/** @file This file is for Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) Configuration. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "IScsiImpl.h" #include "Md5.h" /** Initator caculates its own expected hash value. @param[in] ChapIdentifier iSCSI CHAP identifier sent by authenticator. @param[in] ChapSecret iSCSI CHAP secret of the authenticator. @param[in] SecretLength The length of iSCSI CHAP secret. @param[in] ChapChallenge The challenge message sent by authenticator. @param[in] ChallengeLength The length of iSCSI CHAP challenge message. @param[out] ChapResponse The calculation of the expected hash value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The expected hash value was caculatedly successfully. @retval EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR The length of the secret should be at least the length of the hash value for the hashing algorithm chosen. @retval Others Other errors as indicated. **/ EFI_STATUS IScsiCHAPCalculateResponse ( IN UINT32 ChapIdentifier, IN CHAR8 *ChapSecret, IN UINT32 SecretLength, IN UINT8 *ChapChallenge, IN UINT32 ChallengeLength, OUT UINT8 *ChapResponse ) { MD5_CTX Md5Ctx; CHAR8 IdByte[1]; EFI_STATUS Status; Status = MD5Init (&Md5Ctx); // // Hash Identifier - Only calculate 1 byte data (RFC1994) // IdByte[0] = (CHAR8) ChapIdentifier; MD5Update (&Md5Ctx, IdByte, 1); // // Hash Secret // if (SecretLength < ISCSI_CHAP_SECRET_MIN_LEN - 1) { return EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } MD5Update (&Md5Ctx, ChapSecret, SecretLength); // // Hash Challenge received from Target // MD5Update (&Md5Ctx, ChapChallenge, ChallengeLength); Status = MD5Final (&Md5Ctx, ChapResponse); return Status; } /** The initator checks the CHAP response replied by target against its own calculation of the expected hash value. @param[in] AuthData iSCSI CHAP authentication data. @param[in] TargetResponse The response from target. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The response from target passed authentication. @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The response from target was not expected value. @retval Others Other errors as indicated. **/ EFI_STATUS IScsiCHAPAuthTarget ( IN ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_DATA *AuthData, IN UINT8 *TargetResponse ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 SecretSize; UINT8 VerifyRsp[ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN]; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; SecretSize = (UINT32) AsciiStrLen (AuthData->AuthConfig.ReverseCHAPSecret); Status = IScsiCHAPCalculateResponse ( AuthData->OutIdentifier, AuthData->AuthConfig.ReverseCHAPSecret, SecretSize, AuthData->OutChallenge, AuthData->OutChallengeLength, VerifyRsp ); if (CompareMem (VerifyRsp, TargetResponse, ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN) != 0) { Status = EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION; } return Status; } /** This function checks the received iSCSI Login Response during the security negotiation stage. @param[in] Conn The iSCSI connection. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Login Response passed the CHAP validation. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate memory. @retval EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR Some kind of protocol error happend. @retval Others Other errors as indicated. **/ EFI_STATUS IScsiCHAPOnRspReceived ( IN ISCSI_CONNECTION *Conn ) { EFI_STATUS Status; ISCSI_SESSION *Session; ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_DATA *AuthData; CHAR8 *Value; UINT8 *Data; UINT32 Len; LIST_ENTRY *KeyValueList; UINTN Algorithm; CHAR8 *Identifier; CHAR8 *Challenge; CHAR8 *Name; CHAR8 *Response; UINT8 TargetRsp[ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN]; UINT32 RspLen; ASSERT (Conn->CurrentStage == ISCSI_SECURITY_NEGOTIATION); ASSERT (Conn->RspQue.BufNum != 0); Session = Conn->Session; AuthData = &Session->AuthData; Len = Conn->RspQue.BufSize; Data = AllocatePool (Len); if (Data == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Copy the data in case the data spans over multiple PDUs. // NetbufQueCopy (&Conn->RspQue, 0, Len, Data); // // Build the key-value list from the data segment of the Login Response. // KeyValueList = IScsiBuildKeyValueList ((CHAR8 *) Data, Len); if (KeyValueList == NULL) { FreePool (Data); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR; switch (Conn->CHAPStep) { case ISCSI_CHAP_INITIAL: // // The first Login Response. // Value = IScsiGetValueByKeyFromList (KeyValueList, ISCSI_KEY_TARGET_PORTAL_GROUP_TAG); if (Value == NULL) { goto ON_EXIT; } Session->TargetPortalGroupTag = (UINT16) AsciiStrDecimalToUintn (Value); Value = IScsiGetValueByKeyFromList (KeyValueList, ISCSI_KEY_AUTH_METHOD); if (Value == NULL) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // Initiator mandates CHAP authentication but target replies without "CHAP" or // initiator suggets "None" but target replies with some kind of auth method. // if (AsciiStrCmp (Value, ISCSI_AUTH_METHOD_CHAP) == 0) { if (AuthData->AuthConfig.CHAPType == ISCSI_CHAP_NONE) { goto ON_EXIT; } } else { if (AuthData->AuthConfig.CHAPType != ISCSI_CHAP_NONE) { goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Transit to CHAP step one. // Conn->CHAPStep = ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_ONE; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; break; case ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_TWO: // // The Target replies with CHAP_A= CHAP_I= CHAP_C= // Value = IScsiGetValueByKeyFromList (KeyValueList, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_ALGORITHM); if (Value == NULL) { goto ON_EXIT; } Algorithm = AsciiStrDecimalToUintn (Value); if (Algorithm != ISCSI_CHAP_ALGORITHM_MD5) { // // Unsupported algorithm is chosen by target. // goto ON_EXIT; } Identifier = IScsiGetValueByKeyFromList (KeyValueList, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_IDENTIFIER); if (Identifier == NULL) { goto ON_EXIT; } Challenge = IScsiGetValueByKeyFromList (KeyValueList, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_CHALLENGE); if (Challenge == NULL) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // Process the CHAP identifier and CHAP Challenge from Target // Calculate Response value // AuthData->InIdentifier = (UINT32) AsciiStrDecimalToUintn (Identifier); AuthData->InChallengeLength = ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_MAX_LEN; IScsiHexToBin ((UINT8 *) AuthData->InChallenge, &AuthData->InChallengeLength, Challenge); Status = IScsiCHAPCalculateResponse ( AuthData->InIdentifier, AuthData->AuthConfig.CHAPSecret, (UINT32) AsciiStrLen (AuthData->AuthConfig.CHAPSecret), AuthData->InChallenge, AuthData->InChallengeLength, AuthData->CHAPResponse ); // // Transit to next step. // Conn->CHAPStep = ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_THREE; break; case ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_THREE: // // one way CHAP authentication and the target would like to // authenticate us. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; break; case ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_FOUR: ASSERT (AuthData->AuthConfig.CHAPType == ISCSI_CHAP_MUTUAL); // // The forth step, CHAP_N= CHAP_R= is received from Target. // Name = IScsiGetValueByKeyFromList (KeyValueList, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_NAME); if (Name == NULL) { goto ON_EXIT; } Response = IScsiGetValueByKeyFromList (KeyValueList, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_RESPONSE); if (Response == NULL) { goto ON_EXIT; } RspLen = ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN; IScsiHexToBin (TargetRsp, &RspLen, Response); // // Check the CHAP Response replied by Target. // Status = IScsiCHAPAuthTarget (AuthData, TargetRsp); break; default: break; } ON_EXIT: IScsiFreeKeyValueList (KeyValueList); FreePool (Data); return Status; } /** This function fills the CHAP authentication information into the login PDU during the security negotiation stage in the iSCSI connection login. @param[in] Conn The iSCSI connection. @param[in, out] Pdu The PDU to send out. @retval EFI_SUCCESS All check passed and the phase-related CHAP authentication info is filled into the iSCSI PDU. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate memory. @retval EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR Some kind of protocol error happend. **/ EFI_STATUS IScsiCHAPToSendReq ( IN ISCSI_CONNECTION *Conn, IN OUT NET_BUF *Pdu ) { EFI_STATUS Status; ISCSI_SESSION *Session; ISCSI_LOGIN_REQUEST *LoginReq; ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_DATA *AuthData; CHAR8 *Value; CHAR8 ValueStr[256]; CHAR8 *Response; UINT32 RspLen; CHAR8 *Challenge; UINT32 ChallengeLen; ASSERT (Conn->CurrentStage == ISCSI_SECURITY_NEGOTIATION); Session = Conn->Session; AuthData = &Session->AuthData; LoginReq = (ISCSI_LOGIN_REQUEST *) NetbufGetByte (Pdu, 0, 0); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; RspLen = 2 * ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN + 3; Response = AllocatePool (RspLen); if (Response == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } ChallengeLen = 2 * ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN + 3; Challenge = AllocatePool (ChallengeLen); if (Challenge == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } switch (Conn->CHAPStep) { case ISCSI_CHAP_INITIAL: // // It's the initial Login Request. Fill in the key=value pairs mandatory // for the initial Login Request. // IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_INITIATOR_NAME, Session->InitiatorName); IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_SESSION_TYPE, "Normal"); IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_TARGET_NAME, Session->ConfigData.NvData.TargetName); if (AuthData->AuthConfig.CHAPType == ISCSI_CHAP_NONE) { Value = ISCSI_KEY_VALUE_NONE; ISCSI_SET_FLAG (LoginReq, ISCSI_LOGIN_REQ_PDU_FLAG_TRANSIT); } else { Value = ISCSI_AUTH_METHOD_CHAP; } IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_AUTH_METHOD, Value); break; case ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_ONE: // // First step, send the Login Request with CHAP_A= key-value pair. // AsciiSPrint (ValueStr, sizeof (ValueStr), "%d", ISCSI_CHAP_ALGORITHM_MD5); IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_ALGORITHM, ValueStr); Conn->CHAPStep = ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_TWO; break; case ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_THREE: // // Third step, send the Login Request with CHAP_N= CHAP_R= or // CHAP_N= CHAP_R= CHAP_I= CHAP_C= if target ahtentication is // required too. // // CHAP_N= // IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_NAME, (CHAR8 *) &AuthData->AuthConfig.CHAPName); // // CHAP_R= // IScsiBinToHex ((UINT8 *) AuthData->CHAPResponse, ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN, Response, &RspLen); IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_RESPONSE, Response); if (AuthData->AuthConfig.CHAPType == ISCSI_CHAP_MUTUAL) { // // CHAP_I= // IScsiGenRandom ((UINT8 *) &AuthData->OutIdentifier, 1); AsciiSPrint (ValueStr, sizeof (ValueStr), "%d", AuthData->OutIdentifier); IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_IDENTIFIER, ValueStr); // // CHAP_C= // IScsiGenRandom ((UINT8 *) AuthData->OutChallenge, ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN); AuthData->OutChallengeLength = ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN; IScsiBinToHex ((UINT8 *) AuthData->OutChallenge, ISCSI_CHAP_RSP_LEN, Challenge, &ChallengeLen); IScsiAddKeyValuePair (Pdu, ISCSI_KEY_CHAP_CHALLENGE, Challenge); Conn->CHAPStep = ISCSI_CHAP_STEP_FOUR; } // // set the stage transition flag. // ISCSI_SET_FLAG (LoginReq, ISCSI_LOGIN_REQ_PDU_FLAG_TRANSIT); break; default: Status = EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR; break; } FreePool (Response); FreePool (Challenge); return Status; }