/** @file
  Native Platform Configuration Database (PCD) Protocol

  Different with the EFI_PCD_PROTOCOL defined in PI 1.2 specification, the native
  PCD protocol provide interfaces for dynamic and dynamic-ex type PCD. 
  The interfaces in dynamic type PCD do not require the token space guid as parameter,
  but interfaces in dynamic-ex type PCD require token space guid as parameter.
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under 
the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.  
The full text of the license may be found at


#ifndef __PCD_H__
#define __PCD_H__

extern EFI_GUID gPcdProtocolGuid;

  { 0x11b34006, 0xd85b, 0x4d0a, { 0xa2, 0x90, 0xd5, 0xa5, 0x71, 0x31, 0xe, 0xf7 } }


  Sets the SKU value for subsequent calls to set or get PCD token values.

  SetSku() sets the SKU Id to be used for subsequent calls to set or get PCD values. 
  SetSku() is normally called only once by the system.

  For each item (token), the database can hold a single value that applies to all SKUs, 
  or multiple values, where each value is associated with a specific SKU Id. Items with multiple, 
  SKU-specific values are called SKU enabled. 
  The SKU Id of zero is reserved as a default. The valid SkuId range is 1 to 255.  
  For tokens that are not SKU enabled, the system ignores any set SKU Id and works with the 
  single value for that token. For SKU-enabled tokens, the system will use the SKU Id set by the 
  last call to SetSku(). If no SKU Id is set or the currently set SKU Id isn't valid for the specified token, 
  the system uses the default SKU Id. If the system attempts to use the default SKU Id and no value has been 
  set for that Id, the results are unpredictable.

  @param[in]  SkuId The SKU value that will be used when the PCD service will retrieve and 
                    set values associated with a PCD token.

  IN  UINTN                  SkuId

  Retrieves an 8-bit value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current byte-sized value for a PCD token number.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The UINT8 value.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a 16-bit value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current 16-bit value for a PCD token number.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The UINT16 value.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a 32-bit value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current 32-bit value for a PCD token number.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The UINT32 value.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a 64-bit value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current 64-bit value for a PCD token number.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The UINT64 value.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a pointer to a value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current pointer to the buffer for a PCD token number.  
  Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that 
  is returned by this function call.  If the TokenNumber is invalid, 
  the results are unpredictable.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The pointer to the buffer to be retrived.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a Boolean value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current boolean value for a PCD token number.  
  Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that 
  is returned by this function call.  If the TokenNumber is invalid, 
  the results are unpredictable.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The Boolean value.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves the size of the value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current size of a particular PCD token.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The size of the value for the PCD token.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves an 8-bit value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the 8-bit value of a particular PCD token.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
  specified by Guid does not exist, the results are 

  @param[in]  Guid        The token space for the token number.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The size 8-bit value for the PCD token.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a 16-bit value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the 16-bit value of a particular PCD token.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
  specified by Guid does not exist, the results are 

  @param[in]  Guid        The token space for the token number.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The size 16-bit value for the PCD token.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a 32-bit value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the 32-bit value of a particular PCD token.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
  specified by Guid does not exist, the results are 

  @param[in]  Guid        The token space for the token number.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The size 32-bit value for the PCD token.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves an 64-bit value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the 64-bit value of a particular PCD token.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
  specified by Guid does not exist, the results are 

  @param[in]  Guid        The token space for the token number.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The size 64-bit value for the PCD token.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a pointer to a value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current pointer to the buffer for a PCD token number.  
  Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that 
  is returned by this function call.  If the TokenNumber is invalid, 
  the results are unpredictable.

  @param[in]  Guid        The token space for the token number.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The pointer to the buffer to be retrieved.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves a Boolean value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the Boolean value of a particular PCD token.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
  specified by Guid does not exist, the results are 

  @param[in]  Guid        The token space for the token number.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The size Boolean value for the PCD token.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Retrieves the size of the value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current size of a particular PCD token.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.

  @param[in]  Guid        The token space for the token number.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The size of the value for the PCD token.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber

  Sets an 8-bit value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN UINT8             Value

  Sets a 16-bit value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN              TokenNumber,
  IN UINT16             Value

  Sets a 32-bit value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN              TokenNumber,
  IN UINT32             Value

  Sets a 64-bit value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN UINT64            Value

  Sets a value of a specified size for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]      TokenNumber  The PCD token number. 
  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer A pointer to the length of the value being set for the PCD token.  
                               On input, if the SizeOfValue is greater than the maximum size supported 
                               for this TokenNumber then the output value of SizeOfValue will reflect 
                               the maximum size supported for this TokenNumber.
  @param[in]      Buffer       The buffer to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN      UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN OUT  UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
  IN      VOID              *Buffer

  Sets a Boolean value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN BOOLEAN           Value

  Sets an 8-bit value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN UINT8             Value

  Sets an 16-bit value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN UINT16            Value

  Sets a 32-bit value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN CONST EFI_GUID     *Guid,
  IN UINTN              TokenNumber,
  IN UINT32             Value

  Sets a 64-bit value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN UINT64            Value

  Sets a value of a specified size for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  Guid            The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber     The PCD token number. 
  @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer A pointer to the length of the value being set for the PCD token.  
                              On input, if the SizeOfValue is greater than the maximum size supported 
                              for this TokenNumber then the output value of SizeOfValue will reflect 
                              the maximum size supported for this TokenNumber.
  @param[in]  Buffer          The buffer to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN CONST EFI_GUID          *Guid,
  IN       UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN OUT   UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
  IN       VOID              *Buffer

  Sets a Boolean value for a given PCD token.

  When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the 
  size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.  
  If it is not, an error will be returned.

  @param[in]  Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Value       The value to set for the PCD token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The procedure returned successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data 
                                  being set was incompatible with a call to this function.  
                                  Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
  IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
  IN BOOLEAN           Value

  Callback on SET function prototype definition.

  This notification function serves two purposes. 
  Firstly, it notifies the module which did the registration that the value 
  of this PCD token has been set. Secondly, it provides a mechanism for the 
  module that did the registration to intercept the set operation and override 
  the value that has been set, if necessary. After the invocation of the callback function, 
  TokenData will be used by PCD service DXE driver to modify the internal data in 
  PCD database.

  @param[in]  CallBackGuid    The PCD token GUID being set.
  @param[in]  CallBackToken   The PCD token number being set.
  @param[in, out] TokenData   A pointer to the token data being set.
  @param[in]  TokenDataSize   The size, in bytes, of the data being set.

  @retval VOID

  IN CONST EFI_GUID         *CallBackGuid, OPTIONAL
  IN       UINTN            CallBackToken,
  IN OUT   VOID             *TokenData,
  IN       UINTN            TokenDataSize

  Specifies a function to be called anytime the value of a designated token is changed.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber       The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Guid              The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]  CallBackFunction  The function prototype called when the value associated with the CallBackToken is set.  

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS   The PCD service has successfully established a call event 
                        for the CallBackToken requested.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the referenced token number.

  IN  UINTN                   TokenNumber,

  Cancels a previously set callback function for a particular PCD token number.

  @param[in]  TokenNumber      The PCD token number. 
  @param[in]  Guid             The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]  CallBackFunction The function prototype called when the value associated with the CallBackToken is set.  

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS   The PCD service has successfully established a call event 
                        for the CallBackToken requested.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the referenced token number.

  IN  UINTN                   TokenNumber,

  Retrieves the next valid token number in a given namespace.  
  This is useful since the PCD infrastructure contains a sparse list of token numbers, 
  and one cannot know without examination or by deduction what token numbers are valid in the database. 
  If TokenNumber is 0 and Guid is not NULL, then the first token from the token space specified by Guid is returned.  
  If TokenNumber is not 0 and Guid is not NULL, then the next token in the token space specified by Guid is returned.  
  If TokenNumber is 0 and Guid is NULL, then the first token in the default token space is returned.  
  If TokenNumber is not 0 and Guid is NULL, then the next token in the default token space is returned.  
  The token numbers in the default token space may not be related to token numbers in token spaces that are named by Guid.  
  If the next token number can be retrieved, then it is returned in TokenNumber, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned.  
  If TokenNumber represents the last token number in the token space specified by Guid, then EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.  
  If TokenNumber is not present in the token space specified by Guid, then EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.

  @param[in]      Guid    The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to retrieve the next token. 
                          This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. If this parameter is NULL, then a request is 
                          being made to retrieve tokens from the default token space.
  @param[in,out]  TokenNumber 
                          A pointer to the PCD token number to use to find the subsequent token number.  

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS   The PCD service retrieved the next valid token number. Or the input token number 
                        is already the last valid token number in the PCD database. 
                        In the later case, *TokenNumber is updated with the value of 0.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND If this input token number and token namespace does not exist on the platform.

  IN OUT  UINTN               *TokenNumber

  Retrieves the next valid PCD token namespace for a given namespace.

  @param[in, out]  Guid An indirect pointer to EFI_GUID. On input it designates 
                        a known token namespace from which the search will start. On output, 
                        it designates the next valid token namespace on the platform. If the input 
                        token namespace does not exist on the platform, an error is returned and 
                        the value of *Guid is undefined. If *Guid is NULL, then the GUID of the 
                        first token space of the current platform is assigned to *Guid the function 
                        return EFI_SUCCESS. If *Guid is NULL  and there is no namespace exist in 
                        the platform other than the default (NULL) token namespace, *Guid is unchanged 
                        and the function return EFI_SUCCESS. If this input token namespace is the last 
                        namespace on the platform, *Guid will be assigned to NULL and the function return 

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The PCD service retrieved the next valid token space Guid. 
                        Or, the input token space Guid is already the last valid token space Guid 
                        in the PCD database. In the later case, *Guid is updated with the value of NULL.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND If the input token namespace does not exist on the platform.

  IN  OUT    CONST EFI_GUID      **Guid

/// This service abstracts the ability to set/get Platform Configuration Database (PCD).
typedef struct {
  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET_SKU              SetSku;

  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET8                 Get8;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET16                Get16;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET32                Get32;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET64                Get64;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET_SIZE             GetSize;

  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET_EX_8             Get8Ex;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET_EX_16            Get16Ex;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET_EX_32            Get32Ex;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET_EX_64            Get64Ex;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_GET_EX_SIZE          GetSizeEx;

  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET8                 Set8;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET16                Set16;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET32                Set32;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET64                Set64;

  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET_EX_8             Set8Ex;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET_EX_16            Set16Ex;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET_EX_32            Set32Ex;
  PCD_PROTOCOL_SET_EX_64            Set64Ex;

