/** @file Module to clarify system event log of smbios structure. Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. <BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _SMBIOS_EVENT_LOG_INFO_H_ #define _SMBIOS_EVENT_LOG_INFO_H_ #define END_OF_LOG 0xFF #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { UINT8 Type; UINT8 Length; UINT8 Year; UINT8 Month; UINT8 Day; UINT8 Hour; UINT8 Minute; UINT8 Second; UINT8 LogVariableData[1]; } LOG_RECORD_FORMAT; typedef struct { UINT8 OEMReserved[5]; UINT8 Metw; // Multiple Event Time Window UINT8 Meci; // Multiple Event Count Increment UINT8 CMOSAddress; // Pre-boot Event Log Reset - CMOS Address UINT8 CMOSBitIndex; // Pre-boot Event Log Reset - CMOS Bit Index UINT8 StartingOffset; // CMOS Checksum - Starting Offset UINT8 ByteCount; // CMOS Checksum - Byte Count UINT8 ChecksumOffset; // CMOS Checksum - Checksum Offset UINT8 Reserved[3]; UINT8 HeaderRevision; } LOG_HEADER_TYPE1_FORMAT; #pragma pack() // // System Event Log (Type 15) // /** Function to display system event log access information. @param[in] Key Additional information to print. @param[in] Option Whether to print the additional information. **/ VOID EFIAPI DisplaySELAccessMethod ( IN CONST UINT8 Key, IN CONST UINT8 Option ); /** Function to display system event log status information. @param[in] Key Additional information to print. @param[in] Option Whether to print the additional information. **/ VOID EFIAPI DisplaySELLogStatus ( UINT8 Key, UINT8 Option ); /** Function to display system event log header format information. @param[in] Key Additional information to print. @param[in] Option Whether to print the additional information. **/ VOID EFIAPI DisplaySysEventLogHeaderFormat ( UINT8 Key, UINT8 Option ); /** Function to display system event log header information. @param[in] LogHeaderFormat Format identifier. @param[in] LogHeader Format informcation. **/ VOID EFIAPI DisplaySysEventLogHeader ( UINT8 LogHeaderFormat, UINT8 *LogHeader ); /** Function to display system event log data. @param[in] LogData The data information. @param[in] LogAreaLength Length of the data. **/ VOID EFIAPI DisplaySysEventLogData ( UINT8 *LogData, UINT16 LogAreaLength ); #endif