/** @file This module is one template module for Incompatible PCI Device Support protocol. It includes one incompatile pci devices list template. Incompatible PCI Device Support protocol allows the PCI bus driver to support resource allocation for some PCI devices that do not comply with the PCI Specification. Copyright (c) 2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include <PiDxe.h> #include <Protocol/IncompatiblePciDeviceSupport.h> #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include <IndustryStandard/Pci.h> #include <IndustryStandard/Acpi.h> typedef struct { UINT64 VendorId; UINT64 DeviceId; UINT64 RevisionId; UINT64 SubsystemVendorId; UINT64 SubsystemDeviceId; } EFI_PCI_DEVICE_HEADER_INFO; typedef struct { UINT64 ResType; UINT64 GenFlag; UINT64 SpecificFlag; UINT64 AddrSpaceGranularity; UINT64 AddrRangeMin; UINT64 AddrRangeMax; UINT64 AddrTranslationOffset; UINT64 AddrLen; } EFI_PCI_RESOUCE_DESCRIPTOR; #define PCI_DEVICE_ID(VendorId, DeviceId, Revision, SubVendorId, SubDeviceId) \ VendorId, DeviceId, Revision, SubVendorId, SubDeviceId #define PCI_BAR_TYPE_IO ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_TYPE_IO #define PCI_BAR_TYPE_MEM ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_TYPE_MEM #define DEVICE_INF_TAG 0xFFF2 #define DEVICE_RES_TAG 0xFFF1 #define LIST_END_TAG 0x0000 /** Returns a list of ACPI resource descriptors that detail the special resource configuration requirements for an incompatible PCI device. @param This Pointer to the EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_PCI_DEVICE_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL instance. @param VendorId A unique ID to identify the manufacturer of the PCI device. @param DeviceId A unique ID to identify the particular PCI device. @param RevisionId A PCI device-specific revision identifier. @param SubsystemVendorId Specifies the subsystem vendor ID. @param SubsystemDeviceId Specifies the subsystem device ID. @param Configuration A list of ACPI resource descriptors returned that detail the configuration requirement. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully got ACPI resource for specified PCI device. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Configuration is NULL. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No memory available. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The specified PCI device wasn't supported. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PCheckDevice ( IN EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_PCI_DEVICE_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN VendorId, IN UINTN DeviceId, IN UINTN RevisionId, IN UINTN SubsystemVendorId, IN UINTN SubsystemDeviceId, OUT VOID **Configuration ); // // Handle onto which the Incompatible PCI Device List is installed // EFI_HANDLE mIncompatiblePciDeviceSupportHandle = NULL; // // The Incompatible PCI Device Support Protocol instance produced by this driver // EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_PCI_DEVICE_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL mIncompatiblePciDeviceSupport = { PCheckDevice }; // // The incompatible PCI devices list template // GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UINT64 mIncompatiblePciDeviceList[] = { // // DEVICE_INF_TAG, // PCI_DEVICE_ID (VendorID, DeviceID, Revision, SubVendorId, SubDeviceId), // DEVICE_RES_TAG, // ResType, GFlag , SFlag, Granularity, RangeMin, // RangeMax, Offset, AddrLen // // // Device Adaptec 9004 // DEVICE_INF_TAG, PCI_DEVICE_ID(0x9004, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE), DEVICE_RES_TAG, PCI_BAR_TYPE_IO, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_BAR_EVEN_ALIGN, PCI_BAR_ALL, PCI_BAR_NOCHANGE, // // Device Adaptec 9005 // DEVICE_INF_TAG, PCI_DEVICE_ID(0x9005, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE), DEVICE_RES_TAG, PCI_BAR_TYPE_IO, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_BAR_EVEN_ALIGN, PCI_BAR_ALL, PCI_BAR_NOCHANGE, // // Device QLogic 1007 // DEVICE_INF_TAG, PCI_DEVICE_ID(0x1077, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE), DEVICE_RES_TAG, PCI_BAR_TYPE_IO, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_BAR_EVEN_ALIGN, PCI_BAR_ALL, PCI_BAR_NOCHANGE, // // Device Agilent 103C // DEVICE_INF_TAG, PCI_DEVICE_ID(0x103C, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE), DEVICE_RES_TAG, PCI_BAR_TYPE_IO, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_BAR_EVEN_ALIGN, PCI_BAR_ALL, PCI_BAR_NOCHANGE, // // Device Agilent 15BC // DEVICE_INF_TAG, PCI_DEVICE_ID(0x15BC, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE, DEVICE_ID_NOCARE), DEVICE_RES_TAG, PCI_BAR_TYPE_IO, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_ACPI_UNUSED, PCI_BAR_EVEN_ALIGN, PCI_BAR_ALL, PCI_BAR_NOCHANGE, // // The end of the list // LIST_END_TAG }; /** Entry point of the incompatible pci device support code. Setup an incompatible device list template and install EFI Incompatible PCI Device Support protocol. @param ImageHandle A handle for the image that is initializing this driver. @param SystemTable A pointer to the EFI system table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Installed EFI Incompatible PCI Device Support Protocol successfully. @retval others Failed to install protocol. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportEntryPoint ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // // Install EFI Incompatible PCI Device Support Protocol on a new handle // Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface ( &mIncompatiblePciDeviceSupportHandle, &gEfiIncompatiblePciDeviceSupportProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &mIncompatiblePciDeviceSupport ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); return Status; } /** Returns a list of ACPI resource descriptors that detail the special resource configuration requirements for an incompatible PCI device. @param This Pointer to the EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_PCI_DEVICE_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL instance. @param VendorId A unique ID to identify the manufacturer of the PCI device. @param DeviceId A unique ID to identify the particular PCI device. @param RevisionId A PCI device-specific revision identifier. @param SubsystemVendorId Specifies the subsystem vendor ID. @param SubsystemDeviceId Specifies the subsystem device ID. @param Configuration A list of ACPI resource descriptors returned that detail the configuration requirement. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully got ACPI resource for specified PCI device. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Configuration is NULL. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No memory available. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The specified PCI device wasn't supported. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PCheckDevice ( IN EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_PCI_DEVICE_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN VendorId, IN UINTN DeviceId, IN UINTN RevisionId, IN UINTN SubsystemVendorId, IN UINTN SubsystemDeviceId, OUT VOID **Configuration ) { UINT64 Tag; UINT64 *ListPtr; UINT64 *TempListPtr; EFI_PCI_DEVICE_HEADER_INFO *Header; EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *AcpiPtr; EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *OldAcpiPtr; EFI_PCI_RESOUCE_DESCRIPTOR *Dsc; EFI_ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR *PtrEnd; UINTN Index; // // Validate the parameters // if (Configuration == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Initialize the return value to NULL // * (VOID **) Configuration = NULL; ListPtr = mIncompatiblePciDeviceList; while (*ListPtr != LIST_END_TAG) { Tag = *ListPtr; switch (Tag) { case DEVICE_INF_TAG: Header = (EFI_PCI_DEVICE_HEADER_INFO *) (ListPtr + 1); ListPtr = ListPtr + 1 + sizeof (EFI_PCI_DEVICE_HEADER_INFO) / sizeof (UINT64); // // See if the Header matches the parameters passed in // if (Header->VendorId != DEVICE_ID_NOCARE) { if (Header->VendorId != VendorId) { continue; } } if (Header->DeviceId != DEVICE_ID_NOCARE) { if (DeviceId != Header->DeviceId) { continue; } } if (Header->RevisionId != DEVICE_ID_NOCARE) { if (RevisionId != Header->RevisionId) { continue; } } if (Header->SubsystemVendorId != DEVICE_ID_NOCARE) { if (SubsystemVendorId != Header->SubsystemVendorId) { continue; } } if (Header->SubsystemDeviceId != DEVICE_ID_NOCARE) { if (SubsystemDeviceId != Header->SubsystemDeviceId) { continue; } } // // Matched an item, so construct the ACPI descriptor for the resource. // // // Count the resource items so that to allocate space // for (Index = 0, TempListPtr = ListPtr; *TempListPtr == DEVICE_RES_TAG; Index++) { TempListPtr = TempListPtr + 1 + ((sizeof (EFI_PCI_RESOUCE_DESCRIPTOR)) / sizeof (UINT64)); } // // If there is at least one type of resource request, // allocate an acpi resource node // if (Index == 0) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } AcpiPtr = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR) * Index + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR)); if (AcpiPtr == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } OldAcpiPtr = AcpiPtr; // // Fill the EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR structure // according to the EFI_PCI_RESOUCE_DESCRIPTOR structure // for (; *ListPtr == DEVICE_RES_TAG;) { Dsc = (EFI_PCI_RESOUCE_DESCRIPTOR *) (ListPtr + 1); AcpiPtr->Desc = ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR; AcpiPtr->Len = (UINT16) sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR); AcpiPtr->ResType = (UINT8) Dsc->ResType; AcpiPtr->GenFlag = (UINT8) Dsc->GenFlag; AcpiPtr->SpecificFlag = (UINT8) Dsc->SpecificFlag; AcpiPtr->AddrSpaceGranularity = Dsc->AddrSpaceGranularity;; AcpiPtr->AddrRangeMin = Dsc->AddrRangeMin; AcpiPtr->AddrRangeMax = Dsc->AddrRangeMax; AcpiPtr->AddrTranslationOffset = Dsc->AddrTranslationOffset; AcpiPtr->AddrLen = Dsc->AddrLen; ListPtr = ListPtr + 1 + ((sizeof (EFI_PCI_RESOUCE_DESCRIPTOR)) / sizeof (UINT64)); AcpiPtr++; } // // Put the checksum // PtrEnd = (EFI_ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR *) (AcpiPtr); PtrEnd->Desc = ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR; PtrEnd->Checksum = 0; *(VOID **) Configuration = OldAcpiPtr; return EFI_SUCCESS; case DEVICE_RES_TAG: // // Adjust the pointer to the next PCI resource descriptor item // ListPtr = ListPtr + 1 + ((sizeof (EFI_PCI_RESOUCE_DESCRIPTOR)) / sizeof (UINT64)); break; default: return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; }