/** @file Module to clarify the element info of the smbios structure. Copyright (c) 2005 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _SMBIOS_PRINT_INFO_H_ #define _SMBIOS_PRINT_INFO_H_ #include extern UINT8 SmbiosMajorVersion; extern UINT8 SmbiosMinorVersion; #define SHOW_NONE 0x00 #define SHOW_OUTLINE 0x01 #define SHOW_NORMAL 0x02 #define SHOW_DETAIL 0x03 // // SHOW_ALL: WaitEnter() not wait input. // #define SHOW_ALL 0x04 #define SHOW_STATISTICS 0x05 #define AS_UINT16(pData) (*((UINT16 *) pData)) #define AS_UINT32(pData) (*((UINT32 *) pData)) #define AS_UINT64(pData) (*((UINT64 *) pData)) /** Print the info of EPS(Entry Point Structure). @param[in] SmbiosTable Pointer to the SMBIOS table entry point. @param[in] Option Display option. **/ VOID SmbiosPrintEPSInfo ( IN SMBIOS_TABLE_ENTRY_POINT *SmbiosTable, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Print the info of 64-bit EPS(Entry Point Structure). @param[in] SmbiosTable Pointer to the SMBIOS table entry point. @param[in] Option Display option. **/ VOID Smbios64BitPrintEPSInfo ( IN SMBIOS_TABLE_3_0_ENTRY_POINT *SmbiosTable, IN UINT8 Option ); /** This function print the content of the structure pointed by Struct. @param[in] Struct Point to the structure to be printed. @param[in] Option Print option of information detail. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully Printing this function. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid Structure. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Unsupported. **/ EFI_STATUS SmbiosPrintStructure ( IN SMBIOS_STRUCTURE_POINTER *Struct, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display BIOS Information (Type 0) information. @param[in] Chara The information bits. @param[in] Option The optional information. **/ VOID DisplayBiosCharacteristics ( IN UINT64 Chara, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display Bios Characteristice extensions1 information. @param[in] Byte1 The information. @param[in] Option The optional information. **/ VOID DisplayBiosCharacteristicsExt1 ( IN UINT8 Byte1, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display Bios Characteristice extensions2 information. @param[in] Byte2 The information. @param[in] Option The optional information. **/ VOID DisplayBiosCharacteristicsExt2 ( IN UINT8 Byte2, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display Processor Information (Type 4) information. @param[in] Family The family value. @param[in] Option The option value. **/ VOID DisplayProcessorFamily ( UINT8 Family, UINT8 Option ); /** Display processor family information. @param[in] Family2 The family value. @param[in] Option The option value. **/ VOID DisplayProcessorFamily2 ( IN UINT16 Family2, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display processor voltage information. @param[in] Voltage The Voltage. Bit 7 Set to 0, indicating 'legacy' mode for processor voltage Bits 6:4 Reserved, must be zero Bits 3:0 Voltage Capability. A Set bit indicates that the voltage is supported. Bit 0 - 5V Bit 1 - 3.3V Bit 2 - 2.9V Bit 3 - Reserved, must be zero. Note: Setting of multiple bits indicates the socket is configurable If bit 7 is set to 1, the remaining seven bits of the field are set to contain the processor's current voltage times 10. For example, the field value for a processor voltage of 1.8 volts would be 92h = 80h + (1.8 * 10) = 80h + 18 = 80h +12h. @param[in] Option The option. **/ VOID DisplayProcessorVoltage ( IN UINT8 Voltage, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display processor information. @param[in] Status The status. Bit 7 Reserved, must be 0 Bit 6 CPU Socket Populated 1 - CPU Socket Populated 0 - CPU Socket Unpopulated Bits 5:3 Reserved, must be zero Bits 2:0 CPU Status 0h - Unknown 1h - CPU Enabled 2h - CPU Disabled by User via BIOS Setup 3h - CPU Disabled By BIOS (POST Error) 4h - CPU is Idle, waiting to be enabled. 5-6h - Reserved 7h - Other @param[in] Option The option **/ VOID DisplayProcessorStatus ( IN UINT8 Status, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display information about Memory Controller Information (Type 5). @param[in] Size Memory size. @param[in] SlotNum Which slot is this about. @param[in] Option Option for the level of detail output required. **/ VOID DisplayMaxMemoryModuleSize ( IN UINT8 Size, IN UINT8 SlotNum, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display information about memory configuration handles. @param[in] Handles The buffer of handles to output info on. @param[in] SlotNum The number of handles in the above buffer. @param[in] Option Option for the level of detail output required. **/ VOID DisplayMemoryModuleConfigHandles ( IN UINT16 *Handles, IN UINT8 SlotNum, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display Memory Module Information (Type 6). @param[in] BankConnections @param[in] Option **/ VOID DisplayMmBankConnections ( IN UINT8 BankConnections, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display memory informcation. Bits 0:6 Size (n), where 2**n is the size in MB with three special-case values: 7Dh Not determinable (Installed Size only) 7Eh Module is installed, but no memory has been enabled 7Fh Not installed Bit 7 Defines whether the memory module has a single- (0) or double-bank (1) connection. @param[in] Size - The size @param[in] Option - The option **/ VOID DisplayMmMemorySize ( IN UINT8 Size, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display Cache Configuration. @param[in] CacheConfiguration Cache Configuration. Bits 15:10 Reserved, must be 0 Bits 9:8 Operational Mode 0h - Write Through 1h - Write Back 2h - Varies with Memory Address 3h - Unknown Bit 7 Enabled/Disabled 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Bits 6:5 Location 0h - Internal 1h - External 2h - Reserved 3h - Unknown Bit 4 Reserved, must be zero Bit 3 Cache Socketed 1 - Socketed 0 - Unsocketed Bits 2:0 Cache Level 1 through 8 (For example, an L1 cache would use value 000b and an L3 cache would use 010b.) @param[in] Option The option **/ VOID DisplayCacheConfiguration ( IN UINT16 CacheConfiguration, IN UINT8 Option ); /** The Slot ID field of the System Slot structure provides a mechanism to correlate the physical attributes of the slot to its logical access method (which varies based on the Slot Type field). @param[in] SlotId - The slot ID @param[in] SlotType - The slot type @param[in] Option - The Option **/ VOID DisplaySystemSlotId ( IN UINT16 SlotId, IN UINT8 SlotType, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display Portable Battery (Type 22) information. The date the cell pack was manufactured, in packed format: Bits 15:9 Year, biased by 1980, in the range 0 to 127. Bits 8:5 Month, in the range 1 to 12. Bits 4:0 Date, in the range 1 to 31. For example, 01 February 2000 would be identified as 0010 1000 0100 0001b (0x2841). @param[in] Date The date @param[in] Option The option **/ VOID DisplaySBDSManufactureDate ( IN UINT16 Date, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display System Reset (Type 23) information. Routine Description: Identifies the system-reset capabilities for the system. Bits 7:6 Reserved for future assignment via this specification, set to 00b. Bit 5 System contains a watchdog timer, either True (1) or False (0). Bits 4:3 Boot Option on Limit. Identifies the system action to be taken when the Reset Limit is reached, one of: 00b Reserved, do not use. 01b Operating system 10b System utilities 11b Do not rebootBits 2:1 Boot Option. Indicates the action to be taken following a watchdog reset, one of: 00b Reserved, do not use. 01b Operating system 10b System utilities 11b Do not reboot Bit 0 Status. 1b The system reset is enabled by the user 0b The system reset is not enabled by the user @param[in] Reset Reset @param[in] Option The option **/ VOID DisplaySystemResetCapabilities ( IN UINT8 Reset, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display Hardware Security (Type 24) information. Routine Description: Identifies the password and reset status for the system: Bits 7:6 Power-on Password Status, one of: 00b Disabled 01b Enabled 10b Not Implemented 11b Unknown Bits 5:4 Keyboard Password Status, one of: 00b Disabled 01b Enabled 10b Not Implemented 11b Unknown Bits 3:2 Administrator Password Status, one of: 00b Disabled 01b Enabled 10b Not Implemented 11b Unknown Bits 1:0 Front Panel Reset Status, one of: 00b Disabled 01b Enabled 10b Not Implemented 11b Unknown @param[in] Settings The device settings. @param[in] Option The device options. **/ VOID DisplayHardwareSecuritySettings ( IN UINT8 Settings, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display Out-of-Band Remote Access (Type 30) information. @param[in] Connections The device characteristics. @param[in] Option The device options. **/ VOID DisplayOBRAConnections ( IN UINT8 Connections, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display System Boot Information (Type 32) information. @param[in] Parameter The parameter. @param[in] Option The options. **/ VOID DisplaySystemBootStatus ( IN UINT8 Parameter, IN UINT8 Option ); /** Display System Power Supply (Type 39) information. @param[in] Characteristics The device characteristics. @param[in] Option The device options. **/ VOID DisplaySPSCharacteristics ( IN UINT16 Characteristics, IN UINT8 Option ); #endif