/** @file This is an example of how a driver might export data to the HII protocol to be later utilized by the Setup Protocol Copyright (c) 2004 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "DriverSample.h" #define DISPLAY_ONLY_MY_ITEM 0x0002 EFI_GUID mFormSetGuid = FORMSET_GUID; EFI_GUID mInventoryGuid = INVENTORY_GUID; CHAR16 VariableName[] = L"MyIfrNVData"; EFI_HANDLE DriverHandle[2] = {NULL, NULL}; DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData = NULL; HII_VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH mHiiVendorDevicePath0 = { { { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_VENDOR_DP, { (UINT8) (sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)), (UINT8) ((sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8) } }, // // {C153B68D-EBFC-488e-B110-662867745B87} // { 0xc153b68d, 0xebfc, 0x488e, { 0xb1, 0x10, 0x66, 0x28, 0x67, 0x74, 0x5b, 0x87 } } }, { END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE, END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE, { (UINT8) (END_DEVICE_PATH_LENGTH), (UINT8) ((END_DEVICE_PATH_LENGTH) >> 8) } } }; HII_VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH mHiiVendorDevicePath1 = { { { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_VENDOR_DP, { (UINT8) (sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)), (UINT8) ((sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8) } }, // // {06F37F07-0C48-40e9-8436-0A08A0BB76B0} // { 0x6f37f07, 0xc48, 0x40e9, { 0x84, 0x36, 0xa, 0x8, 0xa0, 0xbb, 0x76, 0xb0 } } }, { END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE, END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE, { (UINT8) (END_DEVICE_PATH_LENGTH), (UINT8) ((END_DEVICE_PATH_LENGTH) >> 8) } } }; /** Encode the password using a simple algorithm. @param Password The string to be encoded. @param MaxSize The size of the string. **/ VOID EncodePassword ( IN CHAR16 *Password, IN UINTN MaxSize ) { UINTN Index; UINTN Loop; CHAR16 *Buffer; CHAR16 *Key; Key = L"MAR10648567"; Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (MaxSize); ASSERT (Buffer != NULL); for (Index = 0; Key[Index] != 0; Index++) { for (Loop = 0; Loop < (UINT8) (MaxSize / 2); Loop++) { Buffer[Loop] = (CHAR16) (Password[Loop] ^ Key[Index]); } } CopyMem (Password, Buffer, MaxSize); FreePool (Buffer); return ; } /** Validate the user's password. @param PrivateData This driver's private context data. @param StringId The user's input. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The user's input matches the password. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The user's input does not match the password. **/ EFI_STATUS ValidatePassword ( IN DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; UINTN BufferSize; UINTN PasswordMaxSize; CHAR16 *Password; CHAR16 *EncodedPassword; BOOLEAN OldPassword; // // Get encoded password first // BufferSize = sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION); Status = gRT->GetVariable ( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, NULL, &BufferSize, &PrivateData->Configuration ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Old password not exist, prompt for new password // return EFI_SUCCESS; } OldPassword = FALSE; PasswordMaxSize = sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.WhatIsThePassword2); // // Check whether we have any old password set // for (Index = 0; Index < PasswordMaxSize / sizeof (UINT16); Index++) { if (PrivateData->Configuration.WhatIsThePassword2[Index] != 0) { OldPassword = TRUE; break; } } if (!OldPassword) { // // Old password not exist, return EFI_SUCCESS to prompt for new password // return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Get user input password // Password = HiiGetString (PrivateData->HiiHandle[0], StringId, NULL); if (Password == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_READY; } if (StrSize (Password) > PasswordMaxSize) { FreePool (Password); return EFI_NOT_READY; } // // Validate old password // EncodedPassword = AllocateZeroPool (PasswordMaxSize); ASSERT (EncodedPassword != NULL); StrnCpy (EncodedPassword, Password, StrLen (Password)); EncodePassword (EncodedPassword, StrLen (EncodedPassword) * sizeof (CHAR16)); if (CompareMem (EncodedPassword, PrivateData->Configuration.WhatIsThePassword2, PasswordMaxSize) != 0) { // // Old password mismatch, return EFI_NOT_READY to prompt for error message // Status = EFI_NOT_READY; } else { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } FreePool (Password); FreePool (EncodedPassword); return Status; } /** Encode the password using a simple algorithm. @param PrivateData This driver's private context data. @param StringId The password from User. @retval EFI_SUCESS The operation is successful. @return Other value if gRT->SetVariable () fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SetPassword ( IN DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *Password; CHAR16 *TempPassword; UINTN PasswordSize; DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION *Configuration; UINTN BufferSize; // // Get Buffer Storage data from EFI variable // BufferSize = sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION); Status = gRT->GetVariable ( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, NULL, &BufferSize, &PrivateData->Configuration ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Get user input password // Password = &PrivateData->Configuration.WhatIsThePassword2[0]; PasswordSize = sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.WhatIsThePassword2); ZeroMem (Password, PasswordSize); TempPassword = HiiGetString (PrivateData->HiiHandle[0], StringId, NULL); if (TempPassword == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_READY; } if (StrSize (TempPassword) > PasswordSize) { FreePool (TempPassword); return EFI_NOT_READY; } StrnCpy (Password, TempPassword, StrLen (TempPassword)); FreePool (TempPassword); // // Retrive uncommitted data from Browser // Configuration = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION)); ASSERT (Configuration != NULL); if (HiiGetBrowserData (&mFormSetGuid, VariableName, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), (UINT8 *) Configuration)) { // // Update password's clear text in the screen // CopyMem (Configuration->PasswordClearText, Password, StrSize (Password)); // // Update uncommitted data of Browser // HiiSetBrowserData ( &mFormSetGuid, VariableName, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), (UINT8 *) Configuration, NULL ); } // // Free Configuration Buffer // FreePool (Configuration); // // Set password // EncodePassword (Password, StrLen (Password) * 2); Status = gRT->SetVariable( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), &PrivateData->Configuration ); return Status; } /** Update names of Name/Value storage to current language. @param PrivateData Points to the driver private data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS All names are successfully updated. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Failed to get Name from HII database. **/ EFI_STATUS LoadNameValueNames ( IN DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData ) { UINTN Index; // // Get Name/Value name string of current language // for (Index = 0; Index < NAME_VALUE_NAME_NUMBER; Index++) { PrivateData->NameValueName[Index] = HiiGetString ( PrivateData->HiiHandle[0], PrivateData->NameStringId[Index], NULL ); if (PrivateData->NameValueName[Index] == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get the value of in format, i.e. the value of OFFSET or WIDTH or VALUE. ::= 'OFFSET='&'WIDTH='&'VALUE'= This is a internal function. @param StringPtr String in format and points to the first character of . @param Number The output value. Caller takes the responsibility to free memory. @param Len Length of the , in characters. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Insufficient resources to store neccessary structures. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value of is outputted in Number successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS GetValueOfNumber ( IN EFI_STRING StringPtr, OUT UINT8 **Number, OUT UINTN *Len ) { EFI_STRING TmpPtr; UINTN Length; EFI_STRING Str; UINT8 *Buf; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 DigitUint8; UINTN Index; CHAR16 TemStr[2]; if (StringPtr == NULL || *StringPtr == L'\0' || Number == NULL || Len == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Buf = NULL; TmpPtr = StringPtr; while (*StringPtr != L'\0' && *StringPtr != L'&') { StringPtr++; } *Len = StringPtr - TmpPtr; Length = *Len + 1; Str = (EFI_STRING) AllocateZeroPool (Length * sizeof (CHAR16)); if (Str == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Exit; } CopyMem (Str, TmpPtr, *Len * sizeof (CHAR16)); *(Str + *Len) = L'\0'; Length = (Length + 1) / 2; Buf = (UINT8 *) AllocateZeroPool (Length); if (Buf == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Exit; } Length = *Len; ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0; Index < Length; Index ++) { TemStr[0] = Str[Length - Index - 1]; DigitUint8 = (UINT8) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); if ((Index & 1) == 0) { Buf [Index/2] = DigitUint8; } else { Buf [Index/2] = (UINT8) ((DigitUint8 << 4) + Buf [Index/2]); } } *Number = Buf; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Exit: if (Str != NULL) { FreePool (Str); } return Status; } /** Create altcfg string. @param Result The request result string. @param ConfigHdr The request head info. format. @param Offset The offset of the parameter int he structure. @param Width The width of the parameter. @retval The string with altcfg info append at the end. **/ EFI_STRING CreateAltCfgString ( IN EFI_STRING Result, IN EFI_STRING ConfigHdr, IN UINTN Offset, IN UINTN Width ) { EFI_STRING StringPtr; EFI_STRING TmpStr; UINTN NewLen; NewLen = StrLen (Result); // // String Len = ConfigResp + AltConfig + AltConfig + 1("\0") // NewLen = (NewLen + ((1 + StrLen (ConfigHdr) + 8 + 4) + (8 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 4)) * 2 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16); StringPtr = AllocateZeroPool (NewLen); if (StringPtr == NULL) { return NULL; } TmpStr = StringPtr; if (Result != NULL) { StrCpy (StringPtr, Result); StringPtr += StrLen (Result); FreePool (Result); } UnicodeSPrint ( StringPtr, (1 + StrLen (ConfigHdr) + 8 + 4 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16), L"&%s&ALTCFG=%04x", ConfigHdr, EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD ); StringPtr += StrLen (StringPtr); UnicodeSPrint ( StringPtr, (8 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16), L"&OFFSET=%04x&WIDTH=%04x&VALUE=%04x", Offset, Width, DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD_VALUE ); StringPtr += StrLen (StringPtr); UnicodeSPrint ( StringPtr, (1 + StrLen (ConfigHdr) + 8 + 4 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16), L"&%s&ALTCFG=%04x", ConfigHdr, EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_MANUFACTURING ); StringPtr += StrLen (StringPtr); UnicodeSPrint ( StringPtr, (8 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16), L"&OFFSET=%04x&WIDTH=%04x&VALUE=%04x", Offset, Width, DEFAULT_CLASS_MANUFACTURING_VALUE ); StringPtr += StrLen (StringPtr); return TmpStr; } /** Check whether need to add the altcfg string. if need to add, add the altcfg string. @param RequestResult The request result string. @param ConfigRequestHdr The request head info. format. **/ VOID AppendAltCfgString ( IN OUT EFI_STRING *RequestResult, IN EFI_STRING ConfigRequestHdr ) { EFI_STRING StringPtr; EFI_STRING TmpPtr; UINTN Length; UINT8 *TmpBuffer; UINTN Offset; UINTN Width; UINTN BlockSize; UINTN ValueOffset; UINTN ValueWidth; EFI_STATUS Status; StringPtr = *RequestResult; StringPtr = StrStr (StringPtr, L"OFFSET"); BlockSize = sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION); ValueOffset = OFFSET_OF (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION, GetDefaultValueFromAccess); ValueWidth = sizeof (((DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION *)0)->GetDefaultValueFromAccess); if (StringPtr == NULL) { return; } while (*StringPtr != 0 && StrnCmp (StringPtr, L"OFFSET=", StrLen (L"OFFSET=")) == 0) { // // Back up the header of one // TmpPtr = StringPtr; StringPtr += StrLen (L"OFFSET="); // // Get Offset // Status = GetValueOfNumber (StringPtr, &TmpBuffer, &Length); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return; } Offset = 0; CopyMem ( &Offset, TmpBuffer, (((Length + 1) / 2) < sizeof (UINTN)) ? ((Length + 1) / 2) : sizeof (UINTN) ); FreePool (TmpBuffer); StringPtr += Length; if (StrnCmp (StringPtr, L"&WIDTH=", StrLen (L"&WIDTH=")) != 0) { return; } StringPtr += StrLen (L"&WIDTH="); // // Get Width // Status = GetValueOfNumber (StringPtr, &TmpBuffer, &Length); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return; } Width = 0; CopyMem ( &Width, TmpBuffer, (((Length + 1) / 2) < sizeof (UINTN)) ? ((Length + 1) / 2) : sizeof (UINTN) ); FreePool (TmpBuffer); StringPtr += Length; if (StrnCmp (StringPtr, L"&VALUE=", StrLen (L"&VALUE=")) != 0) { return; } StringPtr += StrLen (L"&VALUE="); // // Get Value // Status = GetValueOfNumber (StringPtr, &TmpBuffer, &Length); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return; } StringPtr += Length; // // Calculate Value and convert it to hex string. // if (Offset + Width > BlockSize) { return; } if (Offset <= ValueOffset && Offset + Width >= ValueOffset + ValueWidth) { *RequestResult = CreateAltCfgString(*RequestResult, ConfigRequestHdr, ValueOffset, ValueWidth); return; } } } /** This function allows a caller to extract the current configuration for one or more named elements from the target driver. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Request A null-terminated Unicode string in format. @param Progress On return, points to a character in the Request string. Points to the string's null terminator if request was successful. Points to the most recent '&' before the first failing name/value pair (or the beginning of the string if the failure is in the first name/value pair) if the request was not successful. @param Results A null-terminated Unicode string in format which has all values filled in for the names in the Request string. String to be allocated by the called function. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Results is filled with the requested values. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory to store the results. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Request is illegal syntax, or unknown name. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Routing data doesn't match any storage in this driver. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ExtractConfig ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST EFI_STRING Request, OUT EFI_STRING *Progress, OUT EFI_STRING *Results ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN BufferSize; DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ROUTING_PROTOCOL *HiiConfigRouting; EFI_STRING ConfigRequest; EFI_STRING ConfigRequestHdr; UINTN Size; EFI_STRING Value; UINTN ValueStrLen; CHAR16 BackupChar; CHAR16 *StrPointer; BOOLEAN AllocatedRequest; if (Progress == NULL || Results == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Initialize the local variables. // ConfigRequestHdr = NULL; ConfigRequest = NULL; Size = 0; *Progress = Request; AllocatedRequest = FALSE; PrivateData = DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_FROM_THIS (This); HiiConfigRouting = PrivateData->HiiConfigRouting; // // Get Buffer Storage data from EFI variable. // Try to get the current setting from variable. // BufferSize = sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION); Status = gRT->GetVariable ( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, NULL, &BufferSize, &PrivateData->Configuration ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (Request == NULL) { // // Request is set to NULL, construct full request string. // // // Allocate and fill a buffer large enough to hold the template // followed by "&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" followed by a Null-terminator // ConfigRequestHdr = HiiConstructConfigHdr (&mFormSetGuid, VariableName, PrivateData->DriverHandle[0]); Size = (StrLen (ConfigRequestHdr) + 32 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16); ConfigRequest = AllocateZeroPool (Size); ASSERT (ConfigRequest != NULL); AllocatedRequest = TRUE; UnicodeSPrint (ConfigRequest, Size, L"%s&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=%016LX", ConfigRequestHdr, (UINT64)BufferSize); FreePool (ConfigRequestHdr); ConfigRequestHdr = NULL; } else { // // Check routing data in . // Note: if only one Storage is used, then this checking could be skipped. // if (!HiiIsConfigHdrMatch (Request, &mFormSetGuid, NULL)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Set Request to the unified request string. // ConfigRequest = Request; // // Check whether Request includes Request Element. // if (StrStr (Request, L"OFFSET") == NULL) { // // Check Request Element does exist in Reques String // StrPointer = StrStr (Request, L"PATH"); if (StrPointer == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (StrStr (StrPointer, L"&") == NULL) { Size = (StrLen (Request) + 32 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16); ConfigRequest = AllocateZeroPool (Size); ASSERT (ConfigRequest != NULL); AllocatedRequest = TRUE; UnicodeSPrint (ConfigRequest, Size, L"%s&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=%016LX", Request, (UINT64)BufferSize); } } } // // Check if requesting Name/Value storage // if (StrStr (ConfigRequest, L"OFFSET") == NULL) { // // Update Name/Value storage Names // Status = LoadNameValueNames (PrivateData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Allocate memory for , e.g. Name0=0x11, Name1=0x1234, Name2="ABCD" // ::=&Name0&Name1&Name2 // ::=&Name0=11&Name1=1234&Name2=0041004200430044 // BufferSize = (StrLen (ConfigRequest) + 1 + sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar0) * 2 + 1 + sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar1) * 2 + 1 + sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar2) * 2 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16); *Results = AllocateZeroPool (BufferSize); ASSERT (*Results != NULL); StrCpy (*Results, ConfigRequest); Value = *Results; // // Append value of NameValueVar0, type is UINT8 // if ((Value = StrStr (*Results, PrivateData->NameValueName[0])) != NULL) { Value += StrLen (PrivateData->NameValueName[0]); ValueStrLen = ((sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar0) * 2) + 1); CopyMem (Value + ValueStrLen, Value, StrSize (Value)); BackupChar = Value[ValueStrLen]; *Value++ = L'='; Value += UnicodeValueToString ( Value, PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar0, sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar0) * 2 ); *Value = BackupChar; } // // Append value of NameValueVar1, type is UINT16 // if ((Value = StrStr (*Results, PrivateData->NameValueName[1])) != NULL) { Value += StrLen (PrivateData->NameValueName[1]); ValueStrLen = ((sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar1) * 2) + 1); CopyMem (Value + ValueStrLen, Value, StrSize (Value)); BackupChar = Value[ValueStrLen]; *Value++ = L'='; Value += UnicodeValueToString ( Value, PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar1, sizeof (PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar1) * 2 ); *Value = BackupChar; } // // Append value of NameValueVar2, type is CHAR16 * // if ((Value = StrStr (*Results, PrivateData->NameValueName[2])) != NULL) { Value += StrLen (PrivateData->NameValueName[2]); ValueStrLen = StrLen (PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar2) * 4 + 1; CopyMem (Value + ValueStrLen, Value, StrSize (Value)); *Value++ = L'='; // // Convert Unicode String to Config String, e.g. "ABCD" => "0041004200430044" // StrPointer = (CHAR16 *) PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar2; for (; *StrPointer != L'\0'; StrPointer++) { Value += UnicodeValueToString (Value, PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, *StrPointer, 4); } } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { // // Convert buffer data to by helper function BlockToConfig() // Status = HiiConfigRouting->BlockToConfig ( HiiConfigRouting, ConfigRequest, (UINT8 *) &PrivateData->Configuration, BufferSize, Results, Progress ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ConfigRequestHdr = HiiConstructConfigHdr (&mFormSetGuid, VariableName, PrivateData->DriverHandle[0]); AppendAltCfgString(Results, ConfigRequestHdr); } } // // Free the allocated config request string. // if (AllocatedRequest) { FreePool (ConfigRequest); } if (ConfigRequestHdr != NULL) { FreePool (ConfigRequestHdr); } // // Set Progress string to the original request string. // if (Request == NULL) { *Progress = NULL; } else if (StrStr (Request, L"OFFSET") == NULL) { *Progress = Request + StrLen (Request); } return Status; } /** This function processes the results of changes in configuration. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Configuration A null-terminated Unicode string in format. @param Progress A pointer to a string filled in with the offset of the most recent '&' before the first failing name/value pair (or the beginning of the string if the failure is in the first name/value pair) or the terminating NULL if all was successful. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Results is processed successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Configuration is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Routing data doesn't match any storage in this driver. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RouteConfig ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST EFI_STRING Configuration, OUT EFI_STRING *Progress ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN BufferSize; DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ROUTING_PROTOCOL *HiiConfigRouting; CHAR16 *Value; CHAR16 *StrPtr; CHAR16 TemStr[5]; UINT8 *DataBuffer; UINT8 DigitUint8; UINTN Index; CHAR16 *StrBuffer; if (Configuration == NULL || Progress == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } PrivateData = DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_FROM_THIS (This); HiiConfigRouting = PrivateData->HiiConfigRouting; *Progress = Configuration; // // Check routing data in . // Note: if only one Storage is used, then this checking could be skipped. // if (!HiiIsConfigHdrMatch (Configuration, &mFormSetGuid, NULL)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Get Buffer Storage data from EFI variable // BufferSize = sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION); Status = gRT->GetVariable ( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, NULL, &BufferSize, &PrivateData->Configuration ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Check if configuring Name/Value storage // if (StrStr (Configuration, L"OFFSET") == NULL) { // // Update Name/Value storage Names // Status = LoadNameValueNames (PrivateData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Convert value for NameValueVar0 // if ((Value = StrStr (Configuration, PrivateData->NameValueName[0])) != NULL) { // // Skip "Name=" // Value += StrLen (PrivateData->NameValueName[0]); Value++; // // Get Value String // StrPtr = StrStr (Value, L"&"); if (StrPtr == NULL) { StrPtr = Value + StrLen (Value); } // // Convert Value to Buffer data // DataBuffer = (UINT8 *) &PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar0; ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0, StrPtr --; StrPtr >= Value; StrPtr --, Index ++) { TemStr[0] = *StrPtr; DigitUint8 = (UINT8) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); if ((Index & 1) == 0) { DataBuffer [Index/2] = DigitUint8; } else { DataBuffer [Index/2] = (UINT8) ((UINT8) (DigitUint8 << 4) + DataBuffer [Index/2]); } } } // // Convert value for NameValueVar1 // if ((Value = StrStr (Configuration, PrivateData->NameValueName[1])) != NULL) { // // Skip "Name=" // Value += StrLen (PrivateData->NameValueName[1]); Value++; // // Get Value String // StrPtr = StrStr (Value, L"&"); if (StrPtr == NULL) { StrPtr = Value + StrLen (Value); } // // Convert Value to Buffer data // DataBuffer = (UINT8 *) &PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar1; ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0, StrPtr --; StrPtr >= Value; StrPtr --, Index ++) { TemStr[0] = *StrPtr; DigitUint8 = (UINT8) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); if ((Index & 1) == 0) { DataBuffer [Index/2] = DigitUint8; } else { DataBuffer [Index/2] = (UINT8) ((UINT8) (DigitUint8 << 4) + DataBuffer [Index/2]); } } } // // Convert value for NameValueVar2 // if ((Value = StrStr (Configuration, PrivateData->NameValueName[2])) != NULL) { // // Skip "Name=" // Value += StrLen (PrivateData->NameValueName[2]); Value++; // // Get Value String // StrPtr = StrStr (Value, L"&"); if (StrPtr == NULL) { StrPtr = Value + StrLen (Value); } // // Convert Config String to Unicode String, e.g "0041004200430044" => "ABCD" // StrBuffer = (CHAR16 *) PrivateData->Configuration.NameValueVar2; ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); while (Value < StrPtr) { StrnCpy (TemStr, Value, 4); *(StrBuffer++) = (CHAR16) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); Value += 4; } *StrBuffer = L'\0'; } // // Store Buffer Storage back to EFI variable // Status = gRT->SetVariable( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), &PrivateData->Configuration ); return Status; } // // Convert to buffer data by helper function ConfigToBlock() // BufferSize = sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION); Status = HiiConfigRouting->ConfigToBlock ( HiiConfigRouting, Configuration, (UINT8 *) &PrivateData->Configuration, &BufferSize, Progress ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Store Buffer Storage back to EFI variable // Status = gRT->SetVariable( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), &PrivateData->Configuration ); return Status; } /** This function processes the results of changes in configuration. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Action Specifies the type of action taken by the browser. @param QuestionId A unique value which is sent to the original exporting driver so that it can identify the type of data to expect. @param Type The type of value for the question. @param Value A pointer to the data being sent to the original exporting driver. @param ActionRequest On return, points to the action requested by the callback function. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The callback successfully handled the action. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough storage is available to hold the variable and its data. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The variable could not be saved. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The specified Action is not supported by the callback. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DriverCallback ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_BROWSER_ACTION Action, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN UINT8 Type, IN EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *Value, OUT EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST *ActionRequest ) { DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 MyVar; VOID *StartOpCodeHandle; VOID *OptionsOpCodeHandle; EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *StartLabel; VOID *EndOpCodeHandle; EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *EndLabel; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION *Configuration; UINTN MyVarSize; if (((Value == NULL) && (Action != EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_OPEN) && (Action != EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_CLOSE))|| (ActionRequest == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; PrivateData = DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_FROM_THIS (This); switch (Action) { case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_OPEN: { if (QuestionId == 0x1234) { // // Sample CallBack for UEFI FORM_OPEN action: // Add Save action into Form 3 when Form 1 is opened. // This will be done only in FORM_OPEN CallBack of question with ID 0x1234 from Form 1. // PrivateData = DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_FROM_THIS (This); // // Initialize the container for dynamic opcodes // StartOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); ASSERT (StartOpCodeHandle != NULL); // // Create Hii Extend Label OpCode as the start opcode // StartLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) HiiCreateGuidOpCode (StartOpCodeHandle, &gEfiIfrTianoGuid, NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL)); StartLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL; StartLabel->Number = LABEL_UPDATE2; HiiCreateActionOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, // Container for dynamic created opcodes 0x1238, // Question ID STRING_TOKEN(STR_SAVE_TEXT), // Prompt text STRING_TOKEN(STR_SAVE_TEXT), // Help text EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK, // Question flag 0 // Action String ID ); HiiUpdateForm ( PrivateData->HiiHandle[0], // HII handle &mFormSetGuid, // Formset GUID 0x3, // Form ID StartOpCodeHandle, // Label for where to insert opcodes NULL // Insert data ); HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (StartOpCodeHandle); } } break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_CLOSE: { if (QuestionId == 0x5678) { // // Sample CallBack for UEFI FORM_CLOSE action: // Show up a pop-up to specify Form 3 will be closed when exit Form 3. // do { CreatePopUp ( EFI_LIGHTGRAY | EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE, &Key, L"", L"You are going to leave third Form!", L"Press ESC or ENTER to continue ...", L"", NULL ); } while ((Key.ScanCode != SCAN_ESC) && (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN)); } } break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_RETRIEVE: { if (QuestionId == 0x1111) { // // EfiVarstore question takes sample action (print value as debug information) // after read/write question. // MyVarSize = 1; Status = gRT->GetVariable( L"MyVar", &mFormSetGuid, NULL, &MyVarSize, &MyVar ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "EfiVarstore question: Tall value is %d with value width %d\n", MyVar, MyVarSize)); } } break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT_STANDARD: { switch (QuestionId) { case 0x1240: Value->u8 = DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD_VALUE; break; default: Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; break; } } break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT_MANUFACTURING: { switch (QuestionId) { case 0x1240: Value->u8 = DEFAULT_CLASS_MANUFACTURING_VALUE; break; default: Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; break; } } break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGING: { switch (QuestionId) { case 0x1234: // // Initialize the container for dynamic opcodes // StartOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); ASSERT (StartOpCodeHandle != NULL); EndOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); ASSERT (EndOpCodeHandle != NULL); // // Create Hii Extend Label OpCode as the start opcode // StartLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) HiiCreateGuidOpCode (StartOpCodeHandle, &gEfiIfrTianoGuid, NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL)); StartLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL; StartLabel->Number = LABEL_UPDATE1; // // Create Hii Extend Label OpCode as the end opcode // EndLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) HiiCreateGuidOpCode (EndOpCodeHandle, &gEfiIfrTianoGuid, NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL)); EndLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL; EndLabel->Number = LABEL_END; HiiCreateActionOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, // Container for dynamic created opcodes 0x1237, // Question ID STRING_TOKEN(STR_EXIT_TEXT), // Prompt text STRING_TOKEN(STR_EXIT_TEXT), // Help text EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK, // Question flag 0 // Action String ID ); // // Create Option OpCode // OptionsOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); ASSERT (OptionsOpCodeHandle != NULL); HiiCreateOneOfOptionOpCode ( OptionsOpCodeHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_BOOT_OPTION1), 0, EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE_1, 1 ); HiiCreateOneOfOptionOpCode ( OptionsOpCodeHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_BOOT_OPTION2), 0, EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE_1, 2 ); // // Prepare initial value for the dynamic created oneof Question // PrivateData->Configuration.DynamicOneof = 2; Status = gRT->SetVariable( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), &PrivateData->Configuration ); // // Set initial vlaue of dynamic created oneof Question in Form Browser // Configuration = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION)); ASSERT (Configuration != NULL); if (HiiGetBrowserData (&mFormSetGuid, VariableName, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), (UINT8 *) Configuration)) { Configuration->DynamicOneof = 2; // // Update uncommitted data of Browser // HiiSetBrowserData ( &mFormSetGuid, VariableName, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), (UINT8 *) Configuration, NULL ); } FreePool (Configuration); HiiCreateOneOfOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, // Container for dynamic created opcodes 0x8001, // Question ID (or call it "key") CONFIGURATION_VARSTORE_ID, // VarStore ID (UINT16) DYNAMIC_ONE_OF_VAR_OFFSET, // Offset in Buffer Storage STRING_TOKEN (STR_ONE_OF_PROMPT), // Question prompt text STRING_TOKEN (STR_ONE_OF_HELP), // Question help text EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK, // Question flag EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE_1, // Data type of Question Value OptionsOpCodeHandle, // Option Opcode list NULL // Default Opcode is NULl ); HiiCreateOrderedListOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, // Container for dynamic created opcodes 0x8002, // Question ID CONFIGURATION_VARSTORE_ID, // VarStore ID (UINT16) DYNAMIC_ORDERED_LIST_VAR_OFFSET, // Offset in Buffer Storage STRING_TOKEN (STR_BOOT_OPTIONS), // Question prompt text STRING_TOKEN (STR_BOOT_OPTIONS), // Question help text EFI_IFR_FLAG_RESET_REQUIRED, // Question flag 0, // Ordered list flag, e.g. EFI_IFR_UNIQUE_SET EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_SIZE_1, // Data type of Question value 5, // Maximum container OptionsOpCodeHandle, // Option Opcode list NULL // Default Opcode is NULl ); HiiCreateTextOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, STRING_TOKEN(STR_TEXT_SAMPLE_HELP), STRING_TOKEN(STR_TEXT_SAMPLE_HELP), STRING_TOKEN(STR_TEXT_SAMPLE_STRING) ); HiiCreateDateOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, 0x8004, 0x0, 0x0, STRING_TOKEN(STR_DATE_SAMPLE_HELP), STRING_TOKEN(STR_DATE_SAMPLE_HELP), 0, QF_DATE_STORAGE_TIME, NULL ); HiiCreateTimeOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, 0x8005, 0x0, 0x0, STRING_TOKEN(STR_TIME_SAMPLE_HELP), STRING_TOKEN(STR_TIME_SAMPLE_HELP), 0, QF_TIME_STORAGE_TIME, NULL ); HiiCreateGotoOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, // Container for dynamic created opcodes 1, // Target Form ID STRING_TOKEN (STR_GOTO_FORM1), // Prompt text STRING_TOKEN (STR_GOTO_HELP), // Help text 0, // Question flag 0x8003 // Question ID ); HiiUpdateForm ( PrivateData->HiiHandle[0], // HII handle &mFormSetGuid, // Formset GUID 0x1234, // Form ID StartOpCodeHandle, // Label for where to insert opcodes EndOpCodeHandle // Replace data ); HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (StartOpCodeHandle); HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (OptionsOpCodeHandle); HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (EndOpCodeHandle); break; case 0x5678: // // We will reach here once the Question is refreshed // // // Initialize the container for dynamic opcodes // StartOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); ASSERT (StartOpCodeHandle != NULL); // // Create Hii Extend Label OpCode as the start opcode // StartLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) HiiCreateGuidOpCode (StartOpCodeHandle, &gEfiIfrTianoGuid, NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL)); StartLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL; StartLabel->Number = LABEL_UPDATE2; HiiCreateActionOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, // Container for dynamic created opcodes 0x1237, // Question ID STRING_TOKEN(STR_EXIT_TEXT), // Prompt text STRING_TOKEN(STR_EXIT_TEXT), // Help text EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK, // Question flag 0 // Action String ID ); HiiUpdateForm ( PrivateData->HiiHandle[0], // HII handle &mFormSetGuid, // Formset GUID 0x3, // Form ID StartOpCodeHandle, // Label for where to insert opcodes NULL // Insert data ); HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (StartOpCodeHandle); // // Refresh the Question value // PrivateData->Configuration.DynamicRefresh++; Status = gRT->SetVariable( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), &PrivateData->Configuration ); // // Change an EFI Variable storage (MyEfiVar) asynchronous, this will cause // the first statement in Form 3 be suppressed // MyVarSize = 1; MyVar = 111; Status = gRT->SetVariable( L"MyVar", &mFormSetGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, MyVarSize, &MyVar ); break; case 0x1237: // // User press "Exit now", request Browser to exit // *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_EXIT; break; case 0x1238: // // User press "Save now", request Browser to save the uncommitted data. // *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_SUBMIT; break; case 0x1241: // // User press "Submit current form and Exit now", request Browser to submit current form and exit // *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_FORM_SUBMIT_EXIT; break; case 0x1242: // // User press "Discard current form now", request Browser to discard the uncommitted data. // *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_FORM_DISCARD; break; case 0x1243: // // User press "Submit current form now", request Browser to save the uncommitted data. // *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_FORM_APPLY; break; case 0x1244: // // User press "Discard current form and Exit now", request Browser to discard the uncommitted data and exit. // *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_FORM_DISCARD_EXIT; break; case 0x2000: // // Only used to update the state. // if ((Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) && (Value->string == 0) && (PrivateData->PasswordState == BROWSER_STATE_SET_PASSWORD)) { PrivateData->PasswordState = BROWSER_STATE_VALIDATE_PASSWORD; return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // When try to set a new password, user will be chanlleged with old password. // The Callback is responsible for validating old password input by user, // If Callback return EFI_SUCCESS, it indicates validation pass. // switch (PrivateData->PasswordState) { case BROWSER_STATE_VALIDATE_PASSWORD: Status = ValidatePassword (PrivateData, Value->string); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { PrivateData->PasswordState = BROWSER_STATE_SET_PASSWORD; } break; case BROWSER_STATE_SET_PASSWORD: Status = SetPassword (PrivateData, Value->string); PrivateData->PasswordState = BROWSER_STATE_VALIDATE_PASSWORD; break; default: break; } break; case 0x1111: // // EfiVarstore question takes sample action (print value as debug information) // after read/write question. // MyVarSize = 1; Status = gRT->GetVariable( L"MyVar", &mFormSetGuid, NULL, &MyVarSize, &MyVar ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "EfiVarstore question: Tall value is %d with value width %d\n", MyVar, MyVarSize)); default: break; } } break; default: Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; break; } return Status; } /** Main entry for this driver. @param ImageHandle Image handle this driver. @param SystemTable Pointer to SystemTable. @retval EFI_SUCESS This function always complete successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DriverSampleInit ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle[2]; EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR Screen; EFI_HII_DATABASE_PROTOCOL *HiiDatabase; EFI_HII_STRING_PROTOCOL *HiiString; EFI_FORM_BROWSER2_PROTOCOL *FormBrowser2; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ROUTING_PROTOCOL *HiiConfigRouting; CHAR16 *NewString; UINTN BufferSize; DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION *Configuration; BOOLEAN ActionFlag; EFI_STRING ConfigRequestHdr; // // Initialize the local variables. // ConfigRequestHdr = NULL; // // Initialize screen dimensions for SendForm(). // Remove 3 characters from top and bottom // ZeroMem (&Screen, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); gST->ConOut->QueryMode (gST->ConOut, gST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &Screen.RightColumn, &Screen.BottomRow); Screen.TopRow = 3; Screen.BottomRow = Screen.BottomRow - 3; // // Initialize driver private data // PrivateData = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_DATA)); if (PrivateData == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } PrivateData->Signature = DRIVER_SAMPLE_PRIVATE_SIGNATURE; PrivateData->ConfigAccess.ExtractConfig = ExtractConfig; PrivateData->ConfigAccess.RouteConfig = RouteConfig; PrivateData->ConfigAccess.Callback = DriverCallback; PrivateData->PasswordState = BROWSER_STATE_VALIDATE_PASSWORD; // // Locate Hii Database protocol // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &HiiDatabase); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } PrivateData->HiiDatabase = HiiDatabase; // // Locate HiiString protocol // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiHiiStringProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &HiiString); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } PrivateData->HiiString = HiiString; // // Locate Formbrowser2 protocol // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiFormBrowser2ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &FormBrowser2); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } PrivateData->FormBrowser2 = FormBrowser2; // // Locate ConfigRouting protocol // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiHiiConfigRoutingProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &HiiConfigRouting); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } PrivateData->HiiConfigRouting = HiiConfigRouting; Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &DriverHandle[0], &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &mHiiVendorDevicePath0, &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, &PrivateData->ConfigAccess, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); PrivateData->DriverHandle[0] = DriverHandle[0]; // // Publish our HII data // HiiHandle[0] = HiiAddPackages ( &mFormSetGuid, DriverHandle[0], DriverSampleStrings, VfrBin, NULL ); if (HiiHandle[0] == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } PrivateData->HiiHandle[0] = HiiHandle[0]; // // Publish another Fromset // Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &DriverHandle[1], &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &mHiiVendorDevicePath1, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); PrivateData->DriverHandle[1] = DriverHandle[1]; HiiHandle[1] = HiiAddPackages ( &mInventoryGuid, DriverHandle[1], DriverSampleStrings, InventoryBin, NULL ); if (HiiHandle[1] == NULL) { DriverSampleUnload (ImageHandle); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } PrivateData->HiiHandle[1] = HiiHandle[1]; // // Very simple example of how one would update a string that is already // in the HII database // NewString = L"700 Mhz"; if (HiiSetString (HiiHandle[0], STRING_TOKEN (STR_CPU_STRING2), NewString, NULL) == 0) { DriverSampleUnload (ImageHandle); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } HiiSetString (HiiHandle[0], 0, NewString, NULL); // // Initialize Name/Value name String ID // PrivateData->NameStringId[0] = STR_NAME_VALUE_VAR_NAME0; PrivateData->NameStringId[1] = STR_NAME_VALUE_VAR_NAME1; PrivateData->NameStringId[2] = STR_NAME_VALUE_VAR_NAME2; // // Initialize configuration data // Configuration = &PrivateData->Configuration; ZeroMem (Configuration, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION)); // // Try to read NV config EFI variable first // ConfigRequestHdr = HiiConstructConfigHdr (&mFormSetGuid, VariableName, DriverHandle[0]); ASSERT (ConfigRequestHdr != NULL); BufferSize = sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION); Status = gRT->GetVariable (VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, NULL, &BufferSize, Configuration); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Store zero data Buffer Storage to EFI variable // Status = gRT->SetVariable( VariableName, &mFormSetGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, sizeof (DRIVER_SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION), Configuration ); ASSERT (Status == EFI_SUCCESS); // // EFI variable for NV config doesn't exit, we should build this variable // based on default values stored in IFR // ActionFlag = HiiSetToDefaults (ConfigRequestHdr, EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD); ASSERT (ActionFlag); } else { // // EFI variable does exist and Validate Current Setting // ActionFlag = HiiValidateSettings (ConfigRequestHdr); ASSERT (ActionFlag); } FreePool (ConfigRequestHdr); // // In default, this driver is built into Flash device image, // the following code doesn't run. // // // Example of how to display only the item we sent to HII // When this driver is not built into Flash device image, // it need to call SendForm to show front page by itself. // if (DISPLAY_ONLY_MY_ITEM <= 1) { // // Have the browser pull out our copy of the data, and only display our data // Status = FormBrowser2->SendForm ( FormBrowser2, &(HiiHandle[DISPLAY_ONLY_MY_ITEM]), 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); HiiRemovePackages (HiiHandle[0]); HiiRemovePackages (HiiHandle[1]); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Unloads the application and its installed protocol. @param[in] ImageHandle Handle that identifies the image to be unloaded. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The image has been unloaded. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DriverSampleUnload ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle ) { UINTN Index; ASSERT (PrivateData != NULL); if (DriverHandle[0] != NULL) { gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( DriverHandle[0], &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &mHiiVendorDevicePath0, &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, &PrivateData->ConfigAccess, NULL ); DriverHandle[0] = NULL; } if (DriverHandle[1] != NULL) { gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( DriverHandle[1], &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &mHiiVendorDevicePath1, NULL ); DriverHandle[1] = NULL; } if (PrivateData->HiiHandle[0] != NULL) { HiiRemovePackages (PrivateData->HiiHandle[0]); } if (PrivateData->HiiHandle[1] != NULL) { HiiRemovePackages (PrivateData->HiiHandle[1]); } for (Index = 0; Index < NAME_VALUE_NAME_NUMBER; Index++) { if (PrivateData->NameValueName[Index] != NULL) { FreePool (PrivateData->NameValueName[Index]); } } FreePool (PrivateData); PrivateData = NULL; return EFI_SUCCESS; }