return PcdGet16 (PcdPlatformBootTimeOut); } /** This is the Framework Setup Browser interface which displays a FormSet. @param This The EFI_FORM_BROWSER_PROTOCOL context. @param UseDatabase TRUE if the FormSet is from HII database. The Thunk implementation only support UseDatabase is TRUE. @param Handle The Handle buffer. @param HandleCount The number of Handle in the Handle Buffer. It must be 1 for this implementation. @param Packet The pointer to data buffer containing IFR and String package. Not supported. @param CallbackHandle Not supported. @param NvMapOverride The buffer is used only when there is no NV variable to define the current settings and the caller needs to provide to the browser the current settings for the the "fake" NV variable. If used, no saving of an NV variable is possbile. This parameter is also ignored if Handle is NULL. @param ScreenDimensions Allows the browser to be called so that it occupies a portion of the physical screen instead of dynamically determining the screen dimensions. @param ResetRequired This BOOLEAN value denotes whether a reset is required based on the data that might have been changed. The ResetRequired parameter is primarily applicable for configuration applications, and is an optional parameter. @retval EFI_SUCCESS If the Formset is displayed correctly. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED If UseDatabase is FALSE or HandleCount is not 1. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER If the *Handle passed in is not found in the database. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ThunkSendForm ( IN EFI_FORM_BROWSER_PROTOCOL *This, IN BOOLEAN UseDatabase, IN FRAMEWORK_EFI_HII_HANDLE *Handle, IN UINTN HandleCount, IN EFI_IFR_PACKET *Packet, OPTIONAL IN EFI_HANDLE CallbackHandle, OPTIONAL IN UINT8 *NvMapOverride, OPTIONAL IN FRAMEWORK_EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR *ScreenDimensions, OPTIONAL OUT BOOLEAN *ResetRequired OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST ActionRequest; HII_THUNK_CONTEXT *ThunkContext; HII_THUNK_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; EFI_FORMBROWSER_THUNK_PRIVATE_DATA *BrowserPrivate; if (!UseDatabase) { // // ThunkSendForm only support displays forms registered into the HII database. // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (HandleCount != 1 ) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } BrowserPrivate = EFI_FORMBROWSER_THUNK_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_THIS (This); Private = BrowserPrivate->ThunkPrivate; ThunkContext = FwHiiHandleToThunkContext (Private, *Handle); if (ThunkContext == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Following UEFI spec to do auto booting after a time-out. This feature is implemented // in Framework Setup Browser and moved to MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe. The auto booting is // moved here in HII Thunk module. // if (CompareGuid (&gFrameworkBdsFrontPageFormsetGuid, &ThunkContext->FormSet->Guid) && !mFrontPageDisplayed) { // // Send form is called before entering the // mFrontPageDisplayed = TRUE; Status = ShowProgress (GetTimeout ()); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } if (NvMapOverride != NULL) { ThunkContext->NvMapOverride = NvMapOverride; } Status = mFormBrowser2Protocol->SendForm ( mFormBrowser2Protocol, &ThunkContext->UefiHiiHandle, 1, NULL, 0, (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR *) ScreenDimensions, &ActionRequest ); if (ActionRequest == EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_RESET) { *ResetRequired = TRUE; } return Status; } /** Rountine used to display a generic dialog interface and return the Key or Input from user input. @param LinesNumber The number of lines for the dialog box. @param HotKey Defines if a single character is parsed (TRUE) and returned in KeyValue or if a string is returned in StringBuffer. @param MaximumStringSize The maximum size in bytes of a typed-in string. @param StringBuffer On return contains the typed-in string if HotKey is FALSE. @param Key The EFI_INPUT_KEY value returned if HotKey is TRUE. @param FirstString The pointer to the first string in the list of strings that comprise the dialog box. @param ... A series of NumberOfLines text strings that will be used to construct the dialog box. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The dialog is created successfully and user interaction was received. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The user typed in an ESC. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters was invalid.(StringBuffer == NULL && HotKey == FALSE). **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ThunkCreatePopUp ( IN UINTN LinesNumber, IN BOOLEAN HotKey, IN UINTN MaximumStringSize, OUT CHAR16 *StringBuffer, OUT EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key, IN CHAR16 *FirstString, ... ) { VA_LIST Args; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *ConOut; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE SavedConsoleMode; UINTN Columns; UINTN Rows; UINTN Column; UINTN Row; UINTN NumberOfLines; UINTN MaxLength; CHAR16 *String; UINTN Length; CHAR16 *Line; UINTN EventIndex; if (!HotKey) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (MaximumStringSize == 0) { // // Blank strint to output // return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Determine the length of the longest line in the popup and the the total // number of lines in the popup // MaxLength = StrLen (FirstString); NumberOfLines = 1; VA_START (Args, FirstString); while ((String = VA_ARG (Args, CHAR16 *)) != NULL) { MaxLength = MAX (MaxLength, StrLen (String)); NumberOfLines++; } VA_END (Args); // // If the total number of lines in the popup is not same to the input NumberOfLines // the parameter is not valid. Not check. // // if (NumberOfLines != LinesNumber) { // return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; // } // // If the maximum length of all the strings is not same to the input MaximumStringSize // the parameter is not valid. Not check. // // if (MaxLength != MaximumStringSize) { // return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; // } // // Cache a pointer to the Simple Text Output Protocol in the EFI System Table // ConOut = gST->ConOut; // // Save the current console cursor position and attributes // CopyMem (&SavedConsoleMode, ConOut->Mode, sizeof (SavedConsoleMode)); // // Retrieve the number of columns and rows in the current console mode // ConOut->QueryMode (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.Mode, &Columns, &Rows); // // Disable cursor and set the foreground and background colors specified by Attribute // ConOut->EnableCursor (ConOut, FALSE); ConOut->SetAttribute (ConOut, EFI_LIGHTGRAY | EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE); // // Limit NumberOfLines to height of the screen minus 3 rows for the box itself // NumberOfLines = MIN (NumberOfLines, Rows - 3); // // Limit MaxLength to width of the screen minus 2 columns for the box itself // MaxLength = MIN (MaxLength, Columns - 2); // // Compute the starting row and starting column for the popup // Row = (Rows - (NumberOfLines + 3)) / 2; Column = (Columns - (MaxLength + 2)) / 2; // // Allocate a buffer for a single line of the popup with borders and a Null-terminator // Line = AllocateZeroPool ((MaxLength + 3) * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (Line != NULL); // // Draw top of popup box // SetMem16 (Line, (MaxLength + 2) * 2, BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL); Line[0] = BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT; Line[MaxLength + 1] = BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT; Line[MaxLength + 2] = L'\0'; ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row++); ConOut->OutputString (ConOut, Line); // // Draw middle of the popup with strings // VA_START (Args, FirstString); String = FirstString; while ((String != NULL) && (NumberOfLines > 0)) { Length = StrLen (String); SetMem16 (Line, (MaxLength + 2) * 2, L' '); if (Length <= MaxLength) { // // Length <= MaxLength // CopyMem (Line + 1 + (MaxLength - Length) / 2, String , Length * sizeof (CHAR16)); } else { // // Length > MaxLength // CopyMem (Line + 1, String + (Length - MaxLength) / 2 , MaxLength * sizeof (CHAR16)); } Line[0] = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL; Line[MaxLength + 1] = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL; Line[MaxLength + 2] = L'\0'; ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row++); ConOut->OutputString (ConOut, Line); String = VA_ARG (Args, CHAR16 *); NumberOfLines--; } VA_END (Args); // // Draw bottom of popup box // SetMem16 (Line, (MaxLength + 2) * 2, BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL); Line[0] = BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT; Line[MaxLength + 1] = BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT; Line[MaxLength + 2] = L'\0'; ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row++); ConOut->OutputString (ConOut, Line); // // Free the allocated line buffer // FreePool (Line); // // Restore the cursor visibility, position, and attributes // ConOut->EnableCursor (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.CursorVisible); ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.CursorColumn, SavedConsoleMode.CursorRow); ConOut->SetAttribute (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.Attribute); // // Wait for a keystroke // if (Key != NULL) { gBS->WaitForEvent (1, &gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &EventIndex); gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, Key); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Initialize string packages in HII database. **/ VOID InitSetBrowserStrings ( VOID ) { // // Initialize strings to HII database // gStringPackHandle = HiiAddPackages ( &gEfiHiiThunkProducerGuid, NULL, STRING_ARRAY_NAME, NULL ); ASSERT (gStringPackHandle != NULL); }