@REM @file @REM @REM Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM This program and the accompanying materials @REM are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License @REM which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at @REM http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php @REM @REM THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, @REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. @REM :: Useage: bld [/s] [/f ] [/r] :: :: For a given build command, 3 options may be passed into this batch file via command prompt: :: 1) /s = Redirects all output to a file called EDK2.log(Prep.log must be existed), which will be located at the root. :: 2) /f = Defines the passing in of a single override to a feature PCD that is used in the platform :: DSC file. If this parameter is used, it is to be followed immediately after by both the feature :: pcd name and value. FeaturePcd is the full PCD name, like gPlatformModuleTokenSpaceGuid.PcdOptimizeCompilerEnable :: 3) /r = Useful for faster rebuilds when no changes have been made to .inf files. Passes -u to :: build.exe to skip the generation of makefiles. :: 4) rom = Build Bios.rom only and building SPIs will be skipped. :: @echo on cd %WORKSPACE% @REM @REM Build FSP Binary @REM @if not defined FSP_BINARY_BUILD goto :SkipFspBinaryBuild @if %FSP_BINARY_BUILD% EQU FALSE goto :SkipFspBinaryBuild @set FSP_BUILD_PARAMETER=/d @set FSP_PKG_NAME=KabylakeFspPkg @if /I "%TARGET%" == "RELEASE" ( @if "%FSP_TEST_RELEASE%"=="TRUE" ( set FSP_BUILD_PARAMETER=/tr ) else ( set FSP_BUILD_PARAMETER=/r ) ) @if %FSP_WRAPPER_BUILD% EQU FALSE goto :BldEnd :SkipFspBinaryBuild @if %FSP_WRAPPER_BUILD% EQU FALSE goto :SkipPatchFspBinFvsBaseAddress del /f %WORKSPACE_FSP_BIN%\KabylakeFspBinPkg\Fsp_Rebased*.fd cd %WORKSPACE% if exist %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PROJECT%\OpenBoardPkgPcd.dsc attrib -r %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PROJECT%\OpenBoardPkgPcd.dsc @call python %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PLATFORM_PACKAGE%\Tools\Fsp\RebaseAndPatchFspBinBaseAddress.py %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PLATFORM_BOARD_PACKAGE%\Include\Fdf\FlashMapInclude.fdf %WORKSPACE_FSP_BIN%\KabylakeFspBinPkg Fsp.fd %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PROJECT%\OpenBoardPkgPcd.dsc 0x70 cd %WORKSPACE% @if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( @echo !!! ERROR:RebaseAndPatchFspBinBaseAddress failed!!! set SCRIPT_ERROR=1 goto :BldFail ) copy /y /b %WORKSPACE_FSP_BIN%\KabylakeFspBinPkg\Fsp_Rebased_M.fd+%WORKSPACE_FSP_BIN%\KabylakeFspBinPkg\Fsp_Rebased_T.fd %WORKSPACE_FSP_BIN%\KabylakeFspBinPkg\Fsp_Rebased_M_T.fd @REM prefix pad.bin file which adds 0xC bytes of data (Note: Section will add 4 bytes of SECTION Header). This is done to align the FSP Header to 16 bytes copy /y /b %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PLATFORM_PACKAGE%\Tools\Fsp\pad.bin+%WORKSPACE_FSP_BIN%\KabylakeFspBinPkg\Fsp_Rebased_S.fd %WORKSPACE_FSP_BIN%\KabylakeFspBinPkg\Fsp_Rebased_S_padded.fd :SkipPatchFspBinFvsBaseAddress @SET SILENT_MODE=FALSE @SET REBUILD_MODE= @SET BUILD_ROM_ONLY= :: Loop through arguements until all are processed :BUILD_FLAGS_LOOP @if "%~1" == "" goto BUILD_FLAGS_LOOP_DONE @if "%~1" == "/f" ( shift goto BUILD_FLAGS_LOOP ) @if "%~1" == "/s" ( SET SILENT_MODE=TRUE shift goto BUILD_FLAGS_LOOP ) @if "%~1" == "/r" ( SET REBUILD_MODE=-u shift goto BUILD_FLAGS_LOOP ) @if "%~1" == "rom" ( SET BUILD_ROM_ONLY=rom shift goto BUILD_FLAGS_LOOP ) :: Unknown build flag. shift goto BUILD_FLAGS_LOOP :BUILD_FLAGS_LOOP_DONE :: Output the build variables the user has selected. @echo. @echo User Selected build options: @echo SILENT_MODE = %SILENT_MODE% @echo REBUILD_MODE = %REBUILD_MODE% @echo BUILD_ROM_ONLY = %BUILD_ROM_ONLY% @echo. @if %SILENT_MODE% EQU TRUE goto BldSilent build -n %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% %REBUILD_MODE% %EXT_BUILD_FLAGS% @if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto BldFail @echo. @echo Running postbuild.bat to complete the build process. @echo. call %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PROJECT%\postbuild.bat %BUILD_ROM_ONLY% @if %SCRIPT_ERROR% EQU 1 goto BldFail @goto BldSuccess :BldSilent @if exist Build.log del Build.log @echo. > Build.log @echo ************************************************************************ >> Build.log @echo *********** Build.bat is launched here *********** >> Build.log @echo ************************************************************************ >> Build.log @echo. >> Build.log build -n %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% %REBUILD_MODE% %EXT_BUILD_FLAGS% 1>>Build.log 2>&1 @if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto BldFail @echo. >> Build.log @echo Running postbuild.bat to complete the build process. >> Build.log @echo. >> Build.log @call %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PROJECT%\postbuild.bat %BUILD_ROM_ONLY% 1>>Build.log 2>&1 @If %SCRIPT_ERROR% EQU 1 goto BldFail :BldSuccess @echo. @echo TARGET: %TARGET% @echo TOOL_CHAIN_TAG: %TOOL_CHAIN_TAG% @echo BIOS location: %BUILD_DIR%\FV @echo. @echo The EDKII BIOS build has successfully completed! @echo. @REM @goto BldEnd :BldFail cd %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PROJECT% @echo. @echo The EDKII BIOS Build has failed! @echo. @exit /b 1 :BldEnd @if %SILENT_MODE% EQU TRUE ( @if exist EDK2.log del EDK2.log @if exist Prep.log if exist Build.log copy Prep.log+Build.log EDK2.log ) cd %WORKSPACE_PLATFORM%\%PROJECT%