/** @file Perform the platform memory test Copyright (c) 2004 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "PlatformBootManager.h" EFI_HII_HANDLE gStringPackHandle = NULL; EFI_GUID mPlatformBootManagerStringPackGuid = { 0x154dd51, 0x9079, 0x4a10, { 0x89, 0x5c, 0x9c, 0x7, 0x72, 0x81, 0x57, 0x88 } }; // extern UINT8 BdsDxeStrings[]; // // BDS Platform Functions // /** Show progress bar with title above it. It only works in Graphics mode. @param TitleForeground Foreground color for Title. @param TitleBackground Background color for Title. @param Title Title above progress bar. @param ProgressColor Progress bar color. @param Progress Progress (0-100) @param PreviousValue The previous value of the progress. @retval EFI_STATUS Success update the progress bar **/ EFI_STATUS PlatformBootManagerShowProgress ( IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL TitleForeground, IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL TitleBackground, IN CHAR16 *Title, IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL ProgressColor, IN UINTN Progress, IN UINTN PreviousValue ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *GraphicsOutput; EFI_UGA_DRAW_PROTOCOL *UgaDraw; UINT32 SizeOfX; UINT32 SizeOfY; UINT32 ColorDepth; UINT32 RefreshRate; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL Color; UINTN BlockHeight; UINTN BlockWidth; UINTN BlockNum; UINTN PosX; UINTN PosY; UINTN Index; if (Progress > 100) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } UgaDraw = NULL; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &GraphicsOutput ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && FeaturePcdGet (PcdUgaConsumeSupport)) { GraphicsOutput = NULL; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiUgaDrawProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &UgaDraw ); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } SizeOfX = 0; SizeOfY = 0; if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { SizeOfX = GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; SizeOfY = GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution; } else if (UgaDraw != NULL) { Status = UgaDraw->GetMode ( UgaDraw, &SizeOfX, &SizeOfY, &ColorDepth, &RefreshRate ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } BlockWidth = SizeOfX / 100; BlockHeight = SizeOfY / 50; BlockNum = Progress; PosX = 0; PosY = SizeOfY * 48 / 50; if (BlockNum == 0) { // // Clear progress area // SetMem (&Color, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL), 0x0); if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { Status = GraphicsOutput->Blt ( GraphicsOutput, &Color, EfiBltVideoFill, 0, 0, 0, PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1, SizeOfX, SizeOfY - (PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1), SizeOfX * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) ); } else if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdUgaConsumeSupport)) { Status = UgaDraw->Blt ( UgaDraw, (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *) &Color, EfiUgaVideoFill, 0, 0, 0, PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1, SizeOfX, SizeOfY - (PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1), SizeOfX * sizeof (EFI_UGA_PIXEL) ); } else { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } // // Show progress by drawing blocks // for (Index = PreviousValue; Index < BlockNum; Index++) { PosX = Index * BlockWidth; if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { Status = GraphicsOutput->Blt ( GraphicsOutput, &ProgressColor, EfiBltVideoFill, 0, 0, PosX, PosY, BlockWidth - 1, BlockHeight, (BlockWidth) * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) ); } else if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdUgaConsumeSupport)) { Status = UgaDraw->Blt ( UgaDraw, (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *) &ProgressColor, EfiUgaVideoFill, 0, 0, PosX, PosY, BlockWidth - 1, BlockHeight, (BlockWidth) * sizeof (EFI_UGA_PIXEL) ); } else { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } PrintXY ( (SizeOfX - StrLen (Title) * EFI_GLYPH_WIDTH) / 2, PosY - EFI_GLYPH_HEIGHT - 1, &TitleForeground, &TitleBackground, Title ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Perform the memory test base on the memory test intensive level, and update the memory resource. @param Level The memory test intensive level. @retval EFI_STATUS Success test all the system memory and update the memory resource **/ EFI_STATUS PlatformBootManagerMemoryTest ( IN EXTENDMEM_COVERAGE_LEVEL Level ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_STATUS KeyStatus; EFI_STATUS InitStatus; EFI_STATUS ReturnStatus; BOOLEAN RequireSoftECCInit; EFI_GENERIC_MEMORY_TEST_PROTOCOL *GenMemoryTest; UINT64 TestedMemorySize; UINT64 TotalMemorySize; UINTN TestPercent; UINT64 PreviousValue; BOOLEAN ErrorOut; BOOLEAN TestAbort; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; CHAR16 StrPercent[80]; CHAR16 *StrTotalMemory; CHAR16 *Pos; CHAR16 *TmpStr; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL Foreground; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL Background; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL Color; UINT32 TempData; UINTN StrTotalMemorySize; ReturnStatus = EFI_SUCCESS; ZeroMem (&Key, sizeof (EFI_INPUT_KEY)); StrTotalMemorySize = 128; Pos = AllocateZeroPool (StrTotalMemorySize); ASSERT (Pos != NULL); if (gStringPackHandle == NULL) { gStringPackHandle = HiiAddPackages ( &mPlatformBootManagerStringPackGuid, gImageHandle, PlatformBootManagerLibStrings, NULL ); ASSERT (gStringPackHandle != NULL); } StrTotalMemory = Pos; TestedMemorySize = 0; TotalMemorySize = 0; PreviousValue = 0; ErrorOut = FALSE; TestAbort = FALSE; SetMem (&Foreground, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL), 0xff); SetMem (&Background, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL), 0x0); SetMem (&Color, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL), 0xff); RequireSoftECCInit = FALSE; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiGenericMemTestProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &GenMemoryTest ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (Pos); return EFI_SUCCESS; } InitStatus = GenMemoryTest->MemoryTestInit ( GenMemoryTest, Level, &RequireSoftECCInit ); if (InitStatus == EFI_NO_MEDIA) { // // The PEI codes also have the relevant memory test code to check the memory, // it can select to test some range of the memory or all of them. If PEI code // checks all the memory, this BDS memory test will has no not-test memory to // do the test, and then the status of EFI_NO_MEDIA will be returned by // "MemoryTestInit". So it does not need to test memory again, just return. // FreePool (Pos); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdBootlogoOnlyEnable)) { TmpStr = HiiGetString (gStringPackHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_ESC_TO_SKIP_MEM_TEST), NULL); if (TmpStr != NULL) { PrintXY (10, 10, NULL, NULL, TmpStr); FreePool (TmpStr); } } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Enter memory test.\n")); } do { Status = GenMemoryTest->PerformMemoryTest ( GenMemoryTest, &TestedMemorySize, &TotalMemorySize, &ErrorOut, TestAbort ); if (ErrorOut && (Status == EFI_DEVICE_ERROR)) { TmpStr = HiiGetString (gStringPackHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SYSTEM_MEM_ERROR), NULL); if (TmpStr != NULL) { PrintXY (10, 10, NULL, NULL, TmpStr); FreePool (TmpStr); } ASSERT (0); } if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdBootlogoOnlyEnable)) { TempData = (UINT32) DivU64x32 (TotalMemorySize, 16); TestPercent = (UINTN) DivU64x32 ( DivU64x32 (MultU64x32 (TestedMemorySize, 100), 16), TempData ); if (TestPercent != PreviousValue) { UnicodeValueToString (StrPercent, 0, TestPercent, 0); TmpStr = HiiGetString (gStringPackHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_MEMORY_TEST_PERCENT), NULL); if (TmpStr != NULL) { // // TmpStr size is 64, StrPercent is reserved to 16. // StrnCatS ( StrPercent, sizeof (StrPercent) / sizeof (CHAR16), TmpStr, sizeof (StrPercent) / sizeof (CHAR16) - StrLen (StrPercent) - 1 ); PrintXY (10, 10, NULL, NULL, StrPercent); FreePool (TmpStr); } TmpStr = HiiGetString (gStringPackHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PERFORM_MEM_TEST), NULL); if (TmpStr != NULL) { PlatformBootManagerShowProgress ( Foreground, Background, TmpStr, Color, TestPercent, (UINTN) PreviousValue ); FreePool (TmpStr); } } PreviousValue = TestPercent; } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Perform memory test (ESC to skip).\n")); } if (!PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand)) { KeyStatus = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); if (!EFI_ERROR (KeyStatus) && (Key.ScanCode == SCAN_ESC)) { if (!RequireSoftECCInit) { if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdBootlogoOnlyEnable)) { TmpStr = HiiGetString (gStringPackHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PERFORM_MEM_TEST), NULL); if (TmpStr != NULL) { PlatformBootManagerShowProgress ( Foreground, Background, TmpStr, Color, 100, (UINTN) PreviousValue ); FreePool (TmpStr); } PrintXY (10, 10, NULL, NULL, L"100"); } Status = GenMemoryTest->Finished (GenMemoryTest); goto Done; } TestAbort = TRUE; } } } while (Status != EFI_NOT_FOUND); Status = GenMemoryTest->Finished (GenMemoryTest); Done: if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdBootlogoOnlyEnable)) { UnicodeValueToString (StrTotalMemory, COMMA_TYPE, TotalMemorySize, 0); if (StrTotalMemory[0] == L',') { StrTotalMemory++; StrTotalMemorySize -= sizeof (CHAR16); } TmpStr = HiiGetString (gStringPackHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_MEM_TEST_COMPLETED), NULL); if (TmpStr != NULL) { StrnCatS ( StrTotalMemory, StrTotalMemorySize / sizeof (CHAR16), TmpStr, StrTotalMemorySize / sizeof (CHAR16) - StrLen (StrTotalMemory) - 1 ); FreePool (TmpStr); } PrintXY (10, 10, NULL, NULL, StrTotalMemory); PlatformBootManagerShowProgress ( Foreground, Background, StrTotalMemory, Color, 100, (UINTN) PreviousValue ); } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "%d bytes of system memory tested OK\r\n", TotalMemorySize)); } FreePool (Pos); return ReturnStatus; } /** Convert a *.BMP graphics image to a GOP blt buffer. If a NULL Blt buffer is passed in a GopBlt buffer will be allocated by this routine. If a GopBlt buffer is passed in it will be used if it is big enough. @param BmpImage Pointer to BMP file @param BmpImageSize Number of bytes in BmpImage @param GopBlt Buffer containing GOP version of BmpImage. @param GopBltSize Size of GopBlt in bytes. @param PixelHeight Height of GopBlt/BmpImage in pixels @param PixelWidth Width of GopBlt/BmpImage in pixels @retval EFI_SUCCESS GopBlt and GopBltSize are returned. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED BmpImage is not a valid *.BMP image @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The passed in GopBlt buffer is not big enough. GopBltSize will contain the required size. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough buffer to allocate. **/ EFI_STATUS PlatformBootManagerConvertBmpToGopBlt ( IN VOID *BmpImage, IN UINTN BmpImageSize, IN OUT VOID **GopBlt, IN OUT UINTN *GopBltSize, OUT UINTN *PixelHeight, OUT UINTN *PixelWidth ) { UINT8 *Image; UINT8 *ImageHeader; BMP_IMAGE_HEADER *BmpHeader; BMP_COLOR_MAP *BmpColorMap; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *BltBuffer; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *Blt; UINT64 BltBufferSize; UINTN Index; UINTN Height; UINTN Width; UINTN ImageIndex; UINT32 DataSizePerLine; BOOLEAN IsAllocated; UINT32 ColorMapNum; if (sizeof (BMP_IMAGE_HEADER) > BmpImageSize) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } BmpHeader = (BMP_IMAGE_HEADER *) BmpImage; if (BmpHeader->CharB != 'B' || BmpHeader->CharM != 'M') { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Doesn't support compress. // if (BmpHeader->CompressionType != 0) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Only support BITMAPINFOHEADER format. // BITMAPFILEHEADER + BITMAPINFOHEADER = BMP_IMAGE_HEADER // if (BmpHeader->HeaderSize != sizeof (BMP_IMAGE_HEADER) - OFFSET_OF(BMP_IMAGE_HEADER, HeaderSize)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // The data size in each line must be 4 byte alignment. // DataSizePerLine = ((BmpHeader->PixelWidth * BmpHeader->BitPerPixel + 31) >> 3) & (~0x3); BltBufferSize = MultU64x32 (DataSizePerLine, BmpHeader->PixelHeight); if (BltBufferSize > (UINT32) ~0) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((BmpHeader->Size != BmpImageSize) || (BmpHeader->Size < BmpHeader->ImageOffset) || (BmpHeader->Size - BmpHeader->ImageOffset != BmpHeader->PixelHeight * DataSizePerLine)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Calculate Color Map offset in the image. // Image = BmpImage; BmpColorMap = (BMP_COLOR_MAP *) (Image + sizeof (BMP_IMAGE_HEADER)); if (BmpHeader->ImageOffset < sizeof (BMP_IMAGE_HEADER)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (BmpHeader->ImageOffset > sizeof (BMP_IMAGE_HEADER)) { switch (BmpHeader->BitPerPixel) { case 1: ColorMapNum = 2; break; case 4: ColorMapNum = 16; break; case 8: ColorMapNum = 256; break; default: ColorMapNum = 0; break; } // // BMP file may has padding data between the bmp header section and the bmp data section. // if (BmpHeader->ImageOffset - sizeof (BMP_IMAGE_HEADER) < sizeof (BMP_COLOR_MAP) * ColorMapNum) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // // Calculate graphics image data address in the image // Image = ((UINT8 *) BmpImage) + BmpHeader->ImageOffset; ImageHeader = Image; // // Calculate the BltBuffer needed size. // BltBufferSize = MultU64x32 ((UINT64) BmpHeader->PixelWidth, BmpHeader->PixelHeight); // // Ensure the BltBufferSize * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) doesn't overflow // if (BltBufferSize > DivU64x32 ((UINTN) ~0, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL))) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } BltBufferSize = MultU64x32 (BltBufferSize, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL)); IsAllocated = FALSE; if (*GopBlt == NULL) { // // GopBlt is not allocated by caller. // *GopBltSize = (UINTN) BltBufferSize; *GopBlt = AllocatePool (*GopBltSize); IsAllocated = TRUE; if (*GopBlt == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } else { // // GopBlt has been allocated by caller. // if (*GopBltSize < (UINTN) BltBufferSize) { *GopBltSize = (UINTN) BltBufferSize; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } } *PixelWidth = BmpHeader->PixelWidth; *PixelHeight = BmpHeader->PixelHeight; // // Convert image from BMP to Blt buffer format // BltBuffer = *GopBlt; for (Height = 0; Height < BmpHeader->PixelHeight; Height++) { Blt = &BltBuffer[(BmpHeader->PixelHeight - Height - 1) * BmpHeader->PixelWidth]; for (Width = 0; Width < BmpHeader->PixelWidth; Width++, Image++, Blt++) { switch (BmpHeader->BitPerPixel) { case 1: // // Convert 1-bit (2 colors) BMP to 24-bit color // for (Index = 0; Index < 8 && Width < BmpHeader->PixelWidth; Index++) { Blt->Red = BmpColorMap[((*Image) >> (7 - Index)) & 0x1].Red; Blt->Green = BmpColorMap[((*Image) >> (7 - Index)) & 0x1].Green; Blt->Blue = BmpColorMap[((*Image) >> (7 - Index)) & 0x1].Blue; Blt++; Width++; } Blt--; Width--; break; case 4: // // Convert 4-bit (16 colors) BMP Palette to 24-bit color // Index = (*Image) >> 4; Blt->Red = BmpColorMap[Index].Red; Blt->Green = BmpColorMap[Index].Green; Blt->Blue = BmpColorMap[Index].Blue; if (Width < (BmpHeader->PixelWidth - 1)) { Blt++; Width++; Index = (*Image) & 0x0f; Blt->Red = BmpColorMap[Index].Red; Blt->Green = BmpColorMap[Index].Green; Blt->Blue = BmpColorMap[Index].Blue; } break; case 8: // // Convert 8-bit (256 colors) BMP Palette to 24-bit color // Blt->Red = BmpColorMap[*Image].Red; Blt->Green = BmpColorMap[*Image].Green; Blt->Blue = BmpColorMap[*Image].Blue; break; case 24: // // It is 24-bit BMP. // Blt->Blue = *Image++; Blt->Green = *Image++; Blt->Red = *Image; break; default: // // Other bit format BMP is not supported. // if (IsAllocated) { FreePool (*GopBlt); *GopBlt = NULL; } return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; break; }; } ImageIndex = (UINTN) (Image - ImageHeader); if ((ImageIndex % 4) != 0) { // // Bmp Image starts each row on a 32-bit boundary! // Image = Image + (4 - (ImageIndex % 4)); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Use SystemTable Conout to stop video based Simple Text Out consoles from going to the video device. Put up LogoFile on every video device that is a console. @param[in] LogoFile File name of logo to display on the center of the screen. @retval EFI_SUCCESS ConsoleControl has been flipped to graphics and logo displayed. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Logo not found **/ EFI_STATUS PlatformBootManagerEnableQuietBoot ( IN EFI_GUID *LogoFile ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_OEM_BADGING_PROTOCOL *Badging; UINT32 SizeOfX; UINT32 SizeOfY; INTN DestX; INTN DestY; UINT8 *ImageData; UINTN ImageSize; UINTN BltSize; UINT32 Instance; EFI_BADGING_FORMAT Format; EFI_BADGING_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTE Attribute; UINTN CoordinateX; UINTN CoordinateY; UINTN Height; UINTN Width; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *Blt; EFI_UGA_DRAW_PROTOCOL *UgaDraw; UINT32 ColorDepth; UINT32 RefreshRate; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *GraphicsOutput; EFI_BOOT_LOGO_PROTOCOL *BootLogo; UINTN NumberOfLogos; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *LogoBlt; UINTN LogoDestX; UINTN LogoDestY; UINTN LogoHeight; UINTN LogoWidth; UINTN NewDestX; UINTN NewDestY; UINTN NewHeight; UINTN NewWidth; UINT64 BufferSize; UgaDraw = NULL; // // Try to open GOP first // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &GraphicsOutput); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && FeaturePcdGet (PcdUgaConsumeSupport)) { GraphicsOutput = NULL; // // Open GOP failed, try to open UGA // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiUgaDrawProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &UgaDraw); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Try to open Boot Logo Protocol. // BootLogo = NULL; gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiBootLogoProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &BootLogo); // // Erase Cursor from screen // gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, FALSE); Badging = NULL; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiOEMBadgingProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &Badging); if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { SizeOfX = GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; SizeOfY = GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution; } else if (UgaDraw != NULL && FeaturePcdGet (PcdUgaConsumeSupport)) { Status = UgaDraw->GetMode (UgaDraw, &SizeOfX, &SizeOfY, &ColorDepth, &RefreshRate); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Blt = NULL; NumberOfLogos = 0; LogoDestX = 0; LogoDestY = 0; LogoHeight = 0; LogoWidth = 0; NewDestX = 0; NewDestY = 0; NewHeight = 0; NewWidth = 0; Instance = 0; while (1) { ImageData = NULL; ImageSize = 0; if (Badging != NULL) { // // Get image from OEMBadging protocol. // Status = Badging->GetImage ( Badging, &Instance, &Format, &ImageData, &ImageSize, &Attribute, &CoordinateX, &CoordinateY ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } // // Currently only support BMP format. // if (Format != EfiBadgingFormatBMP) { if (ImageData != NULL) { FreePool (ImageData); } continue; } } else { // // Get the specified image from FV. // Status = GetSectionFromAnyFv (LogoFile, EFI_SECTION_RAW, 0, (VOID **) &ImageData, &ImageSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } CoordinateX = 0; CoordinateY = 0; if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdBootlogoOnlyEnable)) { Attribute = EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeCenter; } else { Attribute = EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeCustomized; } } if (Blt != NULL) { FreePool (Blt); } Blt = NULL; Status = PlatformBootManagerConvertBmpToGopBlt ( ImageData, ImageSize, (VOID **) &Blt, &BltSize, &Height, &Width ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (ImageData); if (Badging == NULL) { return Status; } else { continue; } } // // Calculate the display position according to Attribute. // switch (Attribute) { case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeLeftTop: DestX = CoordinateX; DestY = CoordinateY; break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeCenterTop: DestX = (SizeOfX - Width) / 2; DestY = CoordinateY; break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeRightTop: DestX = (SizeOfX - Width - CoordinateX); DestY = CoordinateY;; break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeCenterRight: DestX = (SizeOfX - Width - CoordinateX); DestY = (SizeOfY - Height) / 2; break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeRightBottom: DestX = (SizeOfX - Width - CoordinateX); DestY = (SizeOfY - Height - CoordinateY); break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeCenterBottom: DestX = (SizeOfX - Width) / 2; DestY = (SizeOfY - Height - CoordinateY); break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeLeftBottom: DestX = CoordinateX; DestY = (SizeOfY - Height - CoordinateY); break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeCenterLeft: DestX = CoordinateX; DestY = (SizeOfY - Height) / 2; break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeCenter: DestX = (SizeOfX - Width) / 2; DestY = (SizeOfY - Height) / 2; break; case EfiBadgingDisplayAttributeCustomized: DestX = (SizeOfX - Width) / 2; DestY = ((SizeOfY * 382) / 1000) - Height / 2; break; default: DestX = CoordinateX; DestY = CoordinateY; break; } if ((DestX >= 0) && (DestY >= 0)) { if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { Status = GraphicsOutput->Blt ( GraphicsOutput, Blt, EfiBltBufferToVideo, 0, 0, (UINTN) DestX, (UINTN) DestY, Width, Height, Width * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) ); } else if (UgaDraw != NULL && FeaturePcdGet (PcdUgaConsumeSupport)) { Status = UgaDraw->Blt ( UgaDraw, (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *) Blt, EfiUgaBltBufferToVideo, 0, 0, (UINTN) DestX, (UINTN) DestY, Width, Height, Width * sizeof (EFI_UGA_PIXEL) ); } else { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Report displayed Logo information. // if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { NumberOfLogos++; if (LogoWidth == 0) { // // The first Logo. // LogoDestX = (UINTN) DestX; LogoDestY = (UINTN) DestY; LogoWidth = Width; LogoHeight = Height; } else { // // Merge new logo with old one. // NewDestX = MIN ((UINTN) DestX, LogoDestX); NewDestY = MIN ((UINTN) DestY, LogoDestY); NewWidth = MAX ((UINTN) DestX + Width, LogoDestX + LogoWidth) - NewDestX; NewHeight = MAX ((UINTN) DestY + Height, LogoDestY + LogoHeight) - NewDestY; LogoDestX = NewDestX; LogoDestY = NewDestY; LogoWidth = NewWidth; LogoHeight = NewHeight; } } } FreePool (ImageData); if (Badging == NULL) { break; } } Done: if (BootLogo == NULL || NumberOfLogos == 0) { // // No logo displayed. // if (Blt != NULL) { FreePool (Blt); } return Status; } // // Advertise displayed Logo information. // if (NumberOfLogos == 1) { // // Only one logo displayed, use its Blt buffer directly for BootLogo protocol. // LogoBlt = Blt; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { // // More than one Logo displayed, get merged BltBuffer using VideoToBuffer operation. // if (Blt != NULL) { FreePool (Blt); } // // Ensure the LogoHeight * LogoWidth doesn't overflow // if (LogoHeight > DivU64x64Remainder ((UINTN) ~0, LogoWidth, NULL)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } BufferSize = MultU64x64 (LogoWidth, LogoHeight); // // Ensure the BufferSize * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) doesn't overflow // if (BufferSize > DivU64x32 ((UINTN) ~0, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL))) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } LogoBlt = AllocateZeroPool ((UINTN)BufferSize * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL)); if (LogoBlt == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { Status = GraphicsOutput->Blt ( GraphicsOutput, LogoBlt, EfiBltVideoToBltBuffer, LogoDestX, LogoDestY, 0, 0, LogoWidth, LogoHeight, LogoWidth * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) ); } else if (UgaDraw != NULL && FeaturePcdGet (PcdUgaConsumeSupport)) { Status = UgaDraw->Blt ( UgaDraw, (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *) LogoBlt, EfiUgaVideoToBltBuffer, LogoDestX, LogoDestY, 0, 0, LogoWidth, LogoHeight, LogoWidth * sizeof (EFI_UGA_PIXEL) ); } else { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { BootLogo->SetBootLogo (BootLogo, LogoBlt, LogoDestX, LogoDestY, LogoWidth, LogoHeight); } FreePool (LogoBlt); return Status; } /** Use SystemTable Conout to turn on video based Simple Text Out consoles. The Simple Text Out screens will now be synced up with all non video output devices @retval EFI_SUCCESS UGA devices are back in text mode and synced up. **/ EFI_STATUS PlatformBootManagerDisableQuietBoot ( VOID ) { // // Enable Cursor on Screen // gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; }