/** @file Section Extraction Protocol implementation. Stream database is implemented as a linked list of section streams, where each stream contains a linked list of children, which may be leaves or encapsulations. Children that are encapsulations generate new stream entries when they are created. Streams can also be created by calls to SEP->OpenSectionStream(). The database is only created far enough to return the requested data from any given stream, or to determine that the requested data is not found. If a GUIDed encapsulation is encountered, there are three possiblilites. 1) A support protocol is found, in which the stream is simply processed with the support protocol. 2) A support protocol is not found, but the data is available to be read without processing. In this case, the database is built up through the recursions to return the data, and a RPN event is set that will enable the stream in question to be refreshed if and when the required section extraction protocol is published.This insures the AuthenticationStatus does not become stale in the cache. 3) A support protocol is not found, and the data is not available to be read without it. This results in EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _SECION_EXTRACTION_H_ #define _SECION_EXTRACTION_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Local defines and typedefs // #define CORE_SECTION_CHILD_SIGNATURE EFI_SIGNATURE_32('S','X','C','S') #define CHILD_SECTION_NODE_FROM_LINK(Node) \ CR (Node, CORE_SECTION_CHILD_NODE, Link, CORE_SECTION_CHILD_SIGNATURE) typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; LIST_ENTRY Link; UINT32 Type; UINT32 Size; // // StreamBase + OffsetInStream == pointer to section header in stream. The // stream base is always known when walking the sections within. // UINT32 OffsetInStream; // // Then EncapsulatedStreamHandle below is always 0 if the section is NOT an // encapsulating section. Otherwise, it contains the stream handle // of the encapsulated stream. This handle is ALWAYS produced any time an // encapsulating child is encountered, irrespective of whether the // encapsulated stream is processed further. // UINTN EncapsulatedStreamHandle; EFI_GUID *EncapsulationGuid; } CORE_SECTION_CHILD_NODE; #define CORE_SECTION_STREAM_SIGNATURE EFI_SIGNATURE_32('S','X','S','S') #define STREAM_NODE_FROM_LINK(Node) \ CR (Node, CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE, Link, CORE_SECTION_STREAM_SIGNATURE) typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; LIST_ENTRY Link; UINTN StreamHandle; UINT8 *StreamBuffer; UINTN StreamLength; LIST_ENTRY Children; // // Authentication status is from GUIDed encapsulations. // UINT32 AuthenticationStatus; } CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE; #define NULL_STREAM_HANDLE 0 typedef struct { CORE_SECTION_CHILD_NODE *ChildNode; CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE *ParentStream; VOID *Registration; EFI_EVENT Event; } RPN_EVENT_CONTEXT; /** Create a protocol notification event and return it. @param ProtocolGuid Protocol to register notification event on. @param NotifyTpl Maximum TPL to signal the NotifyFunction. @param NotifyFunction EFI notification routine. @param NotifyContext Context passed into Event when it is created. @param Registration Registration key returned from RegisterProtocolNotify(). @param SignalFlag Boolean value to decide whether kick the event after register or not. @return The EFI_EVENT that has been registered to be signaled when a ProtocolGuid is added to the system. **/ EFI_EVENT CoreCreateProtocolNotifyEvent ( IN EFI_GUID *ProtocolGuid, IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext, OUT VOID **Registration, IN BOOLEAN SignalFlag ); // // Local prototypes // /** Worker function. Determine if the input stream:child matches the input type. @param Stream Indicates the section stream associated with the child @param Child Indicates the child to check @param SearchType Indicates the type of section to check against for @param SectionDefinitionGuid Indicates the GUID to check against if the type is EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED @retval TRUE The child matches @retval FALSE The child doesn't match **/ BOOLEAN ChildIsType ( IN CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE *Stream, IN CORE_SECTION_CHILD_NODE *Child, IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE SearchType, IN EFI_GUID *SectionDefinitionGuid ); /** RPN callback function. Removes a stale section stream and re-initializes it with an updated AuthenticationStatus. @param Event The event that fired @param RpnContext A pointer to the context that allows us to identify the relevent encapsulation. **/ VOID EFIAPI NotifyGuidedExtraction ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *RpnContext ); /** Worker function. Constructor for RPN event if needed to keep AuthenticationStatus cache correct when a missing GUIDED_SECTION_EXTRACTION_PROTOCOL appears... @param ParentStream Indicates the parent of the ecnapsulation section (child) @param ChildNode Indicates the child node that is the encapsulation section. **/ VOID CreateGuidedExtractionRpnEvent ( IN CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE *ParentStream, IN CORE_SECTION_CHILD_NODE *ChildNode ); /** SEP member function. This function creates and returns a new section stream handle to represent the new section stream. @param This Indicates the calling context. @param SectionStreamLength Size in bytes of the section stream. @param SectionStream Buffer containing the new section stream. @param SectionStreamHandle A pointer to a caller allocated UINTN that on output contains the new section stream handle. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Section wase opened successfully. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Section stream does not end concident with end of last section. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OpenSectionStream ( IN EFI_SECTION_EXTRACTION_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN SectionStreamLength, IN VOID *SectionStream, OUT UINTN *SectionStreamHandle ); /** SEP member function. Retrieves requested section from section stream. @param This Pointer to SEP instance. @param SectionStreamHandle The section stream from which to extract the requested section. @param SectionType A pointer to the type of section to search for. @param SectionDefinitionGuid If the section type is EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED, then SectionDefinitionGuid indicates which of these types of sections to search for. @param SectionInstance Indicates which instance of the requested section to return. @param Buffer Double indirection to buffer. If *Buffer is non-null on input, then the buffer is caller allocated. If *Buffer is NULL, then the buffer is callee allocated. In either case, the requried buffer size is returned in *BufferSize. @param BufferSize On input, indicates the size of *Buffer if *Buffer is non-null on input. On output, indicates the required size (allocated size if callee allocated) of *Buffer. @param AuthenticationStatus Indicates the authentication status of the retrieved section. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Section was retrieved successfully @retval EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR A GUID defined section was encountered in the section stream with its EFI_GUIDED_SECTION_PROCESSING_REQUIRED bit set, but there was no corresponding GUIDed Section Extraction Protocol in the handle database. *Buffer is unmodified. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND An error was encountered when parsing the SectionStream. This indicates the SectionStream is not correctly formatted. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The requested section does not exist. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The system has insufficient resources to process the request. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The SectionStreamHandle does not exist. @retval EFI_WARN_TOO_SMALL The size of the caller allocated input buffer is insufficient to contain the requested section. The input buffer is filled and contents are section contents are truncated. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI GetSection ( IN EFI_SECTION_EXTRACTION_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN SectionStreamHandle, IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE *SectionType, IN EFI_GUID *SectionDefinitionGuid, IN UINTN SectionInstance, IN VOID **Buffer, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, OUT UINT32 *AuthenticationStatus ); /** SEP member function. Deletes an existing section stream @param This Indicates the calling context. @param StreamHandleToClose Indicates the stream to close @retval EFI_SUCCESS Section stream was closed successfully. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Section stream does not end concident with end of last section. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI CloseSectionStream ( IN EFI_SECTION_EXTRACTION_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN StreamHandleToClose ); /** Worker function. Search stream database for requested stream handle. @param SearchHandle Indicates which stream to look for. @param FoundStream Output pointer to the found stream. @retval EFI_SUCCESS StreamHandle was found and *FoundStream contains the stream node. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND SearchHandle was not found in the stream database. **/ EFI_STATUS FindStreamNode ( IN UINTN SearchHandle, OUT CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE **FoundStream ); /** Worker function Recursively searches / builds section stream database looking for requested section. @param SourceStream Indicates the section stream in which to do the search. @param SearchType Indicates the type of section to search for. @param SectionInstance Indicates which instance of section to find. This is an in/out parameter to deal with recursions. @param SectionDefinitionGuid Guid of section definition @param FoundChild Output indicating the child node that is found. @param FoundStream Output indicating which section stream the child was found in. If this stream was generated as a result of an encapsulation section, the streamhandle is visible within the SEP driver only. @param AuthenticationStatus Indicates the authentication status of the found section. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Child node was found and returned. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Requested child node does not exist. @retval EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR A required GUIDED section extraction protocol does not exist **/ EFI_STATUS FindChildNode ( IN CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE *SourceStream, IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE SearchType, IN OUT UINTN *SectionInstance, IN EFI_GUID *SectionDefinitionGuid, OUT CORE_SECTION_CHILD_NODE **FoundChild, OUT CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE **FoundStream, OUT UINT32 *AuthenticationStatus ); /** Worker function. Constructor for new child nodes. @param Stream Indicates the section stream in which to add the child. @param ChildOffset Indicates the offset in Stream that is the beginning of the child section. @param ChildNode Indicates the Callee allocated and initialized child. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Child node was found and returned. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR Encapsulation sections produce new stream handles when the child node is created. If the section type is GUID defined, and the extraction GUID does not exist, and producing the stream requires the GUID, then a protocol error is generated and no child is produced. Values returned by OpenSectionStreamEx. **/ EFI_STATUS CreateChildNode ( IN CORE_SECTION_STREAM_NODE *Stream, IN UINT32 ChildOffset, OUT CORE_SECTION_CHILD_NODE **ChildNode ); /** Worker function. Destructor for child nodes. @param ChildNode Indicates the node to destroy **/ VOID FreeChildNode ( IN CORE_SECTION_CHILD_NODE *ChildNode ); /** Worker function. Constructor for section streams. @param SectionStreamLength Size in bytes of the section stream. @param SectionStream Buffer containing the new section stream. @param AllocateBuffer Indicates whether the stream buffer is to be copied or the input buffer is to be used in place. @param AuthenticationStatus Indicates the default authentication status for the new stream. @param SectionStreamHandle A pointer to a caller allocated section stream handle. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Stream was added to stream database. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Memory allocation failed. **/ EFI_STATUS OpenSectionStreamEx ( IN UINTN SectionStreamLength, IN VOID *SectionStream, IN BOOLEAN AllocateBuffer, IN UINT32 AuthenticationStatus, OUT UINTN *SectionStreamHandle ); /** Check if a stream is valid. @param SectionStream The section stream to be checked @param SectionStreamLength The length of section stream @return The validness of a stream. **/ BOOLEAN IsValidSectionStream ( IN VOID *SectionStream, IN UINTN SectionStreamLength ); #endif // _SECTION_EXTRACTION_H_