Intel(R) Platform Innovation Framework for EFI EFI Development Kit 2.0 (EDK 2.0) Alpha Release 2006-04-26 Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation This document provides updates to documentation, along with a description on how to install and build the Edk 2.0. Package Contents ---------------- ReleaseNote.txt- These release notes for the package. MdePkg - A package containing Industry Standard headers and libraries Tools - A package containing Build Specific tools which are designed to help the developer create and modify drivers and libraries EdkModulePkg - A package containing reference drivers EdkFatBinPkg - A package containing binary DXE drivers for the Fat 32 file system EdkShellBinPkg - A package containing binary Shell applications and commands EdkNt32Pkg - A package containing the NT32 Emulation platform reference Note: MDE and MDK that appear in other documentation refer to the MdePkg and Tools packages. These two packages are the minimum requirement for developing EDK 2.0 Packages. It is also recommended that the top level files included with the EDK be downloaded in conjunction with these two packages. Note: Documents have the following filenames: EDK 2.0 Module Development Environment Library Specification v0.50 (MDE_Library_Spec_0_50.rtf) EDK 2.0 Build and Packaging Architecture Specification v0.50 (Build_Packaging_Spec_0_50.rtf) EDK 2.0 Platform Configuration Database Infrastructure Description v0.51 (PCD_Infrastructure_0_51.rtf) EDK 2.0 Module Surface Area v0.50 (Module_Surface_Area_0_50.rtf) EDK 2.0 Module Development Environment (MDE) Package Specification v0.50 (MDE_Package_Spec_0_50.rtf) EDK 2.0 C Coding Standards Specification v0.50 (C_Coding_Standards_Specification_ 0_50.rtf) Pre-Requisites -------------- The following list of tools must be installed on the development workstation prior to using the Edk 2.0. Compiler Tool Chain Microsoft* Visual Studio .NET 2003* ( or GCC version 4.x or later ( Assembler Tool Chain Microsoft Macro Assembler, version 6.15 or later or GCC version 4.x or later Java Development Kit ( Java 5.0 or later) Sun* jdk-1.5.0_04 or later ( or Bea Systems* jrockit-25.2.0-jdk1.5.0_03 or later ( Java Tools Apache-ANT, version 1.6.5 or later ( Ant-contrib, version 1.0b2 or later ( Saxon8, version 8.1.1 ( XMLBeans, version 2.1.0 or later ( Other Tools TortoiseSVN version 1.3.3. ( Optional Tools -------------- Compiler Tool Chains: Intel C++ Compiler for Windows, ver. 9.0 or later (,com) Intel C Compiler for EFI Byte Code, ver. 1.2 or later Microsoft Driver Development Kit, version 3790.1830 or later Microsoft ACPI Source Language Assembler, Version 1.0.13NT or later Intel ACPI Component Architecture, version 20060113 ----------------------- Notes On Required Tools (Source Control System) ----------------------- The EDK 2.0 is being managed by the Subversion Source Control on This software package provides speed, security, and additional features. The recommended client is TortoiseSVN version 1.3.3. (Available at There are instructions for the use of Subversion Source Control on the website, as part of the checkout procedures. The URL of the EDK 2.0 repository is: ----------------------- Notes On Documentation ----------------------- The documents are being managed by the Subversion Source Control on The document repository is "docs" and must be checked out separately from the EDK 2.0 source tree. Refer to the checkout procedures on the website for EDK 2.0. The URL of the document repository is: ----------------------- Notes On Required Tools (MS Windows environment example) ----------------------- Software Installation Order: After installing the compiler tools and your Subversion client, the following required tools should be installed in order: Java JDK, Apache-Ant, ant-contrib, xmlbeans, saxon8 Java Development Kit: The Java Environment Variable must be set before attempting to build. i.e. For Sun JDK (see note below*): set JAVA_HOME=c:\ Java\jdk1.5.0_06 i.e. For Bea Systems: set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R26.0.0-jdk1.5.0_04 *When using the Sun JDK5.0 During installation, you should specify the install directory as C:\Java instead of C:\Program Files\(or some other drive letter.) While installing to this non-standard location is not required. In use, it seems to work more reliably. For the JDK, the install path would be C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_06 For the JRE, the install path would be C:\Java\jre1.5.0_06 Alternatively, you can specify C:\sunjavajdk and C:\sunjavajre. NOTE: You cannot combine the location for the JDK and the JRE, as the JRE install removes most of the binaries and libraries installed by the JDK install. Java Tools: The Apache-ANT requires the ANT_HOME environment variable to be set before attempting to build: i.e. set ANT_HOME=c:\ The ant-contrib.jar file should be installed in the %ANT_HOME%\lib directory. The XMLBeans, requires the XMLBEANS_HOME environment variable to be set before attempting to build: i.e. set XMLBEANS_HOME=C:\ The saxon8.jar file should be copied to the %XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib directory. The Ant and XMLBean tools are required to be in the path. MS system example: set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%XMLBEANS_HOME%\bin Linux/OS X bash shell example: export PATH=$PATH:${ANT_HOME}/bin:${XMLBEANS_HOME}/bin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Start ----------- Edit the text file, tools_def.txt, located in the Tools/Conf directory. This file contains the names of the compiler tool chains and the location of the compiler binaries. It has been pre-populated with the standard location for the Microsoft tool chains and includes the standard location of the Intel C Compiler for EFI Byte Code (EBC) Follow the instructions at to checkout the entire EDK 2.0 source tree. In a command window, change to the top level directory of the Edk 2.0 sources. Set the WORKSPACE environment variable, e.g.: c:\> set WORKSPACE=C:\MyWork\Edk2.0 To test your tool chain setup and to build the Supplied Tools, execute: c:\MyWork\Edk2.0\> edksetup (This command will be referred to as the setup command throughout the rest of this document.) NOTE: You should run the setup command at the start of every session. This configures the environment to include the TianoTools and the Java applications and libraries. Once this is completed, you are ready to test the Build, by executing: c:\MyWork\Edk2.0\> ant This command builds all of the packages, including the NT32 reference platform. ------------------------- Individual Package Builds ------------------------- After running the setup command, you can build individual packages. In the command window, cd to the package that you want to build, and just type: c:\MyWork\Edk2.0\EdkNt32Pkg\> ant The EdkNt32Pkg has a special target; "run" that will execute the Nt32 emulation platform under Microsoft Windows. ------------------------ Individual Module Builds ------------------------ After running the setup command, you can build individual modules. In the command window, cd to the module that you want to build, and just type: c:\MyWork\Edk2.0\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\> ant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Word on Apache-ANT -------------------- The Apache-ANT program is a build tool that uses XML-based project files. Similar to Makefiles, these project files may contain multiple targets. Most build.xml files in Edk2.0 are auto-generated; any edits performed on the build.xml files will be overwritten the next time ant is executed. Pre-defined targets in the build.xml files include: all - This target builds binaries for defined architectures clean - This target removes object files generated by commands cleanall - This target removes all generated files and directories. A Word on GCC tool chain ------------------------ You will find a script in the tree that will download, configure, compile, and install a gcc 4.0.2 tool chain for development. It has support for the ia32 architecture. It can be built and run on Cygwin, Linux, and many other POSIX compliant host environments. There are a few tools that you will need on your host computer in order to compile the tool chain. Among them are bash, gcc, gmake, curl (or wget). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information: =============================================================== Mechanisms: ---------- A quick understanding: A) Surface Area Package Description (SPD) file contains information about the modules that the package contains, including the location of all MSA files, and public library names and headers that might be provided by a module in the package. Packages are defined by SPD files. (Found in the root of the Package subdirectory (i.e. EdkNt32Pkg)) The SPD is further explained in the "Build Packaging Specification" document. B) Module Surface Area Definition (MSA) files. A description of a module's surface area, with all module specific default flags and features specified. Refer to the "Module Surface Area Architecture Specification" for additional details. The MSA is further explained in the "Build Packaging Specification" document. C) Module Build Description (MDB). The "as-built" definition file that contains only the changes to the default flags defined in the MSA. The MSA and MDB are further explained in the "Build Packaging Specification" document. D) Platform Configuration Database (PCD). A platform database which contains a variety of current platform settings or directives by which a driver or application can interact with. The PCD is defined by the PCD_Protocol (This is further explained in the "Platform Configuration Database Infrastructure Description" document. E) Library Class. A library class is a logical grouping of similar functions. When developing components, the module surface area declares the class of libraries that can be used by the component. The MBD file specifies the instance(s) of the library that will be used during compilation/linking. All library type modules must include header files in their distribution package, as well as their surface area and module build description files. Components, on the other hand, need only provide the binary and build description files when distributing BINARY packages. The Library Classes are further explained in the "Build Packaging Specification" document. ========================================================================= The common operations by developers of new modules are: ------------------------------------------------------- 1) How to manually create a new module in a package: - The module source code must first be created in an appropriate directory (under the package the module is to be a part of.) - An MSA file must be created, spelling out all aspects of the module. - The MSA must be added to the SPD for the package to include the module. ----------------------------------------- 2) Add/Remove module(s) to/from a package: - Setup environment as Build - Add a module to a package * Generate the module SurfaceArea description file and build description file * Run GenBuildFile.bat under to generate an entrance build.xml for the module * Add a new element under into \.spd, using relative path to package * Add a new entry under each into \.fpd file - Remove a module from a package * Comment out or remove corresponding element under from \.spd * Comment out or remove corresponding entry under each from \.fpd ----------------------------------- 3) How to manually create a package: - Identify the modules that are to be members of the project. - Identify the Variables and Guids required in and of the Package (including consumption/production information). - Create an SPD file defining these modules and calling out their MSA files. -------------------------------------- 4) Declare a new Protocol in a package: - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file, adding the protocol to the ProtocolDeclarations section of the file. - Add the Protocol .h file to the Include\Protocol directory. - Add an to the element in the .spd file * Each line contains Protocol base name then the global variable name and then the hex value of the Protocol GUID. Example Protocol Entries (NOTE: The Guid entry is a single line in the SPD file): gEfiUnicodeCollationProtocolGuid { 0x1d85cd7f, 0xf43d, 0x11d2, 0x9a, 0xc, 0x0, 0x90, 0x27, 0x3f, 0xc1, 0x4d } gEfiUsbHcProtocolGuid { 0xf5089266, 0x1aa0, 0x4953, 0x97, 0xd8, 0x56, 0x2f, 0x8a, 0x73, 0xb5, 0x19 } --------------------------------- 5) Declare a new PPI in a package: - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file - Add the PPI .h file to the Include\Ppi directory. - Add an to the package element in the .spd file * Each line contains PPI base name then the global variable name and then the hex value of the PPI GUID. Example Ppi Entries (NOTE: The Guid entry is a single line in the SPD file): gNtPeiLoadFilePpiGuid { 0xfd0c65eb, 0x405, 0x4cd2, 0x8a, 0xee, 0xf4, 0x0, 0xef, 0x13, 0xba, 0xc2 } gPeiNtThunkPpiGuid { 0x98c281e5, 0xf906, 0x43dd, 0xa9, 0x2b, 0xb0, 0x3, 0xbf, 0x27, 0x65, 0xda } ---------------------------------- 6) Declare a new GUID in a package: - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file to include the new Guid. This is identical to adding a ProtocolDeclaration or PpiDeclaration element as described above. --------------------------------------- 7) Define a new PCD entry in a package: - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file to include the new PCD. New Pcd entries are added to the PcdDefinitions section of the .spd file using the following example for the format: NOTE: The hex value must be unique. PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength 0x00000001 UINT32 1000000 ------------------------------ 8) Declare a new Library Class: - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file to include the new Library Class. New Library Class entries are added to the LibraryClassDeclarations seection of the .spd file using the following example for the format: BaseLib Include/Library/BaseLib.h -------------------------------------- 9) Add a library instance to a package: - This requires manual MSA and MBD file. ----------------------------- 10) Add a module to a package: - This requires manual MSA and MBD editing ======================================================= Notes: ------ The EDK 2.0 represents significant changes in the structure of the EDK. Therefore it is very difficult to isolate all of the changes of this version of the EDK with the previous (EDK 1.0) version. Of particular note: 1) EDK 2.0 contains new hardware feature support for the ICH SMBUS Libraries. These libraries are provided to make Memory Reference Code (MRC) development easier. 2) The MDE Libraries - The MDE libraries resent significant changes in source (with only limited changes in functionality.) These new libraries conform to the "MDE Library Specification". 3) The Fat Binary and the EDK Shell Binary Packages are functionally identical to the EDK 1.0 version. 4) The EDK tools directory has been expanded to include more tools and more tool functionality. 5) The EDK NT32 section has been ported to the new build process, but functionally remains the same as the EDK 1.0 version. 6) The Application "HelloWorld" has been ported to EDK 2.0 as well. ======================================================= Virus scanned by McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0.0, Virus Definitions 4718, no virus detected.