/** @file File explorer related functions. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This software and associated documentation (if any) is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this software or documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. **/ #include "FileExplorer.h" EFI_GUID FileExplorerGuid = EFI_FILE_EXPLORE_FORMSET_GUID; /// /// File system selection menu /// MENU_OPTION mFsOptionMenu = { MENU_OPTION_SIGNATURE, {NULL}, 0, FALSE }; FILE_EXPLORER_CALLBACK_DATA gFileExplorerPrivate = { FILE_EXPLORER_CALLBACK_DATA_SIGNATURE, NULL, NULL, { LibExtractConfig, LibRouteConfig, LibCallback }, NULL, &mFsOptionMenu, 0 }; HII_VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH *gHiiVendorDevicePath; HII_VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH FeHiiVendorDevicePath = { { { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_VENDOR_DP, { (UINT8) (sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)), (UINT8) ((sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8) } }, // // Will be replace with gEfiCallerIdGuid in code. // { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 } } }, { END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE, END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE, { (UINT8) (END_DEVICE_PATH_LENGTH), (UINT8) ((END_DEVICE_PATH_LENGTH) >> 8) } } }; VOID *mLibStartOpCodeHandle = NULL; VOID *mLibEndOpCodeHandle = NULL; EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *mLibStartLabel = NULL; EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *mLibEndLabel = NULL; /** This function allows a caller to extract the current configuration for one or more named elements from the target driver. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Request A null-terminated Unicode string in format. @param Progress On return, points to a character in the Request string. Points to the string's null terminator if request was successful. Points to the most recent '&' before the first failing name/value pair (or the beginning of the string if the failure is in the first name/value pair) if the request was not successful. @param Results A null-terminated Unicode string in format which has all values filled in for the names in the Request string. String to be allocated by the called function. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Request is illegal syntax, or unknown name. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Routing data doesn't match any storage in this driver. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI LibExtractConfig ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST EFI_STRING Request, OUT EFI_STRING *Progress, OUT EFI_STRING *Results ) { if (Progress == NULL || Results == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *Progress = Request; return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** This function processes the results of changes in configuration. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Configuration A null-terminated Unicode string in format. @param Progress A pointer to a string filled in with the offset of the most recent '&' before the first failing name/value pair (or the beginning of the string if the failure is in the first name/value pair) or the terminating NULL if all was successful. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Configuration is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Routing data doesn't match any storage in this driver. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI LibRouteConfig ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST EFI_STRING Configuration, OUT EFI_STRING *Progress ) { if (Configuration == NULL || Progress == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *Progress = Configuration; return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** This function processes the results of changes in configuration. When user select a interactive opcode, this callback will be triggered. Based on the Question(QuestionId) that triggers the callback, the corresponding actions is performed. It handles: 1) Process the axtra action or exit file explorer when user select one file . 2) update of file content if a dir is selected. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Action Specifies the type of action taken by the browser. @param QuestionId A unique value which is sent to the original exporting driver so that it can identify the type of data to expect. @param Type The type of value for the question. @param Value A pointer to the data being sent to the original exporting driver. @param ActionRequest On return, points to the action requested by the callback function. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The callback successfully handled the action. @retval other error Error occur when parse one directory. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI LibCallback ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_BROWSER_ACTION Action, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN UINT8 Type, IN EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *Value, OUT EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST *ActionRequest ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN NeedExit; NeedExit = TRUE; if (Action != EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGING && Action != EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGED) { // // Do nothing for other UEFI Action. Only do call back when data is changed. // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; if (Action == EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGED) { if ((Value == NULL) || (ActionRequest == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (QuestionId >= FILE_OPTION_OFFSET) { LibGetDevicePath(QuestionId); // // Process the extra action. // if (gFileExplorerPrivate.ChooseHandler != NULL) { NeedExit = gFileExplorerPrivate.ChooseHandler (gFileExplorerPrivate.RetDevicePath); } if (NeedExit) { *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_EXIT; } } } else if (Action == EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGING) { if (Value == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (QuestionId >= FILE_OPTION_OFFSET) { Status = LibUpdateFileExplorer (QuestionId); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Create a menu entry by given menu type. @retval NULL If failed to create the menu. @return the new menu entry. **/ MENU_ENTRY * LibCreateMenuEntry ( VOID ) { MENU_ENTRY *MenuEntry; // // Create new menu entry // MenuEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (MENU_ENTRY)); if (MenuEntry == NULL) { return NULL; } MenuEntry->VariableContext = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FILE_CONTEXT)); if (MenuEntry->VariableContext == NULL) { FreePool (MenuEntry); return NULL; } MenuEntry->Signature = MENU_ENTRY_SIGNATURE; return MenuEntry; } /** Get the Menu Entry from the list in Menu Entry List. If MenuNumber is great or equal to the number of Menu Entry in the list, then ASSERT. @param MenuOption The Menu Entry List to read the menu entry. @param MenuNumber The index of Menu Entry. @return The Menu Entry. **/ MENU_ENTRY * LibGetMenuEntry ( MENU_OPTION *MenuOption, UINTN MenuNumber ) { MENU_ENTRY *NewMenuEntry; UINTN Index; LIST_ENTRY *List; ASSERT (MenuNumber < MenuOption->MenuNumber); List = MenuOption->Head.ForwardLink; for (Index = 0; Index < MenuNumber; Index++) { List = List->ForwardLink; } NewMenuEntry = CR (List, MENU_ENTRY, Link, MENU_ENTRY_SIGNATURE); return NewMenuEntry; } /** Free up all resource allocated for a BM_MENU_ENTRY. @param MenuEntry A pointer to BM_MENU_ENTRY. **/ VOID LibDestroyMenuEntry ( MENU_ENTRY *MenuEntry ) { FILE_CONTEXT *FileContext; FileContext = (FILE_CONTEXT *) MenuEntry->VariableContext; if (!FileContext->IsRoot) { FreePool (FileContext->DevicePath); } else { if (FileContext->FileHandle != NULL) { FileContext->FileHandle->Close (FileContext->FileHandle); } } if (FileContext->FileName != NULL) { FreePool (FileContext->FileName); } FreePool (FileContext); FreePool (MenuEntry->DisplayString); if (MenuEntry->HelpString != NULL) { FreePool (MenuEntry->HelpString); } FreePool (MenuEntry); } /** Free resources allocated in Allocate Rountine. @param FreeMenu Menu to be freed **/ VOID LibFreeMenu ( MENU_OPTION *FreeMenu ) { MENU_ENTRY *MenuEntry; while (!IsListEmpty (&FreeMenu->Head)) { MenuEntry = CR ( FreeMenu->Head.ForwardLink, MENU_ENTRY, Link, MENU_ENTRY_SIGNATURE ); RemoveEntryList (&MenuEntry->Link); LibDestroyMenuEntry (MenuEntry); } FreeMenu->MenuNumber = 0; } /** Function opens and returns a file handle to the root directory of a volume. @param DeviceHandle A handle for a device @return A valid file handle or NULL is returned **/ EFI_FILE_HANDLE LibOpenRoot ( IN EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL *Volume; EFI_FILE_HANDLE File; File = NULL; // // File the file system interface to the device // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( DeviceHandle, &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, (VOID *) &Volume ); // // Open the root directory of the volume // if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = Volume->OpenVolume ( Volume, &File ); } // // Done // return EFI_ERROR (Status) ? NULL : File; } /** This function converts an input device structure to a Unicode string. @param DevPath A pointer to the device path structure. @return A new allocated Unicode string that represents the device path. **/ CHAR16 * LibDevicePathToStr ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPath ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *ToText; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL *DevPathToText; if (DevPath == NULL) { return NULL; } Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &DevPathToText ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); ToText = DevPathToText->ConvertDevicePathToText ( DevPath, FALSE, TRUE ); ASSERT (ToText != NULL); return ToText; } /** Duplicate a string. @param Src The source. @return A new string which is duplicated copy of the source. @retval NULL If there is not enough memory. **/ CHAR16 * LibStrDuplicate ( IN CHAR16 *Src ) { CHAR16 *Dest; UINTN Size; Size = StrSize (Src); Dest = AllocateZeroPool (Size); ASSERT (Dest != NULL); if (Dest != NULL) { CopyMem (Dest, Src, Size); } return Dest; } /** Function gets the file information from an open file descriptor, and stores it in a buffer allocated from pool. @param FHand File Handle. @param InfoType Info type need to get. @retval A pointer to a buffer with file information or NULL is returned **/ VOID * LibFileInfo ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE FHand, IN EFI_GUID *InfoType ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_INFO *Buffer; UINTN BufferSize; Buffer = NULL; BufferSize = 0; Status = FHand->GetInfo ( FHand, InfoType, &BufferSize, Buffer ); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { Buffer = AllocatePool (BufferSize); ASSERT (Buffer != NULL); } Status = FHand->GetInfo ( FHand, InfoType, &BufferSize, Buffer ); return Buffer; } /** Get file type base on the file name. Just cut the file name, from the ".". eg ".efi" @param FileName File need to be checked. @retval the file type string. **/ CHAR16* LibGetTypeFromName ( IN CHAR16 *FileName ) { UINTN Index; Index = StrLen (FileName) - 1; while ((FileName[Index] != L'.') && (Index != 0)) { Index--; } return Index == 0 ? NULL : &FileName[Index]; } /** Converts the unicode character of the string from uppercase to lowercase. This is a internal function. @param ConfigString String to be converted **/ VOID LibToLowerString ( IN CHAR16 *String ) { CHAR16 *TmpStr; for (TmpStr = String; *TmpStr != L'\0'; TmpStr++) { if (*TmpStr >= L'A' && *TmpStr <= L'Z') { *TmpStr = (CHAR16) (*TmpStr - L'A' + L'a'); } } } /** Check whether current FileName point to a valid Efi Image File. @param FileName File need to be checked. @retval TRUE Is Efi Image @retval FALSE Not a valid Efi Image **/ BOOLEAN LibIsSupportedFileType ( IN UINT16 *FileName ) { CHAR16 *InputFileType; CHAR16 *TmpStr; BOOLEAN IsSupported; if (gFileExplorerPrivate.FileType == NULL) { return TRUE; } InputFileType = LibGetTypeFromName (FileName); // // If the file not has *.* style, always return TRUE. // if (InputFileType == NULL) { return TRUE; } TmpStr = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (InputFileType), InputFileType); LibToLowerString(TmpStr); IsSupported = (StrStr (gFileExplorerPrivate.FileType, TmpStr) == NULL ? FALSE : TRUE); FreePool (TmpStr); return IsSupported; } /** Append file name to existing file name. @param Str1 The existing file name @param Str2 The file name to be appended @return Allocate a new string to hold the appended result. Caller is responsible to free the returned string. **/ CHAR16 * LibAppendFileName ( IN CHAR16 *Str1, IN CHAR16 *Str2 ) { UINTN Size1; UINTN Size2; CHAR16 *Str; CHAR16 *TmpStr; CHAR16 *Ptr; CHAR16 *LastSlash; Size1 = StrSize (Str1); Size2 = StrSize (Str2); Str = AllocateZeroPool (Size1 + Size2 + sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (Str != NULL); TmpStr = AllocateZeroPool (Size1 + Size2 + sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (TmpStr != NULL); StrCat (Str, Str1); if (!((*Str == '\\') && (*(Str + 1) == 0))) { StrCat (Str, L"\\"); } StrCat (Str, Str2); Ptr = Str; LastSlash = Str; while (*Ptr != 0) { if (*Ptr == '\\' && *(Ptr + 1) == '.' && *(Ptr + 2) == '.' && *(Ptr + 3) == L'\\') { // // Convert "\Name\..\" to "\" // DO NOT convert the .. if it is at the end of the string. This will // break the .. behavior in changing directories. // // // Use TmpStr as a backup, as StrCpy in BaseLib does not handle copy of two strings // that overlap. // StrCpy (TmpStr, Ptr + 3); StrCpy (LastSlash, TmpStr); Ptr = LastSlash; } else if (*Ptr == '\\' && *(Ptr + 1) == '.' && *(Ptr + 2) == '\\') { // // Convert a "\.\" to a "\" // // // Use TmpStr as a backup, as StrCpy in BaseLib does not handle copy of two strings // that overlap. // StrCpy (TmpStr, Ptr + 2); StrCpy (Ptr, TmpStr); Ptr = LastSlash; } else if (*Ptr == '\\') { LastSlash = Ptr; } Ptr++; } FreePool (TmpStr); return Str; } /** This function build the FsOptionMenu list which records all available file system in the system. They includes all instances of EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL, all instances of EFI_LOAD_FILE_SYSTEM. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Success find the file system @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Can not create menu entry **/ EFI_STATUS LibFindFileSystem ( VOID ) { UINTN NoSimpleFsHandles; UINTN NoLoadFileHandles; EFI_HANDLE *SimpleFsHandle; EFI_HANDLE *LoadFileHandle; UINT16 *VolumeLabel; UINTN Index; EFI_STATUS Status; MENU_ENTRY *MenuEntry; FILE_CONTEXT *FileContext; UINTN OptionNumber; EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL *Info; NoSimpleFsHandles = 0; NoLoadFileHandles = 0; OptionNumber = 0; // // Locate Handles that support Simple File System protocol // Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( ByProtocol, &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, NULL, &NoSimpleFsHandles, &SimpleFsHandle ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Find all the instances of the File System prototocol // for (Index = 0; Index < NoSimpleFsHandles; Index++) { // // Allocate pool for this load option // MenuEntry = LibCreateMenuEntry (); if (NULL == MenuEntry) { FreePool (SimpleFsHandle); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } FileContext = (FILE_CONTEXT *) MenuEntry->VariableContext; FileContext->DeviceHandle = SimpleFsHandle[Index]; FileContext->FileHandle = LibOpenRoot (FileContext->DeviceHandle); if (FileContext->FileHandle == NULL) { LibDestroyMenuEntry (MenuEntry); continue; } MenuEntry->HelpString = LibDevicePathToStr (DevicePathFromHandle (FileContext->DeviceHandle)); FileContext->FileName = LibStrDuplicate (L"\\"); FileContext->DevicePath = FileDevicePath (FileContext->DeviceHandle, FileContext->FileName); FileContext->IsDir = TRUE; FileContext->IsRoot = TRUE; // // Get current file system's Volume Label // Info = (EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL *) LibFileInfo (FileContext->FileHandle, &gEfiFileSystemVolumeLabelInfoIdGuid); if (Info == NULL) { VolumeLabel = L"NO FILE SYSTEM INFO"; } else { if (Info->VolumeLabel == NULL) { VolumeLabel = L"NULL VOLUME LABEL"; } else { VolumeLabel = Info->VolumeLabel; if (*VolumeLabel == 0x0000) { VolumeLabel = L"NO VOLUME LABEL"; } } } MenuEntry->DisplayString = AllocateZeroPool (MAX_CHAR); ASSERT (MenuEntry->DisplayString != NULL); UnicodeSPrint ( MenuEntry->DisplayString, MAX_CHAR, L"%s, [%s]", VolumeLabel, MenuEntry->HelpString ); MenuEntry->DisplayStringToken = HiiSetString ( gFileExplorerPrivate.FeHiiHandle, 0, MenuEntry->DisplayString, NULL ); FreePool (Info); OptionNumber++; InsertTailList (&gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu->Head, &MenuEntry->Link); } } if (NoSimpleFsHandles != 0) { FreePool (SimpleFsHandle); } // // Searching for handles that support Load File protocol // Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( ByProtocol, &gEfiLoadFileProtocolGuid, NULL, &NoLoadFileHandles, &LoadFileHandle ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { for (Index = 0; Index < NoLoadFileHandles; Index++) { MenuEntry = LibCreateMenuEntry (); if (NULL == MenuEntry) { FreePool (LoadFileHandle); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } FileContext = (FILE_CONTEXT *) MenuEntry->VariableContext; FileContext->DeviceHandle = LoadFileHandle[Index]; FileContext->IsRoot = TRUE; FileContext->DevicePath = DevicePathFromHandle (FileContext->DeviceHandle); FileContext->FileName = LibDevicePathToStr (FileContext->DevicePath); MenuEntry->HelpString = LibDevicePathToStr (FileContext->DevicePath); MenuEntry->DisplayString = AllocateZeroPool (MAX_CHAR); ASSERT (MenuEntry->DisplayString != NULL); UnicodeSPrint ( MenuEntry->DisplayString, MAX_CHAR, L"Load File [%s]", MenuEntry->HelpString ); MenuEntry->DisplayStringToken = HiiSetString ( gFileExplorerPrivate.FeHiiHandle, 0, MenuEntry->DisplayString, NULL ); OptionNumber++; InsertTailList (&gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu->Head, &MenuEntry->Link); } } if (NoLoadFileHandles != 0) { FreePool (LoadFileHandle); } gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu->MenuNumber = OptionNumber; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Find the file handle from the input menu info. @param MenuEntry Input Menu info. @param RetFileHandle Return the file handle for the input device path. @retval EFI_SUCESS Find the file handle success. @retval Other Find the file handle failure. **/ EFI_STATUS LibGetFileHandleFromMenu ( IN MENU_ENTRY *MenuEntry, OUT EFI_FILE_HANDLE *RetFileHandle ) { EFI_FILE_HANDLE Dir; EFI_FILE_HANDLE NewDir; FILE_CONTEXT *FileContext; EFI_STATUS Status; FileContext = (FILE_CONTEXT *) MenuEntry->VariableContext; Dir = FileContext->FileHandle; // // Open current directory to get files from it // Status = Dir->Open ( Dir, &NewDir, FileContext->FileName, EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY, 0 ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (!FileContext->IsRoot) { Dir->Close (Dir); } *RetFileHandle = NewDir; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Find the file handle from the input device path info. @param RootDirectory Device path info. @param RetFileHandle Return the file handle for the input device path. @param ParentFileName Parent file name. @param DeviceHandle Driver handle for this partition. @retval EFI_SUCESS Find the file handle success. @retval Other Find the file handle failure. **/ EFI_STATUS LibGetFileHandleFromDevicePath ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *RootDirectory, OUT EFI_FILE_HANDLE *RetFileHandle, OUT UINT16 **ParentFileName, OUT EFI_HANDLE *DeviceHandle ) { EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePathNode; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *TempDevicePathNode; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HANDLE Handle; EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL *Volume; EFI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; EFI_FILE_HANDLE LastHandle; CHAR16 *TempPath; *ParentFileName = NULL; // // Attempt to access the file via a file system interface // DevicePathNode = RootDirectory; Status = gBS->LocateDevicePath (&gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, &DevicePathNode, &Handle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (Handle, &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&Volume); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Open the Volume to get the File System handle // Status = Volume->OpenVolume (Volume, &FileHandle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } *DeviceHandle = Handle; if (IsDevicePathEnd(DevicePathNode)) { *ParentFileName = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (L"\\"), L"\\"); *RetFileHandle = FileHandle; return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Duplicate the device path to avoid the access to unaligned device path node. // Because the device path consists of one or more FILE PATH MEDIA DEVICE PATH // nodes, It assures the fields in device path nodes are 2 byte aligned. // TempDevicePathNode = DuplicateDevicePath (DevicePathNode); if (TempDevicePathNode == NULL) { // // Setting Status to an EFI_ERROR value will cause the rest of // the file system support below to be skipped. // Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Parse each MEDIA_FILEPATH_DP node. There may be more than one, since the // directory information and filename can be seperate. The goal is to inch // our way down each device path node and close the previous node // DevicePathNode = TempDevicePathNode; while (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && !IsDevicePathEnd (DevicePathNode)) { if (DevicePathType (DevicePathNode) != MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH || DevicePathSubType (DevicePathNode) != MEDIA_FILEPATH_DP) { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; goto Done; } LastHandle = FileHandle; FileHandle = NULL; Status = LastHandle->Open ( LastHandle, &FileHandle, ((FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePathNode)->PathName, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0 ); if (*ParentFileName == NULL) { *ParentFileName = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (((FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePathNode)->PathName), ((FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePathNode)->PathName); } else { TempPath = LibAppendFileName (*ParentFileName, ((FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePathNode)->PathName); FreePool (*ParentFileName); *ParentFileName = TempPath; } // // Close the previous node // LastHandle->Close (LastHandle); DevicePathNode = NextDevicePathNode (DevicePathNode); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } *RetFileHandle = FileHandle; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Done: if (TempDevicePathNode != NULL) { FreePool (TempDevicePathNode); } if ((FileHandle != NULL) && (EFI_ERROR (Status))) { FileHandle->Close (FileHandle); } return Status; } /** Find files under current directory. All files and sub-directories in current directory will be stored in DirectoryMenu for future use. @param FileHandle Parent file handle. @param FileName Parent file name. @param DeviceHandle Driver handle for this partition. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get files from current dir successfully. @return Other value if can't get files from current dir. **/ EFI_STATUS LibFindFiles ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle, IN UINT16 *FileName, IN EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle ) { EFI_FILE_INFO *DirInfo; UINTN BufferSize; UINTN DirBufferSize; MENU_ENTRY *NewMenuEntry; FILE_CONTEXT *NewFileContext; UINTN Pass; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN OptionNumber; OptionNumber = 0; DirBufferSize = sizeof (EFI_FILE_INFO) + 1024; DirInfo = AllocateZeroPool (DirBufferSize); if (DirInfo == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Get all files in current directory // Pass 1 to get Directories // Pass 2 to get files that are EFI images // for (Pass = 1; Pass <= 2; Pass++) { FileHandle->SetPosition (FileHandle, 0); for (;;) { BufferSize = DirBufferSize; Status = FileHandle->Read (FileHandle, &BufferSize, DirInfo); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || BufferSize == 0) { break; } if (((DirInfo->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) != 0 && Pass == 2) || ((DirInfo->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) == 0 && Pass == 1) ) { // // Pass 1 is for Directories // Pass 2 is for file names // continue; } if (!((DirInfo->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) != 0 || LibIsSupportedFileType (DirInfo->FileName))) { // // Slip file unless it is a directory entry or a .EFI file // continue; } NewMenuEntry = LibCreateMenuEntry (); if (NULL == NewMenuEntry) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } NewFileContext = (FILE_CONTEXT *) NewMenuEntry->VariableContext; NewFileContext->DeviceHandle = DeviceHandle; NewFileContext->FileName = LibAppendFileName (FileName, DirInfo->FileName); NewFileContext->FileHandle = FileHandle; NewFileContext->DevicePath = FileDevicePath (NewFileContext->DeviceHandle, NewFileContext->FileName); NewMenuEntry->HelpString = NULL; NewFileContext->IsDir = (BOOLEAN) ((DirInfo->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) == EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY); if (NewFileContext->IsDir) { BufferSize = StrLen (DirInfo->FileName) * 2 + 6; NewMenuEntry->DisplayString = AllocateZeroPool (BufferSize); UnicodeSPrint ( NewMenuEntry->DisplayString, BufferSize, L"<%s>", DirInfo->FileName ); } else { NewMenuEntry->DisplayString = LibStrDuplicate (DirInfo->FileName); } NewMenuEntry->DisplayStringToken = HiiSetString ( gFileExplorerPrivate.FeHiiHandle, 0, NewMenuEntry->DisplayString, NULL ); NewFileContext->IsRoot = FALSE; OptionNumber++; InsertTailList (&gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu->Head, &NewMenuEntry->Link); } } gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu->MenuNumber = OptionNumber; FreePool (DirInfo); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Refresh the global UpdateData structure. **/ VOID LibRefreshUpdateData ( VOID ) { // // Free current updated date // if (mLibStartOpCodeHandle != NULL) { HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (mLibStartOpCodeHandle); } if (mLibEndOpCodeHandle != NULL) { HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (mLibEndOpCodeHandle); } // // Create new OpCode Handle // mLibStartOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); mLibEndOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); // // Create Hii Extend Label OpCode as the start opcode // mLibStartLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) HiiCreateGuidOpCode ( mLibStartOpCodeHandle, &gEfiIfrTianoGuid, NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL) ); mLibStartLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL; mLibStartLabel->Number = FORM_FILE_EXPLORER_ID; // // Create Hii Extend Label OpCode as the start opcode // mLibEndLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) HiiCreateGuidOpCode ( mLibEndOpCodeHandle, &gEfiIfrTianoGuid, NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL) ); mLibEndLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL; mLibEndLabel->Number = LABEL_END; } /** Update the File Explore page. **/ VOID LibUpdateFileExplorePage ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; MENU_ENTRY *NewMenuEntry; FILE_CONTEXT *NewFileContext; MENU_OPTION *MenuOption; NewMenuEntry = NULL; NewFileContext = NULL; LibRefreshUpdateData (); MenuOption = gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu; for (Index = 0; Index < MenuOption->MenuNumber; Index++) { NewMenuEntry = LibGetMenuEntry (MenuOption, Index); NewFileContext = (FILE_CONTEXT *) NewMenuEntry->VariableContext; if (!NewFileContext->IsDir) { // // Create Text opcode for directory, also create Text opcode for file in FileExplorerStateBootFromFile. // HiiCreateActionOpCode ( mLibStartOpCodeHandle, (UINT16) (FILE_OPTION_OFFSET + Index), NewMenuEntry->DisplayStringToken, STRING_TOKEN (STR_NULL_STRING), EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK, 0 ); } else { // // Create Goto opcode for file in FileExplorerStateAddBootOption or FileExplorerStateAddDriverOptionState. // HiiCreateGotoOpCode ( mLibStartOpCodeHandle, FORM_FILE_EXPLORER_ID, NewMenuEntry->DisplayStringToken, STRING_TOKEN (STR_NULL_STRING), EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK, (UINT16) (FILE_OPTION_OFFSET + Index) ); } } HiiUpdateForm ( gFileExplorerPrivate.FeHiiHandle, &FileExplorerGuid, FORM_FILE_EXPLORER_ID, mLibStartOpCodeHandle, // Label FORM_FILE_EXPLORER_ID mLibEndOpCodeHandle // LABEL_END ); } /** Update the file explower page with the refershed file system. @param KeyValue Key value to identify the type of data to expect. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Update the file explorer form success. @retval other errors Error occur when parse one directory. **/ EFI_STATUS LibUpdateFileExplorer ( IN UINT16 KeyValue ) { UINT16 FileOptionMask; MENU_ENTRY *NewMenuEntry; FILE_CONTEXT *NewFileContext; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; FileOptionMask = (UINT16) (FILE_OPTION_MASK & KeyValue); NewMenuEntry = LibGetMenuEntry (gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu, FileOptionMask); NewFileContext = (FILE_CONTEXT *) NewMenuEntry->VariableContext; if (NewFileContext->IsDir) { RemoveEntryList (&NewMenuEntry->Link); LibFreeMenu (gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu); LibGetFileHandleFromMenu (NewMenuEntry, &FileHandle); Status = LibFindFiles (FileHandle, NewFileContext->FileName, NewFileContext->DeviceHandle); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { LibUpdateFileExplorePage (); } else { LibFreeMenu (gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu); } LibDestroyMenuEntry (NewMenuEntry); } return Status; } /** Get the device path info saved in the menu structure. @param KeyValue Key value to identify the type of data to expect. **/ VOID LibGetDevicePath ( IN UINT16 KeyValue ) { UINT16 FileOptionMask; MENU_ENTRY *NewMenuEntry; FILE_CONTEXT *NewFileContext; FileOptionMask = (UINT16) (FILE_OPTION_MASK & KeyValue); NewMenuEntry = LibGetMenuEntry (gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu, FileOptionMask); NewFileContext = (FILE_CONTEXT *) NewMenuEntry->VariableContext; if (gFileExplorerPrivate.RetDevicePath != NULL) { FreePool (gFileExplorerPrivate.RetDevicePath); } gFileExplorerPrivate.RetDevicePath = DuplicateDevicePath (NewFileContext->DevicePath); } /** Choose a file in the specified directory. If user input NULL for the RootDirectory, will choose file in the system. If user input *File != NULL, function will return the allocate device path info for the choosed file, caller has to free the memory after use it. @param RootDirectory Pointer to the root directory. @param FileType The file type need to choose. @param ChooseHandler Function pointer to the extra task need to do after choose one file. @param File Return the device path for the last time chosed file. @retval EFI_SUCESS Choose file success. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Both ChooseHandler and return device path are NULL One of them must not NULL. @retval Other errors Choose file failed. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ChooseFile ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *RootDirectory, IN CHAR16 *FileType, OPTIONAL IN CHOOSE_HANDLER ChooseHandler, OPTIONAL OUT EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL **File OPTIONAL ) { EFI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 *FileName; EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle; if ((ChooseHandler == NULL) && (File == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } FileName = NULL; gFileExplorerPrivate.RetDevicePath = NULL; gFileExplorerPrivate.ChooseHandler = ChooseHandler; if (FileType != NULL) { gFileExplorerPrivate.FileType = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (FileType), FileType); LibToLowerString(gFileExplorerPrivate.FileType); } else { gFileExplorerPrivate.FileType = NULL; } if (RootDirectory == NULL) { Status = LibFindFileSystem(); } else { Status = LibGetFileHandleFromDevicePath(RootDirectory, &FileHandle, &FileName, &DeviceHandle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } Status = LibFindFiles (FileHandle, FileName, DeviceHandle); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } LibUpdateFileExplorePage(); gFileExplorerPrivate.FormBrowser2->SendForm ( gFileExplorerPrivate.FormBrowser2, &gFileExplorerPrivate.FeHiiHandle, 1, &FileExplorerGuid, 0, NULL, NULL ); Done: if ((Status == EFI_SUCCESS) && (File != NULL)) { *File = gFileExplorerPrivate.RetDevicePath; } else if (gFileExplorerPrivate.RetDevicePath != NULL) { FreePool (gFileExplorerPrivate.RetDevicePath); } if (gFileExplorerPrivate.FileType != NULL) { FreePool (gFileExplorerPrivate.FileType); } LibFreeMenu (gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu); if (FileName != NULL) { FreePool (FileName); } return Status; } /** Install Boot Manager Menu driver. @param ImageHandle The image handle. @param SystemTable The system table. @retval EFI_SUCEESS Install File explorer library success. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI FileExplorerLibConstructor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; gHiiVendorDevicePath = (HII_VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH*) DuplicateDevicePath ((EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*)&FeHiiVendorDevicePath); ASSERT (gHiiVendorDevicePath != NULL); CopyGuid (&gHiiVendorDevicePath->VendorDevicePath.Guid, &gEfiCallerIdGuid); // // Install Device Path Protocol and Config Access protocol to driver handle // Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &gFileExplorerPrivate.FeDriverHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, gHiiVendorDevicePath, &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, &gFileExplorerPrivate.FeConfigAccess, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Post our File Explorer VFR binary to the HII database. // gFileExplorerPrivate.FeHiiHandle = HiiAddPackages ( &FileExplorerGuid, gFileExplorerPrivate.FeDriverHandle, FileExplorerVfrBin, FileExplorerLibStrings, NULL ); ASSERT (gFileExplorerPrivate.FeHiiHandle != NULL); // // Locate Formbrowser2 protocol // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiFormBrowser2ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &gFileExplorerPrivate.FormBrowser2); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); InitializeListHead (&gFileExplorerPrivate.FsOptionMenu->Head); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Unloads the application and its installed protocol. @param[in] ImageHandle Handle that identifies the image to be unloaded. @param[in] SystemTable The system table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The image has been unloaded. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI FileExplorerLibDestructor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; ASSERT (gHiiVendorDevicePath != NULL); Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( gFileExplorerPrivate.FeDriverHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, gHiiVendorDevicePath, &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, &gFileExplorerPrivate.FeConfigAccess, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); HiiRemovePackages (gFileExplorerPrivate.FeHiiHandle); FreePool (gHiiVendorDevicePath); return EFI_SUCCESS; }