# Intel Atom(R) Processor E3900 Series Platforms This codebase is designed for Intel Atom(R) Processor E3900 Series platforms.(https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/embedded/products/apollo-lake/overview.html) (formerly Apollo Lake). Contributions to this open source project are covered by the [TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1](Contributions.txt) The majority of the content in the this open source project uses a [BSD 2-Clause License](License.txt). The maintainers are listed in [Maintainers.txt](Maintainers.txt). # Resources * [devel-IntelAtomProcessorE3900](Platform/ReadMe.MD) -- Instructions ### Projects Supported by this codebase (1) MinnowBoard 3 open hardware project: * http://minnowboard.org/ -- Platform Information. * https://firmware.intel.com/projects/minnowboard3 -- Release notes, pre-built release/debug binaries, build instructions, and binary objects required to compile firmware.