/** @file Unicode Collation Library that hides the trival difference of Unicode Collation and Unicode collation 2 Protocol. Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Fat.h" STATIC EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL *mUnicodeCollationInterface = NULL; typedef BOOLEAN (* SEARCH_LANG_CODE) ( IN CONST CHAR8 *Languages, IN CONST CHAR8 *MatchLangCode ); struct _UNICODE_INTERFACE { CHAR16 *VariableName; CHAR8 *DefaultLangCode; SEARCH_LANG_CODE SearchLangCode; EFI_GUID *UnicodeProtocolGuid; }; typedef struct _UNICODE_INTERFACE UNICODE_INTERFACE; STATIC BOOLEAN SearchIso639LangCode ( IN CONST CHAR8 *Languages, IN CONST CHAR8 *MatchLangCode ) { CONST CHAR8 *LangCode; for (LangCode = Languages; *LangCode != '\0'; LangCode += 3) { if (CompareMem (LangCode, MatchLangCode, 3) == 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } STATIC BOOLEAN SearchRfc3066LangCode ( IN CONST CHAR8 *Languages, IN CONST CHAR8 *MatchLangCode ) { CHAR8 *SubStr; CHAR8 Terminal; SubStr = AsciiStrStr (Languages, MatchLangCode); if (SubStr == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (SubStr != Languages && *(SubStr - 1) != ';') { return FALSE; } Terminal = *(SubStr + AsciiStrLen (MatchLangCode)); if (Terminal != '\0' && Terminal != ';') { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UNICODE_INTERFACE mIso639Lang = { L"Lang", (CHAR8 *) PcdGetPtr (PcdUefiVariableDefaultLang), SearchIso639LangCode, &gEfiUnicodeCollationProtocolGuid, }; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UNICODE_INTERFACE mRfc3066Lang = { L"PlatformLang", (CHAR8 *) PcdGetPtr (PcdUefiVariableDefaultPlatformLang), SearchRfc3066LangCode, &gEfiUnicodeCollation2ProtocolGuid, }; STATIC EFI_STATUS InitializeUnicodeCollationSupportWithConfig ( IN EFI_HANDLE AgentHandle, IN UNICODE_INTERFACE *UnicodeInterface ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR8 Buffer[100]; UINTN BufferSize; UINTN Index; CHAR8 *LangCode; UINTN NoHandles; EFI_HANDLE *Handles; EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL *Uci; LangCode = Buffer; BufferSize = sizeof (Buffer); Status = gRT->GetVariable ( UnicodeInterface->VariableName, &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, NULL, &BufferSize, Buffer ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { LangCode = UnicodeInterface->DefaultLangCode; } Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( ByProtocol, UnicodeInterface->UnicodeProtocolGuid, NULL, &NoHandles, &Handles ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } for (Index = 0; Index < NoHandles; Index++) { // // Open Unicode Collation Protocol // Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( Handles[Index], UnicodeInterface->UnicodeProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Uci, AgentHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { continue; } if (UnicodeInterface->SearchLangCode (Uci->SupportedLanguages, LangCode)) { mUnicodeCollationInterface = Uci; break; } } FreePool (Handles); return (mUnicodeCollationInterface != NULL)? EFI_SUCCESS : EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** Initialize Unicode Collation support. This function searches Initialized Unicode Collation support based on PCDs: PcdUnicodeCollation2Support and PcdUnicodeCollationSupport. It first tries to locate Unicode Collation 2 protocol and matches it with current platform language code. If for any reason the first attempt fails, it then tries to use Unicode Collation Protocol. @param AgentHandle The handle used to open Unicode Collation (2) protocol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Unicode Collation (2) protocol has been successfully located. @retval Others The Unicode Collation (2) protocol has not been located. **/ EFI_STATUS InitializeUnicodeCollationSupport ( IN EFI_HANDLE AgentHandle ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; // // First try to use RFC 3066 Unicode Collation 2 Protocol. // if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdUnicodeCollation2Support)) { Status = InitializeUnicodeCollationSupportWithConfig (AgentHandle, &mRfc3066Lang); } // // If the attempt to use Unicode Collation 2 Protocol fails, then we fall back // on the ISO 639-2 Unicode Collation Protocol. // if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdUnicodeCollationSupport) && EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = InitializeUnicodeCollationSupportWithConfig (AgentHandle, &mIso639Lang); } return Status; } /** Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two Null-terminated Unicode strings. @param S1 A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. @param S2 A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. @retval 0 S1 is equivalent to S2. @retval >0 S1 is lexically greater than S2. @retval <0 S1 is lexically less than S2. **/ INTN FatStriCmp ( IN CHAR16 *S1, IN CHAR16 *S2 ) { ASSERT (StrSize (S1) != 0); ASSERT (StrSize (S2) != 0); ASSERT (mUnicodeCollationInterface != NULL); return mUnicodeCollationInterface->StriColl ( mUnicodeCollationInterface, S1, S2 ); } /** Uppercase a string. @param Str The string which will be upper-cased. @return None. **/ VOID FatStrUpr ( IN OUT CHAR16 *String ) { ASSERT (StrSize (String) != 0); ASSERT (mUnicodeCollationInterface != NULL); mUnicodeCollationInterface->StrUpr (mUnicodeCollationInterface, String); } /** Lowercase a string @param Str The string which will be lower-cased. @return None **/ VOID FatStrLwr ( IN OUT CHAR16 *String ) { ASSERT (StrSize (String) != 0); ASSERT (mUnicodeCollationInterface != NULL); mUnicodeCollationInterface->StrLwr (mUnicodeCollationInterface, String); } /** Convert FAT string to unicode string. @param FatSize The size of FAT string. @param Fat The FAT string. @param String The unicode string. @return None. **/ VOID FatFatToStr ( IN UINTN FatSize, IN CHAR8 *Fat, OUT CHAR16 *String ) { ASSERT (Fat != NULL); ASSERT (String != NULL); ASSERT (((UINTN) String & 0x01) == 0); ASSERT (mUnicodeCollationInterface != NULL); mUnicodeCollationInterface->FatToStr (mUnicodeCollationInterface, FatSize, Fat, String); } /** Convert unicode string to Fat string. @param String The unicode string. @param FatSize The size of the FAT string. @param Fat The FAT string. @retval TRUE Convert successfully. @retval FALSE Convert error. **/ BOOLEAN FatStrToFat ( IN CHAR16 *String, IN UINTN FatSize, OUT CHAR8 *Fat ) { ASSERT (Fat != NULL); ASSERT (StrSize (String) != 0); ASSERT (mUnicodeCollationInterface != NULL); return mUnicodeCollationInterface->StrToFat ( mUnicodeCollationInterface, String, FatSize, Fat ); }