/** @file Provides interface to advanced shell functionality for parsing both handle and protocol database. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "UefiHandleParsingLib.h" EFI_HANDLE mHandleParsingHiiHandle; HANDLE_INDEX_LIST mHandleList = {{{NULL,NULL},0,0},0}; /** Constructor for the library. @param[in] ImageHandle Ignored. @param[in] SystemTable Ignored. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI HandleParsingLibConstructor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { mHandleParsingHiiHandle = HiiAddPackages (&gHandleParsingHiiGuid, gImageHandle, UefiHandleParsingLibStrings, NULL); if (mHandleParsingHiiHandle == NULL) { return (EFI_DEVICE_ERROR); } return (EFI_SUCCESS); } /** Destructor for the library. free any resources. @param[in] ImageHandle Ignored. @param[in] SystemTable Ignored. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI HandleParsingLibDestructor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { if (mHandleParsingHiiHandle != NULL) { HiiRemovePackages(mHandleParsingHiiHandle); } return (EFI_SUCCESS); } /* CHAR16* EFIAPI LoadedImageProtocolDumpInformation( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE TheHandle, IN CONST BOOLEAN Verbose ) { EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *Image; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPath; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPathNode; VOID *Buffer; UINTN BufferSize; UINT32 AuthenticationStatus; EFI_GUID *NameGuid; EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PROTOCOL *FV; EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL *FV2; FV = NULL; FV2 = NULL; Buffer = NULL; BufferSize = 0; Status = HandleProtocol ( TheHandle, &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, &Image); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); DevPath = UnpackDevicePath (Image->FilePath); if (DevPath == NULL) { return NULL; } DevPathNode = DevPath; while (!IsDevicePathEnd (DevPathNode)) { // // Find the Fv File path // NameGuid = GetNameGuidFromFwVolDevicePathNode ((MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *)DevPathNode); if (NameGuid != NULL) { Status = BS->HandleProtocol ( Image->DeviceHandle, &gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid, &FV ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = FV->ReadSection ( FV, NameGuid, EFI_SECTION_USER_INTERFACE, 0, &Buffer, &BufferSize, &AuthenticationStatus ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } Buffer = NULL; } else { Status = BS->HandleProtocol ( Image->DeviceHandle, &gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid, &FV2 ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = FV2->ReadSection ( FV2, NameGuid, EFI_SECTION_USER_INTERFACE, 0, &Buffer, &BufferSize, &AuthenticationStatus ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } Buffer = NULL; } } } // // Next device path node // DevPathNode = NextDevicePathNode (DevPathNode); } FreePool (DevPath); return Buffer; } */ /** Function to dump information about SimpleTextOut. This will allocate the return buffer from boot services pool. @param[in] TheHandle The handle that has SimpleTextOut installed. @param[in] Verbose TRUE for additional information, FALSE otherwise. @retval A poitner to a string containing the information. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI TxtOutProtocolDumpInformation( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE TheHandle, IN CONST BOOLEAN Verbose ) { EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Dev; INTN Index; UINTN Col; UINTN Row; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *RetVal; UINTN Size; CHAR16 *Temp; UINTN NewSize; if (!Verbose) { return (NULL); } RetVal = NULL; Size = 0; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol( TheHandle, &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&Dev); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); ASSERT (Dev != NULL && Dev->Mode != NULL); Size = (Dev->Mode->MaxMode + 1) * 80; RetVal = AllocateZeroPool(Size); Temp = HiiGetString(mHandleParsingHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN(STR_TXT_OUT_DUMP_HEADER), NULL); UnicodeSPrint(RetVal, Size, Temp, Dev, Dev->Mode->Attribute); FreePool(Temp); // // Dump TextOut Info // Temp = HiiGetString(mHandleParsingHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN(STR_TXT_OUT_DUMP_LINE), NULL); for (Index = 0; Index < Dev->Mode->MaxMode; Index++) { Status = Dev->QueryMode (Dev, Index, &Col, &Row); NewSize = Size - StrSize(RetVal); UnicodeSPrint( RetVal + StrLen(RetVal), NewSize, Temp, Index == Dev->Mode->Mode ? L'*' : L' ', Index, !EFI_ERROR(Status)?Col:-1, !EFI_ERROR(Status)?Row:-1 ); } FreePool(Temp); return (RetVal); } STATIC CONST UINTN VersionStringSize = 60; /** Function to dump information about EfiDriverSupportedEfiVersion protocol. This will allocate the return buffer from boot services pool. @param[in] TheHandle The handle that has the protocol installed. @param[in] Verbose TRUE for additional information, FALSE otherwise. @retval A poitner to a string containing the information. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI DriverEfiVersionProtocolDumpInformation( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE TheHandle, IN CONST BOOLEAN Verbose ) { EFI_DRIVER_SUPPORTED_EFI_VERSION_PROTOCOL *DriverEfiVersion; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *RetVal; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol( TheHandle, &gEfiDriverSupportedEfiVersionProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&DriverEfiVersion); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); RetVal = AllocateZeroPool(VersionStringSize); ASSERT(RetVal != NULL); UnicodeSPrint(RetVal, VersionStringSize, L"0x%08x", DriverEfiVersion->FirmwareVersion); return (RetVal); } /** Function to dump information about DevicePath protocol. This will allocate the return buffer from boot services pool. @param[in] TheHandle The handle that has the protocol installed. @param[in] Verbose TRUE for additional information, FALSE otherwise. @retval A poitner to a string containing the information. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI DevicePathProtocolDumpInformation( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE TheHandle, IN CONST BOOLEAN Verbose ) { EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPath; CHAR16 *Temp; CHAR16 *Temp2; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL *DevPathToText; Temp = NULL; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**)&DevPathToText); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = gBS->OpenProtocol(TheHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&DevPath, gImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // // I cannot decide whether to allow shortcuts here (the second BOOLEAN on the next line) // Temp = DevPathToText->ConvertDevicePathToText(DevPath, TRUE, TRUE); gBS->CloseProtocol(TheHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, gImageHandle, NULL); } } if (!Verbose && Temp != NULL && StrLen(Temp) > 30) { Temp2 = NULL; Temp2 = StrnCatGrow(&Temp2, NULL, Temp+(StrLen(Temp) - 30), 30); FreePool(Temp); Temp = Temp2; } return (Temp); } // // Put the information on the NT32 protocol GUIDs here so we are not dependant on the Nt32Pkg // #define LOCAL_EFI_WIN_NT_THUNK_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0x58c518b1, 0x76f3, 0x11d4, 0xbc, 0xea, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc7, 0x3c, 0x88, 0x81 \ } #define LOCAL_EFI_WIN_NT_BUS_DRIVER_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0x96eb4ad6, 0xa32a, 0x11d4, 0xbc, 0xfd, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc7, 0x3c, 0x88, 0x81 \ } #define LOCAL_EFI_WIN_NT_SERIAL_PORT_GUID \ { \ 0xc95a93d, 0xa006, 0x11d4, 0xbc, 0xfa, 0x0, 0x80, 0xc7, 0x3c, 0x88, 0x81 \ } STATIC CONST EFI_GUID WinNtThunkProtocolGuid = LOCAL_EFI_WIN_NT_THUNK_PROTOCOL_GUID; STATIC CONST EFI_GUID WinNtIoProtocolGuid = LOCAL_EFI_WIN_NT_BUS_DRIVER_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID; STATIC CONST EFI_GUID WinNtSerialPortGuid = LOCAL_EFI_WIN_NT_SERIAL_PORT_GUID; STATIC CONST PROTOCOL_INFO_BLOCK mGuidStringListNT[] = { {STRING_TOKEN(STR_WINNT_THUNK), (EFI_GUID*)&WinNtThunkProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_WINNT_DRIVER_IO), (EFI_GUID*)&WinNtIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_WINNT_SERIAL_PORT), (EFI_GUID*)&WinNtSerialPortGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE), NULL, NULL}, }; STATIC CONST PROTOCOL_INFO_BLOCK mGuidStringList[] = { {STRING_TOKEN(STR_LOADED_IMAGE), &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_PATH), &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, DevicePathProtocolDumpInformation}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_IMAGE_PATH), &gEfiLoadedImageDevicePathProtocolGuid, DevicePathProtocolDumpInformation}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_PATH_UTIL), &gEfiDevicePathUtilitiesProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_PATH_TXT), &gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_PATH_FTXT), &gEfiDevicePathFromTextProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_PATH_PC), &gEfiPcAnsiGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_PATH_VT100), &gEfiVT100Guid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_PATH_VT100P), &gEfiVT100PlusGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_PATH_VTUTF8), &gEfiVTUTF8Guid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DRIVER_BINDING), &gEfiDriverBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_PLATFORM_OVERRIDE), &gEfiPlatformDriverOverrideProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_BUS_OVERRIDE), &gEfiBusSpecificDriverOverrideProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DRIVER_DIAG), &gEfiDriverDiagnosticsProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DRIVER_DIAG2), &gEfiDriverDiagnostics2ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DRIVER_CN), &gEfiComponentNameProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DRIVER_CN2), &gEfiComponentName2ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_PLAT_DRV_CFG), &gEfiPlatformToDriverConfigurationProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DRIVER_VERSION), &gEfiDriverSupportedEfiVersionProtocolGuid, DriverEfiVersionProtocolDumpInformation}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_TXT_IN), &gEfiSimpleTextInProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_TXT_IN_EX), &gEfiSimpleTextInputExProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_TXT_OUT), &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, TxtOutProtocolDumpInformation}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SIM_POINTER), &gEfiSimplePointerProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_ABS_POINTER), &gEfiAbsolutePointerProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SERIAL_IO), &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT), &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_EDID_DISCOVERED), &gEfiEdidDiscoveredProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_EDID_ACTIVE), &gEfiEdidActiveProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_EDID_OVERRIDE), &gEfiEdidOverrideProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_CON_IN), &gEfiConsoleInDeviceGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_CON_OUT), &gEfiConsoleOutDeviceGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_STD_ERR), &gEfiStandardErrorDeviceGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_LOAD_FILE), &gEfiLoadFileProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_LOAD_FILE2), &gEfiLoadFile2ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SIMPLE_FILE_SYS), &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_FILE_INFO), &gEfiFileInfoGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_FILE_SYS_INFO), &gEfiFileSystemInfoGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_TAPE_IO), &gEfiTapeIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DISK_IO), &gEfiDiskIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_BLK_IO), &gEfiBlockIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_UC), &gEfiUnicodeCollationProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_UC2), &gEfiUnicodeCollation2ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_PCIRB_IO), &gEfiPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_PCI_IO), &gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SCSI_PT), &gEfiScsiPassThruProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SCSI_IO), &gEfiScsiIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SCSI_PT_EXT), &gEfiExtScsiPassThruProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_ISCSI), &gEfiIScsiInitiatorNameProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_USB_IO), &gEfiUsbIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_USB_HC), &gEfiUsbHcProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_USB_HC2), &gEfiUsb2HcProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEBUG_SUPPORT), &gEfiDebugSupportProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEBUG_PORT), &gEfiDebugPortProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DECOMPRESS), &gEfiDecompressProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_ACPI_TABLE), &gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_EBC_INTERPRETER), &gEfiEbcProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SNP), &gEfiSimpleNetworkProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_NII), &gEfiNetworkInterfaceIdentifierProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_NII_31), &gEfiNetworkInterfaceIdentifierProtocolGuid_31, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_PXE_BC), &gEfiPxeBaseCodeProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_PXE_CB), &gEfiPxeBaseCodeCallbackProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_BIS), &gEfiBisProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_MNP_SB), &gEfiManagedNetworkServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_MNP), &gEfiManagedNetworkProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_ARP_SB), &gEfiArpServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_ARP), &gEfiArpProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DHCPV4_SB), &gEfiDhcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DHCPV4), &gEfiDhcp4ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_TCPV4_SB), &gEfiTcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_TCPV4), &gEfiTcp4ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_IPV4_SB), &gEfiIp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_IPV4), &gEfiIp4ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_IPV4_CFG), &gEfiIp4ConfigProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SHELL_PARAMETERS), &gEfiShellParametersProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SHELL), &gEfiShellProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE), &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_UDPV4_SB), &gEfiUdp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_UDPV4), &gEfiUdp4ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_MTFTPV4_SB), &gEfiMtftp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_MTFTPV4), &gEfiMtftp4ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_AUTH_INFO), &gEfiAuthenticationInfoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HASH_SB), &gEfiHashServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HASH), &gEfiHashProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HII_FONT), &gEfiHiiFontProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HII_STRING), &gEfiHiiStringProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HII_IMAGE), &gEfiHiiImageProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HII_DATABASE), &gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HII_CONFIG_ROUT), &gEfiHiiConfigRoutingProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HII_CONFIG_ACC), &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_HII_FORM_BROWSER2), &gEfiFormBrowser2ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SHELL_INTERFACE), &gEfiShellInterfaceGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SHELL_ENV2), &gEfiShellEnvironment2Guid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_SHELL_ENV), &gEfiShellEnvironment2Guid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DEVICE_IO), &gEfiDeviceIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_UGA_DRAW), &gEfiUgaDrawProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_UGA_IO), &gEfiUgaIoProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_ESP), &gEfiPartTypeSystemPartGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_GPT_NBR), &gEfiPartTypeLegacyMbrGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DRIVER_CONFIG), &gEfiDriverConfigurationProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_DRIVER_CONFIG2), &gEfiDriverConfiguration2ProtocolGuid, NULL}, {STRING_TOKEN(STR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE), NULL, NULL}, }; /** Function to get the node for a protocol or struct from it's GUID. if Guid is NULL, then ASSERT. @param[in] Guid The GUID to look for the name of. @return The node. **/ CONST PROTOCOL_INFO_BLOCK * EFIAPI InternalShellGetNodeFromGuid( IN CONST EFI_GUID* Guid ) { CONST PROTOCOL_INFO_BLOCK *ListWalker; ASSERT(Guid != NULL); if (PcdGetBool(PcdShellIncludeNtGuids)) { for (ListWalker = mGuidStringListNT ; ListWalker != NULL && ListWalker->GuidId != NULL ; ListWalker++) { if (CompareGuid(ListWalker->GuidId, Guid)) { return (ListWalker); } } } for (ListWalker = mGuidStringList ; ListWalker != NULL && ListWalker->GuidId != NULL ; ListWalker++) { if (CompareGuid(ListWalker->GuidId, Guid)) { return (ListWalker); } } return (ListWalker); } /** Function to get the name of a protocol or struct from it's GUID. if Guid is NULL, then ASSERT. @param[in] Guid The GUID to look for the name of. @param[in] Lang The language to use. @return pointer to string of the name. The caller is responsible to free this memory. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI GetStringNameFromGuid( IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, IN CONST CHAR8 *Lang OPTIONAL ) { CONST PROTOCOL_INFO_BLOCK *Id; Id = InternalShellGetNodeFromGuid(Guid); return (HiiGetString(mHandleParsingHiiHandle, Id->StringId, Lang)); } /** Function to dump protocol information from a handle. This function will return a allocated string buffer containing the information. The caller is responsible for freeing the memory. If Guid is NULL, ASSERT(). If TheHandle is NULL, ASSERT(). @param[in] TheHandle The handle to dump information from. @param[in] Guid The GUID of the protocol to dump. @param[in] Verbose TRUE for extra info. FALSE otherwise. @return The pointer to string. @retval NULL An error was encountered. **/ CHAR16* EFIAPI GetProtocolInformationDump( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE TheHandle, IN CONST EFI_GUID *Guid, IN CONST BOOLEAN Verbose ) { CONST PROTOCOL_INFO_BLOCK *Id; ASSERT(TheHandle != NULL); ASSERT(Guid != NULL); if (TheHandle == NULL || Guid == NULL) { return (NULL); } Id = InternalShellGetNodeFromGuid(Guid); if (Id != NULL && Id->DumpInfo != NULL) { return (Id->DumpInfo(TheHandle, Verbose)); } return (NULL); } /** Function to get the Guid for a protocol or struct based on it's string name. @param[in] Name The pointer to the string name. @param[in] Lang The pointer to the language code. @param[in] Guid The pointer to the Guid. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was sucessful. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI GetGuidFromStringName( IN CONST CHAR16 *Name, IN CONST CHAR8 *Lang OPTIONAL, IN EFI_GUID **Guid ) { CONST PROTOCOL_INFO_BLOCK *ListWalker; CHAR16 *String; ASSERT(Guid != NULL); if (Guid == NULL) { return (EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER); } *Guid = NULL; if (PcdGetBool(PcdShellIncludeNtGuids)) { for (ListWalker = mGuidStringListNT ; ListWalker != NULL && ListWalker->GuidId != NULL ; ListWalker++) { String = HiiGetString(mHandleParsingHiiHandle, ListWalker->StringId, Lang); if (Name != NULL && String != NULL && StrCmp(Name, String)==0) { *Guid = ListWalker->GuidId; } SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(String); if (*Guid != NULL) { return (EFI_SUCCESS); } } } for (ListWalker = mGuidStringList ; ListWalker != NULL && ListWalker->GuidId != NULL ; ListWalker++) { String = HiiGetString(mHandleParsingHiiHandle, ListWalker->StringId, Lang); if (Name != NULL && String != NULL && StrCmp(Name, String)==0) { *Guid = ListWalker->GuidId; } SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(String); if (*Guid != NULL) { return (EFI_SUCCESS); } } return (EFI_NOT_FOUND); } /** Function to retrieve the driver name (if possible) from the ComponentName or ComponentName2 protocol @param[in] TheHandle The driver handle to get the name of. @param[in] Language The language to use. @retval NULL The name could not be found. @return A pointer to the string name. Do not de-allocate the memory. **/ CONST CHAR16* EFIAPI GetStringNameFromHandle( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE TheHandle, IN CONST CHAR8 *Language ) { EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL *CompNameStruct; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *RetVal; Status = gBS->OpenProtocol( TheHandle, &gEfiComponentName2ProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&CompNameStruct, gImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = CompNameStruct->GetDriverName(CompNameStruct, (CHAR8*)Language, &RetVal); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return (RetVal); } } Status = gBS->OpenProtocol( TheHandle, &gEfiComponentNameProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&CompNameStruct, gImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = CompNameStruct->GetDriverName(CompNameStruct, (CHAR8*)Language, &RetVal); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return (RetVal); } } return (NULL); } /** Function to initialize the file global mHandleList object for use in vonverting handles to index and index to handle. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InternalShellInitHandleList( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HANDLE *HandleBuffer; UINTN HandleCount; HANDLE_LIST *ListWalker; if (mHandleList.NextIndex != 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } InitializeListHead(&mHandleList.List.Link); mHandleList.NextIndex = 1; Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( AllHandles, NULL, NULL, &HandleCount, &HandleBuffer ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return (Status); } for (mHandleList.NextIndex = 1 ; mHandleList.NextIndex <= HandleCount ; mHandleList.NextIndex++){ ListWalker = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(HANDLE_LIST)); ASSERT(ListWalker != NULL); ListWalker->TheHandle = HandleBuffer[mHandleList.NextIndex-1]; ListWalker->TheIndex = mHandleList.NextIndex; InsertTailList(&mHandleList.List.Link,&ListWalker->Link); } FreePool(HandleBuffer); return (EFI_SUCCESS); } /** Function to retrieve the human-friendly index of a given handle. If the handle does not have a index one will be automatically assigned. The index value is valid until the termination of the shell application. @param[in] TheHandle The handle to retrieve an index for. @retval 0 A memory allocation failed. @return The index of the handle. **/ UINTN EFIAPI ConvertHandleToHandleIndex( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE TheHandle ) { HANDLE_LIST *ListWalker; if (TheHandle == NULL) { return 0; } InternalShellInitHandleList(); for (ListWalker = (HANDLE_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&mHandleList.List.Link) ; !IsNull(&mHandleList.List.Link,&ListWalker->Link) ; ListWalker = (HANDLE_LIST*)GetNextNode(&mHandleList.List.Link,&ListWalker->Link) ){ if (ListWalker->TheHandle == TheHandle) { return (ListWalker->TheIndex); } } ListWalker = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(HANDLE_LIST)); ASSERT(ListWalker != NULL); ListWalker->TheHandle = TheHandle; ListWalker->TheIndex = mHandleList.NextIndex++; InsertTailList(&mHandleList.List.Link,&ListWalker->Link); return (ListWalker->TheIndex); } /** Function to retrieve the EFI_HANDLE from the human-friendly index. @param[in] TheIndex The index to retrieve the EFI_HANDLE for. @retval NULL The index was invalid. @return The EFI_HANDLE that index represents. **/ EFI_HANDLE EFIAPI ConvertHandleIndexToHandle( IN CONST UINTN TheIndex ) { HANDLE_LIST *ListWalker; InternalShellInitHandleList(); if (TheIndex >= mHandleList.NextIndex) { return (NULL); } for (ListWalker = (HANDLE_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&mHandleList.List.Link) ; !IsNull(&mHandleList.List.Link,&ListWalker->Link) ; ListWalker = (HANDLE_LIST*)GetNextNode(&mHandleList.List.Link,&ListWalker->Link) ){ if (ListWalker->TheIndex == TheIndex) { return (ListWalker->TheHandle); } } return (NULL); } /** Gets all the related EFI_HANDLEs based on the mask supplied. This function scans all EFI_HANDLES in the UEFI environment's handle database and returns the ones with the specified relationship (Mask) to the specified controller handle. If both DriverBindingHandle and ControllerHandle are NULL, then ASSERT. If MatchingHandleCount is NULL, then ASSERT. If MatchingHandleBuffer is not NULL upon a successful return the memory must be caller freed. @param[in] DriverBindingHandle The handle with Driver Binding protocol on it. @param[in] ControllerHandle The handle with Device Path protocol on it. @param[in] MatchingHandleCount The pointer to UINTN that specifies the number of HANDLES in MatchingHandleBuffer. @param[out] MatchingHandleBuffer On a successful return, a buffer of MatchingHandleCount EFI_HANDLEs with a terminating NULL EFI_HANDLE. @param[out] HandleType An array of type information. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful, and any related handles are in MatchingHandleBuffer. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No matching handles were found. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter was invalid or out of range. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ParseHandleDatabaseByRelationshipWithType ( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle OPTIONAL, IN CONST EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle OPTIONAL, IN UINTN *HandleCount, OUT EFI_HANDLE **HandleBuffer, OUT UINTN **HandleType ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN HandleIndex; EFI_GUID **ProtocolGuidArray; UINTN ArrayCount; UINTN ProtocolIndex; EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION_ENTRY *OpenInfo; UINTN OpenInfoCount; UINTN OpenInfoIndex; UINTN ChildIndex; ASSERT(HandleCount != NULL); ASSERT(HandleBuffer != NULL); ASSERT(HandleType != NULL); ASSERT(DriverBindingHandle != NULL || ControllerHandle != NULL); *HandleCount = 0; *HandleBuffer = NULL; *HandleType = NULL; // // Retrieve the list of all handles from the handle database // Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( AllHandles, NULL, NULL, HandleCount, HandleBuffer ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return (Status); } *HandleType = AllocateZeroPool (*HandleCount * sizeof (UINTN)); ASSERT(*HandleType != NULL); for (HandleIndex = 0; HandleIndex < *HandleCount; HandleIndex++) { // // Retrieve the list of all the protocols on each handle // Status = gBS->ProtocolsPerHandle ( (*HandleBuffer)[HandleIndex], &ProtocolGuidArray, &ArrayCount ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { for (ProtocolIndex = 0; ProtocolIndex < ArrayCount; ProtocolIndex++) { // // Set the bit describing what this handle has // if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid) ) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_IMAGE_HANDLE; } else if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiDriverBindingProtocolGuid) ) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_DRIVER_BINDING_HANDLE; } else if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiDriverConfiguration2ProtocolGuid)) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE; } else if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiDriverConfigurationProtocolGuid) ) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE; } else if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiDriverDiagnostics2ProtocolGuid) ) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_DRIVER_DIAGNOSTICS_HANDLE; } else if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiDriverDiagnosticsProtocolGuid) ) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_DRIVER_DIAGNOSTICS_HANDLE; } else if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiComponentName2ProtocolGuid) ) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_COMPONENT_NAME_HANDLE; } else if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiComponentNameProtocolGuid) ) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_COMPONENT_NAME_HANDLE; } else if (CompareGuid (ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid) ) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_DEVICE_HANDLE; } else { DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN(); ASSERT((*HandleType)[HandleIndex] == (*HandleType)[HandleIndex]); DEBUG_CODE_END(); } // // Retrieve the list of agents that have opened each protocol // Status = gBS->OpenProtocolInformation ( (*HandleBuffer)[HandleIndex], ProtocolGuidArray[ProtocolIndex], &OpenInfo, &OpenInfoCount ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { for (OpenInfoIndex = 0; OpenInfoIndex < OpenInfoCount; OpenInfoIndex++) { if (DriverBindingHandle != NULL && OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].AgentHandle == DriverBindingHandle) { if ((OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].Attributes & EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER) == EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= (HR_DEVICE_HANDLE | HR_CONTROLLER_HANDLE); } if (ControllerHandle != NULL && (*HandleBuffer)[HandleIndex] == ControllerHandle) { if ((OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].Attributes & EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER) == EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER) { for (ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < *HandleCount; ChildIndex++) { if ((*HandleBuffer)[ChildIndex] == OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].ControllerHandle) { (*HandleType)[ChildIndex] |= (HR_DEVICE_HANDLE | HR_CHILD_HANDLE); } } } } } if (DriverBindingHandle == NULL && OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].ControllerHandle == ControllerHandle) { if ((OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].Attributes & EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER) == EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER) { for (ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < *HandleCount; ChildIndex++) { if ((*HandleBuffer)[ChildIndex] == OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].AgentHandle) { (*HandleType)[ChildIndex] |= HR_DEVICE_DRIVER; } } } if ((OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].Attributes & EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER) == EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER) { (*HandleType)[HandleIndex] |= HR_PARENT_HANDLE; for (ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < *HandleCount; ChildIndex++) { if ((*HandleBuffer)[ChildIndex] == OpenInfo[OpenInfoIndex].AgentHandle) { (*HandleType)[ChildIndex] |= HR_BUS_DRIVER; } } } } } FreePool (OpenInfo); } } FreePool (ProtocolGuidArray); } } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (*HandleType != NULL) { FreePool (*HandleType); } if (*HandleBuffer != NULL) { FreePool (*HandleBuffer); } *HandleCount = 0; *HandleBuffer = NULL; *HandleType = NULL; } return Status; } /** Gets all the related EFI_HANDLEs based on the single EFI_HANDLE and the mask supplied. This function will scan all EFI_HANDLES in the UEFI environment's handle database and return all the ones with the specified relationship (Mask) to the specified controller handle. If both DriverBindingHandle and ControllerHandle are NULL, then ASSERT. If MatchingHandleCount is NULL, then ASSERT. If MatchingHandleBuffer is not NULL upon a sucessful return the memory must be caller freed. @param[in] DriverBindingHandle Handle to a object with Driver Binding protocol on it. @param[in] ControllerHandle Handle to a device with Device Path protocol on it. @param[in] Mask Mask of what relationship(s) is desired. @param[in] MatchingHandleCount Poitner to UINTN specifying number of HANDLES in MatchingHandleBuffer. @param[out] MatchingHandleBuffer On a sucessful return a buffer of MatchingHandleCount EFI_HANDLEs and a terminating NULL EFI_HANDLE. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was sucessful and any related handles are in MatchingHandleBuffer; @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No matching handles were found. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter was invalid or out of range. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ParseHandleDatabaseByRelationship ( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle OPTIONAL, IN CONST EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle OPTIONAL, IN CONST UINTN Mask, IN UINTN *MatchingHandleCount, OUT EFI_HANDLE **MatchingHandleBuffer OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN HandleCount; EFI_HANDLE *HandleBuffer; UINTN *HandleType; UINTN HandleIndex; ASSERT(MatchingHandleCount != NULL); ASSERT(DriverBindingHandle != NULL || ControllerHandle != NULL); if ((Mask & HR_VALID_MASK) != Mask) { return (EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if ((Mask & HR_CHILD_HANDLE) != 0 && DriverBindingHandle == NULL) { return (EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER); } *MatchingHandleCount = 0; if (MatchingHandleBuffer != NULL) { *MatchingHandleBuffer = NULL; } HandleBuffer = NULL; HandleType = NULL; Status = ParseHandleDatabaseByRelationshipWithType ( DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle, &HandleCount, &HandleBuffer, &HandleType ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Count the number of handles that match the attributes in Mask // for (HandleIndex = 0; HandleIndex < HandleCount; HandleIndex++) { if ((HandleType[HandleIndex] & Mask) == Mask) { (*MatchingHandleCount)++; } } // // If no handles match the attributes in Mask then return EFI_NOT_FOUND // if (*MatchingHandleCount == 0) { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; } else { if (MatchingHandleBuffer == NULL) { // // Someone just wanted the count... // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { // // Allocate a handle buffer for the number of handles that matched the attributes in Mask // *MatchingHandleBuffer = AllocateZeroPool ((*MatchingHandleCount +1)* sizeof (EFI_HANDLE)); ASSERT(*MatchingHandleBuffer != NULL); for (HandleIndex = 0,*MatchingHandleCount = 0 ; HandleIndex < HandleCount ; HandleIndex++ ){ // // Fill the allocated buffer with the handles that matched the attributes in Mask // if ((HandleType[HandleIndex] & Mask) == Mask) { (*MatchingHandleBuffer)[(*MatchingHandleCount)++] = HandleBuffer[HandleIndex]; } } // // Make the last one NULL // (*MatchingHandleBuffer)[*MatchingHandleCount] = NULL; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } // MacthingHandleBuffer == NULL (ELSE) } // *MatchingHandleCount == 0 (ELSE) } // no error on ParseHandleDatabaseByRelationshipWithType if (HandleBuffer != NULL) { FreePool (HandleBuffer); } if (HandleType != NULL) { FreePool (HandleType); } return Status; } /** Gets handles for any child controllers of the passed in controller. @param[in] ControllerHandle The handle of the "parent controller" @param[in] MatchingHandleCount Pointer to the number of handles in MatchingHandleBuffer on return. @param[out] MatchingHandleBuffer Buffer containing handles on a successful return. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was sucessful. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ParseHandleDatabaseForChildControllers( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle, IN UINTN *MatchingHandleCount, OUT EFI_HANDLE **MatchingHandleBuffer OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // UINTN HandleIndex; UINTN DriverBindingHandleCount; EFI_HANDLE *DriverBindingHandleBuffer; UINTN DriverBindingHandleIndex; UINTN ChildControllerHandleCount; EFI_HANDLE *ChildControllerHandleBuffer; UINTN ChildControllerHandleIndex; // BOOLEAN Found; EFI_HANDLE *HandleBufferForReturn; if (MatchingHandleCount == NULL) { return (EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER); } *MatchingHandleCount = 0; Status = PARSE_HANDLE_DATABASE_UEFI_DRIVERS ( ControllerHandle, &DriverBindingHandleCount, &DriverBindingHandleBuffer ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Get a buffer big enough for all the controllers. // HandleBufferForReturn = GetHandleListByProtocol(&gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid); if (HandleBufferForReturn == NULL) { FreePool (DriverBindingHandleBuffer); return (EFI_NOT_FOUND); } for (DriverBindingHandleIndex = 0; DriverBindingHandleIndex < DriverBindingHandleCount; DriverBindingHandleIndex++) { Status = PARSE_HANDLE_DATABASE_MANAGED_CHILDREN ( DriverBindingHandleBuffer[DriverBindingHandleIndex], ControllerHandle, &ChildControllerHandleCount, &ChildControllerHandleBuffer ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { continue; } for (ChildControllerHandleIndex = 0; ChildControllerHandleIndex < ChildControllerHandleCount; ChildControllerHandleIndex++ ) { // Found = FALSE; HandleBufferForReturn[(*MatchingHandleCount)++] = ChildControllerHandleBuffer[ChildControllerHandleIndex]; // for (HandleIndex = 0; HandleBufferForReturn[HandleIndex] != NULL; HandleIndex++) { // if (HandleBufferForReturn[HandleIndex] == ChildControllerHandleBuffer[ChildControllerHandleIndex]) { // Found = TRUE; // break; // } // } // if (Found) { // HandleBufferForReturn[(*MatchingHandleCount)++] = ChildControllerHandleBuffer[ChildControllerHandleIndex]; // } } FreePool (ChildControllerHandleBuffer); } FreePool (DriverBindingHandleBuffer); if (MatchingHandleBuffer != NULL) { *MatchingHandleBuffer = HandleBufferForReturn; } else { FreePool(HandleBufferForReturn); } return (EFI_SUCCESS); } /** Appends 1 buffer to another buffer. This will re-allocate the destination buffer if necessary to fit all of the data. If DestinationBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in, out] DestinationBuffer The pointer to the pointer to the buffer to append onto. @param[in, out] DestinationSize The pointer to the size of DestinationBuffer. @param[in] SourceBuffer The pointer to the buffer to append onto DestinationBuffer. @param[in] SourceSize The number of bytes of SourceBuffer to append. @retval NULL A memory allocation failed. @retval NULL A parameter was invalid. @return A pointer to (*DestinationBuffer). **/ VOID* EFIAPI BuffernCatGrow ( IN OUT VOID **DestinationBuffer, IN OUT UINTN *DestinationSize, IN VOID *SourceBuffer, IN UINTN SourceSize ) { UINTN LocalDestinationSize; UINTN LocalDestinationFinalSize; ASSERT(DestinationBuffer != NULL); if (SourceSize == 0 || SourceBuffer == NULL) { return (*DestinationBuffer); } if (DestinationSize == NULL) { LocalDestinationSize = 0; } else { LocalDestinationSize = *DestinationSize; } LocalDestinationFinalSize = LocalDestinationSize + SourceSize; if (DestinationSize != NULL) { *DestinationSize = LocalDestinationSize; } if (LocalDestinationSize == 0) { // allcoate *DestinationBuffer = AllocateZeroPool(LocalDestinationFinalSize); } else { // reallocate *DestinationBuffer = ReallocatePool(LocalDestinationSize, LocalDestinationFinalSize, *DestinationBuffer); } ASSERT(*DestinationBuffer != NULL); // copy return (CopyMem(((UINT8*)(*DestinationBuffer)) + LocalDestinationSize, SourceBuffer, SourceSize)); } /** Gets handles for any child devices produced by the passed in driver. @param[in] DriverHandle The handle of the driver. @param[in] MatchingHandleCount Pointer to the number of handles in MatchingHandleBuffer on return. @param[out] MatchingHandleBuffer Buffer containing handles on a successful return. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was sucessful. @sa ParseHandleDatabaseByRelationship **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ParseHandleDatabaseForChildDevices( IN CONST EFI_HANDLE DriverHandle, IN UINTN *MatchingHandleCount, OUT EFI_HANDLE **MatchingHandleBuffer OPTIONAL ) { EFI_HANDLE *Buffer; EFI_HANDLE *Buffer2; UINTN Count1; UINTN Count2; UINTN HandleIndex; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN HandleBufferSize; ASSERT(MatchingHandleCount != NULL); HandleBufferSize = 0; Buffer = NULL; Buffer2 = NULL; *MatchingHandleCount = 0; Status = PARSE_HANDLE_DATABASE_DEVICES ( DriverHandle, &Count1, &Buffer ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { for (HandleIndex = 0; HandleIndex < Count1; HandleIndex++) { // // now find the children // Status = PARSE_HANDLE_DATABASE_MANAGED_CHILDREN ( DriverHandle, Buffer[HandleIndex], &Count2, &Buffer2 ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; } // // save out required and optional data elements // *MatchingHandleCount += Count2; if (MatchingHandleBuffer != NULL) { *MatchingHandleBuffer = BuffernCatGrow((VOID**)MatchingHandleBuffer, &HandleBufferSize, Buffer2, Count2 * sizeof(Buffer2[0])); } // // free the memory // if (Buffer2 != NULL) { FreePool(Buffer2); } } } if (Buffer != NULL) { FreePool(Buffer); } return (Status); } /** Function to get all handles that support a given protocol or all handles. @param[in] ProtocolGuid The guid of the protocol to get handles for. If NULL then the function will return all handles. @retval NULL A memory allocation failed. @return A NULL terminated list of handles. **/ EFI_HANDLE* EFIAPI GetHandleListByProtocol ( IN CONST EFI_GUID *ProtocolGuid OPTIONAL ) { EFI_HANDLE *HandleList; UINTN Size; EFI_STATUS Status; Size = 0; HandleList = NULL; // // We cannot use LocateHandleBuffer since we need that NULL item on the ends of the list! // if (ProtocolGuid == NULL) { Status = gBS->LocateHandle(AllHandles, NULL, NULL, &Size, HandleList); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { HandleList = AllocateZeroPool(Size + sizeof(EFI_HANDLE)); if (HandleList == NULL) { return (NULL); } Status = gBS->LocateHandle(AllHandles, NULL, NULL, &Size, HandleList); HandleList[Size/sizeof(EFI_HANDLE)] = NULL; } } else { Status = gBS->LocateHandle(ByProtocol, (EFI_GUID*)ProtocolGuid, NULL, &Size, HandleList); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { HandleList = AllocateZeroPool(Size + sizeof(EFI_HANDLE)); if (HandleList == NULL) { return (NULL); } Status = gBS->LocateHandle(ByProtocol, (EFI_GUID*)ProtocolGuid, NULL, &Size, HandleList); HandleList[Size/sizeof(EFI_HANDLE)] = NULL; } } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (HandleList != NULL) { FreePool(HandleList); } return (NULL); } return (HandleList); } /** Function to get all handles that support some protocols. @param[in] ProtocolGuids A NULL terminated list of protocol GUIDs. @retval NULL A memory allocation failed. @retval NULL ProtocolGuids was NULL. @return A NULL terminated list of EFI_HANDLEs. **/ EFI_HANDLE* EFIAPI GetHandleListByProtocolList ( IN CONST EFI_GUID **ProtocolGuids ) { EFI_HANDLE *HandleList; UINTN Size; UINTN TotalSize; UINTN TempSize; EFI_STATUS Status; CONST EFI_GUID **GuidWalker; EFI_HANDLE *HandleWalker1; EFI_HANDLE *HandleWalker2; Size = 0; HandleList = NULL; TotalSize = sizeof(EFI_HANDLE); for (GuidWalker = ProtocolGuids ; GuidWalker != NULL && *GuidWalker != NULL ; GuidWalker++,Size = 0){ Status = gBS->LocateHandle(ByProtocol, (EFI_GUID*)(*GuidWalker), NULL, &Size, NULL); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { TotalSize += Size; } } // // No handles were found... // if (TotalSize == sizeof(EFI_HANDLE)) { return (NULL); } HandleList = AllocateZeroPool(TotalSize); if (HandleList == NULL) { return (NULL); } Size = 0; for (GuidWalker = ProtocolGuids ; GuidWalker != NULL && *GuidWalker != NULL ; GuidWalker++){ TempSize = TotalSize - Size; Status = gBS->LocateHandle(ByProtocol, (EFI_GUID*)(*GuidWalker), NULL, &TempSize, HandleList+(Size/sizeof(EFI_HANDLE))); // // Allow for missing protocols... Only update the 'used' size upon success. // if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Size += TempSize; } } ASSERT(HandleList[(TotalSize/sizeof(EFI_HANDLE))-1] == NULL); for (HandleWalker1 = HandleList ; HandleWalker1 != NULL && *HandleWalker1 != NULL ; HandleWalker1++) { for (HandleWalker2 = HandleWalker1 + 1; HandleWalker2 != NULL && *HandleWalker2 != NULL ; HandleWalker2++) { if (*HandleWalker1 == *HandleWalker2) { // // copy memory back 1 handle width. // CopyMem(HandleWalker2, HandleWalker2 + 1, TotalSize - ((HandleWalker2-HandleList+1)*sizeof(EFI_HANDLE))); } } } return (HandleList); }