/** @file Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include <Uefi.h> #include <PiDxe.h> #include <Library/BaseLib.h> #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h> #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h> #include <Library/UefiLib.h> #include <Library/UefiApplicationEntryPoint.h> #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include <Library/DxeServicesLib.h> #include <Library/PeCoffGetEntryPointLib.h> #include <Library/PrintLib.h> #include <Protocol/SmmCommunication.h> #include <Protocol/SmmAccess2.h> #include <Guid/ZeroGuid.h> #include <Guid/MemoryProfile.h> CHAR16 *mActionString[] = { L"Unknown", L"AllocatePages", L"FreePages", L"AllocatePool", L"FreePool", }; CHAR16 *mMemoryTypeString[] = { L"EfiReservedMemoryType", L"EfiLoaderCode", L"EfiLoaderData", L"EfiBootServicesCode", L"EfiBootServicesData", L"EfiRuntimeServicesCode", L"EfiRuntimeServicesData", L"EfiConventionalMemory", L"EfiUnusableMemory", L"EfiACPIReclaimMemory", L"EfiACPIMemoryNVS", L"EfiMemoryMappedIO", L"EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace", L"EfiPalCode", L"EfiPersistentMemory", L"EfiOSReserved", L"EfiOemReserved", }; CHAR16 *mSubsystemString[] = { L"Unknown", L"NATIVE", L"WINDOWS_GUI", L"WINDOWS_CUI", L"Unknown", L"Unknown", L"Unknown", L"POSIX_CUI", L"Unknown", L"WINDOWS_CE_GUI", L"EFI_APPLICATION", L"EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER", L"EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER", L"EFI_ROM", L"XBOX", L"Unknown", }; CHAR16 *mFileTypeString[] = { L"Unknown", L"RAW", L"FREEFORM", L"SECURITY_CORE", L"PEI_CORE", L"DXE_CORE", L"PEIM", L"DRIVER", L"COMBINED_PEIM_DRIVER", L"APPLICATION", L"SMM", L"FIRMWARE_VOLUME_IMAGE", L"COMBINED_SMM_DXE", L"SMM_CORE", }; #define PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH 36 CHAR16 mNameString[PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; /** Get the file name portion of the Pdb File Name. The portion of the Pdb File Name between the last backslash and either a following period or the end of the string is converted to Unicode and copied into UnicodeBuffer. The name is truncated, if necessary, to ensure that UnicodeBuffer is not overrun. @param[in] PdbFileName Pdb file name. @param[out] UnicodeBuffer The resultant Unicode File Name. **/ VOID GetShortPdbFileName ( IN CHAR8 *PdbFileName, OUT CHAR16 *UnicodeBuffer ) { UINTN IndexA; // Current work location within an ASCII string. UINTN IndexU; // Current work location within a Unicode string. UINTN StartIndex; UINTN EndIndex; ZeroMem (UnicodeBuffer, (PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)); if (PdbFileName == NULL) { StrnCpyS (UnicodeBuffer, PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH + 1, L" ", 1); } else { StartIndex = 0; for (EndIndex = 0; PdbFileName[EndIndex] != 0; EndIndex++); for (IndexA = 0; PdbFileName[IndexA] != 0; IndexA++) { if (PdbFileName[IndexA] == '\\') { StartIndex = IndexA + 1; } if (PdbFileName[IndexA] == '.') { EndIndex = IndexA; } } IndexU = 0; for (IndexA = StartIndex; IndexA < EndIndex; IndexA++) { UnicodeBuffer[IndexU] = (CHAR16) PdbFileName[IndexA]; IndexU++; if (IndexU >= PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH) { UnicodeBuffer[PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH] = 0; break; } } } } /** Get a human readable name for an image. The following methods will be tried orderly: 1. Image PDB 2. FFS UI section 3. Image GUID @param[in] DriverInfo Pointer to memory profile driver info. @post The resulting Unicode name string is stored in the mNameString global array. **/ VOID GetDriverNameString ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR8 *PdbFileName; CHAR16 *NameString; UINTN StringSize; // // Method 1: Get the name string from image PDB // if ((DriverInfo->ImageBase != 0) && (DriverInfo->FileType != EFI_FV_FILETYPE_SMM) && (DriverInfo->FileType != EFI_FV_FILETYPE_SMM_CORE)) { PdbFileName = PeCoffLoaderGetPdbPointer ((VOID *) (UINTN) DriverInfo->ImageBase); if (PdbFileName != NULL) { GetShortPdbFileName (PdbFileName, mNameString); return; } } if (!CompareGuid (&DriverInfo->FileName, &gZeroGuid)) { // // Try to get the image's FFS UI section by image GUID // NameString = NULL; StringSize = 0; Status = GetSectionFromAnyFv ( &DriverInfo->FileName, EFI_SECTION_USER_INTERFACE, 0, (VOID **) &NameString, &StringSize ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Method 2: Get the name string from FFS UI section // StrnCpyS (mNameString, PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH + 1, NameString, PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH); mNameString[PROFILE_NAME_STRING_LENGTH] = 0; FreePool (NameString); return; } } // // Method 3: Get the name string from image GUID // UnicodeSPrint (mNameString, sizeof (mNameString), L"%g", &DriverInfo->FileName); } /** Memory type to string. @param[in] MemoryType Memory type. @return Pointer to string. **/ CHAR16 * ProfileMemoryTypeToStr ( IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType ) { UINTN Index; if ((UINT32) MemoryType >= 0x80000000) { // // OS reserved memory type. // Index = EfiMaxMemoryType; } else if ((UINT32) MemoryType >= 0x70000000) { // // OEM reserved memory type. // Index = EfiMaxMemoryType + 1; } else { Index = MemoryType; } return mMemoryTypeString[Index]; } /** Dump memory profile allocate information. @param[in] DriverInfo Pointer to memory profile driver info. @param[in] AllocIndex Memory profile alloc info index. @param[in] AllocInfo Pointer to memory profile alloc info. @return Pointer to next memory profile alloc info. **/ MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO * DumpMemoryProfileAllocInfo ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo, IN UINTN AllocIndex, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *AllocInfo ) { if (AllocInfo->Header.Signature != MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_SIGNATURE) { return NULL; } Print (L" MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO (0x%x)\n", AllocIndex); Print (L" Signature - 0x%08x\n", AllocInfo->Header.Signature); Print (L" Length - 0x%04x\n", AllocInfo->Header.Length); Print (L" Revision - 0x%04x\n", AllocInfo->Header.Revision); Print (L" CallerAddress - 0x%016lx (Offset: 0x%08x)\n", AllocInfo->CallerAddress, (UINTN) (AllocInfo->CallerAddress - DriverInfo->ImageBase)); Print (L" SequenceId - 0x%08x\n", AllocInfo->SequenceId); Print (L" Action - 0x%08x (%s)\n", AllocInfo->Action, mActionString[(AllocInfo->Action < sizeof(mActionString)/sizeof(mActionString[0])) ? AllocInfo->Action : 0]); Print (L" MemoryType - 0x%08x (%s)\n", AllocInfo->MemoryType, ProfileMemoryTypeToStr (AllocInfo->MemoryType)); Print (L" Buffer - 0x%016lx\n", AllocInfo->Buffer); Print (L" Size - 0x%016lx\n", AllocInfo->Size); return (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *) ((UINTN) AllocInfo + AllocInfo->Header.Length); } /** Dump memory profile driver information. @param[in] DriverIndex Memory profile driver info index. @param[in] DriverInfo Pointer to memory profile driver info. @return Pointer to next memory profile driver info. **/ MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO * DumpMemoryProfileDriverInfo ( IN UINTN DriverIndex, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo ) { UINTN TypeIndex; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *AllocInfo; UINTN AllocIndex; if (DriverInfo->Header.Signature != MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_SIGNATURE) { return NULL; } Print (L" MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO (0x%x)\n", DriverIndex); Print (L" Signature - 0x%08x\n", DriverInfo->Header.Signature); Print (L" Length - 0x%04x\n", DriverInfo->Header.Length); Print (L" Revision - 0x%04x\n", DriverInfo->Header.Revision); GetDriverNameString (DriverInfo); Print (L" FileName - %s\n", &mNameString); Print (L" ImageBase - 0x%016lx\n", DriverInfo->ImageBase); Print (L" ImageSize - 0x%016lx\n", DriverInfo->ImageSize); Print (L" EntryPoint - 0x%016lx\n", DriverInfo->EntryPoint); Print (L" ImageSubsystem - 0x%04x (%s)\n", DriverInfo->ImageSubsystem, mSubsystemString[(DriverInfo->ImageSubsystem < sizeof(mSubsystemString)/sizeof(mSubsystemString[0])) ? DriverInfo->ImageSubsystem : 0]); Print (L" FileType - 0x%02x (%s)\n", DriverInfo->FileType, mFileTypeString[(DriverInfo->FileType < sizeof(mFileTypeString)/sizeof(mFileTypeString[0])) ? DriverInfo->FileType : 0]); Print (L" CurrentUsage - 0x%016lx\n", DriverInfo->CurrentUsage); Print (L" PeakUsage - 0x%016lx\n", DriverInfo->PeakUsage); for (TypeIndex = 0; TypeIndex < sizeof (DriverInfo->CurrentUsageByType) / sizeof (DriverInfo->CurrentUsageByType[0]); TypeIndex++) { if ((DriverInfo->CurrentUsageByType[TypeIndex] != 0) || (DriverInfo->PeakUsageByType[TypeIndex] != 0)) { Print (L" CurrentUsage[0x%02x] - 0x%016lx (%s)\n", TypeIndex, DriverInfo->CurrentUsageByType[TypeIndex], mMemoryTypeString[TypeIndex]); Print (L" PeakUsage[0x%02x] - 0x%016lx (%s)\n", TypeIndex, DriverInfo->PeakUsageByType[TypeIndex], mMemoryTypeString[TypeIndex]); } } Print (L" AllocRecordCount - 0x%08x\n", DriverInfo->AllocRecordCount); AllocInfo = (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *) ((UINTN) DriverInfo + DriverInfo->Header.Length); for (AllocIndex = 0; AllocIndex < DriverInfo->AllocRecordCount; AllocIndex++) { AllocInfo = DumpMemoryProfileAllocInfo (DriverInfo, AllocIndex, AllocInfo); if (AllocInfo == NULL) { return NULL; } } return (MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *) AllocInfo; } /** Dump memory profile context information. @param[in] Context Pointer to memory profile context. @return Pointer to the end of memory profile context buffer. **/ VOID * DumpMemoryProfileContext ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT *Context ) { UINTN TypeIndex; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo; UINTN DriverIndex; if (Context->Header.Signature != MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE) { return NULL; } Print (L"MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT\n"); Print (L" Signature - 0x%08x\n", Context->Header.Signature); Print (L" Length - 0x%04x\n", Context->Header.Length); Print (L" Revision - 0x%04x\n", Context->Header.Revision); Print (L" CurrentTotalUsage - 0x%016lx\n", Context->CurrentTotalUsage); Print (L" PeakTotalUsage - 0x%016lx\n", Context->PeakTotalUsage); for (TypeIndex = 0; TypeIndex < sizeof (Context->CurrentTotalUsageByType) / sizeof (Context->CurrentTotalUsageByType[0]); TypeIndex++) { if ((Context->CurrentTotalUsageByType[TypeIndex] != 0) || (Context->PeakTotalUsageByType[TypeIndex] != 0)) { Print (L" CurrentTotalUsage[0x%02x] - 0x%016lx (%s)\n", TypeIndex, Context->CurrentTotalUsageByType[TypeIndex], mMemoryTypeString[TypeIndex]); Print (L" PeakTotalUsage[0x%02x] - 0x%016lx (%s)\n", TypeIndex, Context->PeakTotalUsageByType[TypeIndex], mMemoryTypeString[TypeIndex]); } } Print (L" TotalImageSize - 0x%016lx\n", Context->TotalImageSize); Print (L" ImageCount - 0x%08x\n", Context->ImageCount); Print (L" SequenceCount - 0x%08x\n", Context->SequenceCount); DriverInfo = (MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *) ((UINTN) Context + Context->Header.Length); for (DriverIndex = 0; DriverIndex < Context->ImageCount; DriverIndex++) { DriverInfo = DumpMemoryProfileDriverInfo (DriverIndex, DriverInfo); if (DriverInfo == NULL) { return NULL; } } return (VOID *) DriverInfo; } /** Dump memory profile descriptor information. @param[in] DescriptorIndex Memory profile descriptor index. @param[in] Descriptor Pointer to memory profile descriptor. @return Pointer to next memory profile descriptor. **/ MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR * DumpMemoryProfileDescriptor ( IN UINTN DescriptorIndex, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR *Descriptor ) { if (Descriptor->Header.Signature != MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE) { return NULL; } Print (L" MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR (0x%x)\n", DescriptorIndex); Print (L" Signature - 0x%08x\n", Descriptor->Header.Signature); Print (L" Length - 0x%04x\n", Descriptor->Header.Length); Print (L" Revision - 0x%04x\n", Descriptor->Header.Revision); Print (L" Address - 0x%016lx\n", Descriptor->Address); Print (L" Size - 0x%016lx\n", Descriptor->Size); return (MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINTN) Descriptor + Descriptor->Header.Length); } /** Dump memory profile free memory information. @param[in] FreeMemory Pointer to memory profile free memory. @return Pointer to the end of memory profile free memory buffer. **/ VOID * DumpMemoryProfileFreeMemory ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_FREE_MEMORY *FreeMemory ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR *Descriptor; UINTN DescriptorIndex; if (FreeMemory->Header.Signature != MEMORY_PROFILE_FREE_MEMORY_SIGNATURE) { return NULL; } Print (L"MEMORY_PROFILE_FREE_MEMORY\n"); Print (L" Signature - 0x%08x\n", FreeMemory->Header.Signature); Print (L" Length - 0x%04x\n", FreeMemory->Header.Length); Print (L" Revision - 0x%04x\n", FreeMemory->Header.Revision); Print (L" TotalFreeMemoryPages - 0x%016lx\n", FreeMemory->TotalFreeMemoryPages); Print (L" FreeMemoryEntryCount - 0x%08x\n", FreeMemory->FreeMemoryEntryCount); Descriptor = (MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINTN) FreeMemory + FreeMemory->Header.Length); for (DescriptorIndex = 0; DescriptorIndex < FreeMemory->FreeMemoryEntryCount; DescriptorIndex++) { Descriptor = DumpMemoryProfileDescriptor (DescriptorIndex, Descriptor); if (Descriptor == NULL) { return NULL; } } return (VOID *) Descriptor; } /** Dump memory profile memory range information. @param[in] MemoryRange Pointer to memory profile memory range. @return Pointer to the end of memory profile memory range buffer. **/ VOID * DumpMemoryProfileMemoryRange ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_MEMORY_RANGE *MemoryRange ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR *Descriptor; UINTN DescriptorIndex; if (MemoryRange->Header.Signature != MEMORY_PROFILE_MEMORY_RANGE_SIGNATURE) { return NULL; } Print (L"MEMORY_PROFILE_MEMORY_RANGE\n"); Print (L" Signature - 0x%08x\n", MemoryRange->Header.Signature); Print (L" Length - 0x%04x\n", MemoryRange->Header.Length); Print (L" Revision - 0x%04x\n", MemoryRange->Header.Revision); Print (L" MemoryRangeCount - 0x%08x\n", MemoryRange->MemoryRangeCount); Descriptor = (MEMORY_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINTN) MemoryRange + MemoryRange->Header.Length); for (DescriptorIndex = 0; DescriptorIndex < MemoryRange->MemoryRangeCount; DescriptorIndex++) { Descriptor = DumpMemoryProfileDescriptor (DescriptorIndex, Descriptor); if (Descriptor == NULL) { return NULL; } } return (VOID *) Descriptor; } /** Scan memory profile by Signature. @param[in] ProfileBuffer Memory profile base address. @param[in] ProfileSize Memory profile size. @param[in] Signature Signature. @return Pointer to the stucture with the signature. **/ VOID * ScanMemoryProfileBySignature ( IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ProfileBuffer, IN UINT64 ProfileSize, IN UINT32 Signature ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_COMMON_HEADER *CommonHeader; UINTN ProfileEnd; ProfileEnd = (UINTN) (ProfileBuffer + ProfileSize); CommonHeader = (MEMORY_PROFILE_COMMON_HEADER *) (UINTN) ProfileBuffer; while ((UINTN) CommonHeader < ProfileEnd) { if (CommonHeader->Signature == Signature) { // // Found it. // return (VOID *) CommonHeader; } CommonHeader = (MEMORY_PROFILE_COMMON_HEADER *) ((UINTN) CommonHeader + CommonHeader->Length); } return NULL; } /** Dump memory profile information. @param[in] ProfileBuffer Memory profile base address. @param[in] ProfileSize Memory profile size. **/ VOID DumpMemoryProfile ( IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ProfileBuffer, IN UINT64 ProfileSize ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT *Context; MEMORY_PROFILE_FREE_MEMORY *FreeMemory; MEMORY_PROFILE_MEMORY_RANGE *MemoryRange; Context = (MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT *) ScanMemoryProfileBySignature (ProfileBuffer, ProfileSize, MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE); if (Context != NULL) { DumpMemoryProfileContext (Context); } FreeMemory = (MEMORY_PROFILE_FREE_MEMORY *) ScanMemoryProfileBySignature (ProfileBuffer, ProfileSize, MEMORY_PROFILE_FREE_MEMORY_SIGNATURE); if (FreeMemory != NULL) { DumpMemoryProfileFreeMemory (FreeMemory); } MemoryRange = (MEMORY_PROFILE_MEMORY_RANGE *) ScanMemoryProfileBySignature (ProfileBuffer, ProfileSize, MEMORY_PROFILE_MEMORY_RANGE_SIGNATURE); if (MemoryRange != NULL) { DumpMemoryProfileMemoryRange (MemoryRange); } } /** Get and dump UEFI memory profile data. @return EFI_SUCCESS Get the memory profile data successfully. @return other Fail to get the memory profile data. **/ EFI_STATUS GetUefiMemoryProfileData ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *ProfileProtocol; VOID *Data; UINT64 Size; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &ProfileProtocol); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "UefiMemoryProfile: Locate MemoryProfile protocol - %r\n", Status)); return Status; } Size = 0; Data = NULL; Status = ProfileProtocol->GetData ( ProfileProtocol, &Size, Data ); if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { Print (L"UefiMemoryProfile: GetData - %r\n", Status); return Status; } // // Add one sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO) to Size for this AllocatePool action. // Size = Size + sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO); Data = AllocateZeroPool ((UINTN) Size); if (Data == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; Print (L"UefiMemoryProfile: AllocateZeroPool (0x%x) - %r\n", Size, Status); return Status; } Status = ProfileProtocol->GetData ( ProfileProtocol, &Size, Data ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (Data); Print (L"UefiMemoryProfile: GetData - %r\n", Status); return Status; } Print (L"UefiMemoryProfileSize - 0x%x\n", Size); Print (L"======= UefiMemoryProfile begin =======\n"); DumpMemoryProfile ((PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Data, Size); Print (L"======= UefiMemoryProfile end =======\n\n\n"); FreePool (Data); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get and dump SMRAM profile data. @return EFI_SUCCESS Get the SMRAM profile data successfully. @return other Fail to get the SMRAM profile data. **/ EFI_STATUS GetSmramProfileData ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN CommSize; UINT8 *CommBuffer; EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATE_HEADER *CommHeader; SMRAM_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GET_PROFILE_INFO *CommGetProfileInfo; SMRAM_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GET_PROFILE_DATA *CommGetProfileData; UINT64 ProfileSize; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ProfileBuffer; EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATION_PROTOCOL *SmmCommunication; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiSmmCommunicationProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &SmmCommunication); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SmramProfile: Locate SmmCommunication protocol - %r\n", Status)); return Status; } CommSize = sizeof (EFI_GUID) + sizeof (UINTN) + sizeof (SMRAM_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GET_PROFILE_DATA); CommBuffer = AllocateZeroPool (CommSize); if (CommBuffer == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; Print (L"SmramProfile: AllocateZeroPool (0x%x) for comm buffer - %r\n", CommSize, Status); return Status; } // // Get Size // CommHeader = (EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATE_HEADER *) &CommBuffer[0]; CopyMem (&CommHeader->HeaderGuid, &gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid, sizeof (gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid)); CommHeader->MessageLength = sizeof (SMRAM_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GET_PROFILE_INFO); CommGetProfileInfo = (SMRAM_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GET_PROFILE_INFO *) &CommBuffer[OFFSET_OF (EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATE_HEADER, Data)]; CommGetProfileInfo->Header.Command = SMRAM_PROFILE_COMMAND_GET_PROFILE_INFO; CommGetProfileInfo->Header.DataLength = sizeof (*CommGetProfileInfo); CommGetProfileInfo->Header.ReturnStatus = (UINT64)-1; CommGetProfileInfo->ProfileSize = 0; CommSize = sizeof (EFI_GUID) + sizeof (UINTN) + CommHeader->MessageLength; Status = SmmCommunication->Communicate (SmmCommunication, CommBuffer, &CommSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (CommBuffer); DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SmramProfile: SmmCommunication - %r\n", Status)); return Status; } if (CommGetProfileInfo->Header.ReturnStatus != 0) { Print (L"SmramProfile: GetProfileInfo - 0x%0x\n", CommGetProfileInfo->Header.ReturnStatus); return EFI_SUCCESS; } ProfileSize = CommGetProfileInfo->ProfileSize; // // Get Data // ProfileBuffer = (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) AllocateZeroPool ((UINTN) ProfileSize); if (ProfileBuffer == 0) { FreePool (CommBuffer); Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; Print (L"SmramProfile: AllocateZeroPool (0x%x) for profile buffer - %r\n", (UINTN) ProfileSize, Status); return Status; } CommHeader = (EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATE_HEADER *) &CommBuffer[0]; CopyMem (&CommHeader->HeaderGuid, &gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid, sizeof(gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid)); CommHeader->MessageLength = sizeof (SMRAM_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GET_PROFILE_DATA); CommGetProfileData = (SMRAM_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GET_PROFILE_DATA *) &CommBuffer[OFFSET_OF (EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATE_HEADER, Data)]; CommGetProfileData->Header.Command = SMRAM_PROFILE_COMMAND_GET_PROFILE_DATA; CommGetProfileData->Header.DataLength = sizeof (*CommGetProfileData); CommGetProfileData->Header.ReturnStatus = (UINT64)-1; CommGetProfileData->ProfileSize = ProfileSize; CommGetProfileData->ProfileBuffer = ProfileBuffer; CommSize = sizeof (EFI_GUID) + sizeof (UINTN) + CommHeader->MessageLength; Status = SmmCommunication->Communicate (SmmCommunication, CommBuffer, &CommSize); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); if (CommGetProfileData->Header.ReturnStatus != 0) { FreePool ((VOID *) (UINTN) CommGetProfileData->ProfileBuffer); FreePool (CommBuffer); Print (L"GetProfileData - 0x%x\n", CommGetProfileData->Header.ReturnStatus); return EFI_SUCCESS; } Print (L"SmramProfileSize - 0x%x\n", CommGetProfileData->ProfileSize); Print (L"======= SmramProfile begin =======\n"); DumpMemoryProfile (CommGetProfileData->ProfileBuffer, CommGetProfileData->ProfileSize); Print (L"======= SmramProfile end =======\n\n\n"); FreePool ((VOID *) (UINTN) CommGetProfileData->ProfileBuffer); FreePool (CommBuffer); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** The user Entry Point for Application. The user code starts with this function as the real entry point for the image goes into a library that calls this function. @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image. @param[in] SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point is executed successfully. @retval other Some error occurs when executing this entry point. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UefiMain ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = GetUefiMemoryProfileData (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "GetUefiMemoryProfileData - %r\n", Status)); } Status = GetSmramProfileData (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "GetSmramProfileData - %r\n", Status)); } return EFI_SUCCESS; }