/** @file The driver internal functions are implmented here. They build Pei PCD database, and provide access service to PCD database. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Service.h" /** The function registers the CallBackOnSet fucntion according to TokenNumber and EFI_GUID space. @param ExTokenNumber The token number. @param Guid The GUID space. @param CallBackFunction The Callback function to be registered. @param Register To register or unregister the callback function. @retval EFI_SUCCESS If the Callback function is registered. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND If the PCD Entry is not found according to Token Number and GUID space. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES If the callback function can't be registered because there is not free slot left in the CallbackFnTable. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER If the callback function want to be de-registered can not be found. **/ EFI_STATUS PeiRegisterCallBackWorker ( IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, OPTIONAL IN PCD_PPI_CALLBACK CallBackFunction, IN BOOLEAN Register ) { EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob; PCD_PPI_CALLBACK *CallbackTable; PCD_PPI_CALLBACK Compare; PCD_PPI_CALLBACK Assign; UINT32 LocalTokenNumber; UINTN TokenNumber; UINTN Idx; if (Guid == NULL) { TokenNumber = ExTokenNumber; // // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER. // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable // as the array index. // TokenNumber--; ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_NEX_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1); } else { TokenNumber = GetExPcdTokenNumber (Guid, ExTokenNumber); if (TokenNumber == PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER. // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable // as the array index. // TokenNumber--; // EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison // between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the // comparison. ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_LOCAL_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1); } LocalTokenNumber = GetPcdDatabase()->Init.LocalTokenNumberTable[TokenNumber]; // // We don't support SET for HII and VPD type PCD entry in PEI phase. // So we will assert if any register callback for such PCD entry. // ASSERT ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_HII) == 0); ASSERT ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_VPD) == 0); GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gEfiCallerIdGuid); ASSERT (GuidHob != NULL); CallbackTable = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); CallbackTable = CallbackTable + (TokenNumber * PcdGet32 (PcdMaxPeiPcdCallBackNumberPerPcdEntry)); Compare = Register? NULL: CallBackFunction; Assign = Register? CallBackFunction: NULL; for (Idx = 0; Idx < PcdGet32 (PcdMaxPeiPcdCallBackNumberPerPcdEntry); Idx++) { if (CallbackTable[Idx] == Compare) { CallbackTable[Idx] = Assign; return EFI_SUCCESS; } } return Register? EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES : EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /** The function builds the PCD database. **/ VOID BuildPcdDatabase ( VOID ) { PEI_PCD_DATABASE *Database; VOID *CallbackFnTable; UINTN SizeOfCallbackFnTable; Database = BuildGuidHob (&gPcdDataBaseHobGuid, sizeof (PEI_PCD_DATABASE)); ZeroMem (Database, sizeof (PEI_PCD_DATABASE)); // // gPEIPcdDbInit is smaller than PEI_PCD_DATABASE // CopyMem (&Database->Init, &gPEIPcdDbInit, sizeof (gPEIPcdDbInit)); SizeOfCallbackFnTable = PEI_LOCAL_TOKEN_NUMBER * sizeof (PCD_PPI_CALLBACK) * PcdGet32 (PcdMaxPeiPcdCallBackNumberPerPcdEntry); CallbackFnTable = BuildGuidHob (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, SizeOfCallbackFnTable); ZeroMem (CallbackFnTable, SizeOfCallbackFnTable); } /** The function is provided by PCD PEIM and PCD DXE driver to do the work of reading a HII variable from variable service. @param VariableGuid The Variable GUID. @param VariableName The Variable Name. @param VariableData The output data. @param VariableSize The size of the variable. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation successful. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Variablel not found. **/ EFI_STATUS GetHiiVariable ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *VariableGuid, IN UINT16 *VariableName, OUT VOID **VariableData, OUT UINTN *VariableSize ) { UINTN Size; EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *Buffer; EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI *VariablePpi; Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (&gEfiPeiReadOnlyVariable2PpiGuid, 0, NULL, (VOID **) &VariablePpi); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Size = 0; Status = VariablePpi->GetVariable ( VariablePpi, VariableName, (EFI_GUID *) VariableGuid, NULL, &Size, NULL ); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { Status = PeiServicesAllocatePool (Size, &Buffer); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Status = VariablePpi->GetVariable ( VariablePpi, (UINT16 *) VariableName, (EFI_GUID *) VariableGuid, NULL, &Size, Buffer ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); *VariableSize = Size; *VariableData = Buffer; return EFI_SUCCESS; } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** Find the local token number according to system SKU ID. @param LocalTokenNumber PCD token number @param Size The size of PCD entry. @return Token number according to system SKU ID. **/ UINT32 GetSkuEnabledTokenNumber ( UINT32 LocalTokenNumber, UINTN Size ) { PEI_PCD_DATABASE *PeiPcdDb; SKU_HEAD *SkuHead; SKU_ID *SkuIdTable; INTN Index; UINT8 *Value; PeiPcdDb = GetPcdDatabase (); ASSERT ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) == 0); SkuHead = (SKU_HEAD *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATABASE_OFFSET_MASK)); Value = (UINT8 *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + (SkuHead->SkuDataStartOffset)); SkuIdTable = (SKU_ID *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + (SkuHead->SkuIdTableOffset)); for (Index = 0; Index < SkuIdTable[0]; Index++) { if (PeiPcdDb->Init.SystemSkuId == SkuIdTable[Index + 1]) { break; } } switch (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) { case PCD_TYPE_VPD: Value = (UINT8 *) &(((VPD_HEAD *) Value)[Index]); return (UINT32) ((Value - (UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb) | PCD_TYPE_VPD); case PCD_TYPE_HII: Value = (UINT8 *) &(((VARIABLE_HEAD *) Value)[Index]); return (UINT32) ((Value - (UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb) | PCD_TYPE_HII); case PCD_TYPE_STRING: Value = (UINT8 *) &(((STRING_HEAD *) Value)[Index]); return (UINT32) ((Value - (UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb) | PCD_TYPE_STRING); case PCD_TYPE_DATA: Value += Size * Index; return (UINT32) (Value - (UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb); default: ASSERT (FALSE); } ASSERT (FALSE); return 0; } /** Invoke the callback function when dynamic PCD entry was set, if this PCD entry has registered callback function. @param ExTokenNumber DynamicEx PCD's token number, if this PCD entry is dyanmicEx type PCD. @param Guid DynamicEx PCD's guid, if this PCD entry is dynamicEx type PCD. @param TokenNumber PCD token number generated by build tools. @param Data Value want to be set for this PCD entry @param Size The size of value **/ VOID InvokeCallbackOnSet ( UINTN ExTokenNumber, CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, OPTIONAL UINTN TokenNumber, VOID *Data, UINTN Size ) { EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob; PCD_PPI_CALLBACK *CallbackTable; UINTN Idx; // // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER. // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable // as the array index. // TokenNumber--; if (Guid == NULL) { // EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison // between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the // comparison. ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_LOCAL_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1); } GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gEfiCallerIdGuid); ASSERT (GuidHob != NULL); CallbackTable = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); CallbackTable += (TokenNumber * PcdGet32 (PcdMaxPeiPcdCallBackNumberPerPcdEntry)); for (Idx = 0; Idx < PcdGet32 (PcdMaxPeiPcdCallBackNumberPerPcdEntry); Idx++) { if (CallbackTable[Idx] != NULL) { CallbackTable[Idx] (Guid, (Guid == NULL) ? (TokenNumber + 1) : ExTokenNumber, Data, Size ); } } } /** Wrapper function for setting non-pointer type value for a PCD entry. @param TokenNumber Pcd token number autogenerated by build tools. @param Data Value want to be set for PCD entry @param Size Size of value. @return status of SetWorker. **/ EFI_STATUS SetValueWorker ( IN UINTN TokenNumber, IN VOID *Data, IN UINTN Size ) { return SetWorker (TokenNumber, Data, &Size, FALSE); } /** Set value for an PCD entry @param TokenNumber Pcd token number autogenerated by build tools. @param Data Value want to be set for PCD entry @param Size Size of value. @param PtrType If TRUE, the type of PCD entry's value is Pointer. If False, the type of PCD entry's value is not Pointer. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER If this PCD type is VPD, VPD PCD can not be set. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER If Size can not be set to size table. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER If Size of non-Ptr type PCD does not match the size information in PCD database. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND If value type of PCD entry is intergrate, but not in range of UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64 @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Can not find the PCD type according to token number. **/ EFI_STATUS SetWorker ( IN UINTN TokenNumber, IN VOID *Data, IN OUT UINTN *Size, IN BOOLEAN PtrType ) { UINT32 LocalTokenNumber; PEI_PCD_DATABASE *PeiPcdDb; UINT16 StringTableIdx; UINTN Offset; VOID *InternalData; UINTN MaxSize; if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdPeiFullPcdDatabaseEnable)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER. // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable // as the array index. // TokenNumber--; // EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison // between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the // comparison. ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_LOCAL_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1); PeiPcdDb = GetPcdDatabase (); LocalTokenNumber = PeiPcdDb->Init.LocalTokenNumberTable[TokenNumber]; if (PtrType) { // // Get MaxSize first, then check new size with max buffer size. // GetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, &MaxSize, PeiPcdDb); if (*Size > MaxSize) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { if (*Size != PeiPcdGetSize (TokenNumber + 1)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // // We only invoke the callback function for Dynamic Type PCD Entry. // For Dynamic EX PCD entry, we have invoked the callback function for Dynamic EX // type PCD entry in ExSetWorker. // if (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_NEX_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1) { InvokeCallbackOnSet (0, NULL, TokenNumber + 1, Data, *Size); } if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) == PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) { if (PtrType) { GetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, &MaxSize, PeiPcdDb); } else { MaxSize = *Size; } LocalTokenNumber = GetSkuEnabledTokenNumber (LocalTokenNumber & ~PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED, MaxSize); } Offset = LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATABASE_OFFSET_MASK; InternalData = (VOID *) ((UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + Offset); switch (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) { case PCD_TYPE_VPD: case PCD_TYPE_HII: case PCD_TYPE_HII|PCD_TYPE_STRING: { ASSERT (FALSE); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } case PCD_TYPE_STRING: if (SetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, Size, PeiPcdDb)) { StringTableIdx = *((UINT16 *)InternalData); CopyMem (&PeiPcdDb->Init.StringTable[StringTableIdx], Data, *Size); return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } case PCD_TYPE_DATA: { if (PtrType) { if (SetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, Size, PeiPcdDb)) { CopyMem (InternalData, Data, *Size); return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } switch (*Size) { case sizeof(UINT8): *((UINT8 *) InternalData) = *((UINT8 *) Data); return EFI_SUCCESS; case sizeof(UINT16): *((UINT16 *) InternalData) = *((UINT16 *) Data); return EFI_SUCCESS; case sizeof(UINT32): *((UINT32 *) InternalData) = *((UINT32 *) Data); return EFI_SUCCESS; case sizeof(UINT64): *((UINT64 *) InternalData) = *((UINT64 *) Data); return EFI_SUCCESS; default: ASSERT (FALSE); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } } } ASSERT (FALSE); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** Wrapper function for set PCD value for non-Pointer type dynamic-ex PCD. @param ExTokenNumber Token number for dynamic-ex PCD. @param Guid Token space guid for dynamic-ex PCD. @param Data Value want to be set. @param SetSize The size of value. @return status of ExSetWorker(). **/ EFI_STATUS ExSetValueWorker ( IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, IN VOID *Data, IN UINTN Size ) { return ExSetWorker (ExTokenNumber, Guid, Data, &Size, FALSE); } /** Set value for a dynamic PCD entry. This routine find the local token number according to dynamic-ex PCD's token space guid and token number firstly, and invoke callback function if this PCD entry registered callback function. Finally, invoken general SetWorker to set PCD value. @param ExTokenNumber Dynamic-ex PCD token number. @param Guid Token space guid for dynamic-ex PCD. @param Data PCD value want to be set @param SetSize Size of value. @param PtrType If TRUE, this PCD entry is pointer type. If FALSE, this PCD entry is not pointer type. @return status of SetWorker(). **/ EFI_STATUS ExSetWorker ( IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, IN VOID *Data, IN OUT UINTN *Size, IN BOOLEAN PtrType ) { UINTN TokenNumber; if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdPeiFullPcdDatabaseEnable)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } TokenNumber = GetExPcdTokenNumber (Guid, ExTokenNumber); if (TokenNumber == PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } InvokeCallbackOnSet (ExTokenNumber, Guid, TokenNumber, Data, *Size); return SetWorker (TokenNumber, Data, Size, PtrType); } /** Wrapper function for get PCD value for dynamic-ex PCD. @param Guid Token space guid for dynamic-ex PCD. @param ExTokenNumber Token number for dyanmic-ex PCD. @param GetSize The size of dynamic-ex PCD value. @return PCD entry in PCD database. **/ VOID * ExGetWorker ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, IN UINTN GetSize ) { return GetWorker (GetExPcdTokenNumber (Guid, ExTokenNumber), GetSize); } /** Get the PCD entry pointer in PCD database. This routine will visit PCD database to find the PCD entry according to given token number. The given token number is autogened by build tools and it will be translated to local token number. Local token number contains PCD's type and offset of PCD entry in PCD database. @param TokenNumber Token's number, it is autogened by build tools @param GetSize The size of token's value @return PCD entry pointer in PCD database **/ VOID * GetWorker ( IN UINTN TokenNumber, IN UINTN GetSize ) { UINT32 Offset; EFI_GUID *Guid; UINT16 *Name; VARIABLE_HEAD *VariableHead; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN DataSize; VOID *Data; UINT8 *StringTable; UINT16 StringTableIdx; PEI_PCD_DATABASE *PeiPcdDb; UINT32 LocalTokenNumber; UINTN MaxSize; // // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER. // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable // as the array index. // TokenNumber--; // EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison // between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the // comparison. ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_LOCAL_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1); ASSERT ((GetSize == PeiPcdGetSize(TokenNumber + 1)) || (GetSize == 0)); PeiPcdDb = GetPcdDatabase (); LocalTokenNumber = PeiPcdDb->Init.LocalTokenNumberTable[TokenNumber]; if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) == PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) { if (GetSize == 0) { MaxSize = GetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, &MaxSize, PeiPcdDb); } else { MaxSize = GetSize; } LocalTokenNumber = GetSkuEnabledTokenNumber (LocalTokenNumber & ~PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED, MaxSize); } Offset = LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATABASE_OFFSET_MASK; StringTable = PeiPcdDb->Init.StringTable; switch (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) { case PCD_TYPE_VPD: { VPD_HEAD *VpdHead; VpdHead = (VPD_HEAD *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset); return (VOID *) (UINTN) (PcdGet32 (PcdVpdBaseAddress) + VpdHead->Offset); } case PCD_TYPE_HII|PCD_TYPE_STRING: case PCD_TYPE_HII: { VariableHead = (VARIABLE_HEAD *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset); Guid = &(PeiPcdDb->Init.GuidTable[VariableHead->GuidTableIndex]); Name = (UINT16*)&StringTable[VariableHead->StringIndex]; Status = GetHiiVariable (Guid, Name, &Data, &DataSize); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { return (VOID *) ((UINT8 *) Data + VariableHead->Offset); } else { // // Return the default value specified by Platform Integrator // if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) == (PCD_TYPE_HII|PCD_TYPE_STRING)) { return (VOID*)&StringTable[*(UINT16*)((UINT8*)PeiPcdDb + VariableHead->DefaultValueOffset)]; } else { return (VOID *) ((UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + VariableHead->DefaultValueOffset); } } } case PCD_TYPE_DATA: return (VOID *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset); case PCD_TYPE_STRING: StringTableIdx = * (UINT16*) ((UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + Offset); return (VOID *) (&StringTable[StringTableIdx]); default: ASSERT (FALSE); break; } ASSERT (FALSE); return NULL; } /** Get local token number according to dynamic-ex PCD's {token space guid:token number} A dynamic-ex type PCD, developer must provide pair of token space guid: token number in DEC file. PCD database maintain a mapping table that translate pair of {token space guid: token number} to local token number. @param Guid Token space guid for dynamic-ex PCD entry. @param ExTokenNumber EDES_TODO: Add parameter description @return local token number for dynamic-ex PCD. **/ UINTN GetExPcdTokenNumber ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, IN UINTN ExTokenNumber ) { UINT32 Index; DYNAMICEX_MAPPING *ExMap; EFI_GUID *GuidTable; EFI_GUID *MatchGuid; UINTN MatchGuidIdx; PEI_PCD_DATABASE *PeiPcdDb; PeiPcdDb = GetPcdDatabase(); ExMap = PeiPcdDb->Init.ExMapTable; GuidTable = PeiPcdDb->Init.GuidTable; MatchGuid = ScanGuid (GuidTable, sizeof(PeiPcdDb->Init.GuidTable), Guid); // // We need to ASSERT here. If GUID can't be found in GuidTable, this is a // error in the BUILD system. // ASSERT (MatchGuid != NULL); MatchGuidIdx = MatchGuid - GuidTable; for (Index = 0; Index < PEI_EXMAPPING_TABLE_SIZE; Index++) { if ((ExTokenNumber == ExMap[Index].ExTokenNumber) && (MatchGuidIdx == ExMap[Index].ExGuidIndex)) { return ExMap[Index].LocalTokenNumber; } } return PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER; } /** Get PCD database from GUID HOB in PEI phase. @return Pointer to PCD database. **/ PEI_PCD_DATABASE * GetPcdDatabase ( VOID ) { EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob; GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gPcdDataBaseHobGuid); ASSERT (GuidHob != NULL); return (PEI_PCD_DATABASE *) GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); } /** Get SKU ID tabble from PCD database. @param LocalTokenNumberTableIdx Index of local token number in token number table. @param Database PCD database. @return Pointer to SKU ID array table **/ SKU_ID * GetSkuIdArray ( IN UINTN LocalTokenNumberTableIdx, IN PEI_PCD_DATABASE *Database ) { SKU_HEAD *SkuHead; UINTN LocalTokenNumber; LocalTokenNumber = Database->Init.LocalTokenNumberTable[LocalTokenNumberTableIdx]; ASSERT ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) != 0); SkuHead = (SKU_HEAD *) ((UINT8 *)Database + (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATABASE_OFFSET_MASK)); return (SKU_ID *) ((UINT8 *)Database + SkuHead->SkuIdTableOffset); } /** Get index of PCD entry in size table. @param LocalTokenNumberTableIdx Index of this PCD in local token number table. @param Database Pointer to PCD database in PEI phase. @return index of PCD entry in size table. **/ UINTN GetSizeTableIndex ( IN UINTN LocalTokenNumberTableIdx, IN PEI_PCD_DATABASE *Database ) { UINTN Index; UINTN SizeTableIdx; UINTN LocalTokenNumber; SKU_ID *SkuIdTable; SizeTableIdx = 0; for (Index=0; IndexInit.LocalTokenNumberTable[Index]; if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATUM_TYPE_ALL_SET) == PCD_DATUM_TYPE_POINTER) { // // SizeTable only contain record for PCD_DATUM_TYPE_POINTER type // PCD entry. // if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_VPD) != 0) { // // We have only one entry for VPD enabled PCD entry: // 1) MAX Size. // We consider current size is equal to MAX size. // SizeTableIdx++; } else { if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) == 0) { // // We have only two entry for Non-Sku enabled PCD entry: // 1) MAX SIZE // 2) Current Size // SizeTableIdx += 2; } else { // // We have these entry for SKU enabled PCD entry // 1) MAX SIZE // 2) Current Size for each SKU_ID (It is equal to MaxSku). // SkuIdTable = GetSkuIdArray (Index, Database); SizeTableIdx += (UINTN)*SkuIdTable + 1; } } } } return SizeTableIdx; }