@REM @file @REM @REM Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM This program and the accompanying materials @REM are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License @REM which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at @REM http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php @REM @REM THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, @REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. @REM @echo OFF @set PrepRELEASE=DEBUG @set SILENT_MODE=FALSE @set CapsuleBuild=FALSE @set EXT_CONFIG_CLEAR= @set EXT_BUILD_FLAGS= :CmdLineParse if "" == "%1" ( goto Continue ) else if "r" == "%1" ( set PrepRELEASE=RELEASE ) else if "tr" == "%1" ( set PrepRELEASE=TEST_RELEASE ) else if "rp" == "%1" ( set PrepRELEASE=RELEASE_PDB ) else if "s" == "%1" ( set SILENT_MODE=TRUE ) else if "help" == "%1" ( goto PrepHelp ) else ( echo Invalid input arguments: %1 echo. goto PrepHelp ) SHIFT goto CmdLineParse :PrepHelp @echo Preparation for BIOS build. @echo. @echo prep [r][rp][s][help] @echo. @echo r To do release build. Default is debug build. See note 1 @echo rp To do release build with Symbols - For source level debugging. See note 1 @echo s To build in silent mode. . See note 1 @echo. @echo 1) Re-running prep without these arguments cannot be used for @echo incremental build. Hence, these inputs must be supplied each time @echo prep are desired to be re-run. @echo. goto PrepDone :Continue @echo ============================================== if exist %WORKSPACE%\Prep.log del %WORKSPACE%\Prep.log :PrepReleaseCheck @if %SILENT_MODE% EQU TRUE goto BldSilent call prebuild.bat %PrepRelease% %CapsuleBuild% goto PrePrepDone :BldSilent @echo ************************************************************************ >> %WORKSPACE%\Prep.log @echo *********** Prebuild.bat is launched here *********** >> %WORKSPACE%\Prep.log @echo ************************************************************************ >> %WORKSPACE%\Prep.log call prebuild.bat %PrepRelease% %CapsuleBuild% 1>>%WORKSPACE%\Prep.log 2>&1 :PrePrepDone @If %SCRIPT_ERROR% EQU 1 goto PrepFail @goto PrepDone :PrepFail @echo. @echo !! The EDKII BIOS build has failed in prep! @echo. @exit /b 1 :PrepDone