/** @file Public include file for the HII Library Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef __HII_LIB_H__ #define __HII_LIB_H__ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HiiLib Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Registers a list of packages in the HII Database and returns the HII Handle associated with that registration. If an HII Handle has already been registered with the same PackageListGuid and DeviceHandle, then NULL is returned. If there are not enough resources to perform the registration, then NULL is returned. If an empty list of packages is passed in, then NULL is returned. If the size of the list of package is 0, then NULL is returned. The variable arguments are pointers that point to package headers defined by UEFI VFR compiler and StringGather tool. #pragma pack (push, 1) typedef struct { UINT32 BinaryLength; EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER PackageHeader; } EDKII_AUTOGEN_PACKAGES_HEADER; #pragma pack (pop) @param[in] PackageListGuid The GUID of the package list. @param[in] DeviceHandle If not NULL, the Device Handle on which an instance of DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL is installed. This Device Handle uniquely defines the device that the added packages are associated with. @param[in] ... The variable argument list that contains pointers to packages terminated by a NULL. @retval NULL An HII Handle has already been registered in the HII Database with the same PackageListGuid and DeviceHandle. @retval NULL The HII Handle could not be created. @retval NULL An empty list of packages was passed in. @retval NULL All packages are empty. @retval Other The HII Handle associated with the newly registered package list. **/ EFI_HII_HANDLE EFIAPI HiiAddPackages ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *PackageListGuid, IN EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle OPTIONAL, ... ) ; /** Removes a package list from the HII database. If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If HiiHandle is not a valid EFI_HII_HANDLE in the HII database, then ASSERT(). @param[in] HiiHandle The handle that was previously registered in the HII database **/ VOID EFIAPI HiiRemovePackages ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle ) ; /** This function creates a new string in String Package or updates an existing string in a String Package. If StringId is 0, then a new string is added to a String Package. If StringId is not zero, then a string in String Package is updated. If SupportedLanguages is NULL, then the string is added or updated for all the languages that the String Package supports. If SupportedLanguages is not NULL, then the string is added or updated for the set of languages specified by SupportedLanguages. If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If String is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the HII Database. @param[in] StringId If zero, then a new string is created in the String Package associated with HiiHandle. If non-zero, then the string specified by StringId is updated in the String Package associated with HiiHandle. @param[in] String A pointer to the Null-terminated Unicode string to add or update in the String Package associated with HiiHandle. @param[in] SupportedLanguages A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string of language codes. If this parameter is NULL, then String is added or updated in the String Package associated with HiiHandle for all the languages that the String Package supports. If this parameter is not NULL, then String is added or updated in the String Package associated with HiiHandle for the set of languages specified by SupportedLanguages. The format of SupportedLanguages must follow the language format assumed in the HII Database. @retval 0 The string could not be added or updated in the String Package. @retval Other The EFI_STRING_ID of the newly added or updated string. **/ EFI_STRING_ID EFIAPI HiiSetString ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId, OPTIONAL IN CONST EFI_STRING String, IN CONST CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages OPTIONAL ) ; /** Retrieves a string from a string package in a specific language. If the language is not specified, then a string from a string package in the current platform language is retrieved. If the string cannot be retrieved using the specified language or the current platform language, then the string is retrieved from the string package in the first language the string package supports. The returned string is allocated using AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible for freeing the allocated buffer using FreePool(). If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If StringId is 0, then ASSERT(). @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the HII Database. @param[in] StringId The identifier of the string to retrieved from the string package associated with HiiHandle. @param[in] Language The language of the string to retrieve. If this parameter is NULL, then the current platform language is used. The format of Language must follow the language format assumed in the HII Database. @retval NULL The string specified by StringId is not present in the string package. @retval Other The string was returned. **/ EFI_STRING EFIAPI HiiGetString ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId, IN CONST CHAR8 *Language OPTIONAL ) ; /** Retrieves a string from a string package named by GUID, in the specified language. If the language is not specified, then a string from a string package in the current platform language is retrieved. If the string cannot be retrieved using the specified language or the current platform language, then the string is retrieved from the string package in the first language the string package supports. The returned string is allocated using AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible for freeing the allocated buffer using FreePool(). If PackageListGuid is NULL, then ASSERT(). If StringId is 0, then ASSERT(). @param[in] PackageListGuid The GUID of a package list that was previously registered in the HII Database. @param[in] StringId The identifier of the string to retrieved from the string package associated with PackageListGuid. @param[in] Language The language of the string to retrieve. If this parameter is NULL, then the current platform language is used. The format of Language must follow the language format assumed in the HII Database. @retval NULL The package list specified by PackageListGuid is not present in the HII Database. @retval NULL The string specified by StringId is not present in the string package. @retval Other The string was returned. **/ EFI_STRING EFIAPI HiiGetPackageString ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *PackageListGuid, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId, IN CONST CHAR8 *Language OPTIONAL ) ; /** Retrieves the array of all the HII Handles or the HII handles of a specific package list GUID in the HII Database. This array is terminated with a NULL HII Handle. This function allocates the returned array using AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible for freeing the array with FreePool(). @param[in] PackageListGuid An optional parameter that is used to request HII Handles associated with a specific Package List GUID. If this parameter is NULL, then all the HII Handles in the HII Database are returned. If this parameter is not NULL, then zero or more HII Handles associated with PackageListGuid are returned. @retval NULL No HII handles were found in the HII database @retval NULL The array of HII Handles could not be retrieved @retval Other A pointer to the NULL terminated array of HII Handles **/ EFI_HII_HANDLE * EFIAPI HiiGetHiiHandles ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *PackageListGuid OPTIONAL ) ; /** Retrieves a pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string containing the list of languages that an HII handle in the HII Database supports. The returned string is allocated using AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string using FreePool(). The format of the returned string follows the language format assumed in the HII Database. If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the HII Database. @retval NULL HiiHandle is not registered in the HII database @retval NULL There are not enough resources available to retrieve the suported languages. @retval NULL The list of suported languages could not be retrieved. @retval Other A pointer to the Null-terminated ASCII string of supported languages. **/ CHAR8 * EFIAPI HiiGetSupportedLanguages ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle ) ; /** Allocates and returns a Null-terminated Unicode string using routing information that includes a GUID, an optional Unicode string name, and a device path. The string returned is allocated with AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible for freeing the allocated string with FreePool(). The format of a is as follows: GUID=32&NAME=NameLength&PATH=DevicePathSize @param[in] Guid The pointer to an EFI_GUID that is the routing information GUID. Each of the 16 bytes in Guid is converted to a 2 Unicode character hexidecimal string. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @param[in] Name The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string that is the routing information NAME. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. Each 16-bit Unicode character in Name is converted to a 4 character Unicode hexidecimal string. @param[in] DriverHandle The driver handle that supports a Device Path Protocol that is the routing information PATH. Each byte of the Device Path associated with DriverHandle is converted to a two (Unicode) character hexidecimal string. @retval NULL DriverHandle does not support the Device Path Protocol. @retval NULL DriverHandle does not support the Device Path Protocol. @retval Other A pointer to the Null-terminate Unicode string **/ EFI_STRING EFIAPI HiiConstructConfigHdr ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, OPTIONAL IN CONST CHAR16 *Name, OPTIONAL IN EFI_HANDLE DriverHandle ); /** Reset the default value specified by DefaultId to the driver configuration specified by the Request string. NULL request string support depends on the ExportConfig interface of HiiConfigRouting protocol in UEFI specification. @param Request A null-terminated Unicode string in format. It can be NULL. If it is NULL, all configurations for the entirety of the current HII database will be reset. @param DefaultId Specifies the type of defaults to retrieve. @retval TURE The default value was set successfully. @retval FALSE The default value was not found. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HiiSetToDefaults ( IN CONST EFI_STRING Request, OPTIONAL IN UINT16 DefaultId ); /** Validate the current configuration by parsing the IFR opcode in HII form. NULL request string support depends on the ExportConfig interface of HiiConfigRouting protocol in the UEFI specification. @param Request A null-terminated Unicode string in format. It can be NULL. If it is NULL, all current configurations for the entirety of the current HII database will be validated. @retval TRUE The current configuration is valid. @retval FALSE The current configuration is invalid. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HiiValidateSettings ( IN CONST EFI_STRING Request OPTIONAL ); /** Determines if the routing data specified by GUID and NAME match a . If ConfigHdr is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] ConfigHdr Either or . @param[in] Guid The GUID of the storage. @param[in] Name The NAME of the storage. @retval TRUE Routing information matches . @retval FALSE Routing information does not match . **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HiiIsConfigHdrMatch ( IN CONST EFI_STRING ConfigHdr, IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, OPTIONAL IN CONST CHAR16 *Name OPTIONAL ); /** Retrieves uncommitted data from the Form Browser and converts it to a binary buffer. @param[in] VariableGuid The pointer to an EFI_GUID structure. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @param[in] VariableName The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @param[in] BufferSize The length in bytes of buffer to hold retrieved data. @param[out] Buffer The buffer of data to be updated. @retval FALSE The uncommitted data could not be retrieved. @retval TRUE The uncommitted data was retrieved. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HiiGetBrowserData ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *VariableGuid, OPTIONAL IN CONST CHAR16 *VariableName, OPTIONAL IN UINTN BufferSize, OUT UINT8 *Buffer ); /** Updates uncommitted data in the Form Browser. If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] VariableGuid The pointer to an EFI_GUID structure. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @param[in] VariableName The pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @param[in] BufferSize The length, in bytes, of Buffer. @param[in] Buffer The buffer of data to commit. @param[in] RequestElement An optional field to specify which part of the buffer data will be send back to Browser. If NULL, the whole buffer of data will be committed to Browser. ::= &OFFSET=&WIDTH=* @retval FALSE The uncommitted data could not be updated. @retval TRUE The uncommitted data was updated. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HiiSetBrowserData ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *VariableGuid, OPTIONAL IN CONST CHAR16 *VariableName, OPTIONAL IN UINTN BufferSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Buffer, IN CONST CHAR16 *RequestElement OPTIONAL ); ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// /// IFR Functions ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// /** Returns a UINT64 value that contains bitfields for Hour, Minute, and Second. The lower 8-bits of Hour are placed in bits 0..7. The lower 8-bits of Minute are placed in bits 8..15, and the lower 8-bits of Second are placed in bits 16..23. This format was selected because it can be easily translated to an EFI_HII_TIME structure in an EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE union. @param Hour The hour value to be encoded. @param Minute The minute value to be encoded. @param Second The second value to be encoded. @return A 64-bit containing Hour, Minute, and Second. **/ #define EFI_HII_TIME_UINT64(Hour, Minute, Second) \ (UINT64)((Hour & 0xff) | ((Minute & 0xff) << 8) | ((Second & 0xff) << 16)) /** Returns a UINT64 value that contains bit fields for Year, Month, and Day. The lower 16-bits of Year are placed in bits 0..15. The lower 8-bits of Month are placed in bits 16..23, and the lower 8-bits of Day are placed in bits 24..31. This format was selected because it can be easily translated to an EFI_HII_DATE structure in an EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE union. @param Year The year value to be encoded. @param Month The month value to be encoded. @param Day The day value to be encoded. @return A 64-bit containing Year, Month, and Day. **/ #define EFI_HII_DATE_UINT64(Year, Month, Day) \ (UINT64)((Year & 0xffff) | ((Month & 0xff) << 16) | ((Day & 0xff) << 24)) /** Allocates and returns a new OpCode Handle. OpCode Handles must be freed with HiiFreeOpCodeHandle(). @retval NULL There are not enough resources to allocate a new OpCode Handle. @retval Other A new OpCode handle. **/ VOID * EFIAPI HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle ( VOID ); /** Frees an OpCode Handle that was previously allocated with HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle(). When an OpCode Handle is freed, all of the opcodes associated with the OpCode Handle are also freed. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. **/ VOID EFIAPI HiiFreeOpCodeHandle ( VOID *OpCodeHandle ); /** Append raw opcodes to an OpCodeHandle. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If RawBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT(); @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] RawBuffer The buffer of opcodes to append. @param[in] RawBufferSize The size, in bytes, of Buffer. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the appended opcodes. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateRawOpCodes ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN UINT8 *RawBuffer, IN UINTN RawBufferSize ); /** Create EFI_IFR_END_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle Handle to the buffer of opcodes. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateEndOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle ); /** Create EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OPTION_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Type is invalid, then ASSERT(). If Flags is invalid, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] StringId StringId for the option. @param[in] Flags The flags for the option. @param[in] Type The type for the option. @param[in] Value The value for the option. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateOneOfOptionOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN UINT16 StringId, IN UINT8 Flags, IN UINT8 Type, IN UINT64 Value ); /** Create EFI_IFR_DEFAULT_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Type is invalid, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] DefaultId The DefaultId for the default. @param[in] Type The type for the default. @param[in] Value The value for the default. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateDefaultOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN UINT16 DefaultId, IN UINT8 Type, IN UINT64 Value ); /** Create EFI_IFR_GUID opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT(). If OpCodeSize < sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID), then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] Guid The pointer to EFI_GUID of this guided opcode. @param[in] GuidOpCode The pointer to an EFI_IFR_GUID opcode. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. If this parameter is NULL, then the GUID extension region of the created opcode is filled with zeros. If this parameter is not NULL, then the GUID extension region of GuidData will be copied to the GUID extension region of the created opcode. @param[in] OpCodeSize The size, in bytes, of created opcode. This value must be >= sizeof(EFI_IFR_GUID). @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateGuidOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, IN CONST VOID *GuidOpCode, OPTIONAL IN UINTN OpCodeSize ); /** Create EFI_IFR_ACTION_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] QuestionId The Question ID. @param[in] Prompt The String ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help The String ID for Help. @param[in] QuestionFlags The flags in the Question Header. @param[in] QuestionConfig The String ID for the configuration. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateActionOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN EFI_STRING_ID QuestionConfig ); /** Create EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in Flags, then ASSERT(). If Scope > 1, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] Prompt The string ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help The string ID for Help. @param[in] Flags The subtitle opcode flags. @param[in] Scope 1 if this opcode is the beginning of a new scope. 0 if this opcode is within the current scope. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateSubTitleOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 Flags, IN UINT8 Scope ); /** Create EFI_IFR_REF_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] FormId The Destination Form ID. @param[in] Prompt The string ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help The string ID for Help. @param[in] QuestionFlags The flags in Question Header @param[in] QuestionId Question ID. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateGotoOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_FORM_ID FormId, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId ); /** Create EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in CheckBoxFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] QuestionId The question ID. @param[in] VarStoreId The storage ID. @param[in] VarOffset The offset in Storage. @param[in] Prompt The string ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help The string ID for Help. @param[in] QuestionFlags The flags in Question Header. @param[in] CheckBoxFlags The flags for checkbox opcode. @param[in] DefaultsOpCodeHandle The handle for a buffer of DEFAULT opcodes. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateCheckBoxOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN EFI_VARSTORE_ID VarStoreId, IN UINT16 VarOffset, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN UINT8 CheckBoxFlags, IN VOID *DefaultsOpCodeHandle OPTIONAL ); /** Create EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in NumericFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] QuestionId The question ID. @param[in] VarStoreId The storage ID. @param[in] VarOffset The offset in Storage. @param[in] Prompt The string ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help The string ID for Help. @param[in] QuestionFlags The flags in Question Header. @param[in] NumericFlags The flags for a numeric opcode. @param[in] Minimum The numeric minimum value. @param[in] Maximum The numeric maximum value. @param[in] Step The numeric step for edit. @param[in] DefaultsOpCodeHandle The handle for a buffer of DEFAULT opcodes. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateNumericOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN EFI_VARSTORE_ID VarStoreId, IN UINT16 VarOffset, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN UINT8 NumericFlags, IN UINT64 Minimum, IN UINT64 Maximum, IN UINT64 Step, IN VOID *DefaultsOpCodeHandle OPTIONAL ); /** Create EFI_IFR_STRING_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in StringFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] QuestionId The question ID. @param[in] VarStoreId The storage ID. @param[in] VarOffset The offset in Storage. @param[in] Prompt The string ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help The string ID for Help. @param[in] QuestionFlags The flags in Question Header. @param[in] StringFlags The flags for a string opcode. @param[in] MinSize The string minimum length. @param[in] MaxSize The string maximum length. @param[in] DefaultsOpCodeHandle The handle for a buffer of DEFAULT opcodes. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateStringOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN EFI_VARSTORE_ID VarStoreId, IN UINT16 VarOffset, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN UINT8 StringFlags, IN UINT8 MinSize, IN UINT8 MaxSize, IN VOID *DefaultsOpCodeHandle OPTIONAL ); /** Create EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in OneOfFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] QuestionId The question ID. @param[in] VarStoreId The storage ID. @param[in] VarOffset The offset in Storage. @param[in] Prompt The string ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help The string ID for Help. @param[in] QuestionFlags The flags in Question Header. @param[in] OneOfFlags The flags for a oneof opcode. @param[in] OptionsOpCodeHandle The handle for a buffer of ONE_OF_OPTION opcodes. @param[in] DefaultsOpCodeHandle The handle for a buffer of DEFAULT opcodes. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateOneOfOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN EFI_VARSTORE_ID VarStoreId, IN UINT16 VarOffset, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN UINT8 OneOfFlags, IN VOID *OptionsOpCodeHandle, IN VOID *DefaultsOpCodeHandle OPTIONAL ); /** Create EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in OrderedListFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] QuestionId The question ID. @param[in] VarStoreId The storage ID. @param[in] VarOffset The offset in Storage. @param[in] Prompt The string ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help The string ID for Help. @param[in] QuestionFlags The flags in Question Header. @param[in] OrderedListFlags The flags for an ordered list opcode. @param[in] DataType The type for option value. @param[in] MaxContainers Maximum count for options in this ordered list @param[in] OptionsOpCodeHandle The handle for a buffer of ONE_OF_OPTION opcodes. @param[in] DefaultsOpCodeHandle Handle for a buffer of DEFAULT opcodes. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateOrderedListOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN EFI_VARSTORE_ID VarStoreId, IN UINT16 VarOffset, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN UINT8 OrderedListFlags, IN UINT8 DataType, IN UINT8 MaxContainers, IN VOID *OptionsOpCodeHandle, IN VOID *DefaultsOpCodeHandle OPTIONAL ); /** Create EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle Handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] Prompt String ID for Prompt. @param[in] Help String ID for Help. @param[in] TextTwo String ID for TextTwo. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateTextOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN EFI_STRING_ID TextTwo ); /** Create EFI_IFR_DATE_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in DateFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle Handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] QuestionId Question ID @param[in] VarStoreId Storage ID, optional. If DateFlags is not QF_DATE_STORAGE_NORMAL, this parameter is ignored. @param[in] VarOffset Offset in Storage, optional. If DateFlags is not QF_DATE_STORAGE_NORMAL, this parameter is ignored. @param[in] Prompt String ID for Prompt @param[in] Help String ID for Help @param[in] QuestionFlags Flags in Question Header @param[in] DateFlags Flags for date opcode @param[in] DefaultsOpCodeHandle Handle for a buffer of DEFAULT opcodes. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateDateOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN EFI_VARSTORE_ID VarStoreId, OPTIONAL IN UINT16 VarOffset, OPTIONAL IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN UINT8 DateFlags, IN VOID *DefaultsOpCodeHandle OPTIONAL ); /** Create EFI_IFR_TIME_OP opcode. If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in QuestionFlags, then ASSERT(). If any reserved bits are set in TimeFlags, then ASSERT(). @param[in] OpCodeHandle Handle to the buffer of opcodes. @param[in] QuestionId Question ID @param[in] VarStoreId Storage ID, optional. If TimeFlags is not QF_TIME_STORAGE_NORMAL, this parameter is ignored. @param[in] VarOffset Offset in Storage, optional. If TimeFlags is not QF_TIME_STORAGE_NORMAL, this parameter is ignored. @param[in] Prompt String ID for Prompt @param[in] Help String ID for Help @param[in] QuestionFlags Flags in Question Header @param[in] TimeFlags Flags for time opcode @param[in] DefaultsOpCodeHandle Handle for a buffer of DEFAULT opcodes. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode. @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode. **/ UINT8 * EFIAPI HiiCreateTimeOpCode ( IN VOID *OpCodeHandle, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN EFI_VARSTORE_ID VarStoreId, OPTIONAL IN UINT16 VarOffset, OPTIONAL IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt, IN EFI_STRING_ID Help, IN UINT8 QuestionFlags, IN UINT8 TimeFlags, IN VOID *DefaultsOpCodeHandle OPTIONAL ); /** This function updates a form that has previously been registered with the HII Database. This function will perform at most one update operation. The form to update is specified by Handle, FormSetGuid, and FormId. Binary comparisons of IFR opcodes are performed from the beginning of the form being updated until an IFR opcode is found that exactly matches the first IFR opcode specified by StartOpCodeHandle. The following rules are used to determine if an insert, replace, or delete operation is performed: 1) If no matches are found, then NULL is returned. 2) If a match is found, and EndOpCodeHandle is NULL, then all of the IFR opcodes from StartOpCodeHandle except the first opcode are inserted immediately after the matching IFR opcode in the form to be updated. 3) If a match is found, and EndOpCodeHandle is not NULL, then a search is made from the matching IFR opcode until an IFR opcode exactly matches the first IFR opcode specified by EndOpCodeHandle. If no match is found for the first IFR opcode specified by EndOpCodeHandle, then NULL is returned. If a match is found, then all of the IFR opcodes between the start match and the end match are deleted from the form being updated and all of the IFR opcodes from StartOpCodeHandle except the first opcode are inserted immediately after the matching start IFR opcode. If StartOpCcodeHandle only contains one IFR instruction, then the result of this operation will delete all of the IFR opcodes between the start end matches. If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If StartOpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] HiiHandle The HII Handle of the form to update. @param[in] FormSetGuid The Formset GUID of the form to update. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. If it is NULL, all FormSet will be updated. @param[in] FormId The ID of the form to update. @param[in] StartOpCodeHandle An OpCode Handle that contains the set of IFR opcodes to be inserted or replaced in the form. The first IFR instruction in StartOpCodeHandle is used to find matching IFR opcode in the form. @param[in] EndOpCodeHandle An OpCcode Handle that contains the IFR opcode that marks the end of a replace operation in the form. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. If it is NULL, then the IFR opcodes specified by StartOpCodeHandle are inserted into the form. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory resources are allocated. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The following cases will return EFI_NOT_FOUND: 1) The form specified by HiiHandle, FormSetGuid, and FormId could not be found in the HII Database. 2) No IFR opcodes in the target form match the first IFR opcode in StartOpCodeHandle. 3) EndOpCOde is not NULL, and no IFR opcodes in the target form following a matching start opcode match the first IFR opcode in EndOpCodeHandle. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The matched form is updated by StartOpcode. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI HiiUpdateForm ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, OPTIONAL IN EFI_FORM_ID FormId, IN VOID *StartOpCodeHandle, IN VOID *EndOpCodeHandle OPTIONAL ); #endif