/** @file Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ DefinitionBlock ("WFPPlatform.asl","DSDT",2,"INTEL","PLATWFP ",3) { #include "CommonPlatform.asi" #include "PlatformPciTree_WFP.asi" #include "AMLUPD.asl" #include "DSDT.ASL" #include "Pch.asl" //This is in another package (PchPkg) #include "Platform.asl" #include "PlatformGpe.asi" #include "PcieSeg.asi" Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB) { // // Method for creating generic _PLD buffers // _PLD contains lots of data, but for purpose of internal validation we care only about // ports' visibility and pairing (this requires group position) // so these are the only 2 configurable parameters (User Visible, Group Position) // Method(GPLD, 2, Serialized) { Name(PCKG, Package() { Buffer(0x10) {} } ) CreateField(DerefOf(Index(PCKG,0)), 0, 7, REV) Store(1,REV) CreateField(DerefOf(Index(PCKG,0)), 64, 1, VISI) Store(Arg0, VISI) CreateField(DerefOf(Index(PCKG,0)), 87, 8, GPOS) Store(Arg1, GPOS) return (PCKG) } // // Method for creating generic _UPC buffers // Similar to _PLD, for internal testing we only care about 1 parameter (port connectable) // Method(GUPC, 1, Serialized) { Name(PCKG, Package(4) { 0, 0xFF, 0, 0 } ) Store(Arg0,Index(PCKG,0)) return (PCKG) } } //end scope RHUB Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS01) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,1)) } //Rear Panel A [CONN27] - Upper - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS02) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,2)) } //Rear Panel A [CONN27] - Center - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS03) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,3)) } //Rear Panel A [CONN27] - Bottom - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS04) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,4)) } //Internal A1 [CONN9] - Right - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS05) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,5)) } //Front Panel [CONN20] - Right - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS06) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,6)) } //Front Panel [CONN20] - Left - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS07) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,7)) } //Internal Type A3 [CONN4] - ? - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS08) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,8)) } //Internal Type A3 [CONN4] - ? - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS09) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,9)) } //Jacksonville [CONN22] - Bottom - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS10) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,10)) } //Usb daughter card [CONN14] - ? - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS11) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(0,11)) } //Jacksonville [CONN22] - Center - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS12) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(0,12)) } //Usb daughter card [CONN14] - ? - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS13) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,13)) } //Internal A1 [CONN4] - Left - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS14) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,14)) } //Usb daughter card [CONN14] - ? - usb2 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.USR1) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(0)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(0,0)) } } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.USR2) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(0)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(0,0)) } } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS01) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,1)) } //Rear Panel A [CONN27] - Upper - usb3 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS02) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,2)) } //Rear Panel A [CONN27] - Center - usb3 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS03) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,3)) } //Rear Panel A [CONN27] - Bottom - usb3 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS04) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,4)) } //Internal A1 [CONN9] - Right - usb3 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS05) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,5)) } //Front Panel [CONN20] - Right - usb3 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS06) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(1)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(1,6)) } //Front Panel [CONN20] - Left - usb3 port } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS07) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(0)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(0,0)) } //N/A } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS08) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(0)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(0,0)) } //N/A } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS09) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(0)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(0,0)) } //N/A } Scope (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.SS10) { Method(_UPC) { Return (GUPC(0)) } Method(_PLD) { Return (GPLD(0,0)) } //N/A } } // end of DSDT