/** @file * Utility functions used by the Dp application. * * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials * are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License * which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at * http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * * THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Dp.h" #include "Literals.h" #include "DpInternal.h" /** Calculate an event's duration in timer ticks. Given the count direction and the event's start and end timer values, calculate the duration of the event in timer ticks. Information for the current measurement is pointed to by the parameter. If the measurement's start time is 1, it indicates that the developer is indicating that the measurement began at the release of reset. The start time is adjusted to the timer's starting count before performing the elapsed time calculation. The calculated duration, in ticks, is the absolute difference between the measurement's ending and starting counts. @param Measurement Pointer to a MEASUREMENT_RECORD structure containing data for the current measurement. @return The 64-bit duration of the event. **/ UINT64 GetDuration ( IN OUT MEASUREMENT_RECORD *Measurement ) { UINT64 Duration; BOOLEAN Error; // PERF_START macros are called with a value of 1 to indicate // the beginning of time. So, adjust the start ticker value // to the real beginning of time. // Assumes no wraparound. Even then, there is a very low probability // of having a valid StartTicker value of 1. if (Measurement->StartTimeStamp == 1) { Measurement->StartTimeStamp = TimerInfo.StartCount; } if (TimerInfo.CountUp) { Duration = Measurement->EndTimeStamp - Measurement->StartTimeStamp; Error = (BOOLEAN)(Duration > Measurement->EndTimeStamp); } else { Duration = Measurement->StartTimeStamp - Measurement->EndTimeStamp; Error = (BOOLEAN)(Duration > Measurement->StartTimeStamp); } if (Error) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, ALit_TimerLibError)); Duration = 0; } return Duration; } /** Determine whether the Measurement record is for an EFI Phase. The Token and Module members of the measurement record are checked. Module must be empty and Token must be one of SEC, PEI, DXE, BDS, or SHELL. @param[in] Measurement A pointer to the Measurement record to test. @retval TRUE The measurement record is for an EFI Phase. @retval FALSE The measurement record is NOT for an EFI Phase. **/ BOOLEAN IsPhase( IN MEASUREMENT_RECORD *Measurement ) { BOOLEAN RetVal; RetVal = (BOOLEAN)( ( *Measurement->Module == '\0') && ((AsciiStrnCmp (Measurement->Token, ALit_SEC, PERF_TOKEN_LENGTH) == 0) || (AsciiStrnCmp (Measurement->Token, ALit_PEI, PERF_TOKEN_LENGTH) == 0) || (AsciiStrnCmp (Measurement->Token, ALit_DXE, PERF_TOKEN_LENGTH) == 0) || (AsciiStrnCmp (Measurement->Token, ALit_BDS, PERF_TOKEN_LENGTH) == 0)) ); return RetVal; } /** Get the file name portion of the Pdb File Name. The portion of the Pdb File Name between the last backslash and either a following period or the end of the string is converted to Unicode and copied into UnicodeBuffer. The name is truncated, if necessary, to ensure that UnicodeBuffer is not overrun. @param[in] PdbFileName Pdb file name. @param[out] UnicodeBuffer The resultant Unicode File Name. **/ VOID GetShortPdbFileName ( IN CHAR8 *PdbFileName, OUT CHAR16 *UnicodeBuffer ) { UINTN IndexA; // Current work location within an ASCII string. UINTN IndexU; // Current work location within a Unicode string. UINTN StartIndex; UINTN EndIndex; ZeroMem (UnicodeBuffer, DXE_PERFORMANCE_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof (CHAR16)); if (PdbFileName == NULL) { StrCpy (UnicodeBuffer, L" "); } else { StartIndex = 0; for (EndIndex = 0; PdbFileName[EndIndex] != 0; EndIndex++) ; for (IndexA = 0; PdbFileName[IndexA] != 0; IndexA++) { if (PdbFileName[IndexA] == '\\') { StartIndex = IndexA + 1; } if (PdbFileName[IndexA] == '.') { EndIndex = IndexA; } } IndexU = 0; for (IndexA = StartIndex; IndexA < EndIndex; IndexA++) { UnicodeBuffer[IndexU] = (CHAR16) PdbFileName[IndexA]; IndexU++; if (IndexU >= DXE_PERFORMANCE_STRING_LENGTH) { UnicodeBuffer[DXE_PERFORMANCE_STRING_LENGTH] = 0; break; } } } } /** Get a human readable name for an image handle. @param[in] Handle @post The resulting Unicode name string is stored in the mGaugeString global array. **/ VOID GetNameFromHandle ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *Image; CHAR8 *PdbFileName; EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL *DriverBinding; EFI_STRING StringPtr; // Proactively get the error message so it will be ready if needed StringPtr = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_DP_ERROR_NAME), NULL); ASSERT (StringPtr != NULL); // Get handle name from image protocol // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( Handle, &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, (VOID**) &Image ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( Handle, &gEfiDriverBindingProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &DriverBinding, NULL, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { StrCpy (mGaugeString, StringPtr); return ; } // Get handle name from image protocol // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( DriverBinding->ImageHandle, &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, (VOID**) &Image ); } PdbFileName = PeCoffLoaderGetPdbPointer (Image->ImageBase); if (PdbFileName != NULL) { GetShortPdbFileName (PdbFileName, mGaugeString); } else { StrCpy (mGaugeString, StringPtr); } return ; } /** Calculate the Duration in microseconds. Duration is multiplied by 1000, instead of Frequency being divided by 1000 or multiplying the result by 1000, in order to maintain precision. Since Duration is a 64-bit value, multiplying it by 1000 is unlikely to produce an overflow. The time is calculated as (Duration * 1000) / Timer_Frequency. @param[in] Duration The event duration in timer ticks. @return A 64-bit value which is the Elapsed time in microseconds. **/ UINT64 DurationInMicroSeconds ( IN UINT64 Duration ) { UINT64 Temp; Temp = MultU64x32 (Duration, 1000); return DivU64x32 (Temp, TimerInfo.Frequency); } /** Formatted Print using a Hii Token to reference the localized format string. @param[in] Token A HII token associated with a localized Unicode string. @param[in] ... The variable argument list. @return The number of characters converted by UnicodeVSPrint(). **/ UINTN PrintToken ( IN UINT16 Token, ... ) { VA_LIST Marker; EFI_STRING StringPtr; UINTN Return; UINTN BufferSize; StringPtr = HiiGetString (gHiiHandle, Token, NULL); ASSERT (StringPtr != NULL); VA_START (Marker, Token); BufferSize = (PcdGet32 (PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16); if (mPrintTokenBuffer == NULL) { mPrintTokenBuffer = AllocatePool (BufferSize); ASSERT (mPrintTokenBuffer != NULL); } SetMem( mPrintTokenBuffer, BufferSize, 0); Return = UnicodeVSPrint (mPrintTokenBuffer, BufferSize, StringPtr, Marker); if (Return > 0 && gST->ConOut != NULL) { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, mPrintTokenBuffer); } return Return; } /** Get index of Measurement Record's match in the CumData array. If the Measurement's Token value matches a Token in one of the CumData records, the index of the matching record is returned. The returned index is a signed value so that negative values can indicate that the Measurement didn't match any entry in the CumData array. @param[in] Measurement A pointer to a Measurement Record to match against the CumData array. @retval <0 Token is not in the CumData array. @retval >=0 Return value is the index into CumData where Token is found. **/ INTN GetCumulativeItem( IN MEASUREMENT_RECORD *Measurement ) { INTN Index; for( Index = 0; Index < (INTN)NumCum; ++Index) { if (AsciiStrnCmp (Measurement->Token, CumData[Index].Name, PERF_TOKEN_LENGTH) == 0) { return Index; // Exit, we found a match } } // If the for loop exits, Token was not found. return -1; // Indicate failure }