/*++ Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: EfiCopyMemSSE2.c Abstract: This is the code that supports IA32-optimized CopyMem service --*/ #include "Tiano.h" VOID EfiCommonLibCopyMem ( IN VOID *Destination, IN VOID *Source, IN UINTN Count ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy Length bytes from Source to Destination. Arguments: Destination - Target of copy Source - Place to copy from Length - Number of bytes to copy Returns: None --*/ { __asm { mov ecx, Count mov esi, Source mov edi, Destination ; First off, make sure we have no overlap. That is to say, ; if (Source == Destination) => do nothing ; if (Source + Count <= Destination) => regular copy ; if (Destination + Count <= Source) => regular copy ; otherwise, do a reverse copy mov eax, esi add eax, ecx ; Source + Count cmp eax, edi jle _StartByteCopy mov eax, edi add eax, ecx ; Dest + Count cmp eax, esi jle _StartByteCopy cmp esi, edi je _CopyMemDone jl _CopyOverlapped ; too bad -- overlaps ; Pick up misaligned start bytes to get destination pointer 4-byte aligned _StartByteCopy: cmp ecx, 0 je _CopyMemDone ; Count == 0, all done mov edx, edi and dl, 3 ; check lower 2 bits of address test dl, dl je SHORT _CopyBlocks ; already aligned? ; Copy a byte mov al, BYTE PTR [esi] ; get byte from Source mov BYTE PTR [edi], al ; write byte to Destination dec ecx inc edi inc esi jmp _StartByteCopy ; back to top of loop _CopyBlocks: ; Compute how many 64-byte blocks we can clear mov eax, ecx ; get Count in eax shr eax, 6 ; convert to 64-byte count shl eax, 6 ; convert back to bytes sub ecx, eax ; subtract from the original count shr eax, 6 ; and this is how many 64-byte blocks ; If no 64-byte blocks, then skip cmp eax, 0 je _CopyRemainingDWords copyxmm: movdqu xmm0, OWORD PTR ds:[esi] movdqu QWORD PTR ds:[edi], xmm0 movdqu xmm1, OWORD PTR ds:[esi+16] movdqu QWORD PTR ds:[edi+16], xmm1 movdqu xmm2, OWORD PTR ds:[esi+32] movdqu QWORD PTR ds:[edi+32], xmm2 movdqu xmm3, OWORD PTR ds:[esi+48] movdqu QWORD PTR ds:[edi+48], xmm3 add edi, 64 add esi, 64 dec eax jnz copyxmm ; Copy as many DWORDS as possible _CopyRemainingDWords: cmp ecx, 4 jb _CopyRemainingBytes mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ; get data from Source mov DWORD PTR [edi], eax ; write byte to Destination sub ecx, 4 ; decrement Count add esi, 4 ; advance Source pointer add edi, 4 ; advance Destination pointer jmp _CopyRemainingDWords ; back to top _CopyRemainingBytes: cmp ecx, 0 je _CopyMemDone mov al, BYTE PTR [esi] ; get byte from Source mov BYTE PTR [edi], al ; write byte to Destination dec ecx inc esi inc edi ; advance Destination pointer jmp SHORT _CopyRemainingBytes ; back to top of loop ; ; We do this block if the source and destination buffers overlap. To ; handle it, copy starting at the end of the source buffer and work ; your way back. Since this is the atypical case, this code has not ; been optimized, and thus simply copies bytes. ; _CopyOverlapped: ; Move the source and destination pointers to the end of the range add esi, ecx ; Source + Count dec esi add edi, ecx ; Dest + Count dec edi _CopyOverlappedLoop: cmp ecx, 0 je _CopyMemDone mov al, BYTE PTR [esi] ; get byte from Source mov BYTE PTR [edi], al ; write byte to Destination dec ecx dec esi dec edi jmp _CopyOverlappedLoop ; back to top of loop _CopyMemDone: } }