EdkUnixPkg f2805c44-8985-11db-9e98-0040d02b1835 0.3 This is the Unix Emulation Environment Platform Reference platform implementation using an emulator. Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. FRAMEWORK_BUILD_PACKAGING_SPECIFICATION 0x00000052 false false Include/Library/UnixLib.h Include/Common/UnixInclude.h Include/Library/UnixLib.h Include/Ppi/UnixAutoScan.h Include/Ppi/UnixFwh.h Include/Ppi/UnixPeiLoadFile.h Include/Ppi/UnixThunk.h Include/Protocol/UnixIo.h Include/Protocol/UnixThunk.h Include/Protocol/UnixUgaIo.h Include/FlashLayout.h Include/UnixDxe.h Include/UnixPeim.h Dxe/UnixPlatform/MiscSubclass/MiscSubclassDriver.msa Dxe/PlatformBds/PlatformBds.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Bus/BlockIo/UnixBlockIo.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Bus/Console/UnixConsole.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Bus/SimpleFileSystem/UnixSimpleFileSystem.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Bus/Uga/UnixUga.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Bus/SerialIo/UnixSerialIo.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Bus/UnixBusDriver/UnixBusDriver.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Chipset/Metronome/Metronome.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Chipset/RealTimeClock/RealTimeClock.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Chipset/Reset/Reset.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Chipset/Timer/Timer.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/Cpu/Cpu.msa Dxe/UnixThunk/UnixThunk/UnixThunk.msa Library/DxeUnixLib/DxeUnixLib.msa Library/EdkUnixPeiPeCoffGetEntryPointLib/EdkUnixPeiPeCoffGetEntryPointLib.msa Library/UnixPeCoffLoaderLib/UnixPeCoffLoaderLib.msa Library/PeiUnixOemHookStatusCodeLib/PeiUnixOemHookStatusCodeLib.msa Library/DxeUnixOemHookStatusCodeLib/DxeUnixOemHookStatusCodeLib.msa Pei/AutoScan/UnixAutoScan.msa Pei/BootMode/BootMode.msa Pei/FirmwareVolume/UnixFwh.msa Pei/FlashMap/FlashMap.msa Pei/UnixStuff/UnixStuff.msa RuntimeDxe/FvbServices/UnixFwh.msa Sec/SecMain.msa Include/UnixPeim.h Include/UnixPeim.h Include/UnixDxe.h Include/UnixDxe.h Include/UnixDxe.h Include/UnixDxe.h Include/UnixDxe.h gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid f2b6838c-8985-11db-9d1c-0040d02b1835 All PCD define in EdkUnixPkg is in this token space scope gEfiUnixVirtualDisksGuid f2ba331a-8985-11db-a406-0040d02b1835 This variable defines virtual disk the emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixPhysicalDisksGuid f2bdcc96-8985-11db-8719-0040d02b1835 This variable defines phisical disk emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixFileSystemGuid f2c16b9e-8985-11db-92c8-0040d02b1835 This variable defines file system the emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixUgaGuid f2c8b80e-8985-11db-93f1-0040d02b1835 This variable defines virtual VGA device the emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixConsoleGuid f2cc5d06-8985-11db-bb19-0040d02b1835 This variable defines virtual Console the emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixMemoryGuid f2d006cc-8985-11db-a472-0040d02b1835 This variable defines virtual Memory the emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixCPUModelGuid f2d3b330-8985-11db-8aa3-0040d02b1835 This variable defines model of the CPU the emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixCPUSpeedGuid f2d74e5a-8985-11db-9705-0040d02b1835 This variable defines speed of the CPU the emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixSerialPortGuid 6d3a727d-66c8-4d19-87e6-0215861490f3 This variable defines virtual Pass Thru devicehardware the emulator/UnixBusDriver will produce. gEfiUnixIoProtocolGuid f2e23f54-8985-11db-ac79-0040d02b1835 gEfiUnixUgaIoProtocolGuid f2e5e2c6-8985-11db-a191-0040d02b1835 gEfiUnixThunkProtocolGuid f2e98868-8985-11db-9a59-0040d02b1835 gPeiUnixAutoScanPpiGuid f2ed3d14-8985-11db-b057-0040d02b1835 gUnixFwhPpiGuid f2f0dc30-8985-11db-a15b-0040d02b1835 gUnixPeiLoadFilePpiGuid f2f48768-8985-11db-b8da-0040d02b1835 gPeiUnixThunkPpiGuid f2f830f2-8985-11db-806b-0040d02b1835 PcdUnixPhysicalDisk 0x00001000 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L"E:RW;245760;512" This PCD defines physical disk which will be simualted as a harddisk in simulator. The item type of this PCD can only be "DYNAMIC". PcdUnixVirtualDisk 0x00001001 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L"FW;40960;512" This PCD defines the devices which use a file to emulate a hard disk or removable media device.The item type of this PCD can only be "DYNAMIC". PcdUnixUga 0x00001003 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L"UGA Window" This PCD declares the resolutions for the UGA windows. The item type of this PCD can only be "DYNAMIC". PcdUnixFileSystem 0x00001004 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L".!..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\EdkShellBinPkg\\bin\\ia32\\Apps" This PCD defines the host directory who will be mounted as harddisk in simulator. The item type of this PCD can only be "DYNAMIC". PcdUnixMemorySize 0x00001005 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L"64!64" This PCD defines the memory size of simulated machine. Simulator will allocate the size of PcdUnixMemorySize in host platform. The item type of this PCD can only be "DYNAMIC". PcdUnixBootMode 0x00001006 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE 1 This PCD defines the boot mode for simualtor. The boot mode can be set as following value: 0x0: Boot with full configuration. 0x1: Boot with minimal configuration. 0x2: Boot assume no configuration changes. 0x3: Boot with full configuration plus diagnostics. 0x4: Boot with default settings. 0x5: Boot on S4 resume. 0x6: Boot on S5 resume. 0x10: Boot on S2 resume. 0x11: Boot on S3 resume. 0x12: Boot on flash update. 0x20: Boot in reovery mode. PcdUnixCpuModel 0x00001007 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L"Intel(R) Processor Model" This PCD defines simulated CPU model string. The item type of this PCD can only be "DYNAMIC". PcdUnixCpuSpeed 0x00001008 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L"3000" This PCD defines simulated CPU speed string. The item type of this PCD can only be "DYNAMIC". PcdUnixFirmwareVolume 0x00001009 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE L"..\\Fv\\Fv_Recovery.fd" This PCD defines the FD file path string. Simulator will load the FD file and execute. PcdUnixConsole 0x0000100a gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L"Bus Driver Console Window" This PCD declares the title string of the text console window. such as "My EFI Console". The item type of this PCD can only be "DYNAMIC". PcdUnixMemorySizeForSecMain 0x0000100c gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE L"64!64" This PCD defines the memory size of simulated machine. Simulator will allocate the size of PcdUnixMemorySizeForSecMain in host platform. PcdUnixSerialPort 0x00001002 gEfiEdkUnixPkgTokenSpaceGuid VOID* DYNAMIC L"/dev/ttyS0" Simulation serial IO port