; ; Copyright (c) 2011, Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved.<BR> ; ; This program and the accompanying materials ; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License ; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at ; http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php ; ; THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ; LOCAL &imgstart &filehdrstart &debugdirentryrva &debugtype &debugrva &dwarfsig &baseofcode &baseofdata &elfbase &elfpath &pathoffset ENTRY &imgstart &imgstart=&imgstart print "PE32 image found at &imgstart" ; offset from dos hdr to PE file hdr &filehdrstart=&imgstart+Data.Long(c:&imgstart+0x3C) ; offset to debug dir in PE hdrs &debugdirentryrva=Data.Long(c:&filehdrstart+0xA8) if &debugdirentryrva==0 ( print "no debug dir for image at &imgstart" enddo ) &debugtype=Data.Long(c:&imgstart+&debugdirentryrva+0xc) if (&debugtype!=0xdf)&&(&debugtype!=0x02) ( print "debug type is not dwarf for image at &imgstart, it's &debugtype" enddo ) &debugrva=Data.Long(c:&imgstart+&debugdirentryrva+0x14) &dwarfsig=Data.Long(c:&imgstart+&debugrva) if &dwarfsig==0x66727764 ( &pathoffset=0xc ) else ( if &dwarfsig==0x3031424E ( &pathoffset=0x10 ) else ( print "debug signature not found for image at &imgstart, its &dwarfsig" enddo ) ) &elfpath=Data.String(c:&imgstart+&debugrva+&pathoffset) &baseofcode=&imgstart+Data.Long(c:&filehdrstart+0x28) &baseofdata=&imgstart+Data.Long(c:&filehdrstart+0x2c) if (&baseofcode<&baseofdata)&&(&baseofcode!=0) ( &elfbase=&baseofcode; ) else ( &elfbase=&baseofdata; ) print "found path &elfpath" ON ERROR GOSUB return data.load.elf &elfpath &elfbase /NOCODE /NOCLEAR ON error enddo