/** @file Defines HBufferImage - the view of the file that is visible at any point, as well as the event handlers for editing the file Copyright (c) 2005 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "HexEditor.h" extern EFI_HANDLE HImageHandleBackup; extern HEFI_EDITOR_FILE_IMAGE HFileImage; extern HEFI_EDITOR_DISK_IMAGE HDiskImage; extern HEFI_EDITOR_MEM_IMAGE HMemImage; extern HEFI_EDITOR_FILE_IMAGE HFileImageBackupVar; extern HEFI_EDITOR_DISK_IMAGE HDiskImageBackupVar; extern HEFI_EDITOR_MEM_IMAGE HMemImageBackupVar; extern BOOLEAN HEditorMouseAction; extern HEFI_EDITOR_GLOBAL_EDITOR HMainEditor; extern HEFI_EDITOR_GLOBAL_EDITOR HMainEditorBackupVar; HEFI_EDITOR_BUFFER_IMAGE HBufferImage; HEFI_EDITOR_BUFFER_IMAGE HBufferImageBackupVar; // // for basic initialization of HBufferImage // HEFI_EDITOR_BUFFER_IMAGE HBufferImageConst = { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, 0, TRUE, FALSE, FileTypeNone, NULL, NULL, NULL }; // // the whole edit area needs to be refreshed // BOOLEAN HBufferImageNeedRefresh; // // only the current line in edit area needs to be refresh // BOOLEAN HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh; BOOLEAN HBufferImageMouseNeedRefresh; EFI_STATUS HBufferImageInit ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialization function for HBufferImage Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_LOAD_ERROR --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; // // basically initialize the HBufferImage // CopyMem (&HBufferImage, &HBufferImageConst, sizeof (HBufferImage)); // // INIT listhead // HBufferImage.ListHead = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (LIST_ENTRY)); if (HBufferImage.ListHead == NULL) { return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } InitializeListHead (HBufferImage.ListHead); HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row = 2; HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Column = 10; HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row = 2; HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column = 10; HBufferImage.FileImage = &HFileImage; HBufferImage.DiskImage = &HDiskImage; HBufferImage.MemImage = &HMemImage; HBufferImageNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageMouseNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageBackupVar.FileImage = &HFileImageBackupVar; HBufferImageBackupVar.DiskImage = &HDiskImageBackupVar; HBufferImageBackupVar.MemImage = &HMemImageBackupVar; Status = HFileImageInit (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } Status = HDiskImageInit (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } Status = HMemImageInit (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageBackup ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Backup function for HBufferImage Only a few fields need to be backup. This is for making the file buffer refresh as few as possible. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition = HBufferImage.MousePosition; HBufferImageBackupVar.BufferPosition = HBufferImage.BufferPosition; HBufferImageBackupVar.Modified = HBufferImage.Modified; HBufferImageBackupVar.BufferType = HBufferImage.BufferType; HBufferImageBackupVar.LowVisibleRow = HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow; HBufferImageBackupVar.HighBits = HBufferImage.HighBits; // // three kinds of buffer supported // file buffer // disk buffer // memory buffer // switch (HBufferImage.BufferType) { case FileTypeFileBuffer: HFileImageBackup (); break; case FileTypeDiskBuffer: HDiskImageBackup (); break; case FileTypeMemBuffer: HMemImageBackup (); break; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageFreeLines ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Free all the lines in HBufferImage Fields affected: Lines CurrentLine NumLines ListHead Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HFreeLines (HBufferImage.ListHead, HBufferImage.Lines); HBufferImage.Lines = NULL; HBufferImage.CurrentLine = NULL; HBufferImage.NumLines = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageCleanup ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Cleanup function for HBufferImage Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; // // free all the lines // Status = HBufferImageFreeLines (); SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL (HBufferImage.ListHead); HBufferImage.ListHead = NULL; HFileImageCleanup (); HDiskImageCleanup (); HMemImageCleanup (); return Status; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImagePrintLine ( IN HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line, IN UINTN Row, IN UINTN FRow, IN HEFI_EDITOR_COLOR_UNION Orig, IN HEFI_EDITOR_COLOR_UNION New ) /*++ Routine Description: Print Line on Row Arguments: Line - Line to print Row - Row on screen ( begin from 1 ) FRow - FRow Orig - Orig New - Light display Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { UINTN Index; UINTN Pos; BOOLEAN Selected; BOOLEAN BeNewColor; UINTN RowStart; UINTN RowEnd; UINTN ColStart; UINTN ColEnd; // // variable initialization // ColStart = 0; ColEnd = 0; Selected = FALSE; // // print the selected area in opposite color // if (HMainEditor.SelectStart != 0 && HMainEditor.SelectEnd != 0) { RowStart = (HMainEditor.SelectStart - 1) / 0x10 + 1; RowEnd = (HMainEditor.SelectEnd - 1) / 0x10 + 1; ColStart = (HMainEditor.SelectStart - 1) % 0x10 + 1; ColEnd = (HMainEditor.SelectEnd - 1) % 0x10 + 1; if (FRow >= RowStart && FRow <= RowEnd) { Selected = TRUE; } if (FRow > RowStart) { ColStart = 1; } if (FRow < RowEnd) { ColEnd = 0x10; } } if (HEditorMouseAction == FALSE) { ShellPrintEx ( 0, (INT32)Row - 1, L"%8X ", ((INT32)Row - 2 + HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow - 1) * 0x10 ); } for (Index = 0; Index < 0x08 && Index < Line->Size; Index++) { BeNewColor = FALSE; if (Selected) { if (Index + 1 >= ColStart && Index + 1 <= ColEnd) { BeNewColor = TRUE; } } if (BeNewColor) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, New.Data); } else { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, Orig.Data); } Pos = 10 + (Index * 3); if (Line->Buffer[Index] < 0x10) { ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L"0"); Pos++; } if (Index < 0x07) { ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L"%x ", Line->Buffer[Index]); } else { ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L"%x ", Line->Buffer[Index]); } } gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, Orig.Data); while (Index < 0x08) { Pos = 10 + (Index * 3); ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L" "); Index++; } while (Index < 0x10 && Index < Line->Size) { BeNewColor = FALSE; if (Selected) { if (Index + 1 >= ColStart && Index + 1 <= ColEnd) { BeNewColor = TRUE; } } if (BeNewColor) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, New.Data); } else { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, Orig.Data); } Pos = 10 + (Index * 3) + 1; if (Line->Buffer[Index] < 0x10) { ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L"0"); Pos++; } ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L"%x ", Line->Buffer[Index]); Index++; } gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, Orig.Data); while (Index < 0x10) { Pos = 10 + (Index * 3) + 1; ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L" "); Index++; } // // restore the original color // gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, Orig.Data); // // PRINT the buffer content // if (HEditorMouseAction == FALSE) { for (Index = 0; Index < 0x10 && Index < Line->Size; Index++) { Pos = ASCII_POSITION + Index; // // learned from shelle.h -- IsValidChar // if (Line->Buffer[Index] >= L' ') { ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L"%c", (CHAR16) Line->Buffer[Index]); } else { ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L"%c", '.'); } } while (Index < 0x10) { Pos = ASCII_POSITION + Index; ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L" "); Index++; } } // // restore the abundant blank in hex edit area to original color // if (Selected) { if (ColEnd <= 7) { Pos = 10 + (ColEnd - 1) * 3 + 2; ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L" "); } else if (ColEnd == 8) { Pos = 10 + (ColEnd - 1) * 3 + 2; ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L" "); } else { Pos = 10 + (ColEnd - 1) * 3 + 3; ShellPrintEx ((INT32)Pos - 1, (INT32)Row - 1, L" "); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN HBufferImageIsAtHighBits ( IN UINTN Column, OUT UINTN *FCol ) { Column -= 10; // // NOW AFTER THE SUB, Column start from 0 // 23 AND 24 ARE BOTH BLANK // if (Column == 24) { *FCol = 0; return FALSE; } if (Column > 24) { Column--; } *FCol = (Column / 3) + 1; if (!(Column % 3)) { return TRUE; } if ((Column % 3 == 2)) { *FCol = 0; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN HBufferImageIsInSelectedArea ( IN UINTN MouseRow, IN UINTN MouseCol ) { UINTN FRow; UINTN RowStart; UINTN RowEnd; UINTN ColStart; UINTN ColEnd; UINTN MouseColStart; UINTN MouseColEnd; // // judge mouse position whether is in selected area // // // not select // if (HMainEditor.SelectStart == 0 || HMainEditor.SelectEnd == 0) { return FALSE; } // // calculate the select area // RowStart = (HMainEditor.SelectStart - 1) / 0x10 + 1; RowEnd = (HMainEditor.SelectEnd - 1) / 0x10 + 1; ColStart = (HMainEditor.SelectStart - 1) % 0x10 + 1; ColEnd = (HMainEditor.SelectEnd - 1) % 0x10 + 1; FRow = HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow + MouseRow - 2; if (FRow < RowStart || FRow > RowEnd) { return FALSE; } if (FRow > RowStart) { ColStart = 1; } if (FRow < RowEnd) { ColEnd = 0x10; } MouseColStart = 10 + (ColStart - 1) * 3; if (ColStart > 8) { MouseColStart++; } MouseColEnd = 10 + (ColEnd - 1) * 3 + 1; if (ColEnd > 8) { MouseColEnd++; } if (MouseCol < MouseColStart || MouseCol > MouseColEnd) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageRestoreMousePosition ( VOID ) { HEFI_EDITOR_COLOR_UNION Orig; HEFI_EDITOR_COLOR_UNION New; UINTN FRow; UINTN FColumn; BOOLEAN HasCharacter; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *CurrentLine; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINT8 Value; BOOLEAN HighBits; Line = NULL; if (HMainEditor.MouseSupported) { if (HBufferImageMouseNeedRefresh) { HBufferImageMouseNeedRefresh = FALSE; // // if mouse position not moved and only mouse action // so do not need to refresh mouse position // if (( HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row == HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Row && HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column == HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Column ) && HEditorMouseAction ) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // backup the old screen attributes // Orig = HMainEditor.ColorAttributes; New.Colors.Foreground = Orig.Colors.Background; New.Colors.Background = Orig.Colors.Foreground; // // if in selected area, // so do not need to refresh mouse // if (!HBufferImageIsInSelectedArea ( HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Row, HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Column )) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, Orig.Data); } else { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, New.Data); } // // clear the old mouse position // FRow = HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow + HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Row - 2; HighBits = HBufferImageIsAtHighBits ( HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Column, &FColumn ); HasCharacter = TRUE; if (FRow > HBufferImage.NumLines || FColumn == 0) { HasCharacter = FALSE; } else { CurrentLine = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; Line = HMoveLine (FRow - HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row); if (FColumn > Line->Size) { HasCharacter = FALSE; } HBufferImage.CurrentLine = CurrentLine; } ShellPrintEx ( (INT32)HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Column - 1, (INT32)HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Row - 1, L" " ); if (HasCharacter) { if (HighBits) { Value = (UINT8) (Line->Buffer[FColumn - 1] & 0xf0); Value = (UINT8) (Value >> 4); } else { Value = (UINT8) (Line->Buffer[FColumn - 1] & 0xf); } ShellPrintEx ( (INT32)HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Column - 1, (INT32)HBufferImageBackupVar.MousePosition.Row - 1, L"%x", Value ); } if (!HBufferImageIsInSelectedArea ( HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row, HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column )) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, New.Data); } else { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, Orig.Data); } // // clear the old mouse position // FRow = HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow + HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row - 2; HighBits = HBufferImageIsAtHighBits ( HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column, &FColumn ); HasCharacter = TRUE; if (FRow > HBufferImage.NumLines || FColumn == 0) { HasCharacter = FALSE; } else { CurrentLine = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; Line = HMoveLine (FRow - HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row); if (FColumn > Line->Size) { HasCharacter = FALSE; } HBufferImage.CurrentLine = CurrentLine; } ShellPrintEx ( (INT32)HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column - 1, (INT32)HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row - 1, L" " ); if (HasCharacter) { if (HighBits) { Value = (UINT8) (Line->Buffer[FColumn - 1] & 0xf0); Value = (UINT8) (Value >> 4); } else { Value = (UINT8) (Line->Buffer[FColumn - 1] & 0xf); } ShellPrintEx ( (INT32)HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column - 1, (INT32)HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row - 1, L"%x", Value ); } // // end of HasCharacter // gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, Orig.Data); } // // end of MouseNeedRefresh // } // // end of MouseSupported // return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageRestorePosition ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Set cursor position according to HBufferImage.DisplayPosition. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // set cursor position // gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition ( gST->ConOut, HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Column - 1, HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row - 1 ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageRefresh ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Refresh function for HBufferImage Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_LOAD_ERROR --*/ { LIST_ENTRY *Link; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN Row; HEFI_EDITOR_COLOR_UNION Orig; HEFI_EDITOR_COLOR_UNION New; UINTN StartRow; UINTN EndRow; UINTN FStartRow; UINTN FEndRow; UINTN Tmp; Orig = HMainEditor.ColorAttributes; New.Colors.Foreground = Orig.Colors.Background; New.Colors.Background = Orig.Colors.Foreground; // // if it's the first time after editor launch, so should refresh // if (HEditorFirst == FALSE) { // // no definite required refresh // and file position displayed on screen has not been changed // if (HBufferImageNeedRefresh == FALSE && HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh == FALSE && HBufferImageBackupVar.LowVisibleRow == HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow ) { HBufferImageRestoreMousePosition (); HBufferImageRestorePosition (); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, FALSE); // // only need to refresh current line // if (HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh == TRUE && HBufferImageBackupVar.LowVisibleRow == HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow) { HBufferImagePrintLine ( HBufferImage.CurrentLine, HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row, HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row, Orig, New ); } else { // // the whole edit area need refresh // if (HEditorMouseAction && HMainEditor.SelectStart != 0 && HMainEditor.SelectEnd != 0) { if (HMainEditor.SelectStart != HMainEditorBackupVar.SelectStart) { if (HMainEditor.SelectStart >= HMainEditorBackupVar.SelectStart && HMainEditorBackupVar.SelectStart != 0) { StartRow = (HMainEditorBackupVar.SelectStart - 1) / 0x10 + 1; } else { StartRow = (HMainEditor.SelectStart - 1) / 0x10 + 1; } } else { StartRow = (HMainEditor.SelectStart - 1) / 0x10 + 1; } if (HMainEditor.SelectEnd <= HMainEditorBackupVar.SelectEnd) { EndRow = (HMainEditorBackupVar.SelectEnd - 1) / 0x10 + 1; } else { EndRow = (HMainEditor.SelectEnd - 1) / 0x10 + 1; } // // swap // if (StartRow > EndRow) { Tmp = StartRow; StartRow = EndRow; EndRow = Tmp; } FStartRow = StartRow; FEndRow = EndRow; StartRow = 2 + StartRow - HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow; EndRow = 2 + EndRow - HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow; } else { // // not mouse selection actions // FStartRow = HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow; StartRow = 2; EndRow = (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 4); } // // no line // if (HBufferImage.Lines == NULL) { HBufferImageRestoreMousePosition (); HBufferImageRestorePosition (); gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // get the first line that will be displayed // Line = HMoveLine (FStartRow - HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row); if (Line == NULL) { gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE); return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } Link = &(Line->Link); Row = StartRow; do { Line = CR (Link, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); // // print line at row // HBufferImagePrintLine ( Line, Row, HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow + Row - 2, Orig, New ); Link = Link->ForwardLink; Row++; } while (Link != HBufferImage.ListHead && Row <= EndRow); while (Row <= EndRow) { HEditorClearLine (Row); Row++; } // // while not file end and not screen full // } HBufferImageRestoreMousePosition (); HBufferImageRestorePosition (); HBufferImageNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = FALSE; gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageRead ( IN CONST CHAR16 *FileName, IN CONST CHAR16 *DiskName, IN UINTN DiskOffset, IN UINTN DiskSize, IN UINTN MemOffset, IN UINTN MemSize, IN EDIT_FILE_TYPE BufferType, IN BOOLEAN Recover ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EDIT_FILE_TYPE BufferTypeBackup; // // variable initialization // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; // // three types of buffer supported // file buffer // disk buffer // memory buffer // BufferTypeBackup = HBufferImage.BufferType; switch (BufferType) { case FileTypeFileBuffer: Status = HFileImageRead (FileName, Recover); break; case FileTypeDiskBuffer: Status = HDiskImageRead (DiskName, DiskOffset, DiskSize, Recover); break; case FileTypeMemBuffer: Status = HMemImageRead (MemOffset, MemSize, Recover); break; } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { HBufferImage.BufferType = BufferTypeBackup; } return Status; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageSave ( IN CHAR16 *FileName, IN CHAR16 *DiskName, IN UINTN DiskOffset, IN UINTN DiskSize, IN UINTN MemOffset, IN UINTN MemSize, IN EDIT_FILE_TYPE BufferType ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EDIT_FILE_TYPE BufferTypeBackup; // // variable initialization // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; BufferTypeBackup = HBufferImage.BufferType; switch (HBufferImage.BufferType) { // // file buffer // case FileTypeFileBuffer: Status = HFileImageSave (FileName); break; // // disk buffer // case FileTypeDiskBuffer: Status = HDiskImageSave (DiskName, DiskOffset, DiskSize); break; // // memory buffer // case FileTypeMemBuffer: Status = HMemImageSave (MemOffset, MemSize); break; } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { HBufferImage.BufferType = BufferTypeBackup; } return Status; } HEFI_EDITOR_LINE * HBufferImageCreateLine ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a new line and append it to the line list Fields affected: NumLines Lines Arguments: None Returns: NULL -- create line failed Not NULL -- the line created --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; // // allocate for line structure // Line = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (HEFI_EDITOR_LINE)); if (Line == NULL) { return NULL; } Line->Signature = EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST; Line->Size = 0; HBufferImage.NumLines++; // // insert to line list // InsertTailList (HBufferImage.ListHead, &Line->Link); if (HBufferImage.Lines == NULL) { HBufferImage.Lines = CR ( HBufferImage.ListHead->ForwardLink, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST ); } return Line; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageFree ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Function called when load a new file in. It will free all the old lines and set FileModified field to FALSE Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // free all lines // HBufferImageFreeLines (); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageHandleInput ( IN EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key ) /*++ Routine Description: Dispatch input to different handler Arguments: Key -- input key the keys can be: ASCII KEY Backspace/Delete Direction key: up/down/left/right/pgup/pgdn Home/End INS Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_LOAD_ERROR EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; switch (Key->ScanCode) { // // ordinary key // case SCAN_NULL: Status = HBufferImageDoCharInput (Key->UnicodeChar); break; // // up arrow // case SCAN_UP: Status = HBufferImageScrollUp (); break; // // down arrow // case SCAN_DOWN: Status = HBufferImageScrollDown (); break; // // right arrow // case SCAN_RIGHT: Status = HBufferImageScrollRight (); break; // // left arrow // case SCAN_LEFT: Status = HBufferImageScrollLeft (); break; // // page up // case SCAN_PAGE_UP: Status = HBufferImagePageUp (); break; // // page down // case SCAN_PAGE_DOWN: Status = HBufferImagePageDown (); break; // // delete // case SCAN_DELETE: Status = HBufferImageDoDelete (); break; // // home // case SCAN_HOME: Status = HBufferImageHome (); break; // // end // case SCAN_END: Status = HBufferImageEnd (); break; default: Status = StatusBarSetStatusString (L"Unknown Command"); break; } return Status; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageDoCharInput ( IN CHAR16 Char ) /*++ Routine Description: ASCII key + Backspace + return Arguments: Char -- input char Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_LOAD_ERROR EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; switch (Char) { case 0: break; case 0x08: Status = HBufferImageDoBackspace (); break; case 0x09: case 0x0a: case 0x0d: // // Tabs, Returns are thought as nothing // break; default: // // DEAL WITH ASCII CHAR, filter out thing like ctrl+f // if (Char > 127 || Char < 32) { Status = StatusBarSetStatusString (L"Unknown Command"); } else { Status = HBufferImageAddChar (Char); } break; } return Status; } INTN HBufferImageCharToHex ( IN CHAR16 Char ) /*++ Routine Description: change char to int value based on Hex Arguments: Char -- input char Returns: int value; --*/ { // // change the character to hex // if (Char >= L'0' && Char <= L'9') { return (INTN) (Char - L'0'); } if (Char >= L'a' && Char <= L'f') { return (INTN) (Char - L'a' + 10); } if (Char >= L'A' && Char <= L'F') { return (INTN) (Char - L'A' + 10); } return -1; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageAddChar ( IN CHAR16 Char ) /*++ Routine Description: Add character Arguments: Char -- input char Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *NewLine; INTN Value; UINT8 Old; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; BOOLEAN High; Value = HBufferImageCharToHex (Char); // // invalid input // if (Value == -1) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; FCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; High = HBufferImage.HighBits; // // only needs to refresh current line // HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = TRUE; // // not a full line and beyond the last character // if (FCol > Line->Size) { // // cursor always at high 4 bits // and always put input to the low 4 bits // Line->Buffer[Line->Size] = (UINT8) Value; Line->Size++; High = FALSE; } else { Old = Line->Buffer[FCol - 1]; // // always put the input to the low 4 bits // Old = (UINT8) (Old & 0x0f); Old = (UINT8) (Old << 4); Old = (UINT8) (Value + Old); Line->Buffer[FCol - 1] = Old; // // at the low 4 bits of the last character of a full line // so if no next line, need to create a new line // if (High == FALSE && FCol == 0x10) { HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageNeedRefresh = TRUE; if (Line->Link.ForwardLink == HBufferImage.ListHead) { // // last line // // create a new line // NewLine = HBufferImageCreateLine (); if (NewLine == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // end of NULL // } // // end of == ListHead // } // // end of == 0x10 // // if already at end of this line, scroll it to the start of next line // if (FCol == 0x10 && High == FALSE) { // // definitely has next line // FRow++; FCol = 1; High = TRUE; } else { // // if not at end of this line, just move to next column // if (!High) { FCol++; } if (High) { High = FALSE; } else { High = TRUE; } } // // end of ==FALSE // } // // move cursor to right // HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, High); if (!HBufferImage.Modified) { HBufferImage.Modified = TRUE; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN HInCurrentScreen ( IN UINTN FileRow ) /*++ Routine Description: Check user specified FileRow and FileCol is in current screen Arguments: FileRow -- Row of file position ( start from 1 ) Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { if (FileRow >= HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow && FileRow <= HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow + (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 5) - 1) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN HAboveCurrentScreen ( IN UINTN FileRow ) /*++ Routine Description: Check user specified FileRow is above current screen Arguments: FileRow -- Row of file position ( start from 1 ) Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { if (FileRow < HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN HUnderCurrentScreen ( IN UINTN FileRow ) /*++ Routine Description: Check user specified FileRow is under current screen Arguments: FileRow -- Row of file position ( start from 1 ) Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { if (FileRow > HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow + (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 5) - 1) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } VOID HBufferImageMovePosition ( IN UINTN NewFilePosRow, IN UINTN NewFilePosCol, IN BOOLEAN HighBits ) /*++ Routine Description: According to cursor's file position, adjust screen display Arguments: NewFilePosRow -- Row of file position ( start from 1 ) NewFilePosCol -- Column of file position ( start from 1 ) HighBits -- cursor will on high4 bits or low4 bits Returns: None --*/ { INTN RowGap; UINTN Abs; BOOLEAN Above; BOOLEAN Under; UINTN NewDisplayCol; // // CALCULATE gap between current file position and new file position // RowGap = NewFilePosRow - HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; Under = HUnderCurrentScreen (NewFilePosRow); Above = HAboveCurrentScreen (NewFilePosRow); HBufferImage.HighBits = HighBits; // // if is below current screen // if (Under) { // // display row will be unchanged // HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row = NewFilePosRow; } else { if (Above) { // // has enough above line, so display row unchanged // not has enough above lines, so the first line is // at the first display line // if (NewFilePosRow < (HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row - 2 + 1)) { HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row = NewFilePosRow + 2 - 1; } HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row = NewFilePosRow; } else { // // in current screen // HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row = NewFilePosRow; if (RowGap <= 0) { Abs = -RowGap; HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row -= Abs; } else { HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row += RowGap; } } } HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row - (HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row - 2); // // always in current screen // HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column = NewFilePosCol; NewDisplayCol = 10 + (NewFilePosCol - 1) * 3; if (NewFilePosCol > 0x8) { NewDisplayCol++; } if (HighBits == FALSE) { NewDisplayCol++; } HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Column = NewDisplayCol; // // let CurrentLine point to correct line; // HBufferImage.CurrentLine = HMoveCurrentLine (RowGap); } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageScrollRight ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Scroll cursor to right Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; // // scroll right will always move to the high4 bits of the next character // HBufferImageNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = FALSE; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; FCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; // // this line is not full and no next line // if (FCol > Line->Size) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // if already at end of this line, scroll it to the start of next line // if (FCol == 0x10) { // // has next line // if (Line->Link.ForwardLink != HBufferImage.ListHead) { FRow++; FCol = 1; } else { return EFI_SUCCESS; } } else { // // if not at end of this line, just move to next column // FCol++; } HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageScrollLeft ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Scroll cursor to left Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; HBufferImageNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = FALSE; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; FCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; // // if already at start of this line, so move to the end of previous line // if (FCol <= 1) { // // has previous line // if (Line->Link.BackLink != HBufferImage.ListHead) { FRow--; Line = CR (Line->Link.BackLink, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); FCol = Line->Size; } else { return EFI_SUCCESS; } } else { // // if not at start of this line, just move to previous column // FCol--; } HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageScrollDown ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Scroll cursor to the next line Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; BOOLEAN HighBits; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; FCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; HighBits = HBufferImage.HighBits; // // has next line // if (Line->Link.ForwardLink != HBufferImage.ListHead) { FRow++; Line = CR (Line->Link.ForwardLink, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); // // if the next line is not that long, so move to end of next line // if (FCol > Line->Size) { FCol = Line->Size + 1; HighBits = TRUE; } } else { return EFI_SUCCESS; } HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, HighBits); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageScrollUp ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Scroll cursor to previous line Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; FCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; // // has previous line // if (Line->Link.BackLink != HBufferImage.ListHead) { FRow--; } else { return EFI_SUCCESS; } HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, HBufferImage.HighBits); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImagePageDown ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Scroll cursor to next page Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; UINTN Gap; BOOLEAN HighBits; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; FCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; HighBits = HBufferImage.HighBits; // // has next page // if (HBufferImage.NumLines >= FRow + (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 5)) { Gap = (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 5); } else { // // MOVE CURSOR TO LAST LINE // Gap = HBufferImage.NumLines - FRow; } // // get correct line // Line = HMoveLine (Gap); // // if that line, is not that long, so move to the end of that line // if (FCol > Line->Size) { FCol = Line->Size + 1; HighBits = TRUE; } FRow += Gap; HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, HighBits); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImagePageUp ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Scroll cursor to previous page Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; UINTN Gap; INTN Retreat; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; FCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; // // has previous page // if (FRow > (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 5)) { Gap = (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 5); } else { // // the first line of file will displayed on the first line of screen // Gap = FRow - 1; } Retreat = Gap; Retreat = -Retreat; // // get correct line // Line = HMoveLine (Retreat); FRow -= Gap; HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, HBufferImage.HighBits); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageHome ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Scroll cursor to start of line Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; BOOLEAN HighBits; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; // // curosr will at the high bit // FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; FCol = 1; HighBits = TRUE; // // move cursor position // HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, HighBits); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageEnd ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Scroll cursor to end of line Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FRow; UINTN FCol; BOOLEAN HighBits; // // need refresh mouse // HBufferImageMouseNeedRefresh = TRUE; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; FRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; if (Line->Size == 0x10) { FCol = Line->Size; HighBits = FALSE; } else { FCol = Line->Size + 1; HighBits = TRUE; } // // move cursor position // HBufferImageMovePosition (FRow, FCol, HighBits); return EFI_SUCCESS; } UINTN HBufferImageGetTotalSize ( VOID ) { UINTN Size; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; // // calculate the total size of whole line list's buffer // if (HBufferImage.Lines == NULL) { return 0; } Line = CR ( HBufferImage.ListHead->BackLink, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST ); // // one line at most 0x10 // Size = 0x10 * (HBufferImage.NumLines - 1) + Line->Size; return Size; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageDeleteCharacterFromBuffer ( IN UINTN Pos, IN UINTN Count, OUT UINT8 *DeleteBuffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Delete character from buffer Arguments: Pos - Position, Pos starting from 0 Count - Count DeleteBuffer - DeleteBuffer Returns: EFI_SUCCESS Success --*/ { UINTN Index; VOID *Buffer; UINT8 *BufferPtr; UINTN Size; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; LIST_ENTRY *Link; UINTN StartRow; UINTN OldFCol; UINTN OldFRow; UINTN OldPos; UINTN NewPos; EFI_STATUS Status; // // get the line that start position is at // StartRow = Pos / 0x10; Size = HBufferImageGetTotalSize (); if (Size < Count) { return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } if (Size == 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // relocate all the HBufferImage fields // OldFRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; OldFCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; OldPos = (OldFRow - 1) * 0x10 + OldFCol - 1; if (Pos > 0) { // // has character before it, // so locate according to block's previous character // NewPos = Pos - 1; } else { // // has no character before it, // so locate according to block's next character // NewPos = 0; } HBufferImageMovePosition (NewPos / 0x10 + 1, NewPos % 0x10 + 1, TRUE); Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (Size); if (Buffer == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } HBufferImageListToBuffer (Buffer, Size); BufferPtr = (UINT8 *) Buffer; // // pass deleted buffer out // if (DeleteBuffer != NULL) { for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { DeleteBuffer[Index] = BufferPtr[Pos + Index]; } } // // delete the part from Pos // for (Index = Pos; Index < Size - Count; Index++) { BufferPtr[Index] = BufferPtr[Index + Count]; } Size -= Count; HBufferImageFreeLines (); Status = HBufferImageBufferToList (Buffer, Size); FreePool (Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Link = HMainEditor.BufferImage->ListHead->ForwardLink; for (Index = 0; Index < NewPos / 0x10; Index++) { Link = Link->ForwardLink; } Line = CR (Link, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); HBufferImage.CurrentLine = Line; // // if current cursor position if inside select area // then move it to the block's NEXT character // if (OldPos >= Pos && OldPos < (Pos + Count)) { NewPos = Pos; } else { if (OldPos < Pos) { NewPos = OldPos; } else { NewPos = OldPos - Count; } } HBufferImageMovePosition (NewPos / 0x10 + 1, NewPos % 0x10 + 1, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageAddCharacterToBuffer ( IN UINTN Pos, IN UINTN Count, IN UINT8 *AddBuffer ) /*++' Routine Description: Add character to buffer, add before pos Arguments: Pos - Position, Pos starting from 0 Count - Count AddBuffer - Add buffer Returns: EFI_SUCCESS Success --*/ { INTN Index; VOID *Buffer; UINT8 *BufferPtr; UINTN Size; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; LIST_ENTRY *Link; UINTN StartRow; UINTN OldFCol; UINTN OldFRow; UINTN OldPos; UINTN NewPos; // // get the line that start position is at // StartRow = Pos / 0x10; Size = HBufferImageGetTotalSize (); // // relocate all the HBufferImage fields // OldFRow = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row; OldFCol = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; OldPos = (OldFRow - 1) * 0x10 + OldFCol - 1; // // move cursor before Pos // if (Pos > 0) { NewPos = Pos - 1; } else { NewPos = 0; } HBufferImageMovePosition (NewPos / 0x10 + 1, NewPos % 0x10 + 1, TRUE); Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (Size + Count); if (Buffer == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } HBufferImageListToBuffer (Buffer, Size); BufferPtr = (UINT8 *) Buffer; // // get a place to add // for (Index = (INTN) (Size + Count - 1); Index >= (INTN) Pos; Index--) { BufferPtr[Index] = BufferPtr[Index - Count]; } // // add the buffer // for (Index = (INTN) 0; Index < (INTN) Count; Index++) { BufferPtr[Index + Pos] = AddBuffer[Index]; } Size += Count; HBufferImageFreeLines (); HBufferImageBufferToList (Buffer, Size); FreePool (Buffer); Link = HMainEditor.BufferImage->ListHead->ForwardLink; for (Index = 0; Index < (INTN) NewPos / 0x10; Index++) { Link = Link->ForwardLink; } Line = CR (Link, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); HBufferImage.CurrentLine = Line; if (OldPos >= Pos) { NewPos = OldPos + Count; } else { NewPos = OldPos; } HBufferImageMovePosition (NewPos / 0x10 + 1, NewPos % 0x10 + 1, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageDoBackspace ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: delete the previous character Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINTN FileColumn; UINTN FPos; BOOLEAN LastLine; // // variable initialization // LastLine = FALSE; // // already the first character // if (HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row == 1 && HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column == 1) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } FPos = (HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row - 1) * 0x10 + HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column - 1; FileColumn = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; LastLine = FALSE; if (Line->Link.ForwardLink == HBufferImage.ListHead && FileColumn > 1) { LastLine = TRUE; } HBufferImageDeleteCharacterFromBuffer (FPos - 1, 1, NULL); // // if is the last line // then only this line need to be refreshed // if (LastLine) { HBufferImageNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = TRUE; } else { HBufferImageNeedRefresh = TRUE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = FALSE; } if (!HBufferImage.Modified) { HBufferImage.Modified = TRUE; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageDoDelete ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Delete current character from line Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; BOOLEAN LastLine; UINTN FileColumn; UINTN FPos; FPos = (HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row - 1) * 0x10 + HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column - 1; FileColumn = HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column; Line = HBufferImage.CurrentLine; // // if beyond the last character // if (FileColumn > Line->Size) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } LastLine = FALSE; if (Line->Link.ForwardLink == HBufferImage.ListHead) { LastLine = TRUE; } HBufferImageDeleteCharacterFromBuffer (FPos, 1, NULL); // // if is the last line // then only this line need to be refreshed // if (LastLine) { HBufferImageNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = TRUE; } else { HBufferImageNeedRefresh = TRUE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = FALSE; } if (!HBufferImage.Modified) { HBufferImage.Modified = TRUE; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageBufferToList ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Bytes ) { UINTN i; UINTN j; UINTN Left; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINT8 *BufferPtr; i = 0; Left = 0; BufferPtr = (UINT8 *) Buffer; // // parse file content line by line // while (i < Bytes) { if (Bytes - i >= 0x10) { Left = 0x10; } else { Left = Bytes - i; } // // allocate a new line // Line = HBufferImageCreateLine (); if (Line == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Line->Size = Left; for (j = 0; j < Left; j++) { Line->Buffer[j] = BufferPtr[i]; i++; } } // // last line is a full line, SO create a new line // if (Left == 0x10 || Bytes == 0) { Line = HBufferImageCreateLine (); if (Line == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HBufferImageListToBuffer ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Bytes ) { UINTN Count; UINTN Index; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; LIST_ENTRY *Link; UINT8 *BufferPtr; // // change the line list to a large buffer // if (HBufferImage.Lines == NULL) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } Link = &HBufferImage.Lines->Link; Count = 0; BufferPtr = (UINT8 *) Buffer; // // deal line by line // while (Link != HBufferImage.ListHead) { Line = CR (Link, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); if (Count + Line->Size > Bytes) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } for (Index = 0; Index < Line->Size; Index++) { BufferPtr[Index] = Line->Buffer[Index]; } Count += Line->Size; BufferPtr += Line->Size; Link = Link->ForwardLink; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID HBufferImageAdjustMousePosition ( IN INT32 TextX, IN INT32 TextY ) { UINTN X; UINTN Y; UINTN AbsX; UINTN AbsY; // // TextX and TextY is mouse movement data returned by mouse driver // This function will change it to MousePosition // // // get absolute X value // if (TextX >= 0) { AbsX = TextX; } else { AbsX = -TextX; } // // get absolute Y value // if (TextY >= 0) { AbsY = TextY; } else { AbsY = -TextY; } X = HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column; Y = HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row; if (TextX >= 0) { X += TextX; } else { if (X >= AbsX) { X -= AbsX; } else { X = 0; } } if (TextY >= 0) { Y += TextY; } else { if (Y >= AbsY) { Y -= AbsY; } else { Y = 0; } } // // check whether new mouse column position is beyond screen // if not, adjust it // if (X >= 10 && X <= (10 + 0x10 * 3 - 1)) { HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column = X; } else if (X < 10) { HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column = 10; } else if (X > (10 + 0x10 * 3 - 1)) { HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column = 10 + 0x10 * 3 - 1; } // // check whether new mouse row position is beyond screen // if not, adjust it // if (Y >= 2 && Y <= (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 4)) { HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row = Y; } else if (Y < 2) { HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row = 2; } else if (Y > (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 4)) { HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row = (HMainEditor.ScreenSize.Row - 4); } }