/** @file Utility functions for User Interface functions. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Setup.h" LIST_ENTRY gMenuOption; LIST_ENTRY gMenuList = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (gMenuList); MENU_REFRESH_ENTRY *gMenuRefreshHead; // // Search table for UiDisplayMenu() // SCAN_CODE_TO_SCREEN_OPERATION gScanCodeToOperation[] = { { SCAN_UP, UiUp, }, { SCAN_DOWN, UiDown, }, { SCAN_PAGE_UP, UiPageUp, }, { SCAN_PAGE_DOWN, UiPageDown, }, { SCAN_ESC, UiReset, }, { SCAN_LEFT, UiLeft, }, { SCAN_RIGHT, UiRight, }, { SCAN_F9, UiDefault, }, { SCAN_F10, UiSave } }; SCREEN_OPERATION_T0_CONTROL_FLAG gScreenOperationToControlFlag[] = { { UiNoOperation, CfUiNoOperation, }, { UiDefault, CfUiDefault, }, { UiSelect, CfUiSelect, }, { UiUp, CfUiUp, }, { UiDown, CfUiDown, }, { UiLeft, CfUiLeft, }, { UiRight, CfUiRight, }, { UiReset, CfUiReset, }, { UiSave, CfUiSave, }, { UiPageUp, CfUiPageUp, }, { UiPageDown, CfUiPageDown } }; BOOLEAN mInputError; BOOLEAN GetLineByWidthFinished = FALSE; /** Set Buffer to Value for Size bytes. @param Buffer Memory to set. @param Size Number of bytes to set @param Value Value of the set operation. **/ VOID SetUnicodeMem ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size, IN CHAR16 Value ) { CHAR16 *Ptr; Ptr = Buffer; while ((Size--) != 0) { *(Ptr++) = Value; } } /** Initialize Menu option list. **/ VOID UiInitMenu ( VOID ) { InitializeListHead (&gMenuOption); } /** Free Menu option linked list. **/ VOID UiFreeMenu ( VOID ) { UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption; while (!IsListEmpty (&gMenuOption)) { MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (gMenuOption.ForwardLink); RemoveEntryList (&MenuOption->Link); // // We allocated space for this description when we did a GetToken, free it here // if (MenuOption->Skip != 0) { // // For date/time, MenuOption->Description is shared by three Menu Options // Data format : [01/02/2004] [11:22:33] // Line number : 0 0 1 0 0 1 // FreePool (MenuOption->Description); } FreePool (MenuOption); } } /** Create a menu with specified formset GUID and form ID, and add it as a child of the given parent menu. @param Parent The parent of menu to be added. @param FormSetGuid The Formset Guid of menu to be added. @param FormId The Form ID of menu to be added. @return A pointer to the newly added menu or NULL if memory is insufficient. **/ UI_MENU_LIST * UiAddMenuList ( IN OUT UI_MENU_LIST *Parent, IN EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, IN UINT16 FormId ) { UI_MENU_LIST *MenuList; MenuList = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (UI_MENU_LIST)); if (MenuList == NULL) { return NULL; } MenuList->Signature = UI_MENU_LIST_SIGNATURE; InitializeListHead (&MenuList->ChildListHead); CopyMem (&MenuList->FormSetGuid, FormSetGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); MenuList->FormId = FormId; MenuList->Parent = Parent; if (Parent == NULL) { // // If parent is not specified, it is the root Form of a Formset // InsertTailList (&gMenuList, &MenuList->Link); } else { InsertTailList (&Parent->ChildListHead, &MenuList->Link); } return MenuList; } /** Search Menu with given FormId in the parent menu and all its child menus. @param Parent The parent of menu to search. @param FormId The Form ID of menu to search. @return A pointer to menu found or NULL if not found. **/ UI_MENU_LIST * UiFindChildMenuList ( IN UI_MENU_LIST *Parent, IN UINT16 FormId ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; UI_MENU_LIST *Child; UI_MENU_LIST *MenuList; if (Parent->FormId == FormId) { return Parent; } Link = GetFirstNode (&Parent->ChildListHead); while (!IsNull (&Parent->ChildListHead, Link)) { Child = UI_MENU_LIST_FROM_LINK (Link); MenuList = UiFindChildMenuList (Child, FormId); if (MenuList != NULL) { return MenuList; } Link = GetNextNode (&Parent->ChildListHead, Link); } return NULL; } /** Search Menu with given FormSetGuid and FormId in all cached menu list. @param FormSetGuid The Formset GUID of the menu to search. @param FormId The Form ID of menu to search. @return A pointer to menu found or NULL if not found. **/ UI_MENU_LIST * UiFindMenuList ( IN EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, IN UINT16 FormId ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; UI_MENU_LIST *MenuList; UI_MENU_LIST *Child; Link = GetFirstNode (&gMenuList); while (!IsNull (&gMenuList, Link)) { MenuList = UI_MENU_LIST_FROM_LINK (Link); if (CompareGuid (FormSetGuid, &MenuList->FormSetGuid)) { // // This is the formset we are looking for, find the form in this formset // Child = UiFindChildMenuList (MenuList, FormId); if (Child != NULL) { return Child; } } Link = GetNextNode (&gMenuList, Link); } return NULL; } /** Free Menu option linked list. **/ VOID UiFreeRefreshList ( VOID ) { MENU_REFRESH_ENTRY *OldMenuRefreshEntry; while (gMenuRefreshHead != NULL) { OldMenuRefreshEntry = gMenuRefreshHead->Next; FreePool (gMenuRefreshHead); gMenuRefreshHead = OldMenuRefreshEntry; } gMenuRefreshHead = NULL; } /** Refresh screen. **/ EFI_STATUS RefreshForm ( VOID ) { CHAR16 *OptionString; MENU_REFRESH_ENTRY *MenuRefreshEntry; UINTN Index; EFI_STATUS Status; UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *ConfigAccess; EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST ActionRequest; if (gMenuRefreshHead != NULL) { MenuRefreshEntry = gMenuRefreshHead; // // Reset FormPackage update flag // mHiiPackageListUpdated = FALSE; do { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentAttribute); Selection = MenuRefreshEntry->Selection; Question = MenuRefreshEntry->MenuOption->ThisTag; Status = GetQuestionValue (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form, Question, FALSE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } OptionString = NULL; ProcessOptions (Selection, MenuRefreshEntry->MenuOption, FALSE, &OptionString); if (OptionString != NULL) { // // If leading spaces on OptionString - remove the spaces // for (Index = 0; OptionString[Index] == L' '; Index++) ; PrintStringAt (MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentColumn, MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentRow, &OptionString[Index]); FreePool (OptionString); } // // Question value may be changed, need invoke its Callback() // ConfigAccess = Selection->FormSet->ConfigAccess; if (((Question->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) != 0) && (ConfigAccess != NULL)) { ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; Status = ConfigAccess->Callback ( ConfigAccess, EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGING, Question->QuestionId, Question->HiiValue.Type, &Question->HiiValue.Value, &ActionRequest ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { switch (ActionRequest) { case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_RESET: gResetRequired = TRUE; break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_SUBMIT: SubmitForm (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form); break; case EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_EXIT: Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_EXIT; gNvUpdateRequired = FALSE; break; default: break; } } } MenuRefreshEntry = MenuRefreshEntry->Next; } while (MenuRefreshEntry != NULL); if (mHiiPackageListUpdated) { // // Package list is updated, force to reparse IFR binary of target Formset // mHiiPackageListUpdated = FALSE; Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET; return EFI_SUCCESS; } } return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Wait for a given event to fire, or for an optional timeout to expire. @param Event The event to wait for @param Timeout An optional timeout value in 100 ns units. @param RefreshInterval Menu refresh interval (in seconds). @retval EFI_SUCCESS Event fired before Timeout expired. @retval EFI_TIME_OUT Timout expired before Event fired. **/ EFI_STATUS UiWaitForSingleEvent ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN UINT64 Timeout, OPTIONAL IN UINT8 RefreshInterval OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; EFI_EVENT TimerEvent; EFI_EVENT WaitList[2]; if (Timeout != 0) { // // Create a timer event // Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &TimerEvent); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Set the timer event // gBS->SetTimer ( TimerEvent, TimerRelative, Timeout ); // // Wait for the original event or the timer // WaitList[0] = Event; WaitList[1] = TimerEvent; Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (2, WaitList, &Index); gBS->CloseEvent (TimerEvent); // // If the timer expired, change the return to timed out // if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && Index == 1) { Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; } } } else { // // Update screen every second // if (RefreshInterval == 0) { Timeout = ONE_SECOND; } else { Timeout = RefreshInterval * ONE_SECOND; } do { Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &TimerEvent); // // Set the timer event // gBS->SetTimer ( TimerEvent, TimerRelative, Timeout ); // // Wait for the original event or the timer // WaitList[0] = Event; WaitList[1] = TimerEvent; Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (2, WaitList, &Index); // // If the timer expired, update anything that needs a refresh and keep waiting // if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && Index == 1) { Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; if (RefreshInterval != 0) { Status = RefreshForm (); } } gBS->CloseEvent (TimerEvent); } while (Status == EFI_TIMEOUT); } return Status; } /** Add one menu option by specified description and context. @param String String description for this option. @param Handle Hii handle for the package list. @param Statement Statement of this Menu Option. @param NumberOfLines Display lines for this Menu Option. @param MenuItemCount The index for this Option in the Menu. @retval Pointer Pointer to the added Menu Option. **/ UI_MENU_OPTION * UiAddMenuOption ( IN CHAR16 *String, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle, IN FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Statement, IN UINT16 NumberOfLines, IN UINT16 MenuItemCount ) { UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption; UINTN Index; UINTN Count; Count = 1; MenuOption = NULL; if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP || Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP) { // // Add three MenuOptions for Date/Time // Data format : [01/02/2004] [11:22:33] // Line number : 0 0 1 0 0 1 // NumberOfLines = 0; Count = 3; if (Statement->Storage == NULL) { // // For RTC type of date/time, set default refresh interval to be 1 second // if (Statement->RefreshInterval == 0) { Statement->RefreshInterval = 1; } } } for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { MenuOption = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (UI_MENU_OPTION)); ASSERT (MenuOption); MenuOption->Signature = UI_MENU_OPTION_SIGNATURE; MenuOption->Description = String; MenuOption->Handle = Handle; MenuOption->ThisTag = Statement; MenuOption->EntryNumber = MenuItemCount; if (Index == 2) { // // Override LineNumber for the MenuOption in Date/Time sequence // MenuOption->Skip = 1; } else { MenuOption->Skip = NumberOfLines; } MenuOption->Sequence = Index; if (Statement->GrayOutExpression != NULL) { MenuOption->GrayOut = Statement->GrayOutExpression->Result.Value.b; } switch (Statement->Operand) { case EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST_OP: case EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP: case EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP: case EFI_IFR_TIME_OP: case EFI_IFR_DATE_OP: case EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_OP: case EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP: case EFI_IFR_STRING_OP: // // User could change the value of these items // MenuOption->IsQuestion = TRUE; break; default: MenuOption->IsQuestion = FALSE; break; } if ((Statement->ValueExpression != NULL) || ((Statement->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_READ_ONLY) != 0)) { MenuOption->ReadOnly = TRUE; } InsertTailList (&gMenuOption, &MenuOption->Link); } return MenuOption; } /** Routine used to abstract a generic dialog interface and return the selected key or string @param NumberOfLines The number of lines for the dialog box @param HotKey Defines whether a single character is parsed (TRUE) and returned in KeyValue or a string is returned in StringBuffer. Two special characters are considered when entering a string, a SCAN_ESC and an CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN. SCAN_ESC terminates string input and returns @param MaximumStringSize The maximum size in bytes of a typed in string (each character is a CHAR16) and the minimum string returned is two bytes @param StringBuffer The passed in pointer to the buffer which will hold the typed in string if HotKey is FALSE @param KeyValue The EFI_KEY value returned if HotKey is TRUE.. @param ... A series of (quantity == NumberOfLines) text strings which will be used to construct the dialog box @retval EFI_SUCCESS Displayed dialog and received user interaction @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters was invalid (e.g. (StringBuffer == NULL) && (HotKey == FALSE)) @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR User typed in an ESC character to exit the routine **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI CreateDialog ( IN UINTN NumberOfLines, IN BOOLEAN HotKey, IN UINTN MaximumStringSize, OUT CHAR16 *StringBuffer, OUT EFI_INPUT_KEY *KeyValue, ... ) { VA_LIST Marker; UINTN Count; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; UINTN LargestString; CHAR16 *TempString; CHAR16 *BufferedString; CHAR16 *StackString; CHAR16 KeyPad[2]; UINTN Start; UINTN Top; UINTN Index; EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN SelectionComplete; UINTN InputOffset; UINTN CurrentAttribute; UINTN DimensionsWidth; UINTN DimensionsHeight; DimensionsWidth = gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn; DimensionsHeight = gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - gScreenDimensions.TopRow; SelectionComplete = FALSE; InputOffset = 0; TempString = AllocateZeroPool (MaximumStringSize * 2); BufferedString = AllocateZeroPool (MaximumStringSize * 2); CurrentAttribute = gST->ConOut->Mode->Attribute; ASSERT (TempString); ASSERT (BufferedString); VA_START (Marker, KeyValue); // // Zero the outgoing buffer // ZeroMem (StringBuffer, MaximumStringSize); if (HotKey) { if (KeyValue == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { if (StringBuffer == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // // Disable cursor // gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, FALSE); LargestString = 0; // // Determine the largest string in the dialog box // Notice we are starting with 1 since String is the first string // for (Count = 0; Count < NumberOfLines; Count++) { StackString = VA_ARG (Marker, CHAR16 *); if (StackString[0] == L' ') { InputOffset = Count + 1; } if ((GetStringWidth (StackString) / 2) > LargestString) { // // Size of the string visually and subtract the width by one for the null-terminator // LargestString = (GetStringWidth (StackString) / 2); } } VA_END (Marker); Start = (DimensionsWidth - LargestString - 2) / 2 + gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + 1; Top = ((DimensionsHeight - NumberOfLines - 2) / 2) + gScreenDimensions.TopRow - 1; Count = 0; // // Display the Popup // VA_START (Marker, KeyValue); CreateSharedPopUp (LargestString, NumberOfLines, Marker); VA_END (Marker); // // Take the first key typed and report it back? // if (HotKey) { Status = WaitForKeyStroke (&Key); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); CopyMem (KeyValue, &Key, sizeof (EFI_INPUT_KEY)); } else { do { Status = WaitForKeyStroke (&Key); switch (Key.UnicodeChar) { case CHAR_NULL: switch (Key.ScanCode) { case SCAN_ESC: FreePool (TempString); FreePool (BufferedString); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, CurrentAttribute); gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; default: break; } break; case CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: SelectionComplete = TRUE; FreePool (TempString); FreePool (BufferedString); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, CurrentAttribute); gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; break; case CHAR_BACKSPACE: if (StringBuffer[0] != CHAR_NULL) { for (Index = 0; StringBuffer[Index] != CHAR_NULL; Index++) { TempString[Index] = StringBuffer[Index]; } // // Effectively truncate string by 1 character // TempString[Index - 1] = CHAR_NULL; StrCpy (StringBuffer, TempString); } default: // // If it is the beginning of the string, don't worry about checking maximum limits // if ((StringBuffer[0] == CHAR_NULL) && (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_BACKSPACE)) { StrnCpy (StringBuffer, &Key.UnicodeChar, 1); StrnCpy (TempString, &Key.UnicodeChar, 1); } else if ((GetStringWidth (StringBuffer) < MaximumStringSize) && (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_BACKSPACE)) { KeyPad[0] = Key.UnicodeChar; KeyPad[1] = CHAR_NULL; StrCat (StringBuffer, KeyPad); StrCat (TempString, KeyPad); } // // If the width of the input string is now larger than the screen, we nee to // adjust the index to start printing portions of the string // SetUnicodeMem (BufferedString, LargestString, L' '); PrintStringAt (Start + 1, Top + InputOffset, BufferedString); if ((GetStringWidth (StringBuffer) / 2) > (DimensionsWidth - 2)) { Index = (GetStringWidth (StringBuffer) / 2) - DimensionsWidth + 2; } else { Index = 0; } for (Count = 0; Index + 1 < GetStringWidth (StringBuffer) / 2; Index++, Count++) { BufferedString[Count] = StringBuffer[Index]; } PrintStringAt (Start + 1, Top + InputOffset, BufferedString); break; } } while (!SelectionComplete); } gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, CurrentAttribute); gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Draw a pop up windows based on the dimension, number of lines and strings specified. @param RequestedWidth The width of the pop-up. @param NumberOfLines The number of lines. @param Marker The variable argument list for the list of string to be printed. **/ VOID CreateSharedPopUp ( IN UINTN RequestedWidth, IN UINTN NumberOfLines, IN VA_LIST Marker ) { UINTN Index; UINTN Count; CHAR16 Character; UINTN Start; UINTN End; UINTN Top; UINTN Bottom; CHAR16 *String; UINTN DimensionsWidth; UINTN DimensionsHeight; DimensionsWidth = gScreenDimensions.RightColumn - gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn; DimensionsHeight = gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - gScreenDimensions.TopRow; gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, POPUP_TEXT | POPUP_BACKGROUND); if ((RequestedWidth + 2) > DimensionsWidth) { RequestedWidth = DimensionsWidth - 2; } // // Subtract the PopUp width from total Columns, allow for one space extra on // each end plus a border. // Start = (DimensionsWidth - RequestedWidth - 2) / 2 + gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + 1; End = Start + RequestedWidth + 1; Top = ((DimensionsHeight - NumberOfLines - 2) / 2) + gScreenDimensions.TopRow - 1; Bottom = Top + NumberOfLines + 2; Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT; PrintCharAt (Start, Top, Character); Character = BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL; for (Index = Start; Index + 2 < End; Index++) { PrintChar (Character); } Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT; PrintChar (Character); Character = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL; Count = 0; for (Index = Top; Index + 2 < Bottom; Index++, Count++) { String = VA_ARG (Marker, CHAR16*); // // This will clear the background of the line - we never know who might have been // here before us. This differs from the next clear in that it used the non-reverse // video for normal printing. // if (GetStringWidth (String) / 2 > 1) { ClearLines (Start, End, Index + 1, Index + 1, POPUP_TEXT | POPUP_BACKGROUND); } // // Passing in a space results in the assumption that this is where typing will occur // if (String[0] == L' ') { ClearLines (Start + 1, End - 1, Index + 1, Index + 1, POPUP_INVERSE_TEXT | POPUP_INVERSE_BACKGROUND); } // // Passing in a NULL results in a blank space // if (String[0] == CHAR_NULL) { ClearLines (Start, End, Index + 1, Index + 1, POPUP_TEXT | POPUP_BACKGROUND); } PrintStringAt ( ((DimensionsWidth - GetStringWidth (String) / 2) / 2) + gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + 1, Index + 1, String ); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, POPUP_TEXT | POPUP_BACKGROUND); PrintCharAt (Start, Index + 1, Character); PrintCharAt (End - 1, Index + 1, Character); } Character = BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT; PrintCharAt (Start, Bottom - 1, Character); Character = BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL; for (Index = Start; Index + 2 < End; Index++) { PrintChar (Character); } Character = BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT; PrintChar (Character); } /** Draw a pop up windows based on the dimension, number of lines and strings specified. @param RequestedWidth The width of the pop-up. @param NumberOfLines The number of lines. @param ... A series of text strings that displayed in the pop-up. **/ VOID EFIAPI CreateMultiStringPopUp ( IN UINTN RequestedWidth, IN UINTN NumberOfLines, ... ) { VA_LIST Marker; VA_START (Marker, NumberOfLines); CreateSharedPopUp (RequestedWidth, NumberOfLines, Marker); VA_END (Marker); } /** Update status bar on the bottom of menu. @param MessageType The type of message to be shown. @param Flags The flags in Question header. @param State Set or clear. **/ VOID UpdateStatusBar ( IN UINTN MessageType, IN UINT8 Flags, IN BOOLEAN State ) { UINTN Index; CHAR16 *NvUpdateMessage; CHAR16 *InputErrorMessage; NvUpdateMessage = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (NV_UPDATE_MESSAGE), gHiiHandle); InputErrorMessage = GetToken (STRING_TOKEN (INPUT_ERROR_MESSAGE), gHiiHandle); switch (MessageType) { case INPUT_ERROR: if (State) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ERROR_TEXT); PrintStringAt ( gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + gPromptBlockWidth, gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - 1, InputErrorMessage ); mInputError = TRUE; } else { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextHighlightColor)); for (Index = 0; Index < (GetStringWidth (InputErrorMessage) - 2) / 2; Index++) { PrintAt (gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + gPromptBlockWidth + Index, gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - 1, L" "); } mInputError = FALSE; } break; case NV_UPDATE_REQUIRED: if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) != FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) { if (State) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, INFO_TEXT); PrintStringAt ( gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + gPromptBlockWidth + gOptionBlockWidth, gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - 1, NvUpdateMessage ); gResetRequired = (BOOLEAN) (gResetRequired | ((Flags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_RESET_REQUIRED) == EFI_IFR_FLAG_RESET_REQUIRED)); gNvUpdateRequired = TRUE; } else { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextHighlightColor)); for (Index = 0; Index < (GetStringWidth (NvUpdateMessage) - 2) / 2; Index++) { PrintAt ( (gScreenDimensions.LeftColumn + gPromptBlockWidth + gOptionBlockWidth + Index), gScreenDimensions.BottomRow - 1, L" " ); } gNvUpdateRequired = FALSE; } } break; case REFRESH_STATUS_BAR: if (mInputError) { UpdateStatusBar (INPUT_ERROR, Flags, TRUE); } if (gNvUpdateRequired) { UpdateStatusBar (NV_UPDATE_REQUIRED, Flags, TRUE); } break; default: break; } FreePool (InputErrorMessage); FreePool (NvUpdateMessage); return ; } /** Get the supported width for a particular op-code @param Statement The FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT structure passed in. @param Handle The handle in the HII database being used @return Returns the number of CHAR16 characters that is support. **/ UINT16 GetWidth ( IN FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Statement, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle ) { CHAR16 *String; UINTN Size; UINT16 Width; Size = 0; // // See if the second text parameter is really NULL // if ((Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP) && (Statement->TextTwo != 0)) { String = GetToken (Statement->TextTwo, Handle); Size = StrLen (String); FreePool (String); } if ((Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP) || (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_REF_OP) || (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP) || (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_ACTION_OP) || (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_RESET_BUTTON_OP) || // // Allow a wide display if text op-code and no secondary text op-code // ((Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP) && (Size == 0)) ) { Width = (UINT16) (gPromptBlockWidth + gOptionBlockWidth); } else { Width = (UINT16) gPromptBlockWidth; } if (Statement->InSubtitle) { Width -= SUBTITLE_INDENT; } return (UINT16) (Width - LEFT_SKIPPED_COLUMNS); } /** Will copy LineWidth amount of a string in the OutputString buffer and return the number of CHAR16 characters that were copied into the OutputString buffer. @param InputString String description for this option. @param LineWidth Width of the desired string to extract in CHAR16 characters @param Index Where in InputString to start the copy process @param OutputString Buffer to copy the string into @return Returns the number of CHAR16 characters that were copied into the OutputString buffer. **/ UINT16 GetLineByWidth ( IN CHAR16 *InputString, IN UINT16 LineWidth, IN OUT UINTN *Index, OUT CHAR16 **OutputString ) { UINT16 Count; UINT16 Count2; if (GetLineByWidthFinished) { GetLineByWidthFinished = FALSE; return (UINT16) 0; } Count = LineWidth; Count2 = 0; *OutputString = AllocateZeroPool (((UINTN) (LineWidth + 1) * 2)); // // Ensure we have got a valid buffer // if (*OutputString != NULL) { // //NARROW_CHAR can not be printed in screen, so if a line only contain the two CHARs: 'NARROW_CHAR + CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN' , it is a empty line in Screen. //To avoid displaying this empty line in screen, just skip the two CHARs here. // if ((InputString[*Index] == NARROW_CHAR) && (InputString[*Index + 1] == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN)) { *Index = *Index + 2; } // // Fast-forward the string and see if there is a carriage-return in the string // for (; (InputString[*Index + Count2] != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN) && (Count2 != LineWidth); Count2++) ; // // Copy the desired LineWidth of data to the output buffer. // Also make sure that we don't copy more than the string. // Also make sure that if there are linefeeds, we account for them. // if ((StrSize (&InputString[*Index]) <= ((UINTN) (LineWidth + 1) * 2)) && (StrSize (&InputString[*Index]) <= ((UINTN) (Count2 + 1) * 2)) ) { // // Convert to CHAR16 value and show that we are done with this operation // LineWidth = (UINT16) ((StrSize (&InputString[*Index]) - 2) / 2); if (LineWidth != 0) { GetLineByWidthFinished = TRUE; } } else { if (Count2 == LineWidth) { // // Rewind the string from the maximum size until we see a space to break the line // for (; (InputString[*Index + LineWidth] != CHAR_SPACE) && (LineWidth != 0); LineWidth--) ; if (LineWidth == 0) { LineWidth = Count; } } else { LineWidth = Count2; } } CopyMem (*OutputString, &InputString[*Index], LineWidth * 2); // // If currently pointing to a space, increment the index to the first non-space character // for (; (InputString[*Index + LineWidth] == CHAR_SPACE) || (InputString[*Index + LineWidth] == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN); (*Index)++ ) ; *Index = (UINT16) (*Index + LineWidth); return LineWidth; } else { return (UINT16) 0; } } /** Update display lines for a Menu Option. @param Selection The user's selection. @param MenuOption The MenuOption to be checked. @param OptionalString The option string. @param SkipValue The number of lins to skip. **/ VOID UpdateOptionSkipLines ( IN UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection, IN UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption, OUT CHAR16 **OptionalString, IN UINTN SkipValue ) { UINTN Index; UINT16 Width; UINTN Row; UINTN OriginalRow; CHAR16 *OutputString; CHAR16 *OptionString; Row = 0; OptionString = *OptionalString; OutputString = NULL; ProcessOptions (Selection, MenuOption, FALSE, &OptionString); if (OptionString != NULL) { Width = (UINT16) gOptionBlockWidth; OriginalRow = Row; for (Index = 0; GetLineByWidth (OptionString, Width, &Index, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&OptionString[Index]) != 0) { if (SkipValue == 0) { Row++; // // Since the Number of lines for this menu entry may or may not be reflected accurately // since the prompt might be 1 lines and option might be many, and vice versa, we need to do // some testing to ensure we are keeping this in-sync. // // If the difference in rows is greater than or equal to the skip value, increase the skip value // if ((Row - OriginalRow) >= MenuOption->Skip) { MenuOption->Skip++; } } } FreePool (OutputString); if (SkipValue != 0) { SkipValue--; } } Row = OriginalRow; } *OptionalString = OptionString; } /** Check whether this Menu Option could be highlighted. This is an internal function. @param MenuOption The MenuOption to be checked. @retval TRUE This Menu Option is selectable. @retval FALSE This Menu Option could not be selected. **/ BOOLEAN IsSelectable ( UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption ) { if ((MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP) || MenuOption->GrayOut || MenuOption->ReadOnly) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /** Determine if the menu is the last menu that can be selected. This is an internal function. @param Direction The scroll direction. False is down. True is up. @param CurrentPos The current focus. @return FALSE -- the menu isn't the last menu that can be selected. @return TRUE -- the menu is the last menu that can be selected. **/ BOOLEAN ValueIsScroll ( IN BOOLEAN Direction, IN LIST_ENTRY *CurrentPos ) { LIST_ENTRY *Temp; UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption; Temp = Direction ? CurrentPos->BackLink : CurrentPos->ForwardLink; if (Temp == &gMenuOption) { return TRUE; } for (; Temp != &gMenuOption; Temp = Direction ? Temp->BackLink : Temp->ForwardLink) { MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Temp); if (IsSelectable (MenuOption)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** Move to next selectable statement. This is an internal function. @param GoUp The navigation direction. TRUE: up, FALSE: down. @param CurrentPosition Current position. @return The row distance from current MenuOption to next selectable MenuOption. **/ INTN MoveToNextStatement ( IN BOOLEAN GoUp, IN OUT LIST_ENTRY **CurrentPosition ) { INTN Distance; LIST_ENTRY *Pos; BOOLEAN HitEnd; UI_MENU_OPTION *NextMenuOption; Distance = 0; Pos = *CurrentPosition; HitEnd = FALSE; while (TRUE) { NextMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Pos); if (IsSelectable (NextMenuOption)) { break; } if ((GoUp ? Pos->BackLink : Pos->ForwardLink) == &gMenuOption) { HitEnd = TRUE; break; } Distance += NextMenuOption->Skip; Pos = (GoUp ? Pos->BackLink : Pos->ForwardLink); } if (HitEnd) { // // If we hit end there is still no statement can be focused, // we go backwards to find the statement can be focused. // Distance = 0; Pos = *CurrentPosition; while (TRUE) { NextMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Pos); if (IsSelectable (NextMenuOption)) { break; } if ((!GoUp ? Pos->BackLink : Pos->ForwardLink) == &gMenuOption) { ASSERT (FALSE); break; } Distance -= NextMenuOption->Skip; Pos = (!GoUp ? Pos->BackLink : Pos->ForwardLink); } } *CurrentPosition = &NextMenuOption->Link; return Distance; } /** Adjust Data and Time position accordingly. Data format : [01/02/2004] [11:22:33] Line number : 0 0 1 0 0 1 This is an internal function. @param DirectionUp the up or down direction. False is down. True is up. @param CurrentPosition Current position. On return: Point to the last Option (Year or Second) if up; Point to the first Option (Month or Hour) if down. @return Return line number to pad. It is possible that we stand on a zero-advance @return data or time opcode, so pad one line when we judge if we are going to scroll outside. **/ UINTN AdjustDateAndTimePosition ( IN BOOLEAN DirectionUp, IN OUT LIST_ENTRY **CurrentPosition ) { UINTN Count; LIST_ENTRY *NewPosition; UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption; UINTN PadLineNumber; PadLineNumber = 0; NewPosition = *CurrentPosition; MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPosition); if ((MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) || (MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP)) { // // Calculate the distance from current position to the last Date/Time MenuOption // Count = 0; while (MenuOption->Skip == 0) { Count++; NewPosition = NewPosition->ForwardLink; MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPosition); PadLineNumber = 1; } NewPosition = *CurrentPosition; if (DirectionUp) { // // Since the behavior of hitting the up arrow on a Date/Time MenuOption is intended // to be one that back to the previous set of MenuOptions, we need to advance to the first // Date/Time MenuOption and leave the remaining logic in CfUiUp intact so the appropriate // checking can be done. // while (Count++ < 2) { NewPosition = NewPosition->BackLink; } } else { // // Since the behavior of hitting the down arrow on a Date/Time MenuOption is intended // to be one that progresses to the next set of MenuOptions, we need to advance to the last // Date/Time MenuOption and leave the remaining logic in CfUiDown intact so the appropriate // checking can be done. // while (Count-- > 0) { NewPosition = NewPosition->ForwardLink; } } *CurrentPosition = NewPosition; } return PadLineNumber; } /** Find HII Handle in the HII database associated with given Device Path. If DevicePath is NULL, then ASSERT. @param DevicePath Device Path associated with the HII package list handle. @retval Handle HII package list Handle associated with the Device Path. @retval NULL Hii Package list handle is not found. **/ EFI_HII_HANDLE EFIAPI DevicePathToHiiHandle ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *TmpDevicePath; UINTN BufferSize; UINTN HandleCount; UINTN Index; EFI_HANDLE Handle; EFI_HANDLE DriverHandle; EFI_HII_HANDLE *HiiHandles; EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle; ASSERT (DevicePath != NULL); TmpDevicePath = DevicePath; // // Locate Device Path Protocol handle buffer // Status = gBS->LocateDevicePath ( &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &TmpDevicePath, &DriverHandle ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || !IsDevicePathEnd (TmpDevicePath)) { return NULL; } // // Retrieve all HII Handles from HII database // BufferSize = 0x1000; HiiHandles = AllocatePool (BufferSize); ASSERT (HiiHandles != NULL); Status = mHiiDatabase->ListPackageLists ( mHiiDatabase, EFI_HII_PACKAGE_TYPE_ALL, NULL, &BufferSize, HiiHandles ); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { FreePool (HiiHandles); HiiHandles = AllocatePool (BufferSize); ASSERT (HiiHandles != NULL); Status = mHiiDatabase->ListPackageLists ( mHiiDatabase, EFI_HII_PACKAGE_TYPE_ALL, NULL, &BufferSize, HiiHandles ); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (HiiHandles); return NULL; } // // Search Hii Handle by Driver Handle // HiiHandle = NULL; HandleCount = BufferSize / sizeof (EFI_HII_HANDLE); for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) { Status = mHiiDatabase->GetPackageListHandle ( mHiiDatabase, HiiHandles[Index], &Handle ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Handle == DriverHandle)) { HiiHandle = HiiHandles[Index]; break; } } FreePool (HiiHandles); return HiiHandle; } /** Display menu and wait for user to select one menu option, then return it. If AutoBoot is enabled, then if user doesn't select any option, after period of time, it will automatically return the first menu option. @param Selection Menu selection. @retval EFI_SUCESSS This function always return successfully for now. **/ EFI_STATUS UiDisplayMenu ( IN OUT UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection ) { INTN SkipValue; INTN Difference; INTN OldSkipValue; UINTN DistanceValue; UINTN Row; UINTN Col; UINTN Temp; UINTN Temp2; UINTN TopRow; UINTN BottomRow; UINTN OriginalRow; UINTN Index; UINT32 Count; UINT16 Width; CHAR16 *StringPtr; CHAR16 *OptionString; CHAR16 *OutputString; CHAR16 *FormattedString; CHAR16 YesResponse; CHAR16 NoResponse; BOOLEAN NewLine; BOOLEAN Repaint; BOOLEAN SavedValue; BOOLEAN UpArrow; BOOLEAN DownArrow; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; LIST_ENTRY *Link; LIST_ENTRY *NewPos; LIST_ENTRY *TopOfScreen; LIST_ENTRY *SavedListEntry; UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption; UI_MENU_OPTION *NextMenuOption; UI_MENU_OPTION *SavedMenuOption; UI_MENU_OPTION *PreviousMenuOption; UI_CONTROL_FLAG ControlFlag; EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR LocalScreen; MENU_REFRESH_ENTRY *MenuRefreshEntry; UI_SCREEN_OPERATION ScreenOperation; UINT8 MinRefreshInterval; UINTN BufferSize; UINT16 DefaultId; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Statement; CHAR16 TemStr[2]; UINT8 *DevicePathBuffer; UINT8 DigitUint8; UI_MENU_LIST *CurrentMenu; UI_MENU_LIST *MenuList; FORM_BROWSER_FORM *RefForm; CopyMem (&LocalScreen, &gScreenDimensions, sizeof (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR)); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; FormattedString = NULL; OptionString = NULL; ScreenOperation = UiNoOperation; NewLine = TRUE; MinRefreshInterval = 0; DefaultId = 0; OutputString = NULL; UpArrow = FALSE; DownArrow = FALSE; SkipValue = 0; OldSkipValue = 0; MenuRefreshEntry = gMenuRefreshHead; NextMenuOption = NULL; PreviousMenuOption = NULL; SavedMenuOption = NULL; RefForm = NULL; ZeroMem (&Key, sizeof (EFI_INPUT_KEY)); if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) == FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE){ TopRow = LocalScreen.TopRow + FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT + SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT; Row = LocalScreen.TopRow + FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT + SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT; } else { TopRow = LocalScreen.TopRow + NONE_FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT + SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT; Row = LocalScreen.TopRow + NONE_FRONT_PAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT + SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT; } Col = LocalScreen.LeftColumn + LEFT_SKIPPED_COLUMNS; BottomRow = LocalScreen.BottomRow - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT - SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT - 1; Selection->TopRow = TopRow; Selection->BottomRow = BottomRow; Selection->PromptCol = Col; Selection->OptionCol = gPromptBlockWidth + 1 + LocalScreen.LeftColumn; Selection->Statement = NULL; TopOfScreen = gMenuOption.ForwardLink; Repaint = TRUE; MenuOption = NULL; // // Find current Menu // CurrentMenu = UiFindMenuList (&Selection->FormSetGuid, Selection->FormId); if (CurrentMenu == NULL) { // // Current menu not found, add it to the menu tree // CurrentMenu = UiAddMenuList (NULL, &Selection->FormSetGuid, Selection->FormId); } ASSERT (CurrentMenu != NULL); if (Selection->QuestionId == 0) { // // Highlight not specified, fetch it from cached menu // Selection->QuestionId = CurrentMenu->QuestionId; } // // Get user's selection // NewPos = gMenuOption.ForwardLink; gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, FALSE); UpdateStatusBar (REFRESH_STATUS_BAR, (UINT8) 0, TRUE); ControlFlag = CfInitialization; Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_NONE; while (TRUE) { switch (ControlFlag) { case CfInitialization: if (IsListEmpty (&gMenuOption)) { ControlFlag = CfReadKey; } else { ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; } break; case CfCheckSelection: if (Selection->Action != UI_ACTION_NONE) { ControlFlag = CfExit; } else { ControlFlag = CfRepaint; } break; case CfRepaint: ControlFlag = CfRefreshHighLight; if (Repaint) { // // Display menu // DownArrow = FALSE; UpArrow = FALSE; Row = TopRow; Temp = (UINTN) SkipValue; Temp2 = (UINTN) SkipValue; ClearLines ( LocalScreen.LeftColumn, LocalScreen.RightColumn, TopRow - SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT, BottomRow + SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND ); UiFreeRefreshList (); MinRefreshInterval = 0; for (Link = TopOfScreen; Link != &gMenuOption; Link = Link->ForwardLink) { MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); MenuOption->Row = Row; MenuOption->Col = Col; MenuOption->OptCol = gPromptBlockWidth + 1 + LocalScreen.LeftColumn; Statement = MenuOption->ThisTag; if (Statement->InSubtitle) { MenuOption->Col += SUBTITLE_INDENT; } if (MenuOption->GrayOut) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, FIELD_TEXT_GRAYED | FIELD_BACKGROUND); } else { if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserSubtitleTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND); } } Width = GetWidth (Statement, MenuOption->Handle); OriginalRow = Row; if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_REF_OP && MenuOption->Col >= 2) { // // Print Arrow for Goto button. // PrintAt ( MenuOption->Col - 2, Row, L"%c", GEOMETRICSHAPE_RIGHT_TRIANGLE ); } for (Index = 0; GetLineByWidth (MenuOption->Description, Width, &Index, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { if ((Temp == 0) && (Row <= BottomRow)) { PrintStringAt (MenuOption->Col, Row, OutputString); } // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&MenuOption->Description[Index]) != 0) { if (Temp == 0) { Row++; } } FreePool (OutputString); if (Temp != 0) { Temp--; } } Temp = 0; Row = OriginalRow; Status = ProcessOptions (Selection, MenuOption, FALSE, &OptionString); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Repaint to clear possible error prompt pop-up // Repaint = TRUE; NewLine = TRUE; ControlFlag = CfRepaint; break; } if (OptionString != NULL) { if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP || Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP) { // // If leading spaces on OptionString - remove the spaces // for (Index = 0; OptionString[Index] == L' '; Index++) { MenuOption->OptCol++; } for (Count = 0; OptionString[Index] != CHAR_NULL; Index++) { OptionString[Count] = OptionString[Index]; Count++; } OptionString[Count] = CHAR_NULL; } // // If Question request refresh, register the op-code // if (Statement->RefreshInterval != 0) { // // Menu will be refreshed at minimal interval of all Questions // which have refresh request // if (MinRefreshInterval == 0 || Statement->RefreshInterval < MinRefreshInterval) { MinRefreshInterval = Statement->RefreshInterval; } if (gMenuRefreshHead == NULL) { MenuRefreshEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (MENU_REFRESH_ENTRY)); ASSERT (MenuRefreshEntry != NULL); MenuRefreshEntry->MenuOption = MenuOption; MenuRefreshEntry->Selection = Selection; MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentColumn = MenuOption->OptCol; MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentRow = MenuOption->Row; if (MenuOption->GrayOut) { MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentAttribute = FIELD_TEXT_GRAYED | FIELD_BACKGROUND; } else { MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentAttribute = PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND; } gMenuRefreshHead = MenuRefreshEntry; } else { // // Advance to the last entry // for (MenuRefreshEntry = gMenuRefreshHead; MenuRefreshEntry->Next != NULL; MenuRefreshEntry = MenuRefreshEntry->Next ) ; MenuRefreshEntry->Next = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (MENU_REFRESH_ENTRY)); ASSERT (MenuRefreshEntry->Next != NULL); MenuRefreshEntry = MenuRefreshEntry->Next; MenuRefreshEntry->MenuOption = MenuOption; MenuRefreshEntry->Selection = Selection; MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentColumn = MenuOption->OptCol; MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentRow = MenuOption->Row; if (MenuOption->GrayOut) { MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentAttribute = FIELD_TEXT_GRAYED | FIELD_BACKGROUND; } else { MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentAttribute = PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND; } } } Width = (UINT16) gOptionBlockWidth; OriginalRow = Row; for (Index = 0; GetLineByWidth (OptionString, Width, &Index, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { if ((Temp2 == 0) && (Row <= BottomRow)) { PrintStringAt (MenuOption->OptCol, Row, OutputString); } // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&OptionString[Index]) != 0) { if (Temp2 == 0) { Row++; // // Since the Number of lines for this menu entry may or may not be reflected accurately // since the prompt might be 1 lines and option might be many, and vice versa, we need to do // some testing to ensure we are keeping this in-sync. // // If the difference in rows is greater than or equal to the skip value, increase the skip value // if ((Row - OriginalRow) >= MenuOption->Skip) { MenuOption->Skip++; } } } FreePool (OutputString); if (Temp2 != 0) { Temp2--; } } Temp2 = 0; Row = OriginalRow; FreePool (OptionString); } // // If this is a text op with secondary text information // if ((Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP) && (Statement->TextTwo != 0)) { StringPtr = GetToken (Statement->TextTwo, MenuOption->Handle); Width = (UINT16) gOptionBlockWidth; OriginalRow = Row; for (Index = 0; GetLineByWidth (StringPtr, Width, &Index, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { if ((Temp == 0) && (Row <= BottomRow)) { PrintStringAt (MenuOption->OptCol, Row, OutputString); } // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&StringPtr[Index]) != 0) { if (Temp2 == 0) { Row++; // // Since the Number of lines for this menu entry may or may not be reflected accurately // since the prompt might be 1 lines and option might be many, and vice versa, we need to do // some testing to ensure we are keeping this in-sync. // // If the difference in rows is greater than or equal to the skip value, increase the skip value // if ((Row - OriginalRow) >= MenuOption->Skip) { MenuOption->Skip++; } } } FreePool (OutputString); if (Temp2 != 0) { Temp2--; } } Row = OriginalRow; FreePool (StringPtr); } gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND); // // Need to handle the bottom of the display // if (MenuOption->Skip > 1) { Row += MenuOption->Skip - SkipValue; SkipValue = 0; } else { Row += MenuOption->Skip; } if (Row > BottomRow) { if (!ValueIsScroll (FALSE, Link)) { DownArrow = TRUE; } Row = BottomRow + 1; break; } } if (!ValueIsScroll (TRUE, TopOfScreen)) { UpArrow = TRUE; } if (UpArrow) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ARROW_TEXT | ARROW_BACKGROUND); PrintAt ( LocalScreen.LeftColumn + gPromptBlockWidth + gOptionBlockWidth + 1, TopRow - SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT, L"%c", ARROW_UP ); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND); } if (DownArrow) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ARROW_TEXT | ARROW_BACKGROUND); PrintAt ( LocalScreen.LeftColumn + gPromptBlockWidth + gOptionBlockWidth + 1, BottomRow + SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT, L"%c", ARROW_DOWN ); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND); } MenuOption = NULL; } break; case CfRefreshHighLight: // // MenuOption: Last menu option that need to remove hilight // MenuOption is set to NULL in Repaint // NewPos: Current menu option that need to hilight // ControlFlag = CfUpdateHelpString; // // Repaint flag is normally reset when finish processing CfUpdateHelpString. Temporarily // reset Repaint flag because we may break halfway and skip CfUpdateHelpString processing. // SavedValue = Repaint; Repaint = FALSE; if (Selection->QuestionId != 0) { NewPos = gMenuOption.ForwardLink; SavedMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPos); while (SavedMenuOption->ThisTag->QuestionId != Selection->QuestionId && NewPos->ForwardLink != &gMenuOption) { NewPos = NewPos->ForwardLink; SavedMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPos); } if (SavedMenuOption->ThisTag->QuestionId == Selection->QuestionId) { // // Target Question found, find its MenuOption // Link = TopOfScreen; for (Index = TopRow; Index <= BottomRow && Link != NewPos;) { SavedMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); Index += SavedMenuOption->Skip; Link = Link->ForwardLink; } if (Link != NewPos || Index > BottomRow) { // // NewPos is not in the current page, simply scroll page so that NewPos is in the end of the page // Link = NewPos; for (Index = TopRow; Index <= BottomRow; ) { Link = Link->BackLink; SavedMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); Index += SavedMenuOption->Skip; } TopOfScreen = Link->ForwardLink; Repaint = TRUE; NewLine = TRUE; ControlFlag = CfRepaint; break; } } else { // // Target Question not found, highlight the default menu option // NewPos = TopOfScreen; } Selection->QuestionId = 0; } if (NewPos != NULL && (MenuOption == NULL || NewPos != &MenuOption->Link)) { if (MenuOption != NULL) { // // Remove highlight on last Menu Option // gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, MenuOption->Col, MenuOption->Row); ProcessOptions (Selection, MenuOption, FALSE, &OptionString); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND); if (OptionString != NULL) { if ((MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) || (MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP) ) { // // If leading spaces on OptionString - remove the spaces // for (Index = 0; OptionString[Index] == L' '; Index++) ; for (Count = 0; OptionString[Index] != CHAR_NULL; Index++) { OptionString[Count] = OptionString[Index]; Count++; } OptionString[Count] = CHAR_NULL; } Width = (UINT16) gOptionBlockWidth; OriginalRow = MenuOption->Row; for (Index = 0; GetLineByWidth (OptionString, Width, &Index, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { if (MenuOption->Row >= TopRow && MenuOption->Row <= BottomRow) { PrintStringAt (MenuOption->OptCol, MenuOption->Row, OutputString); } // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&OptionString[Index]) != 0) { MenuOption->Row++; } FreePool (OutputString); } MenuOption->Row = OriginalRow; FreePool (OptionString); } else { if (NewLine) { if (MenuOption->GrayOut) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, FIELD_TEXT_GRAYED | FIELD_BACKGROUND); } else if (MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserSubtitleTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND); } OriginalRow = MenuOption->Row; Width = GetWidth (MenuOption->ThisTag, MenuOption->Handle); for (Index = 0; GetLineByWidth (MenuOption->Description, Width, &Index, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { if (MenuOption->Row >= TopRow && MenuOption->Row <= BottomRow) { PrintStringAt (MenuOption->Col, MenuOption->Row, OutputString); } // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&MenuOption->Description[Index]) != 0) { MenuOption->Row++; } FreePool (OutputString); } MenuOption->Row = OriginalRow; gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND); } } } // // This is only possible if we entered this page and the first menu option is // a "non-menu" item. In that case, force it UiDown // MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPos); if (!IsSelectable (MenuOption)) { ASSERT (ScreenOperation == UiNoOperation); ScreenOperation = UiDown; ControlFlag = CfScreenOperation; break; } // // This is the current selected statement // Statement = MenuOption->ThisTag; Selection->Statement = Statement; // // Record highlight for current menu // CurrentMenu->QuestionId = Statement->QuestionId; // // Set reverse attribute // gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextHighlightColor) | PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldBackgroundHighlightColor)); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, MenuOption->Col, MenuOption->Row); // // Assuming that we have a refresh linked-list created, lets annotate the // appropriate entry that we are highlighting with its new attribute. Just prior to this // lets reset all of the entries' attribute so we do not get multiple highlights in he refresh // if (gMenuRefreshHead != NULL) { for (MenuRefreshEntry = gMenuRefreshHead; MenuRefreshEntry != NULL; MenuRefreshEntry = MenuRefreshEntry->Next) { if (MenuOption->GrayOut) { MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentAttribute = FIELD_TEXT_GRAYED | FIELD_BACKGROUND; } else { MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentAttribute = PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND; } if (MenuRefreshEntry->MenuOption == MenuOption) { MenuRefreshEntry->CurrentAttribute = PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextHighlightColor) | PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldBackgroundHighlightColor); } } } ProcessOptions (Selection, MenuOption, FALSE, &OptionString); if (OptionString != NULL) { if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP || Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP) { // // If leading spaces on OptionString - remove the spaces // for (Index = 0; OptionString[Index] == L' '; Index++) ; for (Count = 0; OptionString[Index] != CHAR_NULL; Index++) { OptionString[Count] = OptionString[Index]; Count++; } OptionString[Count] = CHAR_NULL; } Width = (UINT16) gOptionBlockWidth; OriginalRow = MenuOption->Row; for (Index = 0; GetLineByWidth (OptionString, Width, &Index, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { if (MenuOption->Row >= TopRow && MenuOption->Row <= BottomRow) { PrintStringAt (MenuOption->OptCol, MenuOption->Row, OutputString); } // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&OptionString[Index]) != 0) { MenuOption->Row++; } FreePool (OutputString); } MenuOption->Row = OriginalRow; FreePool (OptionString); } else { if (NewLine) { OriginalRow = MenuOption->Row; Width = GetWidth (Statement, MenuOption->Handle); for (Index = 0; GetLineByWidth (MenuOption->Description, Width, &Index, &OutputString) != 0x0000;) { if (MenuOption->Row >= TopRow && MenuOption->Row <= BottomRow) { PrintStringAt (MenuOption->Col, MenuOption->Row, OutputString); } // // If there is more string to process print on the next row and increment the Skip value // if (StrLen (&MenuOption->Description[Index]) != 0) { MenuOption->Row++; } FreePool (OutputString); } MenuOption->Row = OriginalRow; } } UpdateKeyHelp (Selection, MenuOption, FALSE); // // Clear reverse attribute // gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PcdGet8 (PcdBrowserFieldTextColor) | FIELD_BACKGROUND); } // // Repaint flag will be used when process CfUpdateHelpString, so restore its value // if we didn't break halfway when process CfRefreshHighLight. // Repaint = SavedValue; break; case CfUpdateHelpString: ControlFlag = CfPrepareToReadKey; if (Repaint || NewLine) { // // Don't print anything if it is a NULL help token // ASSERT(MenuOption != NULL); if (MenuOption->ThisTag->Help == 0) { StringPtr = L"\0"; } else { StringPtr = GetToken (MenuOption->ThisTag->Help, MenuOption->Handle); } ProcessHelpString (StringPtr, &FormattedString, BottomRow - TopRow); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, HELP_TEXT | FIELD_BACKGROUND); for (Index = 0; Index < BottomRow - TopRow; Index++) { // // Pad String with spaces to simulate a clearing of the previous line // for (; GetStringWidth (&FormattedString[Index * gHelpBlockWidth * 2]) / 2 < gHelpBlockWidth;) { StrCat (&FormattedString[Index * gHelpBlockWidth * 2], L" "); } PrintStringAt ( LocalScreen.RightColumn - gHelpBlockWidth, Index + TopRow, &FormattedString[Index * gHelpBlockWidth * 2] ); } } // // Reset this flag every time we finish using it. // Repaint = FALSE; NewLine = FALSE; break; case CfPrepareToReadKey: ControlFlag = CfReadKey; ScreenOperation = UiNoOperation; break; case CfReadKey: ControlFlag = CfScreenOperation; // // Wait for user's selection // do { Status = UiWaitForSingleEvent (gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, 0, MinRefreshInterval); } while (Status == EFI_TIMEOUT); if (Selection->Action == UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET) { // // IFR is updated in Callback of refresh opcode, re-parse it // Selection->Statement = NULL; return EFI_SUCCESS; } Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); // // If we encounter error, continue to read another key in. // if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ControlFlag = CfReadKey; break; } switch (Key.UnicodeChar) { case CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: ScreenOperation = UiSelect; gDirection = 0; break; // // We will push the adjustment of these numeric values directly to the input handler // NOTE: we won't handle manual input numeric // case '+': case '-': // // If the screen has no menu items, and the user didn't select UiReset // ignore the selection and go back to reading keys. // if(IsListEmpty (&gMenuOption)) { ControlFlag = CfReadKey; break; } ASSERT(MenuOption != NULL); Statement = MenuOption->ThisTag; if ((Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) || (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP) || ((Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP) && (Statement->Step != 0)) ){ if (Key.UnicodeChar == '+') { gDirection = SCAN_RIGHT; } else { gDirection = SCAN_LEFT; } Status = ProcessOptions (Selection, MenuOption, TRUE, &OptionString); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Repaint to clear possible error prompt pop-up // Repaint = TRUE; NewLine = TRUE; } else { Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM; } if (OptionString != NULL) { FreePool (OptionString); } } break; case '^': ScreenOperation = UiUp; break; case 'V': case 'v': ScreenOperation = UiDown; break; case ' ': if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) != FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) { // // If the screen has no menu items, and the user didn't select UiReset // ignore the selection and go back to reading keys. // if(IsListEmpty (&gMenuOption)) { ControlFlag = CfReadKey; break; } ASSERT(MenuOption != NULL); if (MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_OP && !MenuOption->GrayOut) { ScreenOperation = UiSelect; } } break; case CHAR_NULL: if (((Key.ScanCode == SCAN_F9) && ((gFunctionKeySetting & FUNCTION_NINE) != FUNCTION_NINE)) || ((Key.ScanCode == SCAN_F10) && ((gFunctionKeySetting & FUNCTION_TEN) != FUNCTION_TEN)) ) { // // If the function key has been disabled, just ignore the key. // } else { for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (gScanCodeToOperation) / sizeof (gScanCodeToOperation[0]); Index++) { if (Key.ScanCode == gScanCodeToOperation[Index].ScanCode) { if (Key.ScanCode == SCAN_F9) { // // Reset to standard default // DefaultId = EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD; } ScreenOperation = gScanCodeToOperation[Index].ScreenOperation; break; } } } break; } break; case CfScreenOperation: if (ScreenOperation != UiReset) { // // If the screen has no menu items, and the user didn't select UiReset // ignore the selection and go back to reading keys. // if (IsListEmpty (&gMenuOption)) { ControlFlag = CfReadKey; break; } // // if there is nothing logical to place a cursor on, just move on to wait for a key. // for (Link = gMenuOption.ForwardLink; Link != &gMenuOption; Link = Link->ForwardLink) { NextMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); if (IsSelectable (NextMenuOption)) { break; } } if (Link == &gMenuOption) { ControlFlag = CfPrepareToReadKey; break; } } for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (gScreenOperationToControlFlag) / sizeof (gScreenOperationToControlFlag[0]); Index++ ) { if (ScreenOperation == gScreenOperationToControlFlag[Index].ScreenOperation) { ControlFlag = gScreenOperationToControlFlag[Index].ControlFlag; break; } } break; case CfUiSelect: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; ASSERT(MenuOption != NULL); Statement = MenuOption->ThisTag; if (Statement->Operand == EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP) { break; } // // Keep highlight on current MenuOption // Selection->QuestionId = Statement->QuestionId; switch (Statement->Operand) { case EFI_IFR_REF_OP: if (Statement->RefDevicePath != 0) { // // Goto another Hii Package list // Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET; StringPtr = GetToken (Statement->RefDevicePath, Selection->FormSet->HiiHandle); if (StringPtr == NULL) { // // No device path string not found, exit // Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_EXIT; Selection->Statement = NULL; break; } BufferSize = StrLen (StringPtr) / 2; DevicePath = AllocatePool (BufferSize); ASSERT (DevicePath != NULL); // // Convert from Device Path String to DevicePath Buffer in the reverse order. // DevicePathBuffer = (UINT8 *) DevicePath; for (Index = 0; StringPtr[Index] != L'\0'; Index ++) { TemStr[0] = StringPtr[Index]; DigitUint8 = (UINT8) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); if (DigitUint8 == 0 && TemStr[0] != L'0') { // // Invalid Hex Char as the tail. // break; } if ((Index & 1) == 0) { DevicePathBuffer [Index/2] = DigitUint8; } else { DevicePathBuffer [Index/2] = (UINT8) ((DevicePathBuffer [Index/2] << 4) + DigitUint8); } } Selection->Handle = DevicePathToHiiHandle (DevicePath); if (Selection->Handle == NULL) { // // If target Hii Handle not found, exit // Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_EXIT; Selection->Statement = NULL; break; } FreePool (StringPtr); FreePool (DevicePath); CopyMem (&Selection->FormSetGuid, &Statement->RefFormSetId, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); Selection->FormId = Statement->RefFormId; Selection->QuestionId = Statement->RefQuestionId; } else if (!CompareGuid (&Statement->RefFormSetId, &gZeroGuid)) { // // Goto another Formset, check for uncommitted data // Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET; CopyMem (&Selection->FormSetGuid, &Statement->RefFormSetId, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); Selection->FormId = Statement->RefFormId; Selection->QuestionId = Statement->RefQuestionId; } else if (Statement->RefFormId != 0) { // // Check whether target From is suppressed. // RefForm = IdToForm (Selection->FormSet, Statement->RefFormId); if ((RefForm != NULL) && (RefForm->SuppressExpression != NULL)) { Status = EvaluateExpression (Selection->FormSet, RefForm, RefForm->SuppressExpression); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (RefForm->SuppressExpression->Result.Value.b) { // // Form is suppressed. // do { CreateDialog (4, TRUE, 0, NULL, &Key, gEmptyString, gFormSuppress, gPressEnter, gEmptyString); } while (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN); Repaint = TRUE; break; } } // // Goto another form inside this formset, // Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM; // // Link current form so that we can always go back when someone hits the ESC // MenuList = UiFindMenuList (&Selection->FormSetGuid, Statement->RefFormId); if (MenuList == NULL) { MenuList = UiAddMenuList (CurrentMenu, &Selection->FormSetGuid, Statement->RefFormId); } Selection->FormId = Statement->RefFormId; Selection->QuestionId = Statement->RefQuestionId; } else if (Statement->RefQuestionId != 0) { // // Goto another Question // Selection->QuestionId = Statement->RefQuestionId; if ((Statement->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) != 0) { Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM; } else { Repaint = TRUE; NewLine = TRUE; break; } } break; case EFI_IFR_ACTION_OP: // // Process the Config string // Status = ProcessQuestionConfig (Selection, Statement); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } // // The action button may change some Question value, so refresh the form // Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM; break; case EFI_IFR_RESET_BUTTON_OP: // // Reset Question to default value specified by DefaultId // ControlFlag = CfUiDefault; DefaultId = Statement->DefaultId; break; default: // // Editable Questions: oneof, ordered list, checkbox, numeric, string, password // UpdateKeyHelp (Selection, MenuOption, TRUE); Status = ProcessOptions (Selection, MenuOption, TRUE, &OptionString); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Repaint = TRUE; NewLine = TRUE; UpdateKeyHelp (Selection, MenuOption, FALSE); } else { Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM; } if (OptionString != NULL) { FreePool (OptionString); } break; } break; case CfUiReset: // // We come here when someone press ESC // ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; if (CurrentMenu->Parent != NULL) { // // we have a parent, so go to the parent menu // if (CompareGuid (&CurrentMenu->FormSetGuid, &CurrentMenu->Parent->FormSetGuid)) { // // The parent menu and current menu are in the same formset // Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM; } else { Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET; } Selection->Statement = NULL; Selection->FormId = CurrentMenu->Parent->FormId; Selection->QuestionId = CurrentMenu->Parent->QuestionId; // // Clear highlight record for this menu // CurrentMenu->QuestionId = 0; break; } if ((gClassOfVfr & FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) == FORMSET_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE) { // // We never exit FrontPage, so skip the ESC // Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_NONE; break; } // // We are going to leave current FormSet, so check uncommited data in this FormSet // if (gNvUpdateRequired) { Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); YesResponse = gYesResponse[0]; NoResponse = gNoResponse[0]; // // If NV flag is up, prompt user // do { CreateDialog (4, TRUE, 0, NULL, &Key, gEmptyString, gSaveChanges, gAreYouSure, gEmptyString); } while ( (Key.ScanCode != SCAN_ESC) && ((Key.UnicodeChar | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) != (NoResponse | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET)) && ((Key.UnicodeChar | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) != (YesResponse | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET)) ); if (Key.ScanCode == SCAN_ESC) { // // User hits the ESC key // Repaint = TRUE; NewLine = TRUE; Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_NONE; break; } // // If the user hits the YesResponse key // if ((Key.UnicodeChar | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) == (YesResponse | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET)) { Status = SubmitForm (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form); } } Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_EXIT; Selection->Statement = NULL; CurrentMenu->QuestionId = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; case CfUiLeft: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; ASSERT(MenuOption != NULL); if ((MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) || (MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP)) { if (MenuOption->Sequence != 0) { // // In the middle or tail of the Date/Time op-code set, go left. // ASSERT(NewPos != NULL); NewPos = NewPos->BackLink; } } break; case CfUiRight: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; ASSERT(MenuOption != NULL); if ((MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) || (MenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP)) { if (MenuOption->Sequence != 2) { // // In the middle or tail of the Date/Time op-code set, go left. // ASSERT(NewPos != NULL); NewPos = NewPos->ForwardLink; } } break; case CfUiUp: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; SavedListEntry = TopOfScreen; ASSERT(NewPos != NULL); if (NewPos->BackLink != &gMenuOption) { NewLine = TRUE; // // Adjust Date/Time position before we advance forward. // AdjustDateAndTimePosition (TRUE, &NewPos); // // Caution that we have already rewind to the top, don't go backward in this situation. // if (NewPos->BackLink != &gMenuOption) { NewPos = NewPos->BackLink; } Difference = MoveToNextStatement (TRUE, &NewPos); PreviousMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPos); DistanceValue = PreviousMenuOption->Skip; // // Since the behavior of hitting the up arrow on a Date/Time op-code is intended // to be one that back to the previous set of op-codes, we need to advance to the sencond // Date/Time op-code and leave the remaining logic in UiDown intact so the appropriate // checking can be done. // DistanceValue += AdjustDateAndTimePosition (TRUE, &NewPos); ASSERT (MenuOption != NULL); if (Difference < 0) { // // We want to goto previous MenuOption, but finally we go down. // it means that we hit the begining MenuOption that can be focused // so we simply scroll to the top // if (SavedListEntry != gMenuOption.ForwardLink) { TopOfScreen = gMenuOption.ForwardLink; Repaint = TRUE; } } else if ((INTN) MenuOption->Row - (INTN) DistanceValue - Difference < (INTN) TopRow) { // // Previous focus MenuOption is above the TopOfScreen, so we need to scroll // TopOfScreen = NewPos; Repaint = TRUE; SkipValue = 0; OldSkipValue = 0; } // // If we encounter a Date/Time op-code set, rewind to the first op-code of the set. // AdjustDateAndTimePosition (TRUE, &TopOfScreen); UpdateStatusBar (INPUT_ERROR, MenuOption->ThisTag->QuestionFlags, FALSE); } else { SavedMenuOption = MenuOption; MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPos); if (!IsSelectable (MenuOption)) { // // If we are at the end of the list and sitting on a text op, we need to more forward // ScreenOperation = UiDown; ControlFlag = CfScreenOperation; break; } MenuOption = SavedMenuOption; } break; case CfUiPageUp: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; ASSERT(NewPos != NULL); if (NewPos->BackLink == &gMenuOption) { NewLine = FALSE; Repaint = FALSE; break; } NewLine = TRUE; Repaint = TRUE; Link = TopOfScreen; PreviousMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); Index = BottomRow; while ((Index >= TopRow) && (Link->BackLink != &gMenuOption)) { Index = Index - PreviousMenuOption->Skip; Link = Link->BackLink; PreviousMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); } TopOfScreen = Link; Difference = MoveToNextStatement (TRUE, &Link); if (Difference > 0) { // // The focus MenuOption is above the TopOfScreen // TopOfScreen = Link; } else if (Difference < 0) { // // This happens when there is no MenuOption can be focused from // Current MenuOption to the first MenuOption // TopOfScreen = gMenuOption.ForwardLink; } Index += Difference; if (Index < TopRow) { MenuOption = NULL; } if (NewPos == Link) { Repaint = FALSE; NewLine = FALSE; } else { NewPos = Link; } // // If we encounter a Date/Time op-code set, rewind to the first op-code of the set. // Don't do this when we are already in the first page. // AdjustDateAndTimePosition (TRUE, &TopOfScreen); AdjustDateAndTimePosition (TRUE, &NewPos); break; case CfUiPageDown: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; ASSERT (NewPos != NULL); if (NewPos->ForwardLink == &gMenuOption) { NewLine = FALSE; Repaint = FALSE; break; } NewLine = TRUE; Repaint = TRUE; Link = TopOfScreen; NextMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); Index = TopRow; while ((Index <= BottomRow) && (Link->ForwardLink != &gMenuOption)) { Index = Index + NextMenuOption->Skip; Link = Link->ForwardLink; NextMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); } Index += MoveToNextStatement (FALSE, &Link); if (Index > BottomRow) { // // There are more MenuOption needing scrolling // TopOfScreen = Link; MenuOption = NULL; } if (NewPos == Link && Index <= BottomRow) { // // Finally we know that NewPos is the last MenuOption can be focused. // NewLine = FALSE; Repaint = FALSE; } else { NewPos = Link; } // // If we encounter a Date/Time op-code set, rewind to the first op-code of the set. // Don't do this when we are already in the last page. // AdjustDateAndTimePosition (TRUE, &TopOfScreen); AdjustDateAndTimePosition (TRUE, &NewPos); break; case CfUiDown: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; // // Since the behavior of hitting the down arrow on a Date/Time op-code is intended // to be one that progresses to the next set of op-codes, we need to advance to the last // Date/Time op-code and leave the remaining logic in UiDown intact so the appropriate // checking can be done. The only other logic we need to introduce is that if a Date/Time // op-code is the last entry in the menu, we need to rewind back to the first op-code of // the Date/Time op-code. // SavedListEntry = NewPos; DistanceValue = AdjustDateAndTimePosition (FALSE, &NewPos); if (NewPos->ForwardLink != &gMenuOption) { MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPos); NewLine = TRUE; NewPos = NewPos->ForwardLink; DistanceValue += MoveToNextStatement (FALSE, &NewPos); NextMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPos); // // An option might be multi-line, so we need to reflect that data in the overall skip value // UpdateOptionSkipLines (Selection, NextMenuOption, &OptionString, (UINTN) SkipValue); DistanceValue += NextMenuOption->Skip; Temp = MenuOption->Row + MenuOption->Skip + DistanceValue - 1; if ((MenuOption->Row + MenuOption->Skip == BottomRow + 1) && (NextMenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP || NextMenuOption->ThisTag->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP) ) { Temp ++; } // // If we are going to scroll, update TopOfScreen // if (Temp > BottomRow) { do { // // Is the current top of screen a zero-advance op-code? // If so, keep moving forward till we hit a >0 advance op-code // SavedMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (TopOfScreen); // // If bottom op-code is more than one line or top op-code is more than one line // if ((DistanceValue > 1) || (MenuOption->Skip > 1)) { // // Is the bottom op-code greater than or equal in size to the top op-code? // if ((Temp - BottomRow) >= (SavedMenuOption->Skip - OldSkipValue)) { // // Skip the top op-code // TopOfScreen = TopOfScreen->ForwardLink; Difference = (Temp - BottomRow) - (SavedMenuOption->Skip - OldSkipValue); OldSkipValue = Difference; SavedMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (TopOfScreen); // // If we have a remainder, skip that many more op-codes until we drain the remainder // while (Difference >= (INTN) SavedMenuOption->Skip) { // // Since the Difference is greater than or equal to this op-code's skip value, skip it // Difference = Difference - (INTN) SavedMenuOption->Skip; TopOfScreen = TopOfScreen->ForwardLink; SavedMenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (TopOfScreen); } // // Since we will act on this op-code in the next routine, and increment the // SkipValue, set the skips to one less than what is required. // SkipValue = Difference - 1; } else { // // Since we will act on this op-code in the next routine, and increment the // SkipValue, set the skips to one less than what is required. // SkipValue = OldSkipValue + (Temp - BottomRow) - 1; } } else { if ((OldSkipValue + 1) == (INTN) SavedMenuOption->Skip) { TopOfScreen = TopOfScreen->ForwardLink; break; } else { SkipValue = OldSkipValue; } } // // If the op-code at the top of the screen is more than one line, let's not skip it yet // Let's set a skip flag to smoothly scroll the top of the screen. // if (SavedMenuOption->Skip > 1) { if (SavedMenuOption == NextMenuOption) { SkipValue = 0; } else { SkipValue++; } } else if (SavedMenuOption->Skip == 1) { SkipValue = 0; } else { SkipValue = 0; TopOfScreen = TopOfScreen->ForwardLink; } } while (SavedMenuOption->Skip == 0); Repaint = TRUE; OldSkipValue = SkipValue; } MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (SavedListEntry); UpdateStatusBar (INPUT_ERROR, MenuOption->ThisTag->QuestionFlags, FALSE); } else { SavedMenuOption = MenuOption; MenuOption = MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK (NewPos); if (!IsSelectable (MenuOption)) { // // If we are at the end of the list and sitting on a text op, we need to more forward // ScreenOperation = UiUp; ControlFlag = CfScreenOperation; break; } MenuOption = SavedMenuOption; // // If we are at the end of the list and sitting on a Date/Time op, rewind to the head. // AdjustDateAndTimePosition (TRUE, &NewPos); } break; case CfUiSave: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; // // Submit the form // Status = SubmitForm (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ASSERT(MenuOption != NULL); UpdateStatusBar (INPUT_ERROR, MenuOption->ThisTag->QuestionFlags, FALSE); UpdateStatusBar (NV_UPDATE_REQUIRED, MenuOption->ThisTag->QuestionFlags, FALSE); } else { do { CreateDialog (4, TRUE, 0, NULL, &Key, gEmptyString, gSaveFailed, gPressEnter, gEmptyString); } while (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN); Repaint = TRUE; NewLine = TRUE; } break; case CfUiDefault: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; if (!Selection->FormEditable) { // // This Form is not editable, ignore the F9 (reset to default) // break; } Status = ExtractFormDefault (Selection->FormSet, Selection->Form, DefaultId); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Selection->Action = UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORM; Selection->Statement = NULL; // // Show NV update flag on status bar // gNvUpdateRequired = TRUE; gResetRequired = TRUE; } break; case CfUiNoOperation: ControlFlag = CfCheckSelection; break; case CfExit: UiFreeRefreshList (); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK)); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, Row + 4); gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"\n"); return EFI_SUCCESS; default: break; } } }