/** @file Board Init driver. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "BoardInit.h" #include "BoardInitMiscs.h" EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MinnowBoard3PostMemInitCallback ( IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN EFI_PEI_NOTIFY_DESCRIPTOR *NotifyDescriptor, IN VOID *Ppi ); static EFI_PEI_NOTIFY_DESCRIPTOR mMinnowBoard3PostMemNotifyList = { (EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_NOTIFY_CALLBACK | EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST), &gBoardPostMemInitStartGuid, MinnowBoard3PostMemInitCallback }; static EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR mMinnowBoard3PostMemDonePpi = { (EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_PPI | EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST), &gBoardPostMemInitDoneGuid, NULL }; EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MinnowBoard3PostMemInitCallback ( IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN EFI_PEI_NOTIFY_DESCRIPTOR *NotifyDescriptor, IN VOID *Ppi ) { EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *Instance; UINT8 BoardId; UINT8 FabId; UINT8 ResetType; UINT8 BtDevice; UINTN BufferSize; UINT8 MaxSpeed; UINTN VariableSize; EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI *VariableServices; SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION SystemConfiguration; VariableSize = sizeof (SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION); ZeroMem (&SystemConfiguration, sizeof (SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION)); (*PeiServices)->LocatePpi ( (CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES **)PeiServices, &gEfiPeiReadOnlyVariable2PpiGuid, 0, NULL, (VOID **) &VariableServices ); VariableServices->GetVariable ( VariableServices, PLATFORM_SETUP_VARIABLE_NAME, &gEfiSetupVariableGuid, NULL, &VariableSize, &SystemConfiguration ); Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi ( &gBoardPostMemInitDoneGuid, 0, NULL, &Instance ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } BoardId = (UINT8) PcdGet8 (PcdBoardId); FabId = (UINT8) PcdGet8 (PcdFabId); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PostMemInit: BoardId == 0x%X, FabId == 0x%X\n", BoardId, FabId)); if (BoardId != (UINT8) BOARD_ID_MINNOW) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Minnow Board 3 Post Mem Init callback\n")); // // Set init function PCD // PcdSet64 (PcdBoardPostMemInitFunc, (UINT64) (UINTN) Minnow3MultiPlatformInfoInit); // // Set Reset Type according to different Board // ResetType = V_RST_CNT_FULLRESET; PcdSet8 (PcdResetType, (UINT8) ResetType); // // Select bluetooth device. // BtDevice = SELECT_BLUE_TOOTH_BCM2E40; PcdSet8 (PcdBtDevice, (UINT8) BtDevice); // // Board specific VBT table. // BufferSize = sizeof (EFI_GUID); PcdSetPtr(PcdBoardVbtFileGuid, &BufferSize, (UINT8 *)&gPeiMinnowBoard3VbtGuid); // // Set PcdSueCreek // PcdSetBool (PcdSueCreek, FALSE); // //Set PcdLogoDisplay // PcdSetBool (PcdLogoDisplay, TRUE); // // Set PcdeMMCHostMaxSpeed // if ((SystemConfiguration.ScceMMCHostMaxSpeed == 0) || (SystemConfiguration.ScceMMCHostMaxSpeed == 1)) { MaxSpeed = EMMC_HS200_MODE; PcdSet8 (PcdeMMCHostMaxSpeed, (UINT8) MaxSpeed); } else { MaxSpeed = EMMC_DDR50_MODE; PcdSet8 (PcdeMMCHostMaxSpeed, (UINT8) MaxSpeed); } // // Add init steps here // // // Install a flag signalling a board's post mem init is done // Status = PeiServicesInstallPpi (&mMinnowBoard3PostMemDonePpi); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This function performs Board initialization in Pre-Memory. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The PPI is installed and initialized. @retval EFI ERRORS The PPI is not successfully installed. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resoruces (such as out of memory). **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MinnowBoard3InitConstructor ( IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle, IN CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices ) { EFI_STATUS Status; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "MinnowBoard3 Post Mem Init Constructor \n")); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Notify on Post Mem Init Start PPI \n")); Status = PeiServicesNotifyPpi (&mMinnowBoard3PostMemNotifyList); return Status; }