/** @file This module collects performance data for SMM driver boot records and S3 Suspend Performance Record. This module registers report status code listener to collect performance data for SMM driver boot records and S3 Suspend Performance Record. Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EXTENSION_RECORD_SIZE 0x1000 EFI_SMM_RSC_HANDLER_PROTOCOL *mRscHandlerProtocol = NULL; UINT64 mSuspendStartTime = 0; BOOLEAN mS3SuspendLockBoxSaved = FALSE; UINT32 mBootRecordSize = 0; UINT32 mBootRecordMaxSize = 0; UINT8 *mBootRecordBuffer = NULL; EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *mSmramRanges; UINTN mSmramRangeCount; SPIN_LOCK mSmmFpdtLock; BOOLEAN mSmramIsOutOfResource = FALSE; /** Report status code listener for SMM. This is used to record the performance data for S3 Suspend Start and S3 Suspend End in FPDT. @param[in] CodeType Indicates the type of status code being reported. @param[in] Value Describes the current status of a hardware or software entity. This included information about the class and subclass that is used to classify the entity as well as an operation. @param[in] Instance The enumeration of a hardware or software entity within the system. Valid instance numbers start with 1. @param[in] CallerId This optional parameter may be used to identify the caller. This parameter allows the status code driver to apply different rules to different callers. @param[in] Data This optional parameter may be used to pass additional data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Status code is what we expected. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Status code not supported. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI FpdtStatusCodeListenerSmm ( IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_TYPE CodeType, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_VALUE Value, IN UINT32 Instance, IN EFI_GUID *CallerId, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_DATA *Data ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 CurrentTime; EFI_ACPI_5_0_FPDT_S3_SUSPEND_RECORD S3SuspendRecord; UINT8 *NewRecordBuffer; // // Check whether status code is what we are interested in. // if ((CodeType & EFI_STATUS_CODE_TYPE_MASK) != EFI_PROGRESS_CODE) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Collect one or more Boot records in boot time // if (Data != NULL && CompareGuid (&Data->Type, &gEfiFirmwarePerformanceGuid)) { AcquireSpinLock (&mSmmFpdtLock); if (mBootRecordSize + Data->Size > mBootRecordMaxSize) { // // Try to allocate big SMRAM data to store Boot record. // if (mSmramIsOutOfResource) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } NewRecordBuffer = AllocatePool (mBootRecordSize + Data->Size + EXTENSION_RECORD_SIZE); if (NewRecordBuffer == NULL) { mSmramIsOutOfResource = TRUE; return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } CopyMem (NewRecordBuffer, mBootRecordBuffer, mBootRecordSize); mBootRecordBuffer = NewRecordBuffer; mBootRecordMaxSize = mBootRecordSize + Data->Size + EXTENSION_RECORD_SIZE; } // // Save boot record into the temp memory space. // CopyMem (mBootRecordBuffer + mBootRecordSize, Data + 1, Data->Size); mBootRecordSize += Data->Size; ReleaseSpinLock (&mSmmFpdtLock); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if ((Value != PcdGet32 (PcdProgressCodeS3SuspendStart)) && (Value != PcdGet32 (PcdProgressCodeS3SuspendEnd))) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Retrieve current time. // CurrentTime = GetTimeInNanoSecond (GetPerformanceCounter ()); if (Value == PcdGet32 (PcdProgressCodeS3SuspendStart)) { // // S3 Suspend started, record the performance data and return. // mSuspendStartTime = CurrentTime; return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // We are going to S3 sleep, record S3 Suspend End performance data. // S3SuspendRecord.SuspendStart = mSuspendStartTime; S3SuspendRecord.SuspendEnd = CurrentTime; // // Save S3 suspend performance data to lock box, it will be used by Firmware Performance PEIM. // if (!mS3SuspendLockBoxSaved) { Status = SaveLockBox ( &gEfiFirmwarePerformanceGuid, &S3SuspendRecord, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_5_0_FPDT_S3_SUSPEND_RECORD) ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); mS3SuspendLockBoxSaved = TRUE; } else { Status = UpdateLockBox ( &gEfiFirmwarePerformanceGuid, 0, &S3SuspendRecord, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_5_0_FPDT_S3_SUSPEND_RECORD) ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This function check if the address is in SMRAM. @param Buffer the buffer address to be checked. @param Length the buffer length to be checked. @retval TRUE this address is in SMRAM. @retval FALSE this address is NOT in SMRAM. **/ BOOLEAN InternalIsAddressInSmram ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Buffer, IN UINT64 Length ) { UINTN Index; for (Index = 0; Index < mSmramRangeCount; Index ++) { if (((Buffer >= mSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart) && (Buffer < mSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart + mSmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize)) || ((mSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart >= Buffer) && (mSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart < Buffer + Length))) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** Communication service SMI Handler entry. This SMI handler provides services for report SMM boot records. @param[in] DispatchHandle The unique handle assigned to this handler by SmiHandlerRegister(). @param[in] RegisterContext Points to an optional handler context which was specified when the handler was registered. @param[in, out] CommBuffer A pointer to a collection of data in memory that will be conveyed from a non-SMM environment into an SMM environment. @param[in, out] CommBufferSize The size of the CommBuffer. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The interrupt was handled and quiesced. No other handlers should still be called. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The interrupt parameter is not valid. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The interrupt buffer can't be written. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The interrupt is not supported. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI FpdtSmiHandler ( IN EFI_HANDLE DispatchHandle, IN CONST VOID *RegisterContext, IN OUT VOID *CommBuffer, IN OUT UINTN *CommBufferSize ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SMM_BOOT_RECORD_COMMUNICATE *SmmCommData; ASSERT (CommBuffer != NULL); if (CommBuffer == NULL || *CommBufferSize < sizeof (SMM_BOOT_RECORD_COMMUNICATE)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; SmmCommData = (SMM_BOOT_RECORD_COMMUNICATE*)CommBuffer; switch (SmmCommData->Function) { case SMM_FPDT_FUNCTION_GET_BOOT_RECORD_SIZE : SmmCommData->BootRecordSize = mBootRecordSize; break; case SMM_FPDT_FUNCTION_GET_BOOT_RECORD_DATA : if (SmmCommData->BootRecordData == NULL || SmmCommData->BootRecordSize < mBootRecordSize) { Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } // // Sanity check // SmmCommData->BootRecordSize = mBootRecordSize; if (InternalIsAddressInSmram ((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)SmmCommData->BootRecordData, mBootRecordSize)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Smm Data buffer is in SMRAM!\n")); Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } CopyMem ( (UINT8*)SmmCommData->BootRecordData, mBootRecordBuffer, mBootRecordSize ); break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } SmmCommData->ReturnStatus = Status; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** The module Entry Point of the Firmware Performance Data Table SMM driver. @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image. @param[in] SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point is executed successfully. @retval Other Some error occurs when executing this entry point. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI FirmwarePerformanceSmmEntryPoint ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HANDLE Handle; EFI_SMM_ACCESS2_PROTOCOL *SmmAccess; UINTN Size; // // Initialize spin lock // InitializeSpinLock (&mSmmFpdtLock); // // Get SMM Report Status Code Handler Protocol. // Status = gSmst->SmmLocateProtocol ( &gEfiSmmRscHandlerProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &mRscHandlerProtocol ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Register report status code listener for BootRecords and S3 Suspend Start and End. // Status = mRscHandlerProtocol->Register (FpdtStatusCodeListenerSmm); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Get SMRAM information // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiSmmAccess2ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&SmmAccess); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Size = 0; Status = SmmAccess->GetCapabilities (SmmAccess, &Size, NULL); ASSERT (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); Status = gSmst->SmmAllocatePool ( EfiRuntimeServicesData, Size, (VOID **)&mSmramRanges ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Status = SmmAccess->GetCapabilities (SmmAccess, &Size, mSmramRanges); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); mSmramRangeCount = Size / sizeof (EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR); // // Register SMI handler. // Handle = NULL; Status = gSmst->SmiHandlerRegister (FpdtSmiHandler, &gEfiFirmwarePerformanceGuid, &Handle); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); return Status; }