/** @file This library class defines a set of interfaces to customize Display module Copyright (c) 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "CustomizedDisplayLibInternal.h" EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR gScreenDimensions; CHAR16 *mLibUnknownString; extern EFI_HII_HANDLE mCDLStringPackHandle; CHAR16 *mSpaceBuffer; #define SPACE_BUFFER_SIZE 1000 // // Browser Global Strings // CHAR16 *gEnterString; CHAR16 *gEnterCommitString; CHAR16 *gEnterEscapeString; CHAR16 *gEscapeString; CHAR16 *gMoveHighlight; CHAR16 *gDecNumericInput; CHAR16 *gHexNumericInput; CHAR16 *gToggleCheckBox; CHAR16 *gLibEmptyString; CHAR16 *gAreYouSure; CHAR16 *gYesResponse; CHAR16 *gNoResponse; CHAR16 *gPlusString; CHAR16 *gMinusString; CHAR16 *gAdjustNumber; CHAR16 *gSaveChanges; CHAR16 *gNvUpdateMessage; CHAR16 *gInputErrorMessage; /** Print banner info for front page. @param[in] FormData Form Data to be shown in Page **/ VOID PrintBannerInfo ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM *FormData ) { UINT8 Line; UINT8 Alignment; CHAR16 *StrFrontPageBanner; UINT8 RowIdx; UINT8 ColumnIdx; // // ClearLines(0, LocalScreen.RightColumn, 0, BANNER_HEIGHT-1, BANNER_TEXT | BANNER_BACKGROUND); // ClearLines ( gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn, gScreenDimensions.RightColumn, gScreenDimensions.TopRow, FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1 + gScreenDimensions.TopRow, BANNER_TEXT | BANNER_BACKGROUND ); // // for (Line = 0; Line < BANNER_HEIGHT; Line++) { // for (Line = (UINT8) gScreenDimensions.TopRow; Line < BANNER_HEIGHT + (UINT8) gScreenDimensions.TopRow; Line++) { // // for (Alignment = 0; Alignment < BANNER_COLUMNS; Alignment++) { // for (Alignment = (UINT8) gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn; Alignment < BANNER_COLUMNS + (UINT8) gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn; Alignment++ ) { RowIdx = (UINT8) (Line - (UINT8) gScreenDimensions.TopRow); ColumnIdx = (UINT8) (Alignment - (UINT8) gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn); ASSERT (RowIdx < BANNER_HEIGHT && ColumnIdx < BANNER_COLUMNS); if (gBannerData!= NULL && gBannerData->Banner[RowIdx][ColumnIdx] != 0x0000) { StrFrontPageBanner = LibGetToken (gBannerData->Banner[RowIdx][ColumnIdx], FormData->HiiHandle); } else { continue; } switch (Alignment - gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn) { case 0: // // Handle left column // PrintStringAt (gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + BANNER_LEFT_COLUMN_INDENT, Line, StrFrontPageBanner); break; case 1: // // Handle center column // PrintStringAt ( gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + (gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn) / 3, Line, StrFrontPageBanner ); break; case 2: // // Handle right column // PrintStringAt ( gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + (gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn) * 2 / 3, Line, StrFrontPageBanner ); break; } FreePool (StrFrontPageBanner); } } } /** Print framework for a page. **/ VOID PrintFramework ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; CHAR16 Character; CHAR16 *Buffer; UINTN Row; Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (0x10000); ASSERT (Buffer != NULL); Character = BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL; for (Index = 0; Index + 2 < (gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn); Index++) { Buffer[Index] = Character; } ClearLines ( gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn, gScreenDimensions.RightColumn, gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - gFooterHeight, gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - 1, KEYHELP_TEXT | KEYHELP_BACKGROUND ); if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) == FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) { ClearLines ( gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn, gScreenDimensions.RightColumn, gScreenDimensions.TopRow, gScreenDimensions.TopRow + NONE_FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1, TITLE_TEXT | TITLE_BACKGROUND ); // // Print Top border line // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ? ? // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT; PrintCharAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Character); PrintStringAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Buffer); Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT; PrintCharAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Character); Character = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL; for (Row = gScreenDimensions.TopRow + 1; Row <= gScreenDimensions.TopRow + NONE_FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT - 2; Row++) { PrintCharAt (gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn, Row, Character); PrintCharAt (gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - 1, Row, Character); } Character = BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT; PrintCharAt (gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn, gScreenDimensions.TopRow + NONE_FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1, Character); PrintStringAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Buffer); Character = BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT; PrintCharAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Character); // // Print Bottom border line // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ? ? // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT; PrintCharAt (gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn, gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - gFooterHeight, Character); PrintStringAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Buffer); Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT; PrintCharAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Character); Character = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL; for (Row = gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - gFooterHeight + 1; Row <= gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - 2; Row++ ) { PrintCharAt (gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn, Row, Character); PrintCharAt (gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - 1, Row, Character); } Character = BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT; PrintCharAt (gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn, gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - 1, Character); PrintStringAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Buffer); Character = BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT; PrintCharAt ((UINTN) -1, (UINTN) -1, Character); } FreePool (Buffer); } /** Print the form title. @param[in] FormData Form Data to be shown in Page **/ VOID PrintFormTitle ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM *FormData ) { CHAR16 *TitleStr; if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) != FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) { // // Only Setup Page need Title. // return; } TitleStr = LibGetToken (FormData->FormTitle, FormData->HiiHandle); ASSERT (TitleStr != NULL); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, TITLE_TEXT | TITLE_BACKGROUND); ClearLines ( gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + 1, gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - 1, gScreenDimensions.TopRow + 1, gScreenDimensions.TopRow + 1, TITLE_TEXT | TITLE_BACKGROUND ); PrintStringAt ( (gScreenDimensions.RightColumn + gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn - LibGetStringWidth (TitleStr) / 2) / 2, gScreenDimensions.TopRow + 1, TitleStr ); FreePool (TitleStr); } /** Process some op code which is not recognized by browser core. @param OpCodeData The pointer to the op code buffer. @return EFI_SUCCESS Pass the statement success. **/ VOID ProcessUserOpcode( IN EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER *OpCodeData ) { switch (OpCodeData->OpCode) { case EFI_IFR_GUID_OP: if (CompareGuid (&gEfiIfrTianoGuid, (EFI_GUID *)((CHAR8*) OpCodeData + sizeof (EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER)))) { // // Tiano specific GUIDed opcodes // switch (((EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) OpCodeData)->ExtendOpCode) { case EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL: // // just ignore label // break; case EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_BANNER: // // Only in front page form set, we care about the banner data. // if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) == FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) { // // Initialize Driver private data // if (gBannerData == NULL) { gBannerData = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (BANNER_DATA)); ASSERT (gBannerData != NULL); } CopyMem ( &gBannerData->Banner[((EFI_IFR_GUID_BANNER *) OpCodeData)->LineNumber][ ((EFI_IFR_GUID_BANNER *) OpCodeData)->Alignment], &((EFI_IFR_GUID_BANNER *) OpCodeData)->Title, sizeof (EFI_STRING_ID) ); } break; case EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_SUBCLASS: if (((EFI_IFR_GUID_SUBCLASS *) OpCodeData)->SubClass == EFI_FRONT_PAGE_SUBCLASS) { gClassOfVfr = FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE; } break; default: break; } } break; default: break; } } /** Process some op codes which is out side of current form. @param FormData Pointer to the form data. @return EFI_SUCCESS Pass the statement success. **/ VOID ProcessExternedOpcode ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM *FormData ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_STATEMENT *Statement; Link = GetFirstNode (&FormData->StatementListOSF); while (!IsNull (&FormData->StatementListOSF, Link)) { Statement = FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&FormData->StatementListOSF, Link); ProcessUserOpcode(Statement->OpCode); } Link = GetFirstNode (&FormData->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormData->StatementListHead, Link)) { Statement = FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&FormData->StatementListHead, Link); ProcessUserOpcode(Statement->OpCode); } } /** Validate the input screen diemenstion info. @param FormData The input form data info. @return EFI_SUCCESS The input screen info is acceptable. @return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The input screen info is not acceptable. **/ EFI_STATUS ScreenDiemensionInfoValidate ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM *FormData ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; UINTN Index; // // Calculate total number of Register HotKeys. // Index = 0; if (!IsListEmpty (&FormData->HotKeyListHead)){ Link = GetFirstNode (&FormData->HotKeyListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormData->HotKeyListHead, Link)) { Link = GetNextNode (&FormData->HotKeyListHead, Link); Index ++; } } // // Show three HotKeys help information on one row. // gFooterHeight = FOOTER_HEIGHT + (Index / 3); ZeroMem (&gScreenDimensions, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); gST->ConOut->QueryMode ( gST->ConOut, gST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &gScreenDimensions.RightColumn, &gScreenDimensions.BottomRow ); // // Check local dimension vs. global dimension. // if (FormData->ScreenDimensions != NULL) { if ((gScreenDimensions.RightColumn < FormData->ScreenDimensions->RightColumn) || (gScreenDimensions.BottomRow < FormData->ScreenDimensions->BottomRow) ) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { // // Local dimension validation. // if ((FormData->ScreenDimensions->RightColumn > FormData->ScreenDimensions->LeftColumn) && (FormData->ScreenDimensions->BottomRow > FormData->ScreenDimensions->TopRow) && ((FormData->ScreenDimensions->RightColumn - FormData->ScreenDimensions->LeftColumn) > 2) && ((FormData->ScreenDimensions->BottomRow - FormData->ScreenDimensions->TopRow) > STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT + gFooterHeight + 3)) { CopyMem (&gScreenDimensions, (VOID *) FormData->ScreenDimensions, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); } else { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get the string based on the StringId and HII Package List Handle. @param Token The String's ID. @param HiiHandle The package list in the HII database to search for the specified string. @return The output string. **/ CHAR16 * LibGetToken ( IN EFI_STRING_ID Token, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle ) { EFI_STRING String; String = HiiGetString (HiiHandle, Token, NULL); if (String == NULL) { String = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (mLibUnknownString), mLibUnknownString); ASSERT (String != NULL); } return (CHAR16 *) String; } /** Count the storage space of a Unicode string. This function handles the Unicode string with NARROW_CHAR and WIDE_CHAR control characters. NARROW_HCAR and WIDE_CHAR does not count in the resultant output. If a WIDE_CHAR is hit, then 2 Unicode character will consume an output storage space with size of CHAR16 till a NARROW_CHAR is hit. If String is NULL, then ASSERT (). @param String The input string to be counted. @return Storage space for the input string. **/ UINTN LibGetStringWidth ( IN CHAR16 *String ) { UINTN Index; UINTN Count; UINTN IncrementValue; ASSERT (String != NULL); if (String == NULL) { return 0; } Index = 0; Count = 0; IncrementValue = 1; do { // // Advance to the null-terminator or to the first width directive // for (; (String[Index] != NARROW_CHAR) && (String[Index] != WIDE_CHAR) && (String[Index] != 0); Index++, Count = Count + IncrementValue ) ; // // We hit the null-terminator, we now have a count // if (String[Index] == 0) { break; } // // We encountered a narrow directive - strip it from the size calculation since it doesn't get printed // and also set the flag that determines what we increment by.(if narrow, increment by 1, if wide increment by 2) // if (String[Index] == NARROW_CHAR) { // // Skip to the next character // Index++; IncrementValue = 1; } else { // // Skip to the next character // Index++; IncrementValue = 2; } } while (String[Index] != 0); // // Increment by one to include the null-terminator in the size // Count++; return Count * sizeof (CHAR16); } /** Show all registered HotKey help strings on bottom Rows. @param FormData The curent input form data info. **/ VOID PrintHotKeyHelpString ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM *FormData ) { UINTN CurrentCol; UINTN CurrentRow; UINTN BottomRowOfHotKeyHelp; UINTN ColumnWidth; UINTN Index; EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR LocalScreen; LIST_ENTRY *Link; BROWSER_HOT_KEY *HotKey; if (IsListEmpty (&FormData->HotKeyListHead)) { return; } CopyMem (&LocalScreen, &gScreenDimensions, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); ColumnWidth = (LocalScreen.RightColumn - LocalScreen.LeftColumn) / 3; BottomRowOfHotKeyHelp = LocalScreen.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - 3; // // Calculate total number of Register HotKeys. // Index = 0; Link = GetFirstNode (&FormData->HotKeyListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormData->HotKeyListHead, Link)) { HotKey = BROWSER_HOT_KEY_FROM_LINK (Link); // // Help string can't exceed ColumnWidth. One Row will show three Help information. // if (StrLen (HotKey->HelpString) > ColumnWidth) { HotKey->HelpString[ColumnWidth] = L'\0'; } // // Calculate help information Column and Row. // if ((Index % 3) != 2) { CurrentCol = LocalScreen.LeftColumn + (2 - Index % 3) * ColumnWidth; } else { CurrentCol = LocalScreen.LeftColumn + 2; } CurrentRow = BottomRowOfHotKeyHelp - Index / 3; // // Print HotKey help string on bottom Row. // PrintStringAt (CurrentCol, CurrentRow, HotKey->HelpString); // // Get Next Hot Key. // Link = GetNextNode (&FormData->HotKeyListHead, Link); Index ++; } return; } /** Get step info from numeric opcode. @param[in] OpCode The input numeric op code. @return step info for this opcode. **/ UINT64 LibGetFieldFromNum ( IN EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER *OpCode ) { EFI_IFR_NUMERIC *NumericOp; UINT64 Step; NumericOp = (EFI_IFR_NUMERIC *) OpCode; switch (NumericOp->Flags & EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE) { case EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE_1: Step = NumericOp->data.u8.Step; break; case EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE_2: Step = NumericOp->data.u16.Step; break; case EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE_4: Step = NumericOp->data.u32.Step; break; case EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE_8: Step = NumericOp->data.u64.Step; break; default: Step = 0; break; } return Step; } /** Initialize the HII String Token to the correct values. **/ VOID InitializeLibStrings ( VOID ) { mLibUnknownString = L"!"; gEnterString = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ENTER_STRING), mCDLStringPackHandle); gEnterCommitString = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ENTER_COMMIT_STRING), mCDLStringPackHandle); gEnterEscapeString = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ENTER_ESCAPE_STRING), mCDLStringPackHandle); gEscapeString = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ESCAPE_STRING), mCDLStringPackHandle); gMoveHighlight = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (MOVE_HIGHLIGHT), mCDLStringPackHandle); gDecNumericInput = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (DEC_NUMERIC_INPUT), mCDLStringPackHandle); gHexNumericInput = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (HEX_NUMERIC_INPUT), mCDLStringPackHandle); gToggleCheckBox = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (TOGGLE_CHECK_BOX), mCDLStringPackHandle); gAreYouSure = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ARE_YOU_SURE), mCDLStringPackHandle); gYesResponse = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ARE_YOU_SURE_YES), mCDLStringPackHandle); gNoResponse = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ARE_YOU_SURE_NO), mCDLStringPackHandle); gPlusString = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (PLUS_STRING), mCDLStringPackHandle); gMinusString = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (MINUS_STRING), mCDLStringPackHandle); gAdjustNumber = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ADJUST_NUMBER), mCDLStringPackHandle); gSaveChanges = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (SAVE_CHANGES), mCDLStringPackHandle); gLibEmptyString = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (EMPTY_STRING), mCDLStringPackHandle); gNvUpdateMessage = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (NV_UPDATE_MESSAGE), mCDLStringPackHandle); gInputErrorMessage = LibGetToken (STRING_TOKEN (INPUT_ERROR_MESSAGE), mCDLStringPackHandle); // // SpaceBuffer; // mSpaceBuffer = AllocatePool ((SPACE_BUFFER_SIZE + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (mSpaceBuffer != NULL); LibSetUnicodeMem (mSpaceBuffer, SPACE_BUFFER_SIZE, L' '); mSpaceBuffer[SPACE_BUFFER_SIZE] = L'\0'; } /** Free the HII String. **/ VOID FreeLibStrings ( VOID ) { FreePool (gEnterString); FreePool (gEnterCommitString); FreePool (gEnterEscapeString); FreePool (gEscapeString); FreePool (gMoveHighlight); FreePool (gDecNumericInput); FreePool (gHexNumericInput); FreePool (gToggleCheckBox); FreePool (gAreYouSure); FreePool (gYesResponse); FreePool (gNoResponse); FreePool (gPlusString); FreePool (gMinusString); FreePool (gAdjustNumber); FreePool (gSaveChanges); FreePool (gLibEmptyString); FreePool (gNvUpdateMessage); FreePool (gInputErrorMessage); FreePool (mSpaceBuffer); } /** Wait for a key to be pressed by user. @param Key The key which is pressed by user. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function always completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS WaitForKeyStroke ( OUT EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; while (TRUE) { Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, Key); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) { continue; } gBS->WaitForEvent (1, &gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &Index); } return Status; } /** Set Buffer to Value for Size bytes. @param Buffer Memory to set. @param Size Number of bytes to set @param Value Value of the set operation. **/ VOID LibSetUnicodeMem ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size, IN CHAR16 Value ) { CHAR16 *Ptr; Ptr = Buffer; while ((Size--) != 0) { *(Ptr++) = Value; } } /** The internal function prints to the EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL protocol instance. @param Width Width of string to be print. @param Column The position of the output string. @param Row The position of the output string. @param Out The EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL instance. @param Fmt The format string. @param Args The additional argument for the variables in the format string. @return Number of Unicode character printed. **/ UINTN PrintInternal ( IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Column, IN UINTN Row, IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Out, IN CHAR16 *Fmt, IN VA_LIST Args ) { CHAR16 *Buffer; CHAR16 *BackupBuffer; UINTN Index; UINTN PreviousIndex; UINTN Count; UINTN PrintWidth; UINTN CharWidth; // // For now, allocate an arbitrarily long buffer // Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (0x10000); BackupBuffer = AllocateZeroPool (0x10000); ASSERT (Buffer); ASSERT (BackupBuffer); if (Column != (UINTN) -1) { Out->SetCursorPosition (Out, Column, Row); } UnicodeVSPrint (Buffer, 0x10000, Fmt, Args); Out->Mode->Attribute = Out->Mode->Attribute & 0x7f; Out->SetAttribute (Out, Out->Mode->Attribute); Index = 0; PreviousIndex = 0; Count = 0; PrintWidth = 0; CharWidth = 1; do { for (; (Buffer[Index] != NARROW_CHAR) && (Buffer[Index] != WIDE_CHAR) && (Buffer[Index] != 0); Index++) { BackupBuffer[Index] = Buffer[Index]; } if (Buffer[Index] == 0) { break; } // // Null-terminate the temporary string // BackupBuffer[Index] = 0; // // Print this out, we are about to switch widths // Out->OutputString (Out, &BackupBuffer[PreviousIndex]); Count += StrLen (&BackupBuffer[PreviousIndex]); PrintWidth += Count * CharWidth; // // Preserve the current index + 1, since this is where we will start printing from next // PreviousIndex = Index + 1; // // We are at a narrow or wide character directive. Set attributes and strip it and print it // if (Buffer[Index] == NARROW_CHAR) { // // Preserve bits 0 - 6 and zero out the rest // Out->Mode->Attribute = Out->Mode->Attribute & 0x7f; Out->SetAttribute (Out, Out->Mode->Attribute); CharWidth = 1; } else { // // Must be wide, set bit 7 ON // Out->Mode->Attribute = Out->Mode->Attribute | EFI_WIDE_ATTRIBUTE; Out->SetAttribute (Out, Out->Mode->Attribute); CharWidth = 2; } Index++; } while (Buffer[Index] != 0); // // We hit the end of the string - print it // Out->OutputString (Out, &BackupBuffer[PreviousIndex]); Count += StrLen (&BackupBuffer[PreviousIndex]); PrintWidth += Count * CharWidth; if (PrintWidth < Width) { Out->Mode->Attribute = Out->Mode->Attribute & 0x7f; Out->SetAttribute (Out, Out->Mode->Attribute); Out->OutputString (Out, &mSpaceBuffer[SPACE_BUFFER_SIZE - Width + PrintWidth]); } FreePool (Buffer); FreePool (BackupBuffer); return Count; } /** Prints a formatted unicode string to the default console, at the supplied cursor position. @param Width Width of String to be printed. @param Column The cursor position to print the string at. @param Row The cursor position to print the string at. @param Fmt Format string. @param ... Variable argument list for format string. @return Length of string printed to the console **/ UINTN EFIAPI PrintAt ( IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Column, IN UINTN Row, IN CHAR16 *Fmt, ... ) { VA_LIST Args; UINTN LengthOfPrinted; VA_START (Args, Fmt); LengthOfPrinted = PrintInternal (Width, Column, Row, gST->ConOut, Fmt, Args); VA_END (Args); return LengthOfPrinted; }