/** @file Functions to deal with file buffer. Copyright (c) 2005 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "HexEditor.h" extern EFI_HANDLE HImageHandleBackup; extern HEFI_EDITOR_BUFFER_IMAGE HBufferImage; extern BOOLEAN HBufferImageNeedRefresh; extern BOOLEAN HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh; extern BOOLEAN HBufferImageMouseNeedRefresh; extern HEFI_EDITOR_GLOBAL_EDITOR HMainEditor; HEFI_EDITOR_FILE_IMAGE HFileImage; HEFI_EDITOR_FILE_IMAGE HFileImageBackupVar; // // for basic initialization of HFileImage // HEFI_EDITOR_BUFFER_IMAGE HFileImageConst = { NULL, 0, FALSE }; EFI_STATUS HFileImageInit ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialization function for HFileImage Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_LOAD_ERROR --*/ { // // basically initialize the HFileImage // CopyMem (&HFileImage, &HFileImageConst, sizeof (HFileImage)); CopyMem ( &HFileImageBackupVar, &HFileImageConst, sizeof (HFileImageBackupVar) ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HFileImageBackup ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Backup function for HFileImage Only a few fields need to be backup. This is for making the file buffer refresh as few as possible. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES --*/ { SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL (HFileImageBackupVar.FileName); HFileImageBackupVar.FileName = CatSPrint(NULL, L"%s", HFileImage.FileName); if (HFileImageBackupVar.FileName == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HFileImageCleanup ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Cleanup function for HFileImage Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL (HFileImage.FileName); SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL (HFileImageBackupVar.FileName); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HFileImageSetFileName ( IN CONST CHAR16 *Str ) /*++ Routine Description: Set FileName field in HFileImage Arguments: Str -- File name to set Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES --*/ { UINTN Size; UINTN Index; // // free the old file name // SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL (HFileImage.FileName); Size = StrLen (Str); HFileImage.FileName = AllocateZeroPool (2 * (Size + 1)); if (HFileImage.FileName == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } for (Index = 0; Index < Size; Index++) { HFileImage.FileName[Index] = Str[Index]; } HFileImage.FileName[Size] = L'\0'; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HFileImageGetFileInfo ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE Handle, IN CHAR16 *FileName, OUT EFI_FILE_INFO **InfoOut ) /*++ Routine Description: Get this file's information Arguments: Handle - in NT32 mode Directory handle, in other mode File Handle FileName - The file name InfoOut - parameter to pass file information out Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES EFI_LOAD_ERROR --*/ { VOID *Info; UINTN Size; EFI_STATUS Status; Size = SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO + 1024; Info = AllocateZeroPool (Size); if (!Info) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // get file information // Status = Handle->GetInfo (Handle, &gEfiFileInfoGuid, &Size, Info); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } *InfoOut = (EFI_FILE_INFO *) Info; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HFileImageRead ( IN CONST CHAR16 *FileName, IN BOOLEAN Recover ) /*++ Routine Description: Read a file from disk into HBufferImage Arguments: FileName -- filename to read Recover -- if is for recover, no information print Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_LOAD_ERROR EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES --*/ { HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; UINT8 *Buffer; CHAR16 *UnicodeBuffer; EFI_STATUS Status; // // variable initialization // Line = NULL; // // in this function, when you return error ( except EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES ) // you should set status string // since this function maybe called before the editorhandleinput loop // so any error will cause editor return // so if you want to print the error status // you should set the status string // Status = ReadFileIntoBuffer (FileName, (VOID**)&Buffer, &HFileImage.Size, &HFileImage.ReadOnly); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { UnicodeBuffer = CatSPrint(NULL, L"Read error on file &s: %r", FileName, Status); if (UnicodeBuffer == NULL) { SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(Buffer); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } StatusBarSetStatusString (UnicodeBuffer); FreePool (UnicodeBuffer); } HFileImageSetFileName (FileName); // // free the old lines // HBufferImageFree (); Status = HBufferImageBufferToList (Buffer, HFileImage.Size); SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL (Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { StatusBarSetStatusString (L"Error parsing file."); return Status; } HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Row = 2; HBufferImage.DisplayPosition.Column = 10; HBufferImage.MousePosition.Row = 2; HBufferImage.MousePosition.Column = 10; HBufferImage.LowVisibleRow = 1; HBufferImage.HighBits = TRUE; HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Row = 1; HBufferImage.BufferPosition.Column = 1; if (!Recover) { UnicodeBuffer = CatSPrint(NULL, L"%d Lines Read", HBufferImage.NumLines); if (UnicodeBuffer == NULL) { SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(Buffer); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } StatusBarSetStatusString (UnicodeBuffer); FreePool (UnicodeBuffer); HMainEditor.SelectStart = 0; HMainEditor.SelectEnd = 0; } // // has line // if (HBufferImage.Lines != 0) { HBufferImage.CurrentLine = CR (HBufferImage.ListHead->ForwardLink, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); } else { // // create a dummy line // Line = HBufferImageCreateLine (); if (Line == NULL) { SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(Buffer); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } HBufferImage.CurrentLine = Line; } HBufferImage.Modified = FALSE; HBufferImageNeedRefresh = TRUE; HBufferImageOnlyLineNeedRefresh = FALSE; HBufferImageMouseNeedRefresh = TRUE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS HFileImageSave ( IN CHAR16 *FileName ) /*++ Routine Description: Save lines in HBufferImage to disk Arguments: FileName - The file name Returns: EFI_SUCCESS EFI_LOAD_ERROR EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES --*/ { LIST_ENTRY *Link; HEFI_EDITOR_LINE *Line; CHAR16 *Str; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN NumLines; SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; UINTN TotalSize; UINT8 *Buffer; UINT8 *Ptr; EDIT_FILE_TYPE BufferTypeBackup; BufferTypeBackup = HBufferImage.BufferType; HBufferImage.BufferType = FileTypeFileBuffer; // // if is the old file // if (StrCmp (FileName, HFileImage.FileName) == 0) { // // check whether file exists on disk // if (ShellIsFile(FileName) == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // current file exists on disk // so if not modified, then not save // if (HBufferImage.Modified == FALSE) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // if file is read-only, set error // if (HFileImage.ReadOnly == TRUE) { StatusBarSetStatusString (L"Read Only File Can Not Be Saved"); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } } if (ShellIsDirectory(FileName) == EFI_SUCCESS) { StatusBarSetStatusString (L"Directory Can Not Be Saved"); return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } Status = ShellOpenFileByName (FileName, &FileHandle, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ|EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE, 0); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // the file exits, delete it // Status = ShellDeleteFile (&FileHandle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || Status == EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE) { StatusBarSetStatusString (L"Write File Failed"); return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } } // // write all the lines back to disk // NumLines = 0; TotalSize = 0; for (Link = HBufferImage.ListHead->ForwardLink; Link != HBufferImage.ListHead; Link = Link->ForwardLink) { Line = CR (Link, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); if (Line->Size != 0) { TotalSize += Line->Size; } // // end of if Line -> Size != 0 // NumLines++; } // // end of for Link // Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (TotalSize); if (Buffer == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Ptr = Buffer; for (Link = HBufferImage.ListHead->ForwardLink; Link != HBufferImage.ListHead; Link = Link->ForwardLink) { Line = CR (Link, HEFI_EDITOR_LINE, Link, EFI_EDITOR_LINE_LIST); if (Line->Size != 0) { CopyMem (Ptr, Line->Buffer, Line->Size); Ptr += Line->Size; } // // end of if Line -> Size != 0 // } Status = ShellOpenFileByName (FileName, &FileHandle, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ|EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE|EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, 0); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { StatusBarSetStatusString (L"Create File Failed"); return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } Status = ShellWriteFile (FileHandle, &TotalSize, Buffer); FreePool (Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellDeleteFile (&FileHandle); return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } ShellCloseFile(&FileHandle); HBufferImage.Modified = FALSE; // // set status string // Str = CatSPrint(NULL, L"%d Lines Wrote", NumLines); StatusBarSetStatusString (Str); FreePool (Str); // // now everything is ready , you can set the new file name to filebuffer // if (BufferTypeBackup != FileTypeFileBuffer || StringNoCaseCompare (&FileName, &HFileImage.FileName) != 0) { // // not the same // HFileImageSetFileName (FileName); if (HFileImage.FileName == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } HFileImage.ReadOnly = FALSE; return EFI_SUCCESS; }