/** @file
  Definition of Neighbor Discovery support routines.

  Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  This program and the accompanying materials
  are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
  which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at



#ifndef __EFI_IP6_ND_H__
#define __EFI_IP6_ND_H__


enum {

  IP6_MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY = 1000, ///< 1000 milliseconds


  IP6_MAX_NEIGHBOR_ADV           = 3,
  IP6_REACHABLE_TIME             = 30000,
  IP6_RETRANS_TIMER              = 1000,

  IP6_MIN_LINK_MTU               = 1280,
  IP6_MAX_LINK_MTU               = 1500,

  IP6_IS_ROUTER_FLAG             = 0x80,
  IP6_SOLICITED_FLAG             = 0x40,
  IP6_OVERRIDE_FLAG              = 0x20,

  IP6_M_ADDR_CONFIG_FLAG         = 0x80,
  IP6_O_CONFIG_FLAG              = 0x40,

  IP6_ON_LINK_FLAG               = 0x80,
  IP6_AUTO_CONFIG_FLAG           = 0x40,

  IP6_ND_LENGTH                  = 24,
  IP6_RA_LENGTH                  = 16,
  IP6_REDITECT_LENGTH            = 40,
  IP6_DAD_ENTRY_SIGNATURE        = SIGNATURE_32 ('I', 'P', 'D', 'E')

  VOID                      *Context

typedef struct _IP6_ETHE_ADDR_OPTION {
  UINT8                     Type;
  UINT8                     Length;
  UINT8                     EtherAddr[6];

typedef struct _IP6_MTU_OPTION {
  UINT8                     Type;
  UINT8                     Length;
  UINT16                    Reserved;
  UINT32                    Mtu;

typedef struct _IP6_PREFIX_INFO_OPTION {
  UINT8                     Type;
  UINT8                     Length;
  UINT8                     PrefixLength;
  UINT8                     Reserved1;
  UINT32                    ValidLifetime;
  UINT32                    PreferredLifetime;
  UINT32                    Reserved2;
  EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS          Prefix;

  IN BOOLEAN           IsDadPassed,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS  *TargetAddress,
  IN VOID              *Context

typedef struct _IP6_DAD_ENTRY {
  UINT32                    Signature;
  LIST_ENTRY                Link;
  UINT32                    MaxTransmit;
  UINT32                    Transmit;
  UINT32                    Receive;
  UINT32                    RetransTick;
  IP6_ADDRESS_INFO          *AddressInfo;
  EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS          Destination;
  IP6_DAD_CALLBACK          Callback;
  VOID                      *Context;

typedef struct _IP6_DELAY_JOIN_LIST {
  LIST_ENTRY                Link;
  UINT32                    DelayTime; ///< in tick per 50 milliseconds
  IP6_INTERFACE             *Interface;
  IP6_ADDRESS_INFO          *AddressInfo;
  IP6_DAD_CALLBACK          DadCallback;
  VOID                      *Context;

typedef struct _IP6_NEIGHBOR_ENTRY {
  LIST_ENTRY                Link;
  LIST_ENTRY                ArpList;
  INTN                      RefCnt;
  BOOLEAN                   IsRouter;
  BOOLEAN                   ArpFree;
  BOOLEAN                   Dynamic;
  EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS          Neighbor;
  EFI_MAC_ADDRESS           LinkAddress;
  UINT32                    Transmit;
  UINT32                    Ticks;

  LIST_ENTRY                Frames;
  IP6_INTERFACE             *Interface;
  IP6_ARP_CALLBACK          CallBack;

typedef struct _IP6_DEFAULT_ROUTER {
  LIST_ENTRY                Link;
  INTN                      RefCnt;
  UINT16                    Lifetime;
  EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS          Router;
  IP6_NEIGHBOR_ENTRY        *NeighborCache;

typedef struct _IP6_PREFIX_LIST_ENTRY {
  LIST_ENTRY                Link;
  INTN                      RefCnt;
  UINT32                    ValidLifetime;
  UINT32                    PreferredLifetime;
  UINT8                     PrefixLength;
  EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS          Prefix;

  Build a array of EFI_IP6_NEIGHBOR_CACHE to be returned to the caller. The number
  of EFI_IP6_NEIGHBOR_CACHE is also returned.

  @param[in]  IpInstance        The pointer to IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[out] NeighborCount     The number of returned neighbor cache entries.
  @param[out] NeighborCache     The pointer to the array of EFI_IP6_NEIGHBOR_CACHE.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The EFI_IP6_NEIGHBOR_CACHE successfully built.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Failed to allocate the memory for the route table.

Ip6BuildEfiNeighborCache (
  IN IP6_PROTOCOL            *IpInstance,
  OUT UINT32                 *NeighborCount,

  Build a array of EFI_IP6_ADDRESS_INFO to be returned to the caller. The number
  of prefix entries is also returned.

  @param[in]  IpInstance        The pointer to IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[out] PrefixCount       The number of returned prefix entries.
  @param[out] PrefixTable       The pointer to the array of PrefixTable.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The prefix table successfully built.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Failed to allocate the memory for the prefix table.

Ip6BuildPrefixTable (
  IN IP6_PROTOCOL           *IpInstance,
  OUT UINT32                *PrefixCount,

  Allocate and initialize an IP6 default router entry.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  Ip6Address        The IPv6 address of the default router.
  @param[in]  RouterLifetime    The lifetime associated with the default
                                router, in units of seconds.

  @return NULL if it failed to allocate memory for the default router node.
          Otherwise, point to the created default router node.

Ip6CreateDefaultRouter (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Ip6Address,
  IN UINT16                 RouterLifetime

  Destroy an IP6 default router entry.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  DefaultRouter     The to be destroyed IP6_DEFAULT_ROUTER.

Ip6DestroyDefaultRouter (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN IP6_DEFAULT_ROUTER     *DefaultRouter

  Clean an IP6 default router list.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.

Ip6CleanDefaultRouterList (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb

  Search a default router node from an IP6 default router list.

  @param[in]  IpSb          The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  Ip6Address    The IPv6 address of the to be searched default router node.

  @return NULL if it failed to find the matching default router node.
          Otherwise, point to the found default router node.

Ip6FindDefaultRouter (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Ip6Address

  The function to be called after DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) is performed.

  @param[in]  IsDadPassed   If TRUE, the DAD operation succeed. Otherwise, the DAD operation failed.
  @param[in]  IpIf          Points to the IP6_INTERFACE.
  @param[in]  DadEntry      The DAD entry which already performed DAD.

Ip6OnDADFinished (
  IN BOOLEAN        IsDadPassed,
  IN IP6_DAD_ENTRY  *DadEntry

  Create a DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) entry and queue it to be performed.

  @param[in]  IpIf          Points to the IP6_INTERFACE.
  @param[in]  AddressInfo   The address information which needs DAD performed.
  @param[in]  Callback      The callback routine that will be called after DAD
                            is performed. This is an optional parameter that
                            may be NULL.
  @param[in]  Context       The opaque parameter for a DAD callback routine.
                            This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The DAD entry was created and queued.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Failed to allocate the memory to complete the

Ip6InitDADProcess (
  IN IP6_INTERFACE          *IpIf,
  IN IP6_ADDRESS_INFO       *AddressInfo,
  IN VOID                   *Context  OPTIONAL

  Search IP6_DAD_ENTRY from the Duplicate Address Detection List.

  @param[in]  IpSb          The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  Target        The address information which needs DAD performed .
  @param[out] Interface     If not NULL, output the IP6 interface that configures
                            the tentative address.

  @return NULL if failed to find the matching DAD entry.
          Otherwise, point to the found DAD entry.

Ip6FindDADEntry (
  IN  IP6_SERVICE      *IpSb,
  IN  EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *Target,

  Allocate and initialize a IP6 prefix list entry.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  OnLinkOrAuto      If TRUE, the entry is created for the on link prefix list.
                                Otherwise, it is created for the autoconfiguration prefix list.
  @param[in]  ValidLifetime     The length of time in seconds that the prefix
                                is valid for the purpose of on-link determination.
  @param[in]  PreferredLifetime The length of time in seconds that addresses
                                generated from the prefix via stateless address
                                autoconfiguration remain preferred.
  @param[in]  PrefixLength      The prefix length of the Prefix.
  @param[in]  Prefix            The prefix address.

  @return NULL if it failed to allocate memory for the prefix node. Otherwise, point
          to the created or existing prefix list entry.

Ip6CreatePrefixListEntry (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN BOOLEAN                OnLinkOrAuto,
  IN UINT32                 ValidLifetime,
  IN UINT32                 PreferredLifetime,
  IN UINT8                  PrefixLength,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Prefix

  Destory a IP6 prefix list entry.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  PrefixEntry       The to be destroyed prefix list entry.
  @param[in]  OnLinkOrAuto      If TRUE, the entry is removed from on link prefix list.
                                Otherwise remove from autoconfiguration prefix list.
  @param[in]  ImmediateDelete   If TRUE, remove the entry directly.
                                Otherwise, check the reference count to see whether
                                it should be removed.

Ip6DestroyPrefixListEntry (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN BOOLEAN                OnLinkOrAuto,
  IN BOOLEAN                ImmediateDelete

  Search the list array to find an IP6 prefix list entry.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  OnLinkOrAuto      If TRUE, the search the link prefix list,
                                Otherwise search the autoconfiguration prefix list.
  @param[in]  PrefixLength      The prefix length of the Prefix
  @param[in]  Prefix            The prefix address.

  @return NULL if cannot find the IP6 prefix list entry. Otherwise, return the
          pointer to the IP6 prefix list entry.

Ip6FindPrefixListEntry (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN BOOLEAN                OnLinkOrAuto,
  IN UINT8                  PrefixLength,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Prefix

  Release the resource in prefix list table, and destroy the list entry and
  corresponding addresses or route entries.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  ListHead          The list entry head of the prefix list table.

Ip6CleanPrefixListTable (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN LIST_ENTRY             *ListHead

  Allocate and initialize an IP6 neighbor cache entry.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  CallBack          The callback function to be called when
                                address resolution is finished.
  @param[in]  Ip6Address        Points to the IPv6 address of the neighbor.
  @param[in]  LinkAddress       Points to the MAC address of the neighbor.
                                Ignored if NULL.

  @return NULL if failed to allocate memory for the neighbor cache entry.
          Otherwise, point to the created neighbor cache entry.

Ip6CreateNeighborEntry (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN IP6_ARP_CALLBACK       CallBack,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Ip6Address,

  Search a IP6 neighbor cache entry.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  Ip6Address        Points to the IPv6 address of the neighbor.

  @return NULL if it failed to find the matching neighbor cache entry.
          Otherwise, point to the found neighbor cache entry.

Ip6FindNeighborEntry (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Ip6Address

  Free a IP6 neighbor cache entry and remove all the frames on the address
  resolution queue that pass the FrameToCancel. That is, either FrameToCancel
  is NULL, or it returns true for the frame.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The pointer to the IP6_SERVICE instance.
  @param[in]  NeighborCache     The to be free neighbor cache entry.
  @param[in]  SendIcmpError     If TRUE, send out ICMP error.
  @param[in]  FullFree          If TRUE, remove the neighbor cache entry.
                                Otherwise remove the pending frames.
  @param[in]  IoStatus          The status returned to the cancelled frames'
                                callback function.
  @param[in]  FrameToCancel     Function to select which frame to cancel.
                                This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.
  @param[in]  Context           Opaque parameter to the FrameToCancel.
                                Ignored if FrameToCancel is NULL.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The input parameter is invalid.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The operation finished successfully.

Ip6FreeNeighborEntry (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN IP6_NEIGHBOR_ENTRY     *NeighborCache,
  IN BOOLEAN                SendIcmpError,
  IN BOOLEAN                FullFree,
  IN EFI_STATUS             IoStatus,
  IN VOID                   *Context      OPTIONAL

  Add Neighbor cache entries. It is a work function for EfiIp6Neighbors().

  @param[in]  IpSb               The IP6 service binding instance.
  @param[in]  TargetIp6Address   Pointer to Target IPv6 address.
  @param[in]  TargetLinkAddress  Pointer to link-layer address of the target. Ignored if NULL.
  @param[in]  Timeout            Time in 100-ns units that this entry will remain in the neighbor
                                 cache. It will be deleted after Timeout. A value of zero means that
                                 the entry is permanent. A non-zero value means that the entry is
  @param[in]  Override           If TRUE, the cached link-layer address of the matching entry will
                                 be overridden and updated; if FALSE, and if a
                                 corresponding cache entry already existed, EFI_ACCESS_DENIED
                                 will be returned.

  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS           The neighbor cache entry has been added.
  @retval  EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Could not add the entry to the neighbor cache
                                 due to insufficient resources.
  @retval  EFI_NOT_FOUND         TargetLinkAddress is NULL.
  @retval  EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The to-be-added entry is already defined in the neighbor cache,
                                 and that entry is tagged as un-overridden (when DeleteFlag
                                 is FALSE).

Ip6AddNeighbor (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *TargetIp6Address,
  IN EFI_MAC_ADDRESS        *TargetLinkAddress OPTIONAL,
  IN UINT32                 Timeout,
  IN BOOLEAN                Override

  Delete or update Neighbor cache entries. It is a work function for EfiIp6Neighbors().

  @param[in]  IpSb               The IP6 service binding instance.
  @param[in]  TargetIp6Address   Pointer to Target IPv6 address.
  @param[in]  TargetLinkAddress  Pointer to link-layer address of the target. Ignored if NULL.
  @param[in]  Timeout            Time in 100-ns units that this entry will remain in the neighbor
                                 cache. It will be deleted after Timeout. A value of zero means that
                                 the entry is permanent. A non-zero value means that the entry is
  @param[in]  Override           If TRUE, the cached link-layer address of the matching entry will
                                 be overridden and updated; if FALSE, and if a
                                 corresponding cache entry already existed, EFI_ACCESS_DENIED
                                 will be returned.

  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS           The neighbor cache entry has been updated or deleted.
  @retval  EFI_NOT_FOUND         This entry is not in the neighbor cache.

Ip6DelNeighbor (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *TargetIp6Address,
  IN EFI_MAC_ADDRESS        *TargetLinkAddress OPTIONAL,
  IN UINT32                 Timeout,
  IN BOOLEAN                Override

  Process the Neighbor Solicitation message. The message may be sent for Duplicate
  Address Detection or Address Resolution.

  @param[in]  IpSb               The IP service that received the packet.
  @param[in]  Head               The IP head of the message.
  @param[in]  Packet             The content of the message with IP head removed.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The packet processed successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The packet is invalid.
  @retval EFI_ICMP_ERROR         The packet indicates that DAD is failed.
  @retval Others                 Failed to process the packet.

Ip6ProcessNeighborSolicit (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IP6_HEADER         *Head,
  IN NET_BUF                *Packet

  Process the Neighbor Advertisement message.

  @param[in]  IpSb               The IP service that received the packet.
  @param[in]  Head               The IP head of the message.
  @param[in]  Packet             The content of the message with IP head removed.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The packet processed successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The packet is invalid.
  @retval EFI_ICMP_ERROR         The packet indicates that DAD is failed.
  @retval Others                 Failed to process the packet.

Ip6ProcessNeighborAdvertise (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IP6_HEADER         *Head,
  IN NET_BUF                *Packet

  Process the Router Advertisement message according to RFC4861.

  @param[in]  IpSb               The IP service that received the packet.
  @param[in]  Head               The IP head of the message.
  @param[in]  Packet             The content of the message with the IP head removed.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The packet processed successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The packet is invalid.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Insufficient resources to complete the operation.
  @retval Others                 Failed to process the packet.

Ip6ProcessRouterAdvertise (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IP6_HEADER         *Head,
  IN NET_BUF                *Packet

  Process the ICMPv6 redirect message. Find the instance, then update
  its route cache.

  @param[in]  IpSb               The IP6 service binding instance that received
                                 the packet.
  @param[in]  Head               The IP head of the received ICMPv6 packet.
  @param[in]  Packet             The content of the ICMPv6 redirect packet with
                                 the IP head removed.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The parameter is invalid.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Insuffcient resources to complete the
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Successfully updated the route caches.

Ip6ProcessRedirect (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IP6_HEADER         *Head,
  IN NET_BUF                *Packet

  Generate router solicit message and send it out to Destination Address or
  All Router Link Local scope multicast address.

  @param[in]  IpSb               The IP service to send the packet.
  @param[in]  Interface          If not NULL, points to the IP6 interface to send
                                 the packet.
  @param[in]  SourceAddress      If not NULL, the source address of the message.
  @param[in]  DestinationAddress If not NULL, the destination address of the message.
  @param[in]  SourceLinkAddress  If not NULL, the MAC address of the source.
                                 A source link-layer address option will be appended
                                 to the message.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Insufficient resources to complete the operation.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The router solicit message was successfully sent.

Ip6SendRouterSolicit (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN IP6_INTERFACE          *Interface          OPTIONAL,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *SourceAddress      OPTIONAL,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *DestinationAddress OPTIONAL,
  IN EFI_MAC_ADDRESS        *SourceLinkAddress  OPTIONAL

  Generate the Neighbor Solicitation message and send it to the Destination Address.

  @param[in]  IpSb               The IP service to send the packet
  @param[in]  SourceAddress      The source address of the message.
  @param[in]  DestinationAddress The destination address of the message.
  @param[in]  TargetIp6Address   The IP address of the target of the solicitation.
                                 It must not be a multicast address.
  @param[in]  SourceLinkAddress  The MAC address for the sender. If not NULL,
                                 a source link-layer address option will be appended
                                 to the message.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Any input parameter is invalid.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Insufficient resources to complete the
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The Neighbor Advertise message was successfully sent.

Ip6SendNeighborSolicit (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *SourceAddress,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *DestinationAddress,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *TargetIp6Address,
  IN EFI_MAC_ADDRESS        *SourceLinkAddress OPTIONAL

  Set the interface's address. This will trigger the DAD process for the
  address to set. To set an already set address, the lifetimes wil be
  updated to the new value passed in.

  @param[in]  Interface             The interface to set the address.
  @param[in]  Ip6Addr               The interface's to be assigned IPv6 address.
  @param[in]  IsAnycast             If TRUE, the unicast IPv6 address is anycast.
                                    Otherwise, it is not anycast.
  @param[in]  PrefixLength          The prefix length of the Ip6Addr.
  @param[in]  ValidLifetime         The valid lifetime for this address.
  @param[in]  PreferredLifetime     The preferred lifetime for this address.
  @param[in]  DadCallback           The caller's callback to trigger when DAD finishes.
                                    This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.
  @param[in]  Context               The context that will be passed to DadCallback.
                                    This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The interface is scheduled to be configured with
                                    the specified address.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES      Failed to set the interface's address due to
                                    lack of resources.

Ip6SetAddress (
  IN IP6_INTERFACE          *Interface,
  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Ip6Addr,
  IN BOOLEAN                IsAnycast,
  IN UINT8                  PrefixLength,
  IN UINT32                 ValidLifetime,
  IN UINT32                 PreferredLifetime,
  IN IP6_DAD_CALLBACK       DadCallback  OPTIONAL,
  IN VOID                   *Context     OPTIONAL

  The heartbeat timer of ND module in IP6_TIMER_INTERVAL_IN_MS milliseconds.
  This time routine handles DAD module and neighbor state transition.
  It is also responsible for sending out router solicitations.

  @param[in]  Event                 The IP6 service instance's heartbeat timer.
  @param[in]  Context               The IP6 service instance.

Ip6NdFasterTimerTicking (
  IN EFI_EVENT              Event,
  IN VOID                   *Context

  The heartbeat timer of ND module in 1 second. This time routine handles following
  things: 1) maitain default router list; 2) maintain prefix options;
  3) maintain route caches.

  @param[in]  IpSb              The IP6 service binding instance.

Ip6NdTimerTicking (
  IN IP6_SERVICE            *IpSb

  Callback function when address resolution is finished. It will cancel
  all the queued frames if the address resolution failed, or transmit them
  if the request succeeded.

  @param[in] Context The context of the callback, a pointer to IP6_NEIGHBOR_ENTRY.

Ip6OnArpResolved (
  IN VOID                   *Context

  Update the ReachableTime in IP6 service binding instance data, in milliseconds.

  @param[in, out] IpSb     Points to the IP6_SERVICE.

Ip6UpdateReachableTime (
