/** @file Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _IAFW_SMIP_H_ #define _IAFW_SMIP_H_ #pragma pack(push,1) typedef struct _Reserved_ { UINT8 ReservedByte; } Reserved; typedef struct _Bcu_ { UINT8 BattCurrLimit12; UINT8 BattTimeLimit12; UINT8 BattTimeLimit3; UINT8 BattTimeDb; UINT8 BrstCfgOuts; UINT8 BrstCfgActs; } Bcu; typedef struct _IAFWBatteryConfig_ { UINT8 sbctrev; UINT8 fpo; UINT8 fpo1; UINT8 dbiingpio; UINT8 dbioutgpio; UINT8 batchptyp; UINT16 ia_apps_run; UINT8 batiddbibase; UINT8 batidanlgbase; UINT8 ia_apps_cap; UINT16 vbattfreqcap; UINT8 capfreqidx; UINT8 rsvd; UINT8 battidx; UINT8 ia_apps_to_use; UINT8 turbochrg; UINT8 iabbth; UINT32 rsvd4; UINT8 btformat; UINT8 b1class; UINT8 b1idtolrnc; UINT16 b1idres; UINT8 b1type; UINT16 b1cap; UINT16 b1vmax; UINT16 b1chrterm; UINT16 b1lowbatt; UINT8 b1safeul; UINT8 b1safell; UINT16 b1t6ul; UINT16 b1t6fcv; UINT16 b1t6fci; UINT16 b1t6mcvstart; UINT16 b1t6mcvstop; UINT16 b1t6mci; UINT16 b1t5ul; UINT16 b1t5fcv; UINT16 b1t5fci; UINT16 b1t5mcvstart; UINT16 b1t5mcvstop; UINT16 b1t5mci; UINT16 b1t4ul; UINT16 b1t4fcv; UINT16 b1t4fci; UINT16 b1t4mcvstart; UINT16 b1t4mcvstop; UINT16 b1t4mci; UINT16 b1t3ul; UINT16 b1t3fcv; UINT16 b1t3fci; UINT16 b1t3mcvstart; UINT16 b1t3mcvstop; UINT16 b1t3mci; UINT16 b1t2ul; UINT16 b1t2fcv; UINT16 b1t2fci; UINT16 b1t2mcvstart; UINT16 b1t2mcvstop; UINT16 b1t2mci; UINT16 b1t1ul; UINT16 b1t1fcv; UINT16 b1t1fci; UINT16 b1t1mcvstart; UINT16 b1t1mcvstop; UINT16 b1t1mci; UINT16 b1t1ll; UINT8 b2class; UINT8 b2idtolrnc; UINT16 b2idres; UINT8 b2type; UINT16 b2cap; UINT16 b2vmax; UINT16 b2chrterm; UINT16 b2lowbatt; UINT8 b2safeul; UINT8 b2safell; UINT16 b2t6ul; UINT16 b2t6fcv; UINT16 b2t6fci; UINT16 b2t6mcvstart; UINT16 b2t6mcvstop; UINT16 b2t6mci; UINT16 b2t5ul; UINT16 b2t5fcv; UINT16 b2t5fci; UINT16 b2t5mcvstart; UINT16 b2t5mcvstop; UINT16 b2t5mci; UINT16 b2t4ul; UINT16 b2t4fcv; UINT16 b2t4fci; UINT16 b2t4mcvstart; UINT16 b2t4mcvstop; UINT16 b2t4mci; UINT16 b2t3ul; UINT16 b2t3fcv; UINT16 b2t3fci; UINT16 b2t3mcvstart; UINT16 b2t3mcvstop; UINT16 b2t3mci; UINT16 b2t2ul; UINT16 b2t2fcv; UINT16 b2t2fci; UINT16 b2t2mcvstart; UINT16 b2t2mcvstop; UINT16 b2t2mci; UINT16 b2t1ul; UINT16 b2t1fcv; UINT16 b2t1fci; UINT16 b2t1mcvstart; UINT16 b2t1mcvstop; UINT16 b2t1mci; UINT16 b2t1ll; UINT8 b3class; UINT8 b3idtolrnc; UINT16 b3idres; UINT8 b3type; UINT16 b3cap; UINT16 b3vmax; UINT16 b3chrterm; UINT16 b3lowbatt; UINT8 b3safeul; UINT8 b3safell; UINT16 b3t6ul; UINT16 b3t6fcv; UINT16 b3t6fci; UINT16 b3t6mcvstart; UINT16 b3t6mcvstop; UINT16 b3t6mci; UINT16 b3t5ul; UINT16 b3t5fcv; UINT16 b3t5fci; UINT16 b3t5mcvstart; UINT16 b3t5mcvstop; UINT16 b3t5mci; UINT16 b3t4ul; UINT16 b3t4fcv; UINT16 b3t4fci; UINT16 b3t4mcvstart; UINT16 b3t4mcvstop; UINT16 b3t4mci; UINT16 b3t3ul; UINT16 b3t3fcv; UINT16 b3t3fci; UINT16 b3t3mcvstart; UINT16 b3t3mcvstop; UINT16 b3t3mci; UINT16 b3t2ul; UINT16 b3t2fcv; UINT16 b3t2fci; UINT16 b3t2mcvstart; UINT16 b3t2mcvstop; UINT16 b3t2mci; UINT16 b3t1ul; UINT16 b3t1fcv; UINT16 b3t1fci; UINT16 b3t1mcvstart; UINT16 b3t1mcvstop; UINT16 b3t1mci; UINT16 b3t1ll; UINT8 b4class; UINT8 b4idtolrnc; UINT16 b4idres; UINT8 b4type; UINT16 b4cap; UINT16 b4vmax; UINT16 b4chrterm; UINT16 b4lowbatt; UINT8 b4safeul; UINT8 b4safell; UINT16 b4t6ul; UINT16 b4t6fcv; UINT16 b4t6fci; UINT16 b4t6mcvstart; UINT16 b4t6mcvstop; UINT16 b4t6mci; UINT16 b4t5ul; UINT16 b4t5fcv; UINT16 b4t5fci; UINT16 b4t5mcvstart; UINT16 b4t5mcvstop; UINT16 b4t5mci; UINT16 b4t4ul; UINT16 b4t4fcv; UINT16 b4t4fci; UINT16 b4t4mcvstart; UINT16 b4t4mcvstop; UINT16 b4t4mci; UINT16 b4t3ul; UINT16 b4t3fcv; UINT16 b4t3fci; UINT16 b4t3mcvstart; UINT16 b4t3mcvstop; UINT16 b4t3mci; UINT16 b4t2ul; UINT16 b4t2fcv; UINT16 b4t2fci; UINT16 b4t2mcvstart; UINT16 b4t2mcvstop; UINT16 b4t2mci; UINT16 b4t1ul; UINT16 b4t1fcv; UINT16 b4t1fci; UINT16 b4t1mcvstart; UINT16 b4t1mcvstop; UINT16 b4t1mci; UINT16 b4t1ll; } IAFWBatteryConfig; typedef struct _PlatfromMultiBOMConf_ { UINT8 PanelSel; UINT8 WorldCameraSel; UINT8 UserCameraSel; UINT8 AudioSel; UINT8 ModemSel; UINT8 TouchSel; UINT8 WifiSel; } PlatfromMultiBOMConf; typedef struct _IAFWMultiBOMConfig_ { PlatfromMultiBOMConf PlatfromMultiBOM0; PlatfromMultiBOMConf PlatfromMultiBOM1; PlatfromMultiBOMConf PlatfromMultiBOM2; PlatfromMultiBOMConf PlatfromMultiBOM3; PlatfromMultiBOMConf PlatfromMultiBOM4; } IAFWMultiBOMConfig; typedef struct _PlatfromFeatureConf_ { UINT8 OsSelection; UINT8 Vibrator; UINT8 Ssic1Support; UINT8 ScUsbOtg; } PlatfromFeatureConf; typedef struct _IAFWFeatureConfig_ { PlatfromFeatureConf PlatfromFeatureConf0; PlatfromFeatureConf PlatfromFeatureConf1; PlatfromFeatureConf PlatfromFeatureConf2; PlatfromFeatureConf PlatfromFeatureConf3; PlatfromFeatureConf PlatfromFeatureConf4; } IAFWFeatureConfig; typedef struct _PlatfromDramConf_ { UINT8 Package; UINT8 Profile; UINT8 MemoryDown; UINT8 DDR3LPageSize; UINT8 DDR3LASR ; UINT8 ScramblerSupport; UINT16 ChannelHashMask; UINT16 SliceHashMask; UINT8 InterleavedMode; UINT8 ChannelsSlicesEnabled; UINT8 MinRefRate2xEnabled; UINT8 DualRankSupportEnabled; UINT8 DisableFastBoot; UINT8 RmtMode; UINT8 RmtCheckRun; UINT16 RmtMarginCheckScaleHighThreshold; UINT16 MemorySizeLimit; UINT16 LowMemMaxVal; UINT16 HighMemMaxVal; UINT8 SpdAddress0; UINT8 SpdAddress1; UINT8 Ch0RankEnabled; UINT8 Ch0DeviceWidth; UINT8 Ch0DramDensity; UINT8 Ch0Option; UINT8 Ch0OdtConfig; UINT8 Ch0TristateClk1; UINT8 Ch0Mode2N; UINT8 Ch0OdtLevels; UINT8 Ch1RankEnabled; UINT8 Ch1DeviceWidth; UINT8 Ch1DramDensity; UINT8 Ch1Option; UINT8 Ch1OdtConfig; UINT8 Ch1TristateClk1; UINT8 Ch1Mode2N; UINT8 Ch1OdtLevels; UINT8 Ch2RankEnabled; UINT8 Ch2DeviceWidth; UINT8 Ch2DramDensity; UINT8 Ch2Option; UINT8 Ch2OdtConfig; UINT8 Ch2TristateClk1; UINT8 Ch2Mode2N; UINT8 Ch2OdtLevels; UINT8 Ch3RankEnabled; UINT8 Ch3DeviceWidth; UINT8 Ch3DramDensity; UINT8 Ch3Option; UINT8 Ch3OdtConfig; UINT8 Ch3TristateClk1; UINT8 Ch3Mode2N; UINT8 Ch3OdtLevels; UINT8 Ch0_Bit00_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit01_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit02_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit03_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit04_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit05_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit06_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit07_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit08_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit09_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit10_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit11_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit12_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit13_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit14_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit15_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit16_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit17_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit18_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit19_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit20_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit21_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit22_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit23_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit24_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit25_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit26_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit27_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit28_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit29_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit30_swizzling; UINT8 Ch0_Bit31_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit00_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit01_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit02_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit03_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit04_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit05_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit06_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit07_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit08_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit09_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit10_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit11_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit12_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit13_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit14_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit15_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit16_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit17_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit18_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit19_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit20_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit21_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit22_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit23_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit24_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit25_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit26_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit27_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit28_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit29_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit30_swizzling; UINT8 Ch1_Bit31_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit00_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit01_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit02_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit03_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit04_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit05_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit06_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit07_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit08_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit09_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit10_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit11_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit12_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit13_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit14_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit15_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit16_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit17_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit18_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit19_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit20_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit21_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit22_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit23_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit24_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit25_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit26_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit27_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit28_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit29_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit30_swizzling; UINT8 Ch2_Bit31_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit00_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit01_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit02_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit03_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit04_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit05_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit06_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit07_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit08_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit09_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit10_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit11_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit12_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit13_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit14_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit15_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit16_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit17_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit18_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit19_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit20_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit21_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit22_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit23_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit24_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit25_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit26_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit27_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit28_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit29_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit30_swizzling; UINT8 Ch3_Bit31_swizzling; UINT8 reserved[14]; } PlatfromDramConf; typedef struct _IAFWDramConfig_ { UINT32 Platform_override; UINT32 BRAM_Flushing; UINT32 Message_level_mask; PlatfromDramConf PlatformDram0; PlatfromDramConf PlatformDram1; PlatfromDramConf PlatformDram2; PlatfromDramConf PlatformDram3; PlatfromDramConf PlatformDram4; PlatfromDramConf PlatformDram5; } IAFWDramConfig; // XML original class name: Pin typedef struct _GpioConfig_ { UINT32 half0; UINT32 half1; } GpioConfig; typedef struct _GpioProfile_ { UINT32 offset; UINT32 numGpioEntries; } GpioProfile; typedef struct _GpioTable_ { UINT32 marker; GpioConfig *gpioCfg; } GpioTable; // XML original class name: PlatformConfig typedef struct _IAFWPlatformConfig_ { UINT32 numProfiles; GpioProfile *profile; } IAFWPlatformConfig; typedef struct _BoardINFO_ { UINT8 BOARDID; UINT8 FABID; } BoardINFO; typedef struct _IAFWSOCSkuInfo_ { BoardINFO Board0; } IAFWSOCSkuInfo; typedef struct _IafwBiosKnobs_ { UINT8 Reserved1; UINT8 Reserved2; UINT8 Reserved3; UINT8 Reserved4; UINT8 Reserved5; UINT8 Reserved6; UINT8 BootMode; UINT8 HifType; } IafwBiosKnobs; typedef struct _IafwSmipLayout_ { UINT32 IafwSmipSignature; UINT8 IafwSmipVersion; IafwBiosKnobs Reserved; Bcu BatteryCtrlUnit; IAFWBatteryConfig BatteryConfig; IAFWMultiBOMConfig MultiBOMConfig; IAFWFeatureConfig FeatureConfig; IAFWDramConfig DramConfig; IAFWSOCSkuInfo SOCSkuInfo; IAFWPlatformConfig PlatformConfig; UINT32 IafwSmipFooter; } IafwSmipLayout; #pragma pack(pop) #endif