/** @file Utility functions for UI presentation. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Setup.h" BOOLEAN mHiiPackageListUpdated; UI_MENU_SELECTION *gCurrentSelection; EFI_HII_HANDLE mCurrentHiiHandle = NULL; EFI_GUID mCurrentFormSetGuid = {0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; UINT16 mCurrentFormId = 0; /** Clear retangle with specified text attribute. @param LeftColumn Left column of retangle. @param RightColumn Right column of retangle. @param TopRow Start row of retangle. @param BottomRow End row of retangle. @param TextAttribute The character foreground and background. **/ VOID ClearLines ( IN UINTN LeftColumn, IN UINTN RightColumn, IN UINTN TopRow, IN UINTN BottomRow, IN UINTN TextAttribute ) { CHAR16 *Buffer; UINTN Row; // // For now, allocate an arbitrarily long buffer // Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (0x10000); ASSERT (Buffer != NULL); // // Set foreground and background as defined // gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, TextAttribute); // // Much faster to buffer the long string instead of print it a character at a time // SetUnicodeMem (Buffer, RightColumn - LeftColumn, L' '); // // Clear the desired area with the appropriate foreground/background // for (Row = TopRow; Row <= BottomRow; Row++) { PrintStringAt (LeftColumn, Row, Buffer); } gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, LeftColumn, TopRow); FreePool (Buffer); return ; } /** Concatenate a narrow string to another string. @param Destination The destination string. @param Source The source string. The string to be concatenated. to the end of Destination. **/ VOID NewStrCat ( IN OUT CHAR16 *Destination, IN CHAR16 *Source ) { UINTN Length; for (Length = 0; Destination[Length] != 0; Length++) ; // // We now have the length of the original string // We can safely assume for now that we are concatenating a narrow value to this string. // For instance, the string is "XYZ" and cat'ing ">" // If this assumption changes, we need to make this routine a bit more complex // Destination[Length] = NARROW_CHAR; Length++; StrCpy (Destination + Length, Source); } /** Count the storage space of a Unicode string. This function handles the Unicode string with NARROW_CHAR and WIDE_CHAR control characters. NARROW_HCAR and WIDE_CHAR does not count in the resultant output. If a WIDE_CHAR is hit, then 2 Unicode character will consume an output storage space with size of CHAR16 till a NARROW_CHAR is hit. If String is NULL, then ASSERT (). @param String The input string to be counted. @return Storage space for the input string. **/ UINTN GetStringWidth ( IN CHAR16 *String ) { UINTN Index; UINTN Count; UINTN IncrementValue; ASSERT (String != NULL); if (String == NULL) { return 0; } Index = 0; Count = 0; IncrementValue = 1; do { // // Advance to the null-terminator or to the first width directive // for (; (String[Index] != NARROW_CHAR) && (String[Index] != WIDE_CHAR) && (String[Index] != 0); Index++, Count = Count + IncrementValue ) ; // // We hit the null-terminator, we now have a count // if (String[Index] == 0) { break; } // // We encountered a narrow directive - strip it from the size calculation since it doesn't get printed // and also set the flag that determines what we increment by.(if narrow, increment by 1, if wide increment by 2) // if (String[Index] == NARROW_CHAR) { // // Skip to the next character // Index++; IncrementValue = 1; } else { // // Skip to the next character // Index++; IncrementValue = 2; } } while (String[Index] != 0); // // Increment by one to include the null-terminator in the size // Count++; return Count * sizeof (CHAR16); } /** This function displays the page frame. **/ VOID DisplayPageFrame ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; UINT8 Line; UINT8 Alignment; CHAR16 Character; CHAR16 *Buffer; CHAR16 *StrFrontPageBanner; UINTN Row; EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR LocalScreen; UINT8 RowIdx; UINT8 ColumnIdx; ZeroMem (&LocalScreen, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); gST->ConOut->QueryMode (gST->ConOut, gST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &LocalScreen.RightColumn, &LocalScreen.BottomRow); ClearLines (0, LocalScreen.RightColumn, 0, LocalScreen.BottomRow, KEYHELP_BACKGROUND); CopyMem (&LocalScreen, &gScreenDimensions, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); // // For now, allocate an arbitrarily long buffer // Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (0x10000); ASSERT (Buffer != NULL); Character = BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL; for (Index = 0; Index + 2 < (LocalScreen.RightColumn - LocalScreen.LeftColumn); Index++) { Buffer[Index] = Character; } if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) == FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) { // // ClearLines(0, LocalScreen.RightColumn, 0, BANNER_HEIGHT-1, BANNER_TEXT | BANNER_BACKGROUND); // ClearLines ( LocalScreen.LeftColumn, LocalScreen.RightColumn, LocalScreen.TopRow, FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1 + LocalScreen.TopRow, BANNER_TEXT | BANNER_BACKGROUND ); // // for (Line = 0; Line < BANNER_HEIGHT; Line++) { // for (Line = (UINT8) LocalScreen.TopRow; Line < BANNER_HEIGHT + (UINT8) LocalScreen.TopRow; Line++) { // // for (Alignment = 0; Alignment < BANNER_COLUMNS; Alignment++) { // for (Alignment = (UINT8) LocalScreen.LeftColumn; Alignment < BANNER_COLUMNS + (UINT8) LocalScreen.LeftColumn; Alignment++ ) { RowIdx = (UINT8) (Line - (UINT8) LocalScreen.TopRow); ColumnIdx = (UINT8) (Alignment - (UINT8) LocalScreen.LeftColumn); ASSERT (RowIdx < BANNER_HEIGHT); ASSERT (ColumnIdx < BANNER_COLUMNS); if (gBannerData->Banner[RowIdx][ColumnIdx] != 0x0000) { StrFrontPageBanner = GetToken ( gBannerData->Banner[RowIdx][ColumnIdx], gFrontPageHandle ); } else { continue; } switch (Alignment - LocalScreen.LeftColumn) { case 0: // // Handle left column // PrintStringAt (LocalScreen.LeftColumn + BANNER_LEFT_COLUMN_INDENT, Line, StrFrontPageBanner); break; case 1: // // Handle center column // PrintStringAt ( LocalScreen.LeftColumn + (LocalScreen.RightColumn - LocalScreen.LeftColumn) / 3, Line, StrFrontPageBanner ); break; case 2: // // Handle right column // PrintStringAt ( LocalScreen.LeftColumn + (LocalScreen.RightColumn - LocalScreen.LeftColumn) * 2 / 3, Line, StrFrontPageBanner ); break; } FreePool (StrFrontPageBanner); } } } ClearLines ( LocalScreen.LeftColumn, LocalScreen.RightColumn, LocalScreen.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT, LocalScreen.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - 1, KEYHELP_TEXT | KEYHELP_BACKGROUND ); if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) != FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) { ClearLines ( LocalScreen.LeftColumn, LocalScreen.RightColumn, LocalScreen.TopRow, LocalScreen.TopRow + NONE_FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1, TITLE_TEXT | TITLE_BACKGROUND ); // // Print Top border line // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ? ? // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT; PrintChar (Character); PrintString (Buffer); Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT; PrintChar (Character); Character = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL; for (Row = LocalScreen.TopRow + 1; Row <= LocalScreen.TopRow + NONE_FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT - 2; Row++) { PrintCharAt (LocalScreen.LeftColumn, Row, Character); PrintCharAt (LocalScreen.RightColumn - 1, Row, Character); } Character = BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT; PrintCharAt (LocalScreen.LeftColumn, LocalScreen.TopRow + NONE_FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1, Character); PrintString (Buffer); Character = BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT; PrintChar (Character); if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) == FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) { // // Print Bottom border line // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ? ? // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT; PrintCharAt (LocalScreen.LeftColumn, LocalScreen.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT, Character); PrintString (Buffer); Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT; PrintChar (Character); Character = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL; for (Row = LocalScreen.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT + 1; Row <= LocalScreen.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - 2; Row++ ) { PrintCharAt (LocalScreen.LeftColumn, Row, Character); PrintCharAt (LocalScreen.RightColumn - 1, Row, Character); } Character = BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT; PrintCharAt (LocalScreen.LeftColumn, LocalScreen.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - 1, Character); PrintString (Buffer); Character = BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT; PrintChar (Character); } } FreePool (Buffer); } /** Evaluate all expressions in a Form. @param FormSet FormSet this Form belongs to. @param Form The Form. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The expression evaluated successfuly **/ EFI_STATUS EvaluateFormExpressions ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_EXPRESSION *Expression; Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->ExpressionListHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->ExpressionListHead, Link)) { Expression = FORM_EXPRESSION_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Form->ExpressionListHead, Link); if (Expression->Type == EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_INCONSISTENT_IF || Expression->Type == EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_NO_SUBMIT_IF || Expression->Type == EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_WRITE || (Expression->Type == EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_READ && Form->FormType != STANDARD_MAP_FORM_TYPE)) { // // Postpone Form validation to Question editing or Form submitting or Question Write or Question Read for nonstandard form. // continue; } Status = EvaluateExpression (FormSet, Form, Expression); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ? Setup Page ? +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ?F1=Scroll Help F9=Reset to Defaults F10=Save and Exit ? | ^"=Move Highlight Toggles Checkbox Esc=Discard Changes | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /** Display form and wait for user to select one menu option, then return it. @param Selection On input, Selection tell setup browser the information about the Selection, form and formset to be displayed. On output, Selection return the screen item that is selected by user. @retval EFI_SUCESSS This function always return successfully for now. **/ EFI_STATUS DisplayForm ( IN OUT UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection ) { CHAR16 *StringPtr; UINT16 MenuItemCount; EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle; BOOLEAN Suppress; EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR LocalScreen; UINT16 Width; UINTN ArrayEntry; CHAR16 *OutputString; LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Statement; UINT16 NumberOfLines; EFI_STATUS Status; UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption; Handle = Selection->Handle; MenuItemCount = 0; ArrayEntry = 0; OutputString = NULL; UiInitMenu (); CopyMem (&LocalScreen, &gScreenDimensions, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); StringPtr = GetToken (Selection->Form->FormTitle, Handle); if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) != FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, TITLE_TEXT | TITLE_BACKGROUND); PrintStringAt ( (LocalScreen.RightColumn + LocalScreen.LeftColumn - GetStringWidth (StringPtr) / 2) / 2, LocalScreen.TopRow + 1, StringPtr ); } // // Remove Buffer allocated for StringPtr after it has been used. // FreePool (StringPtr); // // Evaluate all the Expressions in this Form // Status = EvaluateFormExpressions (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Selection->FormEditable = FALSE; Link = GetFirstNode (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Statement = FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); if (Statement->SuppressExpression != NULL) { Suppress = Statement->SuppressExpression->Result.Value.b; } else { Suppress = FALSE; } if (Statement->DisableExpression != NULL) { Suppress = (BOOLEAN) (Suppress || Statement->DisableExpression->Result.Value.b); } if (!Suppress) { StringPtr = GetToken (Statement->Prompt, Handle); Width = GetWidth (Statement, Handle); NumberOfLines = 1; ArrayEntry = 0; for (; GetLineByWidth (StringPtr, Width, &ArrayEntry, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&StringPtr[ArrayEntry]) != 0) { NumberOfLines++; } FreePool (OutputString); } // // We are NOT!! removing this StringPtr buffer via FreePool since it is being used in the menuoptions, we will do // it in UiFreeMenu. // MenuOption = UiAddMenuOption (StringPtr, Selection->Handle, Statement, NumberOfLines, MenuItemCount); MenuItemCount++; if (MenuOption->IsQuestion && !MenuOption->ReadOnly) { // // At least one item is not readonly, this Form is considered as editable // Selection->FormEditable = TRUE; } } Link = GetNextNode (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead, Link); } Status = UiDisplayMenu (Selection); UiFreeMenu (); return Status; } /** Initialize the HII String Token to the correct values. **/ VOID InitializeBrowserStrings ( VOID ) { gFunctionNineString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (FUNCTION_NINE_STRING), gHiiHandle); gFunctionTenString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (FUNCTION_TEN_STRING), gHiiHandle); gEnterString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ENTER_STRING), gHiiHandle); gEnterCommitString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ENTER_COMMIT_STRING), gHiiHandle); gEnterEscapeString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ENTER_ESCAPE_STRING), gHiiHandle); gEscapeString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ESCAPE_STRING), gHiiHandle); gSaveFailed = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (SAVE_FAILED), gHiiHandle); gMoveHighlight = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (MOVE_HIGHLIGHT), gHiiHandle); gMakeSelection = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (MAKE_SELECTION), gHiiHandle); gDecNumericInput = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (DEC_NUMERIC_INPUT), gHiiHandle); gHexNumericInput = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (HEX_NUMERIC_INPUT), gHiiHandle); gToggleCheckBox = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (TOGGLE_CHECK_BOX), gHiiHandle); gPromptForData = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (PROMPT_FOR_DATA), gHiiHandle); gPromptForPassword = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (PROMPT_FOR_PASSWORD), gHiiHandle); gPromptForNewPassword = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (PROMPT_FOR_NEW_PASSWORD), gHiiHandle); gConfirmPassword = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (CONFIRM_PASSWORD), gHiiHandle); gConfirmError = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (CONFIRM_ERROR), gHiiHandle); gPassowordInvalid = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (PASSWORD_INVALID), gHiiHandle); gPressEnter = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (PRESS_ENTER), gHiiHandle); gEmptyString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (EMPTY_STRING), gHiiHandle); gAreYouSure = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ARE_YOU_SURE), gHiiHandle); gYesResponse = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ARE_YOU_SURE_YES), gHiiHandle); gNoResponse = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ARE_YOU_SURE_NO), gHiiHandle); gMiniString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (MINI_STRING), gHiiHandle); gPlusString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (PLUS_STRING), gHiiHandle); gMinusString = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (MINUS_STRING), gHiiHandle); gAdjustNumber = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (ADJUST_NUMBER), gHiiHandle); gSaveChanges = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (SAVE_CHANGES), gHiiHandle); gOptionMismatch = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (OPTION_MISMATCH), gHiiHandle); gFormSuppress = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (FORM_SUPPRESSED), gHiiHandle); return ; } /** Free up the resource allocated for all strings required by Setup Browser. **/ VOID FreeBrowserStrings ( VOID ) { FreePool (gFunctionNineString); FreePool (gFunctionTenString); FreePool (gEnterString); FreePool (gEnterCommitString); FreePool (gEnterEscapeString); FreePool (gEscapeString); FreePool (gMoveHighlight); FreePool (gMakeSelection); FreePool (gDecNumericInput); FreePool (gHexNumericInput); FreePool (gToggleCheckBox); FreePool (gPromptForData); FreePool (gPromptForPassword); FreePool (gPromptForNewPassword); FreePool (gConfirmPassword); FreePool (gPassowordInvalid); FreePool (gConfirmError); FreePool (gPressEnter); FreePool (gEmptyString); FreePool (gAreYouSure); FreePool (gYesResponse); FreePool (gNoResponse); FreePool (gMiniString); FreePool (gPlusString); FreePool (gMinusString); FreePool (gAdjustNumber); FreePool (gSaveChanges); FreePool (gOptionMismatch); FreePool (gFormSuppress); return ; } /** Update key's help imformation. @param Selection Tell setup browser the information about the Selection @param MenuOption The Menu option @param Selected Whether or not a tag be selected **/ VOID UpdateKeyHelp ( IN UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection, IN UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption, IN BOOLEAN Selected ) { UINTN SecCol; UINTN ThdCol; UINTN LeftColumnOfHelp; UINTN RightColumnOfHelp; UINTN TopRowOfHelp; UINTN BottomRowOfHelp; UINTN StartColumnOfHelp; EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR LocalScreen; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Statement; CopyMem (&LocalScreen, &gScreenDimensions, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); SecCol = LocalScreen.LeftColumn + (LocalScreen.RightColumn - LocalScreen.LeftColumn) / 3; ThdCol = LocalScreen.LeftColumn + (LocalScreen.RightColumn - LocalScreen.LeftColumn) * 2 / 3; StartColumnOfHelp = LocalScreen.LeftColumn + 2; LeftColumnOfHelp = LocalScreen.LeftColumn + 1; RightColumnOfHelp = LocalScreen.RightColumn - 2; TopRowOfHelp = LocalScreen.BottomRow - 4; BottomRowOfHelp = LocalScreen.BottomRow - 3; gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, KEYHELP_TEXT | KEYHELP_BACKGROUND); Statement = MenuOption->ThisTag; switch (Statement->Operand) { case EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST_OP: case EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP: case EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP: case EFI_IFR_TIME_OP: case EFI_IFR_DATE_OP: ClearLines (LeftColumnOfHelp, RightColumnOfHelp, TopRowOfHelp, BottomRowOfHelp, KEYHELP_TEXT | KEYHELP_BACKGROUND); if (!Selected) { if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) == FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) { if (Selection->FormEditable) { PrintStringAt (SecCol, TopRowOfHelp, gFunctionNineString); PrintStringAt (ThdCol, TopRowOfHelp, gFunctionTenString); } PrintStringAt (ThdCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEscapeString); } if ((Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) || (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP)) { PrintAt ( StartColumnOfHelp, BottomRowOfHelp, L"%c%c%c%c%s", ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, ARROW_RIGHT, ARROW_LEFT, gMoveHighlight ); PrintStringAt (SecCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEnterString); PrintStringAt (StartColumnOfHelp, TopRowOfHelp, gAdjustNumber); } else { PrintAt (StartColumnOfHelp, BottomRowOfHelp, L"%c%c%s", ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, gMoveHighlight); if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP && Statement->Step != 0) { PrintStringAt (StartColumnOfHelp, TopRowOfHelp, gAdjustNumber); } PrintStringAt (SecCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEnterString); } } else { PrintStringAt (SecCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEnterCommitString); // // If it is a selected numeric with manual input, display different message // if ((Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP) || (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) || (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP)) { PrintStringAt ( SecCol, TopRowOfHelp, ((Statement->Flags & EFI_IFR_DISPLAY_UINT_HEX) == EFI_IFR_DISPLAY_UINT_HEX) ? gHexNumericInput : gDecNumericInput ); } else if (Statement->Operand != EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST_OP) { PrintAt (StartColumnOfHelp, BottomRowOfHelp, L"%c%c%s", ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, gMoveHighlight); } if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST_OP) { PrintStringAt (StartColumnOfHelp, TopRowOfHelp, gPlusString); PrintStringAt (ThdCol, TopRowOfHelp, gMinusString); } PrintStringAt (ThdCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEnterEscapeString); } break; case EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_OP: ClearLines (LeftColumnOfHelp, RightColumnOfHelp, TopRowOfHelp, BottomRowOfHelp, KEYHELP_TEXT | KEYHELP_BACKGROUND); if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) == FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) { if (Selection->FormEditable) { PrintStringAt (SecCol, TopRowOfHelp, gFunctionNineString); PrintStringAt (ThdCol, TopRowOfHelp, gFunctionTenString); } PrintStringAt (ThdCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEscapeString); } PrintAt (StartColumnOfHelp, BottomRowOfHelp, L"%c%c%s", ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, gMoveHighlight); PrintStringAt (SecCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gToggleCheckBox); break; case EFI_IFR_REF_OP: case EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP: case EFI_IFR_STRING_OP: case EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP: case EFI_IFR_ACTION_OP: case EFI_IFR_RESET_BUTTON_OP: case EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP: ClearLines (LeftColumnOfHelp, RightColumnOfHelp, TopRowOfHelp, BottomRowOfHelp, KEYHELP_TEXT | KEYHELP_BACKGROUND); if (!Selected) { if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) == FORMSET_CLASS_PLATFORM_SETUP) { if (Selection->FormEditable) { PrintStringAt (SecCol, TopRowOfHelp, gFunctionNineString); PrintStringAt (ThdCol, TopRowOfHelp, gFunctionTenString); } PrintStringAt (ThdCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEscapeString); } PrintAt (StartColumnOfHelp, BottomRowOfHelp, L"%c%c%s", ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, gMoveHighlight); if (Statement->Operand != EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP && Statement->Operand != EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP) { PrintStringAt (SecCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEnterString); } } else { if (Statement->Operand != EFI_IFR_REF_OP) { PrintStringAt ( (LocalScreen.RightColumn - GetStringWidth (gEnterCommitString) / 2) / 2, BottomRowOfHelp, gEnterCommitString ); PrintStringAt (ThdCol, BottomRowOfHelp, gEnterEscapeString); } } break; default: break; } } /** Functions which are registered to receive notification of database events have this prototype. The actual event is encoded in NotifyType. The following table describes how PackageType, PackageGuid, Handle, and Package are used for each of the notification types. @param PackageType Package type of the notification. @param PackageGuid If PackageType is EFI_HII_PACKAGE_TYPE_GUID, then this is the pointer to the GUID from the Guid field of EFI_HII_PACKAGE_GUID_HEADER. Otherwise, it must be NULL. @param Package Points to the package referred to by the notification Handle The handle of the package list which contains the specified package. @param Handle The HII handle. @param NotifyType The type of change concerning the database. See EFI_HII_DATABASE_NOTIFY_TYPE. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI FormUpdateNotify ( IN UINT8 PackageType, IN CONST EFI_GUID *PackageGuid, IN CONST EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER *Package, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle, IN EFI_HII_DATABASE_NOTIFY_TYPE NotifyType ) { mHiiPackageListUpdated = TRUE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** The worker function that send the displays to the screen. On output, the selection made by user is returned. @param Selection On input, Selection tell setup browser the information about the Selection, form and formset to be displayed. On output, Selection return the screen item that is selected by user. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The page is displayed successfully. @return Other value if the page failed to be diplayed. **/ EFI_STATUS SetupBrowser ( IN OUT UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST ActionRequest; EFI_HANDLE NotifyHandle; EFI_HII_VALUE *HiiValue; EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *TypeValue; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Statement; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *ConfigAccess; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; BOOLEAN SubmitFormIsRequired; gMenuRefreshHead = NULL; gResetRequired = FALSE; FormSet = Selection->FormSet; ConfigAccess = Selection->FormSet->ConfigAccess; // // Register notify for Form package update // Status = mHiiDatabase->RegisterPackageNotify ( mHiiDatabase, EFI_HII_PACKAGE_FORMS, NULL, FormUpdateNotify, EFI_HII_DATABASE_NOTIFY_REMOVE_PACK, &NotifyHandle ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Initialize current settings of Questions in this FormSet // Status = InitializeCurrentSetting (Selection->FormSet); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } do { // // Initialize Selection->Form // if (Selection->FormId == 0) { // // Zero FormId indicates display the first Form in a FormSet // Link = GetFirstNode (&Selection->FormSet->FormListHead); Selection->Form = FORM_BROWSER_FORM_FROM_LINK (Link); Selection->FormId = Selection->Form->FormId; } else { Selection->Form = IdToForm (Selection->FormSet, Selection->FormId); } if (Selection->Form == NULL) { // // No Form to display // Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; } // // Check Form is suppressed. // if (Selection->Form->SuppressExpression != NULL) { Status = EvaluateExpression (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form, Selection->Form->SuppressExpression); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (Selection->Form->SuppressExpression->Result.Type != EFI_IFR_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; } if (Selection->Form->SuppressExpression->Result.Value.b) { // // Form is suppressed. // do { CreateDialog (4, TRUE, 0, NULL, &Key, gEmptyString, gFormSuppress, gPressEnter, gEmptyString); } while (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; } } // // Reset FormPackage update flag // mHiiPackageListUpdated = FALSE; // // Before display new form, invoke ConfigAccess.Callback() with EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_OPEN // for each question with callback flag. // New form may be the first form, or the different form after another form close. // if ((ConfigAccess != NULL) && ((Selection->Handle != mCurrentHiiHandle) || (!CompareGuid (&Selection->FormSetGuid, &mCurrentFormSetGuid)) || (Selection->FormId != mCurrentFormId))) { // // Keep current form information // mCurrentHiiHandle = Selection->Handle; CopyGuid (&mCurrentFormSetGuid, &Selection->FormSetGuid); mCurrentFormId = Selection->FormId; // // Go through each statement in this form // SubmitFormIsRequired = FALSE; Link = GetFirstNode (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Statement = FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead, Link); if ((Statement->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) != EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) { continue; } // // Check whether Statement is disabled. // if (Statement->DisableExpression != NULL) { Status = EvaluateExpression (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form, Statement->DisableExpression); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Statement->DisableExpression->Result.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && (Statement->DisableExpression->Result.Value.b)) { continue; } } ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; Status = ConfigAccess->Callback ( ConfigAccess, EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_OPEN, Statement->QuestionId, EFI_IFR_TYPE_UNDEFINED, NULL, &ActionRequest ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { switch (ActionRequest) { case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_RESET: gResetRequired = TRUE; break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_SUBMIT: SubmitFormIsRequired = TRUE; break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_EXIT: Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_EXIT; gNvUpdateRequired = FALSE; break; default: break; } } else if (Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED) { // // If return EFI_UNSUPPORTED, also consider Hii driver suceess deal with it. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } } if (SubmitFormIsRequired) { SubmitForm (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form); } // // EXIT requests to close form. // if (Selection->Action == UI_ACTION_EXIT) { goto Done; } // // IFR is updated during callback of open form, force to reparse the IFR binary // if (mHiiPackageListUpdated) { Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET; mHiiPackageListUpdated = FALSE; goto Done; } } // // Load Questions' Value for display // Status = LoadFormSetConfig (Selection, Selection->FormSet); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } // // EXIT requests to close form. // if (Selection->Action == UI_ACTION_EXIT) { goto Done; } // // IFR is updated during callback of read value, force to reparse the IFR binary // if (mHiiPackageListUpdated) { Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET; mHiiPackageListUpdated = FALSE; goto Done; } // // Displays the Header and Footer borders // DisplayPageFrame (); // // Display form // Status = DisplayForm (Selection); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } // // Check Selected Statement (if press ESC, Selection->Statement will be NULL) // Statement = Selection->Statement; if (Statement != NULL) { if ((Statement->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_RESET_REQUIRED) == EFI_IFR_FLAG_RESET_REQUIRED) { gResetRequired = TRUE; } // // Reset FormPackage update flag // mHiiPackageListUpdated = FALSE; if ((ConfigAccess != NULL) && ((Statement->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) == EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) && (Statement->Operand != EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP)) { ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; HiiValue = &Statement->HiiValue; TypeValue = &HiiValue->Value; if (HiiValue->Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) { // // For OrderedList, passing in the value buffer to Callback() // TypeValue = (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *) Statement->BufferValue; } Status = ConfigAccess->Callback ( ConfigAccess, EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGING, Statement->QuestionId, HiiValue->Type, TypeValue, &ActionRequest ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { switch (ActionRequest) { case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_RESET: gResetRequired = TRUE; break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_SUBMIT: SubmitForm (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form); break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_EXIT: Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_EXIT; gNvUpdateRequired = FALSE; break; default: break; } } else if (Status != EFI_UNSUPPORTED) { // // Callback return error status other than EFI_UNSUPPORTED // if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_REF_OP) { // // Cross reference will not be taken // Selection->FormId = Selection->Form->FormId; Selection->QuestionId = 0; } } else { // // If return EFI_UNSUPPORTED, also consider Hii driver suceess deal with it. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } } // // Check whether Form Package has been updated during Callback // if (mHiiPackageListUpdated && (Selection->Action == UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM)) { // // Force to reparse IFR binary of target Formset // mHiiPackageListUpdated = FALSE; Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET; } } // // Before exit the form, invoke ConfigAccess.Callback() with EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_CLOSE // for each question with callback flag. // if ((ConfigAccess != NULL) && ((Selection->Action == UI_ACTION_EXIT) || (Selection->Handle != mCurrentHiiHandle) || (!CompareGuid (&Selection->FormSetGuid, &mCurrentFormSetGuid)) || (Selection->FormId != mCurrentFormId))) { // // Go through each statement in this form // SubmitFormIsRequired = FALSE; Link = GetFirstNode (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Statement = FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Selection->Form->StatementListHead, Link); if ((Statement->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) != EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) { continue; } ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; Status = ConfigAccess->Callback ( ConfigAccess, EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_CLOSE, Statement->QuestionId, EFI_IFR_TYPE_UNDEFINED, NULL, &ActionRequest ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { switch (ActionRequest) { case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_RESET: gResetRequired = TRUE; break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_SUBMIT: SubmitFormIsRequired = TRUE; break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_EXIT: Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_EXIT; gNvUpdateRequired = FALSE; break; default: break; } } else if (Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED) { // // If return EFI_UNSUPPORTED, also consider Hii driver suceess deal with it. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } } if (SubmitFormIsRequired) { SubmitForm (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form); } } } while (Selection->Action == UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM); // // Record the old formset // if (gOldFormSet != NULL) { DestroyFormSet (gOldFormSet); } gOldFormSet = FormSet; Done: // // Reset current form information to the initial setting when error happens or form exit. // if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || Selection->Action == UI_ACTION_EXIT) { mCurrentHiiHandle = NULL; CopyGuid (&mCurrentFormSetGuid, &gZeroGuid); mCurrentFormId = 0; } // // Unregister notify for Form package update // mHiiDatabase->UnregisterPackageNotify ( mHiiDatabase, NotifyHandle ); return Status; }