# @file # Instance of PAL Library retrieving PAL entrypoint from HOB. # # Instance of PAL Library that uses a HOB to retrieve the PAL # Entry Point and layers on top of AsmPalCall() in the Base Library. # # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This software and associated documentation (if any) is furnished # under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance # with the terms of the license. Except as permitted by such # license, no part of this software or documentation may be # reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any # form or by any means without the express written consent of # Intel Corporation. # # # [Defines] INF_VERSION = 0x00010005 BASE_NAME = DxePalLib FILE_GUID = B05D4251-5BA5-46f2-A011-46CC46D9A590 MODULE_TYPE = DXE_DRIVER VERSION_STRING = 1.0 LIBRARY_CLASS = PalCallLib|DXE_CORE DXE_DRIVER DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER DXE_SAL_DRIVER UEFI_DRIVER UEFI_APPLICATION EDK_RELEASE_VERSION = 0x00020000 EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = 0x00020000 # # The following information is for reference only and not required by the build tools. # # VALID_ARCHITECTURES = IPF # [Sources.IPF] DxePalCallLib.c [Packages] MdePkg/MdePkg.dec IntelFrameworkPkg/IntelFrameworkPkg.dec ItaniumFamilyCpuPkg/ItaniumFamilyCpuPkg.dec ItaniumPlatformPkg/ItaniumPlatformPkg.dec [LibraryClasses] BaseLib HobLib UefiLib DebugLib [Guids] gPalEntryHobGuid # ALWAYS_CONSUMED gEfiSalSystemTableGuid # ALWAYS_CONSUMED