MdeModulePkg BA0D78D6-2CAF-414b-BD4D-B6762A894288 0.1 Mde Module Package Reference Implementations This module provides headers and libraries that conform to EFI/PI Industry standards. Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. FRAMEWORK_BUILD_PACKAGING_SPECIFICATION 0x00000052 false false Application/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.msa Universal/Disk/DiskIo/Dxe/DiskIo.msa Universal/Disk/Partition/Dxe/Partition.msa Universal/Security/SecurityStub/SecurityStub.msa gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid A1AFF049-FDEB-442a-B320-13AB4CB72BBC All PCD define in MdeModulePkg is in this token space scope gPcdDataBaseHobGuid EA296D92-0B69-423C-8C28-33B4E0A91268 gPcdPeiCallbackFnTableHobGuid C625F4B2-EA09-4675-82D7-BA3682157A14 gEfiSystemNvDataHobGuid D6E5092D-C7B2-4872-AF66-FDC0E6F95E78 gEfiSystemNvDataFvGuid FFF12B8D-7696-4C8B-A985-2747075B4F50 gEfiDiskInfoIdeInterfaceGuid 5E948FE3-26D3-42B5-AF17-610287188DEC gEfiDiskInfoScsiInterfaceGuid 08F74BAA-EA36-41D9-9521-21A70F8780BC gEfiDiskInfoUsbInterfaceGuid CB871572-C11A-47B5-B492-675EAFA77727 gEfiAlternateFvBlockGuid F496922D-172F-4BBC-A1EB-0EEB949C3486 gEfiConsoleInDeviceGuid D3B36F2B-D551-11D4-9A46-0090273FC14D gEfiConsoleOutDeviceGuid D3B36F2C-D551-11D4-9A46-0090273FC14D gEfiStandardErrorDeviceGuid D3B36F2D-D551-11D4-9A46-0090273FC14D gEfiHotPlugDeviceGuid 220AC432-1D43-49E5-A74F-4C9DA67AD23B gEfiPrimaryStandardErrorDeviceGuid 5A68191B-9B97-4752-9946-E36A5DA942B1 gEfiPrimaryConsoleInDeviceGuid E451DCBE-96A1-4729-A5CF-6B9C2CFF47FD gEfiPrimaryConsoleOutDeviceGuid 62BDF38A-E3D5-492C-950C-23A7F66E672E gEfiDefaultBmpLogoGuid 7BB28B99-61BB-11D5-9A5D-0090273FC14D gEfiBootStateGuid 60B5E939-0FCF-4227-BA83-6BBED45BC0E3 gEfiPciHotplugDeviceGuid 0B280816-52E7-4E51-AA57-11BD41CBEFC3 gEfiCapsuleVendorGuid 711C703F-C285-4B10-A3B0-36ECBD3C8BE2 gPeiPerformanceHobGuid EC4DF5AF-4395-4CC9-94DE-77506D12C7B8 gEfiGenericPlatformVariableGuid 59d1c24f-50f1-401a-b101-f33e0daed443 The variable space Guid to pair with a Unicode string name to tag an EFI variable gEfiCapsuleArchProtocolGuid 5053697E-2EBC-4819-90D9-0580DEEE5754 gEfiLoadPeImageProtocolGuid 5CB5C776-60D5-45EE-883C-452708CD743F gEfiPrintProtocolGuid DF2D868E-32FC-4CF0-8E6B-FFD95D1343D0 gEfiGenericMemTestProtocolGuid 309DE7F1-7F5E-4ACE-B49C-531BE5AA95EF gEfiDiskInfoProtocolGuid D432A67F-14DC-484B-B3BB-3F0291849327 gEfiFvbExtensionProtocolGuid 53A4C71B-B581-4170-91B3-8DB87A4B5C46 gEfiFaultTolerantWriteLiteProtocolGuid 3F557189-8DAE-45AE-A0B3-2B99CA7AA7A0 gEfiConsoleControlProtocolGuid F42F7782-012E-4C12-9956-49F94304F721 gEfiOEMBadgingProtocolGuid 170E13C0-BF1B-4218-871D-2ABDC6F887BC gEfiUsbAtapiProtocolGuid 2B2F68DA-0CD2-44CF-8E8B-BBA20B1B5B75 gPerformanceProtocolGuid 76B6BDFA-2ACD-4462-9E3F-CB58C969D937 gEfiScsiIoProtocolGuid 403CD195-F233-48EC-8455-B2E52F1D9E02 gPeiBaseMemoryTestPpiGuid B6EC423C-21D2-490D-85C6-DD5864EAA674 PcdMaxPeiPcdCallBackNumberPerPcdEntry 0x0001000f gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD 0x08 The maximum number of callback function, which will be triggered when a PCD entry is been set, can be registered for a single PCD entry in PEI phase. PcdVpdBaseAddress 0x00010010 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD 0x0 The base address of the VPD (Vital Product Data) region. It is normally a region reserved on flash. PcdSupportUpdateCapsuleRest 0x0001001d gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG FALSE Indicate whether platform can support update capsule across a system reset PcdMaxSizePopulateCapsule 0x0001001e gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD 0x0 Indicate the max size the platform can support in case of populated capsules PcdMaxSizeNonPopulateCapsule 0x0001001f gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD 0x0 Indicate the max size the platform can support in case of non-populated capsules PcdPeiPcdDatabaseTraverseEnabled 0x00010020 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE This feature flag can be used to enable or disable the Pcd PEIM database traverse capability. Disable it can reduce the size of final image generated. PcdDxePcdDatabaseTraverseEnabled 0x00010021 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE This feature flag can be used to enable or disable the Pcd DXE database traverse capability. Disable it can reduce the size of final image generated. PcdMaxPeiPerformanceLogEntries 0x0001002f gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid UINT8 FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE 28 Maximun number of performance log entries during PEI phase. PcdPeiPcdDatabaseSetEnabled 0x00010030 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE This feature flag can be used to enable or disable the SET capability of PCD service PEIM. If a platform does not do PCD SET operation in PEI phase. This flag can be set to DISABLE to save size. PcdPeiPcdDatabaseGetSizeEnabled 0x00010031 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE This feature flag can be used to enable or disable the GET size capability of PCD service PEIM. If a platform does not do PCD get size operation in PEI phase. This flag can be set to DISABLE to save size. PcdPeiPcdDatabaseCallbackOnSetEnabled 0x00010032 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE This feature flag can be used to enable or disable the Callback On SET capability of PCD service PEIM. If a platform does not register any callback on set in PEI phase. This flag can be set to DISABLE to save size. PcdPeiPcdDatabaseExEnabled 0x00010033 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE This feature flag can be used to enable or disable the PCD service PEIM to handle DynamicEX PCD. If a platform has no module to use DynamicEX in PEI phase. This flag can be set to DISABLE to save size. PcdFlashNvStorageVariableBase 0x30000001 gEfiGenericPlatformTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE DYNAMIC 0x0 Base address of the variable section in NV firmware volume. PcdFlashNvStorageVariableSize 0x30000002 gEfiGenericPlatformTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE DYNAMIC 0x0 Size of the variable section in NV firmware volume.. PcdFlashNvStorageFtwSpareBase 0x30000013 gEfiGenericPlatformTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE DYNAMIC 0x0 Base address of the FTW spare block section in NV firmware volume. PcdFlashNvStorageFtwSpareSize 0x30000014 gEfiGenericPlatformTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE DYNAMIC 0x0 Size of the FTW spare block section in NV firmware volume. PcdFlashNvStorageFtwWorkingBase 0x30000010 gEfiGenericPlatformTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE DYNAMIC 0x0 Base address of the FTW working block section in NV firmware volume. PcdFlashNvStorageFtwWorkingSize 0x30000011 gEfiGenericPlatformTokenSpaceGuid UINT32 FIXED_AT_BUILD PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE DYNAMIC 0x0 Size of the FTW working block section in NV firmware volume. PcdDxeIplSupportEfiDecompress 0x00010034 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE If this feature is enabled, then the DXE IPL must support decompressing files compressed with the EFI Compression algorithm PcdDxeIplSupportTianoDecompress 0x00010035 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE If this feature is enabled, then the DXE IPL must support decompressing files compressed with the Tiano Compression algorithm PcdDxeIplSupportCustomDecompress 0x00010036 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE If this feature is enabled, then the DXE IPL must support decompressing files compressed with the Custom Compression algorithm PcdDevicePathSupportDevicePathToText 0x00010037 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG FALSE If TRUE, then the Device Path To Text Protocol should be produced by the platform PcdDevicePathSupportDevicePathFromText 0x00010038 gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG FALSE If TRUE, then the Device Path From Text Protocol should be produced by the platform PcdDxeIplSwitchToLongMode 0x0001003b gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG TRUE If this feature is enabled, then the DXE IPL will load a 64-bit DxeCore. PcdDxeIplBuildShareCodeHobs 0x0001003c gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG FALSE If this feature is enabled, DXE IPL will build a series of HOBs to share code with DXE Core. PcdNtEmulatorEnable 0x0001003e gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid BOOLEAN FEATURE_FLAG FALSE If this PCD is set as TRUE, NT emulator will be endabled.