/** @file Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma pack(1) // // Cont Func Parameter 2 +0x3C // Cont Func Parameter 1 +0x38 // // API Parameter +0x34 // API return address +0x30 // // push offset exit +0x2C // pushfd +0x28 // cli // pushad +0x24 // sub esp, 8 +0x00 // sidt fword ptr [esp] // typedef struct { UINT16 IdtrLimit; UINT32 IdtrBase; UINT16 Reserved; UINT32 Edi; UINT32 Esi; UINT32 Ebp; UINT32 Esp; UINT32 Ebx; UINT32 Edx; UINT32 Ecx; UINT32 Eax; UINT16 Flags[2]; UINT32 ExitOff; UINT32 ApiRet; UINT32 ApiParam; } CONTEXT_STACK; #define CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(x) (UINT32)&((CONTEXT_STACK *)(UINTN)0)->x #pragma pack() /** This function sets the FSP global data pointer. @param[in] FspData Fsp global data pointer. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspGlobalDataPointer ( IN FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData ) { ASSERT (FspData != NULL); *((volatile UINT32 *)(UINTN)PcdGet32(PcdGlobalDataPointerAddress)) = (UINT32)(UINTN)FspData; } /** This function gets the FSP global data pointer. **/ FSP_GLOBAL_DATA * EFIAPI GetFspGlobalDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = *(FSP_GLOBAL_DATA **)(UINTN)PcdGet32(PcdGlobalDataPointerAddress); return FspData; } /** This function gets back the FSP API paramter passed by the bootlaoder. @retval ApiParameter FSP API paramter passed by the bootlaoder. **/ UINT32 EFIAPI GetFspApiParameter ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(ApiParam)); } /** This function sets the FSP API paramter in the stack. @param[in] Value New parameter value. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspApiParameter ( IN UINT32 Value ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(ApiParam)) = Value; } /** This function sets the FSP continuation function parameters in the stack. @param[in] Value New parameter value to set. @param[in] Index Parameter index. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspContinuationFuncParameter ( IN UINT32 Value, IN UINT32 Index ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(ApiParam) + (Index + 1) * sizeof(UINT32)) = Value; } /** This function changes the Bootloader return address in stack. @param[in] ReturnAddress Address to return. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspApiReturnAddress ( IN UINT32 ReturnAddress ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(ApiRet)) = ReturnAddress; } /** This function set the API status code returned to the bootloader. @param[in] ReturnStatus Status code to return. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspApiReturnStatus ( IN UINT32 ReturnStatus ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(Eax)) = ReturnStatus; } /** This function sets the context switching stack to a new stack frame. @param[in] NewStackTop New core stack to be set. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspCoreStackPointer ( IN VOID *NewStackTop ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; UINT32 *OldStack; UINT32 *NewStack; UINT32 StackContextLen; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); StackContextLen = sizeof(CONTEXT_STACK) / sizeof(UINT32); // // Reserve space for the ContinuationFunc two parameters // OldStack = (UINT32 *)FspData->CoreStack; NewStack = (UINT32 *)NewStackTop - StackContextLen - 2; FspData->CoreStack = (UINT32)NewStack; while (StackContextLen-- != 0) { *NewStack++ = *OldStack++; } } /** This function sets the platform specific data pointer. @param[in] PlatformData Fsp platform specific data pointer. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspPlatformDataPointer ( IN VOID *PlatformData ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); FspData->PlatformData.DataPtr = PlatformData; } /** This function gets the platform specific data pointer. @param[in] PlatformData Fsp platform specific data pointer. **/ VOID * EFIAPI GetFspPlatformDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return FspData->PlatformData.DataPtr; } /** This function sets the UPD data pointer. @param[in] UpdDataRgnPtr UPD data pointer. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspUpdDataPointer ( IN VOID *UpdDataRgnPtr ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; // // Get the Fsp Global Data Pointer // FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); // // Set the UPD pointer. // FspData->UpdDataRgnPtr = UpdDataRgnPtr; } /** This function gets the UPD data pointer. @return UpdDataRgnPtr UPD data pointer. **/ VOID * EFIAPI GetFspUpdDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return FspData->UpdDataRgnPtr; } /** Set FSP measurement point timestamp. @param[in] Id Measurement point ID. @return performance timestamp. **/ UINT64 EFIAPI SetFspMeasurePoint ( IN UINT8 Id ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; // // Bit [55: 0] will be the timestamp // Bit [63:56] will be the ID // FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); if (FspData->PerfIdx < sizeof(FspData->PerfData) / sizeof(FspData->PerfData[0])) { FspData->PerfData[FspData->PerfIdx] = AsmReadTsc (); ((UINT8 *)(&FspData->PerfData[FspData->PerfIdx]))[7] = Id; } return FspData->PerfData[(FspData->PerfIdx)++]; }