/** @file PI PEI master include file. This file should match the PI spec. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. @par Revision Reference: Version 1.0. **/ #ifndef __PEICIS_H__ #define __PEICIS_H__ #include <PiPei.h> #include <Ppi/PciCfg.h> typedef struct _FRAMEWORK_EFI_PEI_SERVICES FRAMEWORK_EFI_PEI_SERVICES; /** The PEI Dispatcher will invoke each PEIM one time. During this pass, the PEI Dispatcher will pass control to the PEIM at the AddressOfEntryPoint in the PE Header. @param FfsHeader Pointer to the FFS file header. @param PeiServices Describes the list of possible PEI Services. @return Status code **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_PEIM_ENTRY_POINT)( IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader, IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices ); /** The purpose of the service is to abstract the capability of the PEI Foundation to discover instances of firmware volumes in the system. Given the input file pointer, this service searches for the next matching file in the Firmware File System (FFS) volume. @param PeiServices An indirect pointer to the EFI_PEI_SERVICES table published by the PEI Foundation. @param Instance This instance of the firmware volume to find. The value 0 is the Boot Firmware Volume (BFV). @param FwVolHeader Pointer to the firmware volume header of the volume to return. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The volume was found. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The volume was not found. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FwVolHeader is NULL **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_PEI_FFS_FIND_NEXT_VOLUME)( IN FRAMEWORK_EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN UINTN Instance, IN OUT EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER **FwVolHeader ); /** The purpose of the service is to abstract the capability of the PEI Foundation to discover instances of firmware files in the system. Given the input file pointer, this service searches for the next matching file in the Firmware File System (FFS) volume. @param PeiServices An indirect pointer to the EFI_PEI_SERVICES table published by the PEI Foundation. @param SearchType A filter to find files only of this type. @param FwVolHeader Pointer to the firmware volume header of the volume to search.This parameter must point to a valid FFS volume. @param FileHeader Pointer to the current file from which to begin searching.This pointer will be updated upon return to reflect the file found. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file was found. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The file was not found. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The header checksum was not zero. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_PEI_FFS_FIND_NEXT_FILE)( IN FRAMEWORK_EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN EFI_FV_FILETYPE SearchType, IN EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *FwVolHeader, IN OUT EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER **FileHeader ); /** Given the input file pointer, this service searches for the next matching file in the Firmware File System (FFS) volume. @param PeiServices An indirect pointer to the EFI_PEI_SERVICES table published by the PEI Foundation. @param SectionType The value of the section type to find. @param FfsFileHeader A pointer to the file header that contains the set of sections to be searched. @param SectionData A pointer to the discovered section, if successful. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The section was found. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The section was not found. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_PEI_FFS_FIND_SECTION_DATA)( IN FRAMEWORK_EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE SectionType, IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsFileHeader, IN OUT VOID **SectionData ); struct _FRAMEWORK_EFI_PEI_SERVICES { EFI_TABLE_HEADER Hdr; // // PPI Functions // EFI_PEI_INSTALL_PPI InstallPpi; EFI_PEI_REINSTALL_PPI ReInstallPpi; EFI_PEI_LOCATE_PPI LocatePpi; EFI_PEI_NOTIFY_PPI NotifyPpi; // // Boot Mode Functions // EFI_PEI_GET_BOOT_MODE GetBootMode; EFI_PEI_SET_BOOT_MODE SetBootMode; // // HOB Functions // EFI_PEI_GET_HOB_LIST GetHobList; EFI_PEI_CREATE_HOB CreateHob; // // Firmware Volume Functions // EFI_PEI_FFS_FIND_NEXT_VOLUME FfsFindNextVolume; EFI_PEI_FFS_FIND_NEXT_FILE FfsFindNextFile; EFI_PEI_FFS_FIND_SECTION_DATA FfsFindSectionData; // // PEI Memory Functions // EFI_PEI_INSTALL_PEI_MEMORY InstallPeiMemory; EFI_PEI_ALLOCATE_PAGES AllocatePages; EFI_PEI_ALLOCATE_POOL AllocatePool; EFI_PEI_COPY_MEM CopyMem; EFI_PEI_SET_MEM SetMem; // // Status Code EFI_PEI_REPORT_STATUS_CODE ReportStatusCode; // // Reset // EFI_PEI_RESET_SYSTEM ResetSystem; // // (the following interfaces are installed by publishing PEIM) // // I/O Abstractions // EFI_PEI_CPU_IO_PPI *CpuIo; EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI *PciCfg; }; typedef struct { UINTN BootFirmwareVolume; UINTN SizeOfCacheAsRam; EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR *DispatchTable; } EFI_PEI_STARTUP_DESCRIPTOR; #endif