/** @file Provides interface to shell internal functions for shell commands. This library is for use ONLY by shell commands linked into the shell application. This library will not funciton if it is used for UEFI Shell 2.0 Applications. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _SHELL_COMMAND_LIB_ #define _SHELL_COMMAND_LIB_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // The extern global protocol poionters. // extern EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL *gUnicodeCollation; extern EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL *gDevPathToText; extern CONST CHAR16* SupportLevel[]; // // The map list objects. // typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Link; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath; CHAR16 *MapName; CHAR16 *CurrentDirectoryPath; UINT64 Flags; } SHELL_MAP_LIST; /// List of Mappings - DeviceName and Drive Letter(ism). extern SHELL_MAP_LIST gShellMapList; /// Pointer to node of current directory in the mMapList. extern SHELL_MAP_LIST *gShellCurDir; /** Returns the help MAN fileName for a given shell command. @retval !NULL The unicode string of the MAN filename. @retval NULL An error ocurred. **/ typedef CONST CHAR16 * (EFIAPI *SHELL_GET_MAN_FILENAME)( VOID ); /** Runs a shell command on a given command line. The specific operation of a given shell command is specified in the UEFI Shell Specification 2.0, or in the source of the given command. Upon completion of the command run the shell protocol and environment variables may have been updated due to the operation. @param[in] ImageHandle The ImageHandle to the app, or NULL if the command built into shell. @param[in] SystemTable The pointer to the system table. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The shell command was sucessful. @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The command is not supported. **/ typedef SHELL_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELL_RUN_COMMAND)( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ); /** Registers the handlers of type SHELL_RUN_COMMAND and SHELL_GET_MAN_FILENAME for each shell command. If the ShellSupportLevel is greater than the value of PcdShellSupportLevel, then return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED. Registers the the handlers specified by GetHelpInfoHandler and CommandHandler with the command specified by CommandString. If the command named by CommandString has already been registered, then return RETURN_ALREADY_STARTED. If there are not enough resources available to register the handlers, then RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES is returned. If CommandString is NULL, then ASSERT(). If GetHelpInfoHandler is NULL, then ASSERT(). If CommandHandler is NULL, then ASSERT(). If ProfileName is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] CommandString The pointer to the command name. This is the name to look for on the command line in the shell. @param[in] CommandHandler The pointer to a function that runs the specified command. @param[in] GetManFileName The pointer to a function that provides man filename. @param[in] ShellMinSupportLevel The minimum Shell Support Level which has this function. @param[in] ProfileName The profile name to require for support of this function. @param[in] CanAffectLE Indicates whether this command's return value can change the LASTERROR environment variable. @param[in] HiiHandle The handle of this command's HII entry. @param[in] ManFormatHelp The HII locator for the help text. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The handlers were registered. @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to register the shell command. @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The ShellMinSupportLevel was higher than the currently allowed support level. @retval RETURN_ALREADY_STARTED The CommandString represents a command that is already registered. Only one handler set for a given command is allowed. @sa SHELL_GET_MAN_FILENAME @sa SHELL_RUN_COMMAND **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandRegisterCommandName ( IN CONST CHAR16 *CommandString, IN SHELL_RUN_COMMAND CommandHandler, IN SHELL_GET_MAN_FILENAME GetManFileName, IN UINT32 ShellMinSupportLevel, IN CONST CHAR16 *ProfileName, IN CONST BOOLEAN CanAffectLE, IN CONST EFI_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN CONST EFI_STRING_ID ManFormatHelp ); /** Checks if a command string has been registered for CommandString, and if so, it runs the previously registered handler for that command with the command line. If CommandString is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Sections is specified, then each section name listed will be compared in a case sensitive manner to the section names described in Appendix B UEFI Shell 2.0 Specification. If the section exists, it is appended to the returned help text. If the section does not exist, no information is returned. If Sections is NULL, then all help text information available is returned. @param[in] CommandString The pointer to the command name. This is the name found on the command line in the shell. @param[in,out] RetVal The pointer to the return value from the command handler. @param[in,out] CanAffectLE Indicates whether this command's return value needs to be placed into LASTERROR environment variable. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The handler was run. @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND The CommandString did not match a registered command name. @sa SHELL_RUN_COMMAND **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandRunCommandHandler ( IN CONST CHAR16 *CommandString, IN OUT SHELL_STATUS *RetVal, IN OUT BOOLEAN *CanAffectLE OPTIONAL ); /** Checks if a command string has been registered for CommandString, and if so, it returns the MAN filename specified for that command. If CommandString is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] CommandString The pointer to the command name. This is the name found on the command line in the shell. @retval NULL The CommandString was not a registered command. @retval other The name of the MAN file. @sa SHELL_GET_MAN_FILENAME **/ CONST CHAR16* EFIAPI ShellCommandGetManFileNameHandler ( IN CONST CHAR16 *CommandString ); typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Link; CHAR16 *CommandString; } COMMAND_LIST; /** Get the list of all available shell internal commands. This is a linked list, via the LIST_ENTRY structure. Enumerate through it using the BaseLib linked list functions. Do not modify the values. @param[in] Sort TRUE to alphabetically sort the values first. FALSE otherwise. @return A linked list of all available shell commands. **/ CONST COMMAND_LIST* EFIAPI ShellCommandGetCommandList ( IN CONST BOOLEAN Sort ); typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Link; CHAR16 *CommandString; CHAR16 *Alias; } ALIAS_LIST; /** Registers aliases to be set as part of the initialization of the shell application. If Command is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Alias is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] Command The pointer to the Command. @param[in] Alias The pointer to Alias. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The handlers were registered. @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to register the shell command. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandRegisterAlias ( IN CONST CHAR16 *Command, IN CONST CHAR16 *Alias ); /** Get the list of all shell alias commands. This is a linked list, via LIST_ENTRY structure. Enumerate through it using the BaseLib linked list functions. Do not modify the values. @return A linked list of all requested shell aliases. **/ CONST ALIAS_LIST* EFIAPI ShellCommandGetInitAliasList ( VOID ); /** Determine if a given alias is on the list of built in aliases. @param[in] Alias The alias to test for. @retval TRUE The alias is a built in alias. @retval FALSE The alias is not a built in alias. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ShellCommandIsOnAliasList ( IN CONST CHAR16 *Alias ); /** Checks if a command is already on the list. @param[in] CommandString The command string to check for on the list. @retval TRUE CommandString represents a registered command. @retval FALSE CommandString does not represent a registered command. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ShellCommandIsCommandOnList ( IN CONST CHAR16 *CommandString ); /** Get the help text for a command. @param[in] CommandString The command name. @retval NULL No help text was found. @return The string of the help text. The caller required to free. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI ShellCommandGetCommandHelp ( IN CONST CHAR16 *CommandString ); /** Function to make sure that the above pointers are valid. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI CommandInit ( VOID ); /** Function to determine current state of ECHO. Echo determines if lines from scripts and ECHO commands are enabled. @retval TRUE Echo is currently enabled. @retval FALSE Echo is currently disabled. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ShellCommandGetEchoState ( VOID ); /** Function to set current state of ECHO. Echo determines if lines from scripts and ECHO commands are enabled. @param[in] State TRUE to enable Echo, FALSE otherwise. **/ VOID EFIAPI ShellCommandSetEchoState ( IN BOOLEAN State ); /** Indicate that the current shell or script should exit. @param[in] ScriptOnly TRUE if exiting a script; FALSE otherwise. **/ VOID EFIAPI ShellCommandRegisterExit ( IN BOOLEAN ScriptOnly ); /** Retrieve the Exit indicator. @retval TRUE Exit was indicated. @retval FALSE Exit was not indicated. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ShellCommandGetExit ( VOID ); /** Retrieve the Exit script indicator. If ShellCommandGetExit returns FALSE, then the return from this is undefined. @retval TRUE ScriptOnly was indicated. @retval FALSE ScriptOnly was not indicated. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ShellCommandGetScriptExit ( VOID ); typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Link; ///< List enumerator items. UINTN Line; ///< What line of the script file this was on. CHAR16 *Cl; ///< The original command line. VOID *Data; ///< The data structure format dependant upon Command. (not always used) BOOLEAN Reset; ///< Reset the command (it must be treated like a initial run (but it may have data already)) } SCRIPT_COMMAND_LIST; typedef struct { CHAR16 *ScriptName; ///< The filename of this script. CHAR16 **Argv; ///< The parmameters to the script file. UINTN Argc; ///< The count of parameters. LIST_ENTRY CommandList; ///< The script converted to a list of commands (SCRIPT_COMMAND_LIST objects). SCRIPT_COMMAND_LIST *CurrentCommand; ///< The command currently being operated. If !=NULL must be a member of CommandList. LIST_ENTRY SubstList; ///< A list of current script loop alias' (ALIAS_LIST objects) (Used for the for %-based replacement). } SCRIPT_FILE; /** Function to return a pointer to the currently running script file object. @retval NULL A script file is not currently running. @return A pointer to the current script file object. **/ SCRIPT_FILE* EFIAPI ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile ( VOID ); /** Function to set a new script as the currently running one. This function will correctly stack and unstack nested scripts. @param[in] Script The pointer to new script information structure. If NULL, it removes and de-allocates the topmost Script structure. @return A pointer to the current running script file after this change. It is NULL if removing the final script. **/ SCRIPT_FILE* EFIAPI ShellCommandSetNewScript ( IN SCRIPT_FILE *Script OPTIONAL ); /** Function to cleanup all memory from a SCRIPT_FILE structure. @param[in] Script The pointer to the structure to cleanup. **/ VOID EFIAPI DeleteScriptFileStruct ( IN SCRIPT_FILE *Script ); /** Function to get the current Profile string. This is used to retrieve what profiles were installed. @retval NULL There are no installed profiles. @return A semicolon-delimited list of profiles. **/ CONST CHAR16 * EFIAPI ShellCommandGetProfileList ( VOID ); typedef enum { MappingTypeFileSystem, MappingTypeBlockIo, MappingTypeMax } SHELL_MAPPING_TYPE; /** Function to generate the next default mapping name. If the return value is not NULL then it must be callee freed. @param Type What kind of mapping name to make. @retval NULL a memory allocation failed. @return a new map name string **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI ShellCommandCreateNewMappingName( IN CONST SHELL_MAPPING_TYPE Type ); /** Function to initialize the table for creating consistent map names. @param[out] Table The pointer to pointer to pointer to DevicePathProtocol object. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The table was created successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandConsistMappingInitialize ( EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL ***Table ); /** Function to uninitialize the table for creating consistent map names. The parameter must have been received from ShellCommandConsistMappingInitialize. @param[out] Table The pointer to pointer to DevicePathProtocol object. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The table was deleted successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandConsistMappingUnInitialize ( EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL **Table ); /** Create a consistent mapped name for the device specified by DevicePath based on the Table. This must be called after ShellCommandConsistMappingInitialize() and before ShellCommandConsistMappingUnInitialize() is called. @param[in] DevicePath The pointer to the dev path for the device. @param[in] Table The Table of mapping information. @retval NULL A consistent mapped name could not be created. @return A pointer to a string allocated from pool with the device name. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI ShellCommandConsistMappingGenMappingName ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL **Table ); /** Function to search the list of mappings for the first matching node on the list based on the MapKey. @param[in] MapKey The pointer to the string key to search for in the map. @return the node on the list. **/ SHELL_MAP_LIST* EFIAPI ShellCommandFindMapItem ( IN CONST CHAR16 *MapKey ); /** Function to add a map node to the list of map items and update the "path" environment variable (optionally). If Path is TRUE (during initialization only), the path environment variable will also be updated to include default paths on the new map name... Path should be FALSE when this function is called from the protocol SetMap function. @param[in] Name The human readable mapped name. @param[in] DevicePath The Device Path for this map. @param[in] Flags The Flags attribute for this map item. @param[in] Path TRUE to update path, FALSE to skip this step (should only be TRUE during initialization). @retval EFI_SUCCESS The addition was sucessful. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter was invalid. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandAddMapItemAndUpdatePath( IN CONST CHAR16 *Name, IN CONST EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath, IN CONST UINT64 Flags, IN CONST BOOLEAN Path ); /** Creates the default map names for each device path in the system with a protocol depending on the Type. Also sets up the default path environment variable if Type is FileSystem. @retval EFI_SUCCESS All map names were created sucessfully. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No protocols were found in the system. @return Error returned from gBS->LocateHandle(). @sa LocateHandle **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandCreateInitialMappingsAndPaths( VOID ); /** Function to standardize the directory indicators to \ characters. @param[in,out] Path The pointer to the path string to fix. @retval NULL The operation failed. @return The Path pointer. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI ShellCommandCleanPath ( IN OUT CHAR16 *Path ); /** Converts a SHELL_FILE_HANDLE to an EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL*. @param[in] Handle The SHELL_FILE_HANDLE to convert. @return a EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL* representing the same file. **/ EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL* EFIAPI ConvertShellHandleToEfiFileProtocol( IN CONST SHELL_FILE_HANDLE Handle ); /** Remove a SHELL_FILE_HANDLE frmo the list of SHELL_FILE_HANDLES. @param[in] Handle The SHELL_FILE_HANDLE to remove. @retval TRUE The item was removed. @retval FALSE The item was not found. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ShellFileHandleRemove( IN CONST SHELL_FILE_HANDLE Handle ); /** Converts a EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL* to an SHELL_FILE_HANDLE. @param[in] Handle The pointer to EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL to convert. @param[in] Path The path to the file for verification. @return a SHELL_FILE_HANDLE representing the same file. **/ SHELL_FILE_HANDLE EFIAPI ConvertEfiFileProtocolToShellHandle( IN CONST EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL *Handle, IN CONST CHAR16 *Path ); /** Find the path that was logged with the specified SHELL_FILE_HANDLE. @param[in] Handle The SHELL_FILE_HANDLE to query on. @return A pointer to the path for the file. **/ CONST CHAR16* EFIAPI ShellFileHandleGetPath( IN CONST SHELL_FILE_HANDLE Handle ); /** Function to determine if a SHELL_FILE_HANDLE is at the end of the file. This will NOT work on directories. If Handle is NULL, then ASSERT. @param[in] Handle the file handle @retval TRUE the position is at the end of the file @retval FALSE the position is not at the end of the file **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ShellFileHandleEof( IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE Handle ); /** Function to read a single line from a SHELL_FILE_HANDLE. The \n is not included in the returned buffer. The returned buffer must be callee freed. If the position upon start is 0, then the Ascii Boolean will be set. This should be maintained and not changed for all operations with the same file. @param[in] Handle SHELL_FILE_HANDLE to read from. @param[in,out] Ascii Boolean value for indicating whether the file is Ascii (TRUE) or UCS2 (FALSE). @return The line of text from the file. @sa ShellFileHandleReadLine **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI ShellFileHandleReturnLine( IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE Handle, IN OUT BOOLEAN *Ascii ); /** Function to read a single line (up to but not including the \n) from a SHELL_FILE_HANDLE. If the position upon start is 0, then the Ascii Boolean will be set. This should be maintained and not changed for all operations with the same file. @param[in] Handle SHELL_FILE_HANDLE to read from. @param[in,out] Buffer The pointer to buffer to read into. @param[in,out] Size The pointer to number of bytes in Buffer. @param[in] Truncate If the buffer is large enough, this has no effect. If the buffer is is too small and Truncate is TRUE, the line will be truncated. If the buffer is is too small and Truncate is FALSE, then no read will occur. @param[in,out] Ascii Boolean value for indicating whether the file is Ascii (TRUE) or UCS2 (FALSE). @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful. The line is stored in Buffer. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle was NULL. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Size was NULL. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Size was not large enough to store the line. Size was updated to the minimum space required. @sa ShellFileHandleRead **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ShellFileHandleReadLine( IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE Handle, IN OUT CHAR16 *Buffer, IN OUT UINTN *Size, IN BOOLEAN Truncate, IN OUT BOOLEAN *Ascii ); typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Link; void *Buffer; } BUFFER_LIST; /** Frees any BUFFER_LIST defined type. @param[in] List The pointer to the list head. **/ VOID EFIAPI FreeBufferList ( IN BUFFER_LIST *List ); /** Chops off last directory or file entry in a path by changing the last '\' to a CHAR_NULL @param[in,out] PathToReturn The pointer to the path to modify. @retval FALSE No directory was found to chop off. @retval TRUE A directory was chopped off. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ChopLastSlash( IN OUT CHAR16 *PathToReturn ); /** Function to clean up paths. Removes the following items: single periods in the path (no need for the current directory tag) double periods in the path and removes a single parent directory. This will be done inline and the resultant string may be be 'too big'. @param[in] PathToReturn The pointer to the string containing the path. @return PathToReturn is always returned. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI CleanPath( IN CHAR16 *PathToReturn ); #endif //_SHELL_COMMAND_LIB_