/** @file Static SMBIOS Table for platform Note SMBIOS 2.7.1 Required structures: BIOS Information (Type 0) System Information (Type 1) System Enclosure (Type 3) Processor Information (Type 4) - CPU Driver Cache Information (Type 7) - For cache that is external to processor System Slots (Type 9) - If system has slots Physical Memory Array (Type 16) Memory Device (Type 17) - For each socketed system-memory Device Memory Array Mapped Address (Type 19) - One per contiguous block per Physical Memroy Array System Boot Information (Type 32) Copyright (c) 2012, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include <PiDxe.h> #include <IndustryStandard/SmBios.h> #include <Protocol/Smbios.h> #include <Library/SmbiosLib.h> SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE0 gSmbiosType0Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_BIOS_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE0), 0 }, 1, // Vendor String 2, // BiosVersion String 0xE000, // BiosSegment 3, // BiosReleaseDate String 0x7F, // BiosSize { // BiosCharacteristics 0, // Reserved :2; ///< Bits 0-1. 0, // Unknown :1; 0, // BiosCharacteristicsNotSupported :1; 0, // IsaIsSupported :1; 0, // McaIsSupported :1; 0, // EisaIsSupported :1; 1, // PciIsSupported :1; 0, // PcmciaIsSupported :1; 0, // PlugAndPlayIsSupported :1; 0, // ApmIsSupported :1; 1, // BiosIsUpgradable :1; 1, // BiosShadowingAllowed :1; 0, // VlVesaIsSupported :1; 0, // EscdSupportIsAvailable :1; 0, // BootFromCdIsSupported :1; 1, // SelectableBootIsSupported :1; 0, // RomBiosIsSocketed :1; 0, // BootFromPcmciaIsSupported :1; 0, // EDDSpecificationIsSupported :1; 0, // JapaneseNecFloppyIsSupported :1; 0, // JapaneseToshibaFloppyIsSupported :1; 0, // Floppy525_360IsSupported :1; 0, // Floppy525_12IsSupported :1; 0, // Floppy35_720IsSupported :1; 0, // Floppy35_288IsSupported :1; 0, // PrintScreenIsSupported :1; 0, // Keyboard8042IsSupported :1; 0, // SerialIsSupported :1; 0, // PrinterIsSupported :1; 0, // CgaMonoIsSupported :1; 0, // NecPc98 :1; 0 // ReservedForVendor :32; ///< Bits 32-63. Bits 32-47 reserved for BIOS vendor ///< and bits 48-63 reserved for System Vendor. }, { // BIOSCharacteristicsExtensionBytes[] 0x81, // AcpiIsSupported :1; // UsbLegacyIsSupported :1; // AgpIsSupported :1; // I2OBootIsSupported :1; // Ls120BootIsSupported :1; // AtapiZipDriveBootIsSupported :1; // Boot1394IsSupported :1; // SmartBatteryIsSupported :1; // BIOSCharacteristicsExtensionBytes[1] 0x0a, // BiosBootSpecIsSupported :1; // FunctionKeyNetworkBootIsSupported :1; // TargetContentDistributionEnabled :1; // UefiSpecificationSupported :1; // VirtualMachineSupported :1; // ExtensionByte2Reserved :3; }, 0x00, // SystemBiosMajorRelease 0x01, // SystemBiosMinorRelease 0xFF, // EmbeddedControllerFirmwareMajorRelease 0xFF, // EmbeddedControllerFirmwareMinorRelease }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType0Strings[] = { "edk2.sourceforge.net", // Vendor String __TIME__, // BiosVersion String __DATE__, // BiosReleaseDate String NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE1 gSmbiosType1Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_SYSTEM_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE1), 0 }, 1, // Manufacturer String 2, // ProductName String 3, // Version String 4, // SerialNumber String { 0x25EF0280, 0xEC82, 0x42B0, { 0x8F, 0xB6, 0x10, 0xAD, 0xCC, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x02 } }, SystemWakeupTypePowerSwitch, 5, // SKUNumber String 6, // Family String }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType1Strings[] = { "edk2.sourceforge.net", "EmulatorPkg", "1.0", "System Serial#", "System SKU#", "edk2", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE2 gSmbiosType2Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_BASEBOARD_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE2), 0 }, 1, // Manufacturer String 2, // ProductName String 3, // Version String 4, // SerialNumber String 5, // AssetTag String { // FeatureFlag 1, // Motherboard :1; 0, // RequiresDaughterCard :1; 0, // Removable :1; 0, // Replaceable :1; 0, // HotSwappable :1; 0, // Reserved :3; }, 6, // LocationInChassis String 0, // ChassisHandle; BaseBoardTypeMotherBoard, // BoardType; 0, // NumberOfContainedObjectHandles; { 0 } // ContainedObjectHandles[1]; }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType2Strings[] = { "edk2.sourceforge.net", "EmulatorPkg", "1.0", "Base Board Serial#", "Base Board Asset Tag#", "Part Component", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE3 gSmbiosType3Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE3), 0 }, 1, // Manufacturer String MiscChassisTypeLapTop, // Type; 2, // Version String 3, // SerialNumber String 4, // AssetTag String ChassisStateSafe, // BootupState; ChassisStateSafe, // PowerSupplyState; ChassisStateSafe, // ThermalState; ChassisSecurityStatusNone,// SecurityStatus; { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // OemDefined[4]; 0, // Height; 0, // NumberofPowerCords; 0, // ContainedElementCount; 0, // ContainedElementRecordLength; { 0 }, // ContainedElements[1]; }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType3Strings[] = { "edk2.sourceforge.net", "EmulatorPkg", "Chassis Board Serial#", "Chassis Board Asset Tag#", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template1 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeOther, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings1[] = { "Mini DisplayPort", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template2 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeFireWire, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings2[] = { "FireWire 800", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template3 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeRJ45, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeNetworkPort, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings3[] = { "Ethernet", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template4 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeUsb, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeUsb, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings4[] = { "USB0", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template5 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeUsb, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeUsb, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings5[] = { "USB1", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template6 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeUsb, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeUsb, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings6[] = { "USB2", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template7 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeUsb, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeUsb, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings7[] = { "USB3", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template8 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeHeadPhoneMiniJack, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeAudioPort, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings8[] = { "Audio Line In", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8 gSmbiosType8Template9 = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PORT_CONNECTOR_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE8), 0 }, 0, // InternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeNone, // InternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. 1, // ExternalReferenceDesignator String PortConnectorTypeHeadPhoneMiniJack, // ExternalConnectorType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE. PortTypeAudioPort, // PortType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE. }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType8Strings9[] = { "Audio Line Out", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE9 gSmbiosType9Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_SYSTEM_SLOTS, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE9), 0 }, 1, // SlotDesignation String SlotTypeOther, // SlotType; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_TYPE. SlotDataBusWidthOther, // SlotDataBusWidth; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_DATA_BUS_WIDTH. SlotUsageAvailable, // CurrentUsage; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_USAGE. SlotLengthOther, // SlotLength; ///< The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_LENGTH. 0, // SlotID; { // SlotCharacteristics1; 1, // CharacteristicsUnknown :1; 0, // Provides50Volts :1; 0, // Provides33Volts :1; 0, // SharedSlot :1; 0, // PcCard16Supported :1; 0, // CardBusSupported :1; 0, // ZoomVideoSupported :1; 0, // ModemRingResumeSupported:1; }, { // SlotCharacteristics2; 0, // PmeSignalSupported :1; 0, // HotPlugDevicesSupported :1; 0, // SmbusSignalSupported :1; 0, // Reserved :5; ///< Set to 0. }, 0, // SegmentGroupNum; 0, // BusNum; 0, // DevFuncNum; }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType9Strings[] = { "SD Card", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE11 gSmbiosType11Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_OEM_STRINGS, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE11), 0 }, 1 // StringCount }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType11Strings[] = { "https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2/EmulatorPkg/", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE12 gSmbiosType12Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE12), 0 }, 1 // StringCount }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType12Strings[] = { "https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2/EmulatorPkg/EmulatorPkg.dsc", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE16 gSmbiosType16Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_ARRAY, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE16), 0 }, MemoryArrayLocationSystemBoard, // Location; ///< The enumeration value from MEMORY_ARRAY_LOCATION. MemoryArrayUseSystemMemory, // Use; ///< The enumeration value from MEMORY_ARRAY_USE. MemoryErrorCorrectionUnknown, // MemoryErrorCorrection; ///< The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_CORRECTION. 0x80000000, // MaximumCapacity; 0xFFFE, // MemoryErrorInformationHandle; 1, // NumberOfMemoryDevices; 0x3fffffffffffffffULL, // ExtendedMaximumCapacity; }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE17 gSmbiosType17Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_MEMORY_DEVICE, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE17), 0 }, 0, // MemoryArrayHandle; 0xFFFE, // MemoryErrorInformationHandle; 0xFFFF, // TotalWidth; 0xFFFF, // DataWidth; 0xFFFF, // Size; MemoryFormFactorUnknown, // FormFactor; ///< The enumeration value from MEMORY_FORM_FACTOR. 0xff, // DeviceSet; 1, // DeviceLocator String 2, // BankLocator String MemoryTypeDram, // MemoryType; ///< The enumeration value from MEMORY_DEVICE_TYPE. { // TypeDetail; 0, // Reserved :1; 0, // Other :1; 1, // Unknown :1; 0, // FastPaged :1; 0, // StaticColumn :1; 0, // PseudoStatic :1; 0, // Rambus :1; 0, // Synchronous :1; 0, // Cmos :1; 0, // Edo :1; 0, // WindowDram :1; 0, // CacheDram :1; 0, // Nonvolatile :1; 0, // Registered :1; 0, // Unbuffered :1; 0, // Reserved1 :1; }, 0, // Speed; 3, // Manufacturer String 0, // SerialNumber String 0, // AssetTag String 0, // PartNumber String 0, // Attributes; 0, // ExtendedSize; 0, // ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed; }; CHAR8 *gSmbiosType17Strings[] = { "OS Virtual Memory", "malloc", "OSV", NULL }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE23 gSmbiosType23Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_SYSTEM_BOOT_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE23), 0 }, 0, // Capabilities; 0, // ResetCount; 0, // ResetLimit; 0, // TimerInterval; 0 // Timeout; }; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE32 gSmbiosType32Template = { { EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_SYSTEM_BOOT_INFORMATION, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE32), 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // Reserved[6]; BootInformationStatusNoError // BootStatus }; SMBIOS_TEMPLATE_ENTRY gSmbiosTemplate[] = { { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType0Template, gSmbiosType0Strings }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType1Template, gSmbiosType1Strings }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType2Template, gSmbiosType2Strings }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType3Template, gSmbiosType3Strings }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template1, gSmbiosType8Strings1 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template2, gSmbiosType8Strings2 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template3, gSmbiosType8Strings3 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template4, gSmbiosType8Strings4 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template5, gSmbiosType8Strings5 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template6, gSmbiosType8Strings6 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template7, gSmbiosType8Strings7 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template8, gSmbiosType8Strings8 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType8Template9, gSmbiosType8Strings9 }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType9Template, gSmbiosType9Strings }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType11Template, gSmbiosType11Strings }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType12Template, gSmbiosType12Strings }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType16Template, NULL }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType17Template, gSmbiosType17Strings }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType23Template, NULL }, { (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE *)&gSmbiosType32Template, NULL }, { NULL, NULL } };