/*++ Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: String.c Abstract: Unicode string primatives --*/ #include "Tiano.h" #include "EfiDriverLib.h" #include "EfiCommonLib.h" VOID EfiStrCpy ( IN CHAR16 *Destination, IN CHAR16 *Source ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy the Unicode string Source to Destination. Arguments: Destination - Location to copy string Source - String to copy Returns: NONE --*/ { while (*Source) { *(Destination++) = *(Source++); } *Destination = 0; } VOID EfiStrnCpy ( OUT CHAR16 *Dst, IN CHAR16 *Src, IN UINTN Length ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy a string from source to destination Arguments: Dst Destination string Src Source string Length Length of destination string Returns: --*/ { UINTN Index; UINTN SrcLen; SrcLen = EfiStrLen (Src); Index = 0; while (Index < Length && Index < SrcLen) { Dst[Index] = Src[Index]; Index++; } for (Index = SrcLen; Index < Length; Index++) { Dst[Index] = 0; } } UINTN EfiStrLen ( IN CHAR16 *String ) /*++ Routine Description: Return the number of Unicode characters in String. This is not the same as the length of the string in bytes. Arguments: String - String to process Returns: Number of Unicode characters in String --*/ { UINTN Length; for (Length=0; *String; String++, Length++); return Length; } UINTN EfiStrSize ( IN CHAR16 *String ) /*++ Routine Description: Return the number bytes in the Unicode String. This is not the same as the length of the string in characters. The string size includes the NULL Arguments: String - String to process Returns: Number of bytes in String --*/ { return ((EfiStrLen (String) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)); } INTN EfiStrCmp ( IN CHAR16 *String, IN CHAR16 *String2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Compare the Unicode string pointed by String to the string pointed by String2. Arguments: String - String to process String2 - The other string to process Returns: Return a positive integer if String is lexicall greater than String2; Zero if the two strings are identical; and a negative integer if String is lexically less than String2. --*/ { while (*String) { if (*String != *String2) { break; } String += 1; String2 += 1; } return *String - *String2; } INTN EfiStrnCmp ( IN CHAR16 *String, IN CHAR16 *String2, IN UINTN Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This function compares the Unicode string String to the Unicode string String2 for len characters. If the first len characters of String is identical to the first len characters of String2, then 0 is returned. If substring of String sorts lexicographically after String2, the function returns a number greater than 0. If substring of String sorts lexicographically before String2, the function returns a number less than 0. Arguments: String - Compare to String2 String2 - Compare to String Length - Number of Unicode characters to compare Returns: 0 - The substring of String and String2 is identical. > 0 - The substring of String sorts lexicographically after String2 < 0 - The substring of String sorts lexicographically before String2 --*/ { while (*String && Length != 0) { if (*String != *String2) { break; } String += 1; String2 += 1; Length -= 1; } return Length > 0 ? *String - *String2 : 0; } VOID EfiStrCat ( IN CHAR16 *Destination, IN CHAR16 *Source ) /*++ Routine Description: Concatinate Source on the end of Destination Arguments: Destination - String to added to the end of. Source - String to concatinate. Returns: NONE --*/ { EfiStrCpy (Destination + EfiStrLen (Destination), Source); } VOID EfiStrnCat ( IN CHAR16 *Dest, IN CHAR16 *Src, IN UINTN Length ) /*++ Routine Description: Concatinate Source on the end of Destination Arguments: Dst Destination string Src Source string Length Length of destination string Returns: --*/ { EfiStrnCpy (Dest + EfiStrLen (Dest), Src, Length); } UINTN EfiAsciiStrLen ( IN CHAR8 *String ) /*++ Routine Description: Return the number of Ascii characters in String. This is not the same as the length of the string in bytes. Arguments: String - String to process Returns: Number of Ascii characters in String --*/ { UINTN Length; for (Length=0; *String; String++, Length++); return Length; } CHAR8 * EfiAsciiStrCpy ( IN CHAR8 *Destination, IN CHAR8 *Source ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy the Ascii string Source to Destination. Arguments: Destination - Location to copy string Source - String to copy Returns: Pointer just pass the end of Destination --*/ { while (*Source) { *(Destination++) = *(Source++); } *Destination = 0; return Destination + 1; } VOID EfiAsciiStrnCpy ( OUT CHAR8 *Dst, IN CHAR8 *Src, IN UINTN Length ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy the Ascii string from source to destination Arguments: Dst Destination string Src Source string Length Length of destination string Returns: --*/ { UINTN Index; UINTN SrcLen; SrcLen = EfiAsciiStrLen (Src); Index = 0; while (Index < Length && Index < SrcLen) { Dst[Index] = Src[Index]; Index++; } for (Index = SrcLen; Index < Length; Index++) { Dst[Index] = 0; } } UINTN EfiAsciiStrSize ( IN CHAR8 *String ) /*++ Routine Description: Return the number bytes in the Ascii String. This is not the same as the length of the string in characters. The string size includes the NULL Arguments: String - String to process Returns: Number of bytes in String --*/ { return (EfiAsciiStrLen (String) + 1); } INTN EfiAsciiStrCmp ( IN CHAR8 *String, IN CHAR8 *String2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Compare the Ascii string pointed by String to the string pointed by String2. Arguments: String - String to process String2 - The other string to process Returns: Return a positive integer if String is lexicall greater than String2; Zero if the two strings are identical; and a negative integer if String is lexically less than String2. --*/ { while (*String) { if (*String != *String2) { break; } String += 1; String2 += 1; } return *String - *String2; } INTN EfiAsciiStrnCmp ( IN CHAR8 *String, IN CHAR8 *String2, IN UINTN Length ) { if (Length == 0) { return 0; } while ((*String != '\0') && (*String == *String2) && (Length > 1)) { String++; String2++; Length--; } return *String - *String2; } VOID EfiAsciiStrCat ( IN CHAR8 *Destination, IN CHAR8 *Source ) /*++ Routine Description: Concatinate Source on the end of Destination Arguments: Destination - String to added to the end of. Source - String to concatinate. Returns: NONE --*/ { EfiAsciiStrCpy (Destination + EfiAsciiStrLen (Destination), Source); } VOID EfiAsciiStrnCat ( IN CHAR8 *Destination, IN CHAR8 *Source, IN UINTN Length ) /*++ Routine Description: Concatinate Source on the end of Destination Arguments: Destination - String to added to the end of. Source - String to concatinate. Returns: NONE --*/ { EfiAsciiStrnCpy (Destination + EfiAsciiStrLen (Destination), Source, Length); } BOOLEAN IsHexDigit ( OUT UINT8 *Digit, IN CHAR16 Char ) /*++ Routine Description: Determines if a Unicode character is a hexadecimal digit. The test is case insensitive. Arguments: Digit - Pointer to byte that receives the value of the hex character. Char - Unicode character to test. Returns: TRUE - If the character is a hexadecimal digit. FALSE - Otherwise. --*/ { if ((Char >= L'0') && (Char <= L'9')) { *Digit = (UINT8) (Char - L'0'); return TRUE; } if ((Char >= L'A') && (Char <= L'F')) { *Digit = (UINT8) (Char - L'A' + 0x0A); return TRUE; } if ((Char >= L'a') && (Char <= L'f')) { *Digit = (UINT8) (Char - L'a' + 0x0A); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } CHAR16 NibbleToHexChar ( IN UINT8 Nibble ) /*++ Routine Description: Converts the low nibble of a byte to hex unicode character. Arguments: Nibble - lower nibble of a byte. Returns: Hex unicode character. --*/ { Nibble &= 0x0F; if (Nibble <= 0x9) { return (CHAR16)(Nibble + L'0'); } return (CHAR16)(Nibble - 0xA + L'A'); } EFI_STATUS HexStringToBuf ( IN OUT UINT8 *Buf, IN OUT UINTN *Len, IN CHAR16 *Str, OUT UINTN *ConvertedStrLen OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Converts Unicode string to binary buffer. The conversion may be partial. The first character in the string that is not hex digit stops the conversion. At a minimum, any blob of data could be represented as a hex string. Arguments: Buf - Pointer to buffer that receives the data. Len - Length in bytes of the buffer to hold converted data. If routine return with EFI_SUCCESS, containing length of converted data. If routine return with EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, containg length of buffer desired. Str - String to be converted from. ConvertedStrLen - Length of the Hex String consumed. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS: Routine Success. EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: The buffer is too small to hold converted data. EFI_ --*/ { UINTN HexCnt; UINTN Idx; UINTN BufferLength; UINT8 Digit; UINT8 Byte; // // Find out how many hex characters the string has. // for (Idx = 0, HexCnt = 0; IsHexDigit (&Digit, Str[Idx]); Idx++, HexCnt++); if (HexCnt == 0) { *Len = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Two Unicode characters make up 1 buffer byte. Round up. // BufferLength = (HexCnt + 1) / 2; // // Test if buffer is passed enough. // if (BufferLength > (*Len)) { *Len = BufferLength; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *Len = BufferLength; for (Idx = 0; Idx < HexCnt; Idx++) { IsHexDigit (&Digit, Str[HexCnt - 1 - Idx]); // // For odd charaters, write the lower nibble for each buffer byte, // and for even characters, the upper nibble. // if ((Idx & 1) == 0) { Byte = Digit; } else { Byte = Buf[Idx / 2]; Byte &= 0x0F; Byte = (UINT8)(Byte | (Digit << 4)); } Buf[Idx / 2] = Byte; } if (ConvertedStrLen != NULL) { *ConvertedStrLen = HexCnt; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS BufToHexString ( IN OUT CHAR16 *Str, IN OUT UINTN *HexStringBufferLength, IN UINT8 *Buf, IN UINTN Len ) /*++ Routine Description: Converts binary buffer to Unicode string. At a minimum, any blob of data could be represented as a hex string. Arguments: Str - Pointer to the string. HexStringBufferLength - Length in bytes of buffer to hold the hex string. Includes tailing '\0' character. If routine return with EFI_SUCCESS, containing length of hex string buffer. If routine return with EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, containg length of hex string buffer desired. Buf - Buffer to be converted from. Len - Length in bytes of the buffer to be converted. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS: Routine success. EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: The hex string buffer is too small. --*/ { UINTN Idx; UINT8 Byte; UINTN StrLen; // // Make sure string is either passed or allocate enough. // It takes 2 Unicode characters (4 bytes) to represent 1 byte of the binary buffer. // Plus the Unicode termination character. // StrLen = Len * 2; if (StrLen > ((*HexStringBufferLength) - 1)) { *HexStringBufferLength = StrLen + 1; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *HexStringBufferLength = StrLen + 1; // // Ends the string. // Str[StrLen] = L'\0'; for (Idx = 0; Idx < Len; Idx++) { Byte = Buf[Idx]; Str[StrLen - 1 - Idx * 2] = NibbleToHexChar (Byte); Str[StrLen - 2 - Idx * 2] = NibbleToHexChar ((UINT8)(Byte >> 4)); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID EfiStrTrim ( IN OUT CHAR16 *str, IN CHAR16 CharC ) /*++ Routine Description: Removes (trims) specified leading and trailing characters from a string. Arguments: str - Pointer to the null-terminated string to be trimmed. On return, str will hold the trimmed string. CharC - Character will be trimmed from str. Returns: --*/ { CHAR16 *p1; CHAR16 *p2; if (*str == 0) { return; } // // Trim off the leading and trailing characters c // for (p1 = str; *p1 && *p1 == CharC; p1++) { ; } p2 = str; if (p2 == p1) { while (*p1) { p2++; p1++; } } else { while (*p1) { *p2 = *p1; p1++; p2++; } *p2 = 0; } for (p1 = str + EfiStrLen(str) - 1; p1 >= str && *p1 == CharC; p1--) { ; } if (p1 != str + EfiStrLen(str) - 1) { *(p1 + 1) = 0; } } CHAR16* EfiStrStr ( IN CHAR16 *String, IN CHAR16 *StrCharSet ) /*++ Routine Description: Find a substring. Arguments: String - Null-terminated string to search. StrCharSet - Null-terminated string to search for. Returns: The address of the first occurrence of the matching substring if successful, or NULL otherwise. --*/ { CHAR16 *Src; CHAR16 *Sub; Src = String; Sub = StrCharSet; while ((*String != L'\0') && (*StrCharSet != L'\0')) { if (*String++ != *StrCharSet) { String = ++Src; StrCharSet = Sub; } else { StrCharSet++; } } if (*StrCharSet == L'\0') { return Src; } else { return NULL; } } CHAR8* EfiAsciiStrStr ( IN CHAR8 *String, IN CHAR8 *StrCharSet ) /*++ Routine Description: Find a Ascii substring. Arguments: String - Null-terminated Ascii string to search. StrCharSet - Null-terminated Ascii string to search for. Returns: The address of the first occurrence of the matching Ascii substring if successful, or NULL otherwise. --*/ { CHAR8 *Src; CHAR8 *Sub; Src = String; Sub = StrCharSet; while ((*String != '\0') && (*StrCharSet != '\0')) { if (*String++ != *StrCharSet) { String = ++Src; StrCharSet = Sub; } else { StrCharSet++; } } if (*StrCharSet == '\0') { return Src; } else { return NULL; } }