/** @file Definition related to the Security operation. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _EFI_IPSEC_CRYPTIO_H_ #define _EFI_IPSEC_CRYPTIO_H_ #include #include #define IPSEC_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM_LIST_SIZE 2 #define IPSEC_AUTH_ALGORITHM_LIST_SIZE 3 /// /// Authentication Algorithm Definition /// The number value definition is aligned to IANA assignment /// #define IKE_AALG_NONE 0x00 #define IKE_AALG_SHA1HMAC 0x02 #define IKE_AALG_NULL 0xFB /// /// Encryption Algorithm Definition /// The number value definition is aligned to IANA assignment /// #define IKE_EALG_NONE 0x00 #define IKE_EALG_3DESCBC 0x03 #define IKE_EALG_NULL 0x0B #define IKE_EALG_AESCBC 0x0C /** Prototype of Hash GetContextSize. Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required. @return The size, in bytes, of the context buffer required. **/ typedef UINTN (EFIAPI *CPL_HASH_GETCONTEXTSIZE) ( VOID ); /** Prototype of Hash Operation Initiating. Initialization with a new context. @param[in,out] Context Input Context. @retval TRUE Initialization Successfully. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *CPL_HASH_INIT) ( IN OUT VOID *Context ); /** Prototype of HASH update. Hash update operation. Continue an Hash message digest operation, processing another message block, and updating the Hash context. If Context is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Data is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in,out] Context The Specified Context. @param[in,out] Data The Input Data to hash. @param[in] DataLength The length, in bytes, of Data. @retval TRUE Update data successfully. @retval FALSE The Context has been finalized. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *CPL_HASH_UPDATE) ( IN OUT VOID *Context, IN CONST VOID *Data, IN UINTN DataLength ); /** Prototype of Hash finallization. Terminate a Hash message digest operation and output the message digest. If Context is NULL, then ASSERT(). If HashValue is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in,out] Context The specified Context. @param[out] HashValue Pointer to a 16-byte message digest output buffer. @retval TRUE Finalized successfully. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *CPL_HASH_FINAL) ( IN OUT VOID *Context, OUT UINT8 *HashValue ); /** Prototype of Cipher GetContextSize. Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required. @return The size, in bytes, of the context buffer required. **/ typedef UINTN (EFIAPI *CPL_CIPHER_GETCONTEXTSIZE) ( VOID ); /** Prototype of Cipher initiation. Intializes the user-supplied key as the specifed context (key materials) for both encryption and decryption operations. If Context is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Key is NULL, then generate random key for usage. @param[in,out] Context The specified Context. @param[in] Key User-supplied TDES key (64/128/192 bits). @param[in] KeyBits Key length in bits. @retval TRUE TDES Initialization was successful. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *CPL_CIPHER_INIT) ( IN OUT VOID *Context, IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN CONST UINTN KeyBits ); /** Prototype of Cipher encryption. Encrypts plaintext message with the specified cipher. If Context is NULL, then ASSERT(). if InData is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Size of input data is not multiple of Cipher algorithm related block size, then ASSERT(). @param[in] Context The specified Context. @param[in] InData The input plaintext data to be encrypted. @param[out] OutData The resultant encrypted ciphertext. @param[in] DataLength Length of input data in bytes. @retval TRUE Encryption successful. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *CPL_CIPHER_ENCRYPT) ( IN VOID *Context, IN CONST UINT8 *InData, OUT UINT8 *OutData, IN CONST UINTN DataLength ); /** Prototype of Cipher decryption. Decrypts cipher message with specified cipher. If Context is NULL, then ASSERT(). if InData is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Size of input data is not a multiple of a certaion block size , then ASSERT(). @param[in] Context The specified Context. @param[in] InData The input ciphertext data to be decrypted. @param[out] OutData The resultant decrypted plaintext. @param[in] DataLength Length of input data in bytes. @retval TRUE Decryption successful. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *CPL_CIPHER_DECRYPT) ( IN CONST VOID *Context, IN CONST UINT8 *InData, OUT UINT8 *OutData, IN CONST UINTN DataLength ); // // The struct used to store the informatino and operation of Cipher algorithm. // typedef struct _ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM { // // The ID of the Algorithm // UINT8 AlgorithmId; // // The Key length of the Algorithm // UINTN KeyLength; // // Iv Size of the Algorithm // UINTN IvLength; // // The Block Size of the Algorithm // UINTN BlockSize; // // The Function pointer of GetContextSize. // CPL_CIPHER_GETCONTEXTSIZE CipherGetContextSize; // // The Function pointer of Cipher intitiaion. // CPL_CIPHER_INIT CipherInitiate; // // The Function pointer of Cipher Encryption. // CPL_CIPHER_ENCRYPT CipherEncrypt; // // The Function pointer of Cipher Decrption. // CPL_CIPHER_DECRYPT CipherDecrypt; } ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM; // // The struct used to store the informatino and operation of Autahentication algorithm. // typedef struct _AUTH_ALGORITHM { // // ID of the Algorithm // UINT8 AlgorithmId; // // The Key length of the Algorithm // UINTN KeyLength; // // The ICV length of the Algorithm // UINTN IcvLength; // // The block size of the Algorithm // UINTN BlockSize; // // The function pointer of GetContextSize. // CPL_HASH_GETCONTEXTSIZE HashGetContextSize; // // The function pointer of Initiatoion // CPL_HASH_INIT HashInitiate; // // The function pointer of Hash Update. // CPL_HASH_UPDATE HashUpdate; // // The fucntion pointer of Hash Final // CPL_HASH_FINAL HashFinal; } AUTH_ALGORITHM; /** Get the IV size of encrypt alogrithm. IV size is different from different algorithm. @param[in] AlgorithmId The encrypt algorithm ID. @return The value of IV size. **/ UINTN IpSecGetEncryptIvLength ( IN UINT8 AlgorithmId ); /** Get the block size of encrypt alogrithm. Block size is different from different algorithm. @param[in] AlgorithmId The encrypt algorithm ID. @return The value of block size. **/ UINTN IpSecGetEncryptBlockSize ( IN UINT8 AlgorithmId ); /** Get the ICV size of Authenticaion alogrithm. ICV size is different from different algorithm. @param[in] AuthAlgorithmId The Authentication algorithm ID. @return The value of ICV size. **/ UINTN IpSecGetIcvLength ( IN UINT8 AuthAlgorithmId ); /** Generate a random data for IV. If the IvSize is zero, not needed to create IV and return EFI_SUCCESS. @param[in] IvBuffer The pointer of the IV buffer. @param[in] IvSize The IV size. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Create random data for IV. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecGenerateIv ( IN UINT8 *IvBuffer, IN UINTN IvSize ); #endif