/** @file Public API for Opal Core library. Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include <Uefi.h> #include <Library/BaseLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include <Library/TcgStorageOpalLib.h> /** Creates a session with OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP as OPAL_ADMIN_SP_PSID_AUTHORITY, then reverts device using Admin SP Revert method. @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] Psid PSID of device to revert. @param[in] PsidLength Length of PSID in bytes. **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilPsidRevert( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *Psid, UINT32 PsidLength ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Psid); Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP, TRUE, PsidLength, Psid, OPAL_ADMIN_SP_PSID_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus); if (Ret == TcgResultSuccess && MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = OpalPsidRevert(Session); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess) { // // If revert was successful, session was already ended by TPer, so only end session on failure // OpalEndSession(Session); } } if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Opens a session with OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP as OPAL_ADMIN_SP_SID_AUTHORITY, sets the OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP_C_PIN_SID column with the new password, and activates the locking SP to copy SID PIN to Admin1 Locking SP PIN @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] GeneratedSid Generated SID of disk @param[in] SidLength Length of generatedSid in bytes @param[in] Password New admin password to set @param[in] PassLength Length of password in bytes **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilSetAdminPasswordAsSid( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *GeneratedSid, UINT32 SidLength, const VOID *Password, UINT32 PassLength ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(GeneratedSid); NULL_CHECK(Password); Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP, TRUE, SidLength, GeneratedSid, OPAL_ADMIN_SP_SID_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "start session with admin SP as SID authority failed: Ret=%d MethodStatus=%u\n", Ret, MethodStatus)); goto done; } // // 1. Update SID = new Password // Ret = OpalSetPassword( Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP_C_PIN_SID, Password, PassLength, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { OpalEndSession(Session); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "set Password failed: Ret=%d MethodStatus=%u\n", Ret, MethodStatus)); goto done; } // // 2. Activate locking SP // Ret = OpalActivateLockingSp(Session, &MethodStatus); OpalEndSession(Session); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "activate locking SP failed: Ret=%d MethodStatus=%u\n", Ret, MethodStatus)); goto done; } done: if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Opens a session with OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP as OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY, and updates the specified locking range with the provided column values @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] Password New admin password to set @param[in] PassLength Length of password in bytes @param[in] LockingRangeUid Locking range UID to set values @param[in] RangeStart Value to set RangeStart column for Locking Range @param[in] RangeLength Value to set RangeLength column for Locking Range @param[in] ReadLockEnabled Value to set readLockEnabled column for Locking Range @param[in] WriteLockEnabled Value to set writeLockEnabled column for Locking Range @param[in] ReadLocked Value to set ReadLocked column for Locking Range @param[in] WriteLocked Value to set WriteLocked column for Locking Range **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilSetOpalLockingRange( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *Password, UINT32 PassLength, TCG_UID LockingRangeUid, UINT64 RangeStart, UINT64 RangeLength, BOOLEAN ReadLockEnabled, BOOLEAN WriteLockEnabled, BOOLEAN ReadLocked, BOOLEAN WriteLocked ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Password); // // Start session with Locking SP using current admin Password // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, PassLength, Password, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus); if ((Ret != TcgResultSuccess) || (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "start session with locking SP failed: Ret=%d MethodStatus=%u\n", Ret, MethodStatus)); goto done; } // // Enable locking range // Ret = OpalSetLockingRange( Session, LockingRangeUid, RangeStart, RangeLength, ReadLockEnabled, WriteLockEnabled, ReadLocked, WriteLocked, &MethodStatus); OpalEndSession(Session); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "set locking range failed: Ret=%d MethodStatus=0x%x\n", Ret, MethodStatus)); } done: if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Opens a session with OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP as OPAL_ADMIN_SP_SID_AUTHORITY, sets OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP_C_PIN_SID with the new password, and sets OPAL_LOCKING_SP_C_PIN_ADMIN1 with the new password. @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] OldPassword Current admin password @param[in] OldPasswordLength Length of current admin password in bytes @param[in] NewPassword New admin password to set @param[in] NewPasswordLength Length of new password in bytes **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilSetAdminPassword( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *OldPassword, UINT32 OldPasswordLength, const VOID *NewPassword, UINT32 NewPasswordLength ) { TCG_RESULT Ret; UINT8 MethodStatus; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(OldPassword); NULL_CHECK(NewPassword); // // Unknown ownership // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP, TRUE, OldPasswordLength, OldPassword, OPAL_ADMIN_SP_SID_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "start session with admin SP using old Password failed\n")); goto done; } // // Update SID = new pw // Ret = OpalSetPassword(Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP_C_PIN_SID, NewPassword, NewPasswordLength, &MethodStatus); OpalEndSession(Session); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "set new admin SP Password failed\n")); goto done; } Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, OldPasswordLength, OldPassword, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "start session with locking SP using old Password failed\n")); goto done; } // // Update admin locking SP to new pw // Ret = OpalSetPassword(Session, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_C_PIN_ADMIN1, NewPassword, NewPasswordLength, &MethodStatus); OpalEndSession(Session); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "set new locking SP Password failed\n")); goto done; } done: if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Starts a session with OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP as OPAL_LOCKING_SP_USER1_AUTHORITY or OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY and sets the User1 SP authority to enabled and sets the User1 password. @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] OldPassword Current admin password @param[in] OldPasswordLength Length of current admin password in bytes @param[in] NewPassword New admin password to set @param[in] NewPasswordLength Length of new password in bytes **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilSetUserPassword( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *OldPassword, UINT32 OldPasswordLength, const VOID *NewPassword, UINT32 NewPasswordLength ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(OldPassword); NULL_CHECK(NewPassword); // // See if updating user1 authority // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, OldPasswordLength, OldPassword, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_USER1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret == TcgResultSuccess && MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = OpalSetPassword( Session, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_C_PIN_USER1, NewPassword, NewPasswordLength, &MethodStatus ); OpalEndSession(Session); if (Ret == TcgResultSuccess && MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { return Ret; } } // // Setting Password for first time or setting Password as admin // // // Start session with Locking SP using current admin Password // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, OldPasswordLength, OldPassword, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "StartSession with locking SP as admin1 authority failed\n")); goto done; } // // Enable User1 and set its PIN // Ret = OpalSetLockingSpAuthorityEnabledAndPin( Session, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_C_PIN_USER1, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_USER1_AUTHORITY, NewPassword, NewPasswordLength, &MethodStatus ); OpalEndSession(Session); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OpalSetLockingSpAuthorityEnabledAndPin failed\n")); goto done; } done: if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Verify whether user input the correct password. @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] Password Admin password @param[in] PasswordLength Length of password in bytes @param[in/out] HostSigningAuthority Use the Host signing authority type. **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilVerifyPassword ( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *Password, UINT32 PasswordLength, TCG_UID HostSigningAuthority ) { TCG_RESULT Ret; UINT8 MethodStatus; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Password); Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, PasswordLength, Password, HostSigningAuthority, &MethodStatus); if (Ret == TcgResultSuccess && MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { OpalEndSession(Session); return TcgResultSuccess; } return TcgResultFailure; } /** Starts a session with OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP as OPAL_LOCKING_SP_USER1_AUTHORITY or OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY and generates a new global locking range key to erase the Data. @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] Password Admin or user password @param[in] PasswordLength Length of password in bytes @param[in/out] PasswordFailed indicates if password failed (start session didn't work) **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilSecureErase( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *Password, UINT32 PasswordLength, BOOLEAN *PasswordFailed ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Password); NULL_CHECK(PasswordFailed); // // Try to generate a new key with admin1 // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, PasswordLength, Password, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret == TcgResultSuccess && MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = OpalGlobalLockingRangeGenKey(Session, &MethodStatus); *PasswordFailed = FALSE; OpalEndSession(Session); } else { // // Try to generate a new key with user1 // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, PasswordLength, Password, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_USER1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret == TcgResultSuccess && MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = OpalGlobalLockingRangeGenKey(Session, &MethodStatus); *PasswordFailed = FALSE; OpalEndSession(Session); } else { *PasswordFailed = TRUE; } } if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Starts a session with OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP as OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY and disables the User1 authority. @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] Password Admin password @param[in] PasswordLength Length of password in bytes @param[in/out] PasswordFailed indicates if password failed (start session didn't work) **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilDisableUser( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *Password, UINT32 PasswordLength, BOOLEAN *PasswordFailed ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Password); NULL_CHECK(PasswordFailed); // // Start session with Locking SP using current admin Password // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, PasswordLength, Password, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "StartSession with Locking SP as Admin1 failed\n")); *PasswordFailed = TRUE; goto done; } *PasswordFailed = FALSE; Ret = OpalDisableUser(Session, &MethodStatus); OpalEndSession(Session); done: if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Opens a session with OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP as OPAL_ADMIN_SP_PSID_AUTHORITY, then reverts the device using the RevertSP method. @param[in] Session, The session info for one opal device. @param[in] KeepUserData TRUE to keep existing Data on the disk, or FALSE to erase it @param[in] Password Admin password @param[in] PasswordLength Length of password in bytes @param[in/out] PasswordFailed indicates if password failed (start session didn't work) @param[in] Msid Msid info. @param[in] MsidLength Msid data length. **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilRevert( OPAL_SESSION *Session, BOOLEAN KeepUserData, const VOID *Password, UINT32 PasswordLength, BOOLEAN *PasswordFailed, UINT8 *Msid, UINT32 MsidLength ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Msid); NULL_CHECK(Password); NULL_CHECK(PasswordFailed); Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, PasswordLength, Password, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "error starting session: Ret=%d, MethodStatus=%u\n", Ret, MethodStatus)); *PasswordFailed = TRUE; goto done; } *PasswordFailed = FALSE; // // Try to revert with admin1 // Ret = OpalAdminRevert(Session, KeepUserData, &MethodStatus); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { // // Device ends the session on successful revert, so only call OpalEndSession when fail. // DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OpalAdminRevert as admin failed\n")); OpalEndSession(Session); } Ret = OpalUtilSetSIDtoMSID (Session, Password, PasswordLength, Msid, MsidLength); done: if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** After revert success, set SID to MSID. @param Session, The session info for one opal device. @param Password, Input password info. @param PasswordLength, Input password length. @param Msid Msid info. @param MsidLength Msid data length. **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilSetSIDtoMSID ( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *Password, UINT32 PasswordLength, UINT8 *Msid, UINT32 MsidLength ) { TCG_RESULT Ret; UINT8 MethodStatus; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Msid); NULL_CHECK(Password); // // Start session with admin sp to update SID to MSID // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP, TRUE, PasswordLength, Password, OPAL_ADMIN_SP_SID_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto done; } // // Update SID pin // Ret = OpalSetPassword(Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP_C_PIN_SID, Msid, MsidLength, &MethodStatus); OpalEndSession(Session); done: if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Update global locking range. @param Session, The session info for one opal device. @param Password, Input password info. @param PasswordLength, Input password length. @param ReadLocked, Read lock info. @param WriteLocked write lock info. **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilUpdateGlobalLockingRange( OPAL_SESSION *Session, const VOID *Password, UINT32 PasswordLength, BOOLEAN ReadLocked, BOOLEAN WriteLocked ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Password); // // Try to start session with Locking SP as admin1 authority // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, PasswordLength, Password, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_ADMIN1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret == TcgResultSuccess && MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = OpalUpdateGlobalLockingRange( Session, ReadLocked, WriteLocked, &MethodStatus ); OpalEndSession(Session); if (Ret == TcgResultSuccess && MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto done; } } if (MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_AUTHORITY_LOCKED_OUT) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "unlock as admin failed with AUTHORITY_LOCKED_OUT\n")); goto done; } // // Try user1 authority // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_LOCKING_SP, TRUE, PasswordLength, Password, OPAL_LOCKING_SP_USER1_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus ); if (Ret != TcgResultSuccess || MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "StartSession with Locking SP as User1 failed\n")); goto done; } Ret = OpalUpdateGlobalLockingRange(Session, ReadLocked, WriteLocked, &MethodStatus); OpalEndSession(Session); done: if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** Update global locking range. @param Session, The session info for one opal device. @param Msid, The data buffer to save Msid info. @param MsidBufferLength, The data buffer length for Msid. @param MsidLength, The actual data length for Msid. **/ TCG_RESULT EFIAPI OpalUtilGetMsid( OPAL_SESSION *Session, UINT8 *Msid, UINT32 MsidBufferLength, UINT32 *MsidLength ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; NULL_CHECK(Session); NULL_CHECK(Msid); NULL_CHECK(MsidLength); Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP, TRUE, 0, NULL, TCG_UID_NULL, &MethodStatus ); if ((Ret == TcgResultSuccess) && (MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS)) { Ret = OpalGetMsid (Session, MsidBufferLength, Msid, MsidLength); OpalEndSession (Session); } if (MethodStatus != TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Ret = TcgResultFailure; } return Ret; } /** The function determines who owns the device by attempting to start a session with different credentials. If the SID PIN matches the MSID PIN, the no one owns the device. If the SID PIN matches the ourSidPin, then "Us" owns the device. Otherwise it is unknown. @param[in] Session The session info for one opal device. @param Msid, The Msid info. @param MsidLength, The data length for Msid. **/ OPAL_OWNER_SHIP EFIAPI OpalUtilDetermineOwnership( OPAL_SESSION *Session, UINT8 *Msid, UINT32 MsidLength ) { UINT8 MethodStatus; TCG_RESULT Ret; OPAL_OWNER_SHIP Owner; if ((Session == NULL) || (Msid == NULL)) { return OpalOwnershipUnknown; } Owner = OpalOwnershipUnknown; // // Start Session as SID_UID with ADMIN_SP using MSID PIN // Ret = OpalStartSession( Session, OPAL_UID_ADMIN_SP, TRUE, MsidLength, Msid, OPAL_ADMIN_SP_SID_AUTHORITY, &MethodStatus); if ((Ret == TcgResultSuccess) && (MethodStatus == TCG_METHOD_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS)) { // // now we know that SID PIN == MSID PIN // Owner = OpalOwnershipNobody; OpalEndSession(Session); } return Owner; } /** The function returns if admin password exists. @param[in] OwnerShip The owner ship of the opal device. @param[in] LockingFeature The locking info of the opal device. @retval TRUE Admin password existed. @retval FALSE Admin password not existed. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI OpalUtilAdminPasswordExists( IN UINT16 OwnerShip, IN TCG_LOCKING_FEATURE_DESCRIPTOR *LockingFeature ) { NULL_CHECK(LockingFeature); // if it is Unknown who owns the device // then someone has set password previously through our UI // because the SID would no longer match the generated SID (ownership us) // or someone has set password using 3rd party software // // Locking sp enabled is checked b/c it must be enabled to change the PIN of the Admin1. // return (OwnerShip == OpalOwnershipUnknown && LockingFeature->LockingEnabled); }