/*++ Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: TerminalConOut.c Abstract: Revision History --*/ #include "Terminal.h" // // This list is used to define the valid extend chars. // It also provides a mapping from Unicode to PCANSI or // ASCII. The ASCII mapping we just made up. // // STATIC UNICODE_TO_CHAR UnicodeToPcAnsiOrAscii[] = { { BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL, 0xc4, L'-' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL, 0xb3, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT, 0xda, L'/' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT, 0xbf, L'\\' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT, 0xc0, L'\\' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT, 0xd9, L'/' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_RIGHT, 0xc3, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_LEFT, 0xb4, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_HORIZONTAL, 0xc2, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_HORIZONTAL, 0xc1, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_HORIZONTAL, 0xc5, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_HORIZONTAL, 0xcd, L'-' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_VERTICAL, 0xba, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT_DOUBLE, 0xd5, L'/' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_DOUBLE_RIGHT, 0xd6, L'/' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_DOWN_RIGHT, 0xc9, L'/' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT_DOUBLE, 0xb8, L'\\' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_DOUBLE_LEFT, 0xb7, L'\\' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_DOWN_LEFT, 0xbb, L'\\' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT_DOUBLE, 0xd4, L'\\' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_DOUBLE_RIGHT, 0xd3, L'\\' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_UP_RIGHT, 0xc8, L'\\' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT_DOUBLE, 0xbe, L'/' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_DOUBLE_LEFT, 0xbd, L'/' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_UP_LEFT, 0xbc, L'/' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_RIGHT_DOUBLE, 0xc6, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_DOUBLE_RIGHT, 0xc7, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_VERTICAL_RIGHT, 0xcc, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_LEFT_DOUBLE, 0xb5, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_DOUBLE_LEFT, 0xb6, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_VERTICAL_LEFT, 0xb9, L'|' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_HORIZONTAL_DOUBLE, 0xd1, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_DOWN_DOUBLE_HORIZONTAL, 0xd2, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_DOWN_HORIZONTAL, 0xcb, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_HORIZONTAL_DOUBLE, 0xcf, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_UP_DOUBLE_HORIZONTAL, 0xd0, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_UP_HORIZONTAL, 0xca, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_HORIZONTAL_DOUBLE, 0xd8, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_VERTICAL_DOUBLE_HORIZONTAL, 0xd7, L'+' }, { BOXDRAW_DOUBLE_VERTICAL_HORIZONTAL, 0xce, L'+' }, { BLOCKELEMENT_FULL_BLOCK, 0xdb, L'*' }, { BLOCKELEMENT_LIGHT_SHADE, 0xb0, L'+' }, { GEOMETRICSHAPE_UP_TRIANGLE, 0x1e, L'^' }, { GEOMETRICSHAPE_RIGHT_TRIANGLE, 0x10, L'>' }, { GEOMETRICSHAPE_DOWN_TRIANGLE, 0x1f, L'v' }, { GEOMETRICSHAPE_LEFT_TRIANGLE, 0x11, L'<' }, { ARROW_LEFT, 0x3c, L'<' }, { ARROW_UP, 0x18, L'^' }, { ARROW_RIGHT, 0x3e, L'>' }, { ARROW_DOWN, 0x19, L'v' }, { 0x0000, 0x00, L'\0' } }; CHAR16 mSetModeString[] = { ESC, '[', '=', '3', 'h', 0 }; CHAR16 mSetAttributeString[] = { ESC, '[', '0', 'm', ESC, '[', '4', '0', 'm', ESC, '[', '4', '0', 'm', 0 }; CHAR16 mClearScreenString[] = { ESC, '[', '2', 'J', 0 }; CHAR16 mSetCursorPositionString[] = { ESC, '[', '0', '0', ';', '0', '0', 'H', 0 }; // // Body of the ConOut functions // EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutReset ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN BOOLEAN ExtendedVerification ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.Reset(). If ExtendeVerification is TRUE, then perform dependent serial device reset, and set display mode to mode 0. If ExtendedVerification is FALSE, only set display mode to mode 0. Arguments: This - Indicates the calling context. ExtendedVerification - Indicates that the driver may perform a more exhaustive verification operation of the device during reset. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The reset operation succeeds. EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The terminal is not functioning correctly or the serial port reset fails. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; TERMINAL_DEV *TerminalDevice; TerminalDevice = TERMINAL_CON_OUT_DEV_FROM_THIS (This); // // Perform a more exhaustive reset by resetting the serial port. // if (ExtendedVerification) { // // Report progress code here // REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_DEVICE_PATH ( EFI_PROGRESS_CODE, PcdGet32 (PcdStatusCodeValueRemoteConsoleReset), TerminalDevice->DevicePath ); Status = TerminalDevice->SerialIo->Reset (TerminalDevice->SerialIo); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Report error code here // REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_DEVICE_PATH ( EFI_ERROR_CODE | EFI_ERROR_MINOR, PcdGet32 (PcdStatusCodeValueRemoteConsoleError), TerminalDevice->DevicePath ); return Status; } } This->SetAttribute (This, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (This->Mode->Attribute & 0x0F, EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK)); Status = This->SetMode (This, 0); return Status; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutOutputString ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN CHAR16 *WString ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.OutputString(). The Unicode string will be converted to terminal expressible data stream and send to terminal via serial port. Arguments: This - Indicates the calling context. WString - The Null-terminated Unicode string to be displayed on the terminal screen. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The string is output successfully. EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The serial port fails to send the string out. EFI_WARN_UNKNOWN_GLYPH Indicates that some of the characters in the Unicode string could not be rendered and are skipped. EFI_UNSUPPORTED --*/ { TERMINAL_DEV *TerminalDevice; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE *Mode; UINTN MaxColumn; UINTN MaxRow; UINTN Length; UTF8_CHAR Utf8Char; CHAR8 GraphicChar; CHAR8 AsciiChar; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 ValidBytes; // // flag used to indicate whether condition happens which will cause // return EFI_WARN_UNKNOWN_GLYPH // BOOLEAN Warning; ValidBytes = 0; Warning = FALSE; // // get Terminal device data structure pointer. // TerminalDevice = TERMINAL_CON_OUT_DEV_FROM_THIS (This); // // Get current display mode // Mode = This->Mode; if (Mode->Mode > 1) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } This->QueryMode ( This, Mode->Mode, &MaxColumn, &MaxRow ); for (; *WString != CHAR_NULL; WString++) { switch (TerminalDevice->TerminalType) { case PcAnsiType: case VT100Type: case VT100PlusType: if (!TerminalIsValidTextGraphics (*WString, &GraphicChar, &AsciiChar)) { // // If it's not a graphic character convert Unicode to ASCII. // GraphicChar = (CHAR8) *WString; if (!(TerminalIsValidAscii (GraphicChar) || TerminalIsValidEfiCntlChar (GraphicChar))) { // // when this driver use the OutputString to output control string, // TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar is set to let the Esc char // to be output to the terminal emulation software. // if ((GraphicChar == 27) && TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar) { GraphicChar = 27; } else { GraphicChar = '?'; Warning = TRUE; } } AsciiChar = GraphicChar; } if (TerminalDevice->TerminalType != PcAnsiType) { GraphicChar = AsciiChar; } Length = 1; Status = TerminalDevice->SerialIo->Write ( TerminalDevice->SerialIo, &Length, &GraphicChar ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto OutputError; } break; case VTUTF8Type: UnicodeToUtf8 (*WString, &Utf8Char, &ValidBytes); Length = ValidBytes; Status = TerminalDevice->SerialIo->Write ( TerminalDevice->SerialIo, &Length, (UINT8 *) &Utf8Char ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto OutputError; } break; } // // Update cursor position. // switch (*WString) { case CHAR_BACKSPACE: if (Mode->CursorColumn > 0) { Mode->CursorColumn--; } break; case CHAR_LINEFEED: if (Mode->CursorRow < (INT32) (MaxRow - 1)) { Mode->CursorRow++; } break; case CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: Mode->CursorColumn = 0; break; default: if (Mode->CursorColumn < (INT32) (MaxColumn - 1)) { Mode->CursorColumn++; } else { Mode->CursorColumn = 0; if (Mode->CursorRow < (INT32) (MaxRow - 1)) { Mode->CursorRow++; } } break; }; } if (Warning) { return EFI_WARN_UNKNOWN_GLYPH; } return EFI_SUCCESS; OutputError: REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_DEVICE_PATH ( EFI_ERROR_CODE | EFI_ERROR_MINOR, PcdGet32 (PcdStatusCodeValueRemoteConsoleOutputError), TerminalDevice->DevicePath ); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutTestString ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN CHAR16 *WString ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.TestString(). If one of the characters in the *Wstring is neither valid Unicode drawing characters, not ASCII code, then this function will return EFI_UNSUPPORTED. Arguments: This - Indicates the calling context. WString - The Null-terminated Unicode string to be tested. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The terminal is capable of rendering the output string. EFI_UNSUPPORTED Some of the characters in the Unicode string cannot be rendered. --*/ { TERMINAL_DEV *TerminalDevice; EFI_STATUS Status; // // get Terminal device data structure pointer. // TerminalDevice = TERMINAL_CON_OUT_DEV_FROM_THIS (This); switch (TerminalDevice->TerminalType) { case PcAnsiType: case VT100Type: case VT100PlusType: Status = AnsiTestString (TerminalDevice, WString); break; case VTUTF8Type: Status = VTUTF8TestString (TerminalDevice, WString); break; default: Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; break; } return Status; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutQueryMode ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN ModeNumber, OUT UINTN *Columns, OUT UINTN *Rows ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.QueryMode(). It returns information for an available text mode that the terminal supports. In this driver, we only support text mode 80x25, which is defined as mode 0. Arguments: *This Indicates the calling context. ModeNumber The mode number to return information on. Columns The returned columns of the requested mode. Rows The returned rows of the requested mode. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The requested mode information is returned. EFI_UNSUPPORTED The mode number is not valid. EFI_DEVICE_ERROR --*/ { if (This->Mode->MaxMode > 2) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } if (ModeNumber == 0) { *Columns = MODE0_COLUMN_COUNT; *Rows = MODE0_ROW_COUNT; return EFI_SUCCESS; } else if (ModeNumber == 1) { *Columns = MODE1_COLUMN_COUNT; *Rows = MODE1_ROW_COUNT; return EFI_SUCCESS; } return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutSetMode ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN ModeNumber ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUT.SetMode(). Set the terminal to a specified display mode. In this driver, we only support mode 0. Arguments: This Indicates the calling context. ModeNumber The text mode to set. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The requested text mode is set. EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The requested text mode cannot be set because of serial device error. EFI_UNSUPPORTED The text mode number is not valid. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; TERMINAL_DEV *TerminalDevice; // // get Terminal device data structure pointer. // TerminalDevice = TERMINAL_CON_OUT_DEV_FROM_THIS (This); if (ModeNumber > 1) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Set the current mode // This->Mode->Mode = (INT32) ModeNumber; This->ClearScreen (This); TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar = TRUE; Status = This->OutputString (This, mSetModeString); TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar = FALSE; if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } This->Mode->Mode = (INT32) ModeNumber; Status = This->ClearScreen (This); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutSetAttribute ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN Attribute ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.SetAttribute(). Arguments: This Indicates the calling context. Attribute The attribute to set. Only bit0..6 are valid, all other bits are undefined and must be zero. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The requested attribute is set. EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The requested attribute cannot be set due to serial port error. EFI_UNSUPPORTED The attribute requested is not defined by EFI spec. --*/ { UINT8 ForegroundControl; UINT8 BackgroundControl; UINT8 BrightControl; INT32 SavedColumn; INT32 SavedRow; EFI_STATUS Status; TERMINAL_DEV *TerminalDevice; SavedColumn = 0; SavedRow = 0; // // get Terminal device data structure pointer. // TerminalDevice = TERMINAL_CON_OUT_DEV_FROM_THIS (This); // // only the bit0..6 of the Attribute is valid // if ((Attribute | 0x7f) != 0x7f) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // convert Attribute value to terminal emulator // understandable foreground color // switch (Attribute & 0x07) { case EFI_BLACK: ForegroundControl = 30; break; case EFI_BLUE: ForegroundControl = 34; break; case EFI_GREEN: ForegroundControl = 32; break; case EFI_CYAN: ForegroundControl = 36; break; case EFI_RED: ForegroundControl = 31; break; case EFI_MAGENTA: ForegroundControl = 35; break; case EFI_BROWN: ForegroundControl = 33; break; default: case EFI_LIGHTGRAY: ForegroundControl = 37; break; } // // bit4 of the Attribute indicates bright control // of terminal emulator. // BrightControl = (UINT8) ((Attribute >> 3) & 1); // // convert Attribute value to terminal emulator // understandable background color. // switch ((Attribute >> 4) & 0x07) { case EFI_BLACK: BackgroundControl = 40; break; case EFI_BLUE: BackgroundControl = 44; break; case EFI_GREEN: BackgroundControl = 42; break; case EFI_CYAN: BackgroundControl = 46; break; case EFI_RED: BackgroundControl = 41; break; case EFI_MAGENTA: BackgroundControl = 45; break; case EFI_BROWN: BackgroundControl = 43; break; default: case EFI_LIGHTGRAY: BackgroundControl = 47; break; } // // terminal emulator's control sequence to set attributes // mSetAttributeString[BRIGHT_CONTROL_OFFSET] = (CHAR16) ('0' + BrightControl); mSetAttributeString[FOREGROUND_CONTROL_OFFSET + 0] = (CHAR16) ('0' + (ForegroundControl / 10)); mSetAttributeString[FOREGROUND_CONTROL_OFFSET + 1] = (CHAR16) ('0' + (ForegroundControl % 10)); mSetAttributeString[BACKGROUND_CONTROL_OFFSET + 0] = (CHAR16) ('0' + (BackgroundControl / 10)); mSetAttributeString[BACKGROUND_CONTROL_OFFSET + 1] = (CHAR16) ('0' + (BackgroundControl % 10)); // // save current column and row // for future scrolling back use. // SavedColumn = This->Mode->CursorColumn; SavedRow = This->Mode->CursorRow; TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar = TRUE; Status = This->OutputString (This, mSetAttributeString); TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar = FALSE; if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // scroll back to saved cursor position. // This->Mode->CursorColumn = SavedColumn; This->Mode->CursorRow = SavedRow; This->Mode->Attribute = (INT32) Attribute; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutClearScreen ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.ClearScreen(). It clears the ANSI terminal's display to the currently selected background color. Arguments: This Indicates the calling context. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The terminal screen cannot be cleared due to serial port error. EFI_UNSUPPORTED The terminal is not in a valid display mode. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; TERMINAL_DEV *TerminalDevice; TerminalDevice = TERMINAL_CON_OUT_DEV_FROM_THIS (This); // // control sequence for clear screen request // TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar = TRUE; Status = This->OutputString (This, mClearScreenString); TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar = FALSE; if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Status = This->SetCursorPosition (This, 0, 0); return Status; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutSetCursorPosition ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN Column, IN UINTN Row ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.SetCursorPosition(). Arguments: This Indicates the calling context. Column The row to set cursor to. Row The column to set cursor to. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request fails due to serial port error. EFI_UNSUPPORTED The terminal is not in a valid text mode, or the cursor position is invalid for current mode. --*/ { EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE *Mode; UINTN MaxColumn; UINTN MaxRow; EFI_STATUS Status; TERMINAL_DEV *TerminalDevice; TerminalDevice = TERMINAL_CON_OUT_DEV_FROM_THIS (This); // // get current mode // Mode = This->Mode; // // get geometry of current mode // Status = This->QueryMode ( This, Mode->Mode, &MaxColumn, &MaxRow ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (Column >= MaxColumn || Row >= MaxRow) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // control sequence to move the cursor // mSetCursorPositionString[ROW_OFFSET + 0] = (CHAR16) ('0' + ((Row + 1) / 10)); mSetCursorPositionString[ROW_OFFSET + 1] = (CHAR16) ('0' + ((Row + 1) % 10)); mSetCursorPositionString[COLUMN_OFFSET + 0] = (CHAR16) ('0' + ((Column + 1) / 10)); mSetCursorPositionString[COLUMN_OFFSET + 1] = (CHAR16) ('0' + ((Column + 1) % 10)); TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar = TRUE; Status = This->OutputString (This, mSetCursorPositionString); TerminalDevice->OutputEscChar = FALSE; if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // update current cursor position // in the Mode data structure. // Mode->CursorColumn = (INT32) Column; Mode->CursorRow = (INT32) Row; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI TerminalConOutEnableCursor ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN BOOLEAN Visible ) /*++ Routine Description: Implements SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT.EnableCursor(). In this driver, the cursor cannot be hidden. Arguments: This Indicates the calling context. Visible If TRUE, the cursor is set to be visible, If FALSE, the cursor is set to be invisible. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The request is valid. EFI_UNSUPPORTED The terminal does not support cursor hidden. --*/ { if (!Visible) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN TerminalIsValidTextGraphics ( IN CHAR16 Graphic, OUT CHAR8 *PcAnsi, OPTIONAL OUT CHAR8 *Ascii OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Detects if a Unicode char is for Box Drawing text graphics. Arguments: Graphic - Unicode char to test. PcAnsi - Optional pointer to return PCANSI equivalent of Graphic. Ascii - Optional pointer to return ASCII equivalent of Graphic. Returns: TRUE if Graphic is a supported Unicode Box Drawing character. --*/ { UNICODE_TO_CHAR *Table; if ((((Graphic & 0xff00) != 0x2500) && ((Graphic & 0xff00) != 0x2100))) { // // Unicode drawing code charts are all in the 0x25xx range, // arrows are 0x21xx // return FALSE; } for (Table = UnicodeToPcAnsiOrAscii; Table->Unicode != 0x0000; Table++) { if (Graphic == Table->Unicode) { if (PcAnsi != NULL) { *PcAnsi = Table->PcAnsi; } if (Ascii != NULL) { *Ascii = Table->Ascii; } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN TerminalIsValidAscii ( IN CHAR16 Ascii ) { // // valid ascii code lies in the extent of 0x20 ~ 0x7f // if ((Ascii >= 0x20) && (Ascii <= 0x7f)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN TerminalIsValidEfiCntlChar ( IN CHAR16 CharC ) { // // only support four control characters. // if (CharC == CHAR_NULL || CharC == CHAR_BACKSPACE || CharC == CHAR_LINEFEED || CharC == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN || CharC == CHAR_TAB ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }