/** @file Main file for endfor and for shell level 1 functions. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib.h" #include /** Determine if a valid string is a valid number for the 'for' command. @param[in] Number The pointer to the string representation of the number to test. @retval TRUE The number is valid. @retval FALSE The number is not valid. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ShellIsValidForNumber ( IN CONST CHAR16 *Number ) { if (Number == NULL || *Number == CHAR_NULL) { return (FALSE); } if (*Number == L'-') { Number++; } if (StrLen(Number) == 0) { return (FALSE); } if (StrLen(Number) >= 7) { if ((StrStr(Number, L" ") == NULL) || (((StrStr(Number, L" ") != NULL) && (StrStr(Number, L" ") - Number) >= 7))) { return (FALSE); } } if (!ShellIsDecimalDigitCharacter(*Number)) { return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } /** Function for 'endfor' command. @param[in] ImageHandle Handle to the Image (NULL if Internal). @param[in] SystemTable Pointer to the System Table (NULL if Internal). **/ SHELL_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandRunEndFor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN Found; SCRIPT_FILE *CurrentScriptFile; Status = CommandInit(); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); if (!gEfiShellProtocol->BatchIsActive()) { ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_NO_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, L"EndFor"); return (SHELL_UNSUPPORTED); } if (gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argc > 1) { ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_TOO_MANY), gShellLevel1HiiHandle); return (SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER); } Found = MoveToTag(GetPreviousNode, L"for", L"endfor", NULL, ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile(), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if (!Found) { CurrentScriptFile = ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile(); ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SYNTAX_NO_MATCHING), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, L"For", L"EndFor", CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); return (SHELL_NOT_FOUND); } return (SHELL_SUCCESS); } typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; INTN Current; INTN End; INTN Step; CHAR16 *ReplacementName; CHAR16 *CurrentValue; BOOLEAN RemoveSubstAlias; CHAR16 Set[1]; } SHELL_FOR_INFO; #define SIZE_OF_SHELL_FOR_INFO OFFSET_OF (SHELL_FOR_INFO, Set) #define SHELL_FOR_INFO_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('S', 'F', 'I', 's') /** Update the value of a given alias on the list. If the alias is not there then add it. @param[in] Alias The alias to test for. @param[in] CommandString The updated command string. @param[in, out] List The list to search. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was completed successfully. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was not enough free memory. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InternalUpdateAliasOnList( IN CONST CHAR16 *Alias, IN CONST CHAR16 *CommandString, IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *List ) { ALIAS_LIST *Node; BOOLEAN Found; // // assert for NULL parameter // ASSERT(Alias != NULL); // // check for the Alias // for ( Node = (ALIAS_LIST *)GetFirstNode(List), Found = FALSE ; !IsNull(List, &Node->Link) ; Node = (ALIAS_LIST *)GetNextNode(List, &Node->Link) ){ ASSERT(Node->CommandString != NULL); ASSERT(Node->Alias != NULL); if (StrCmp(Node->Alias, Alias)==0) { FreePool(Node->CommandString); Node->CommandString = NULL; Node->CommandString = StrnCatGrow(&Node->CommandString, NULL, CommandString, 0); Found = TRUE; break; } } if (!Found) { Node = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(ALIAS_LIST)); if (Node == NULL) { return (EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES); } ASSERT(Node->Alias == NULL); Node->Alias = StrnCatGrow(&Node->Alias, NULL, Alias, 0); ASSERT(Node->CommandString == NULL); Node->CommandString = StrnCatGrow(&Node->CommandString, NULL, CommandString, 0); InsertTailList(List, &Node->Link); } return (EFI_SUCCESS); } /** Find out if an alias is on the given list. @param[in] Alias The alias to test for. @param[in] List The list to search. @retval TRUE The alias is on the list. @retval FALSE The alias is not on the list. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI InternalIsAliasOnList( IN CONST CHAR16 *Alias, IN CONST LIST_ENTRY *List ) { ALIAS_LIST *Node; // // assert for NULL parameter // ASSERT(Alias != NULL); // // check for the Alias // for ( Node = (ALIAS_LIST *)GetFirstNode(List) ; !IsNull(List, &Node->Link) ; Node = (ALIAS_LIST *)GetNextNode(List, &Node->Link) ){ ASSERT(Node->CommandString != NULL); ASSERT(Node->Alias != NULL); if (StrCmp(Node->Alias, Alias)==0) { return (TRUE); } } return (FALSE); } /** Remove an alias from the given list. @param[in] Alias The alias to remove. @param[in, out] List The list to search. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI InternalRemoveAliasFromList( IN CONST CHAR16 *Alias, IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *List ) { ALIAS_LIST *Node; // // assert for NULL parameter // ASSERT(Alias != NULL); // // check for the Alias // for ( Node = (ALIAS_LIST *)GetFirstNode(List) ; !IsNull(List, &Node->Link) ; Node = (ALIAS_LIST *)GetNextNode(List, &Node->Link) ){ ASSERT(Node->CommandString != NULL); ASSERT(Node->Alias != NULL); if (StrCmp(Node->Alias, Alias)==0) { RemoveEntryList(&Node->Link); FreePool(Node->Alias); FreePool(Node->CommandString); FreePool(Node); return (TRUE); } } return (FALSE); } /** Function to determine whether a string is decimal or hex representation of a number and return the number converted from the string. @param[in] String String representation of a number @return the number @retval (UINTN)(-1) An error ocurred. **/ UINTN EFIAPI ReturnUintn( IN CONST CHAR16 *String ) { UINT64 RetVal; if (!EFI_ERROR(ShellConvertStringToUint64(String, &RetVal, FALSE, TRUE))) { return ((UINTN)RetVal); } return ((UINTN)(-1)); } /** Function for 'for' command. @param[in] ImageHandle Handle to the Image (NULL if Internal). @param[in] SystemTable Pointer to the System Table (NULL if Internal). **/ SHELL_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandRunFor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SHELL_STATUS ShellStatus; SCRIPT_FILE *CurrentScriptFile; CHAR16 *ArgSet; CHAR16 *ArgSetWalker; UINTN ArgSize; UINTN LoopVar; SHELL_FOR_INFO *Info; CHAR16 *TempString; CHAR16 *TempSpot; BOOLEAN FirstPass; EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO *Node; EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO *FileList; UINTN NewSize; ArgSet = NULL; ArgSize = 0; ShellStatus = SHELL_SUCCESS; ArgSetWalker = NULL; TempString = NULL; FirstPass = FALSE; // // initialize the shell lib (we must be in non-auto-init...) // Status = ShellInitialize(); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); Status = CommandInit(); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); if (!gEfiShellProtocol->BatchIsActive()) { ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_NO_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, L"For"); return (SHELL_UNSUPPORTED); } if (gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argc < 4) { ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_TOO_FEW), gShellLevel1HiiHandle); return (SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER); } CurrentScriptFile = ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile(); ASSERT(CurrentScriptFile != NULL); if (CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Data == NULL) { FirstPass = TRUE; // // Make sure that an End exists. // if (!MoveToTag(GetNextNode, L"endfor", L"for", NULL, CurrentScriptFile, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) { ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SYNTAX_NO_MATCHING), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, L"EndFor", L"For", CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ?CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); return (SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR); } // // Process the line. // if (gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1][0] != L'%' || gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1][2] != CHAR_NULL ||!((gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1][1] >= L'a' && gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1][1] <= L'z') ||(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1][1] >= L'A' && gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1][1] <= L'Z')) ) { ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_INV_VAR), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1]); return (SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (gUnicodeCollation->StriColl( gUnicodeCollation, L"in", gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[2]) == 0) { for (LoopVar = 0x3 ; LoopVar < gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argc ; LoopVar++) { ASSERT((ArgSet == NULL && ArgSize == 0) || (ArgSet != NULL)); if (StrStr(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], L"*") != NULL ||StrStr(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], L"?") != NULL ||StrStr(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], L"[") != NULL ||StrStr(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], L"]") != NULL) { FileList = NULL; Status = ShellOpenFileMetaArg ((CHAR16*)gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, &FileList); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) || FileList == NULL || IsListEmpty(&FileList->Link)) { ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L" \"", 0); ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], 0); ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L"\"", 0); } else { for (Node = (EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO *)GetFirstNode(&FileList->Link) ; !IsNull(&FileList->Link, &Node->Link) ; Node = (EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO *)GetNextNode(&FileList->Link, &Node->Link) ){ ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L" \"", 0); ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, Node->FullName, 0); ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L"\"", 0); } ShellCloseFileMetaArg(&FileList); } } else { ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L" \"", 0); ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], 0); ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L"\"", 0); } } if (ArgSet == NULL) { ShellStatus = SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } else { // // set up for an 'in' for loop // NewSize = StrSize(ArgSet); NewSize += sizeof(SHELL_FOR_INFO)+StrSize(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1]); Info = AllocateZeroPool(NewSize); ASSERT(Info != NULL); Info->Signature = SHELL_FOR_INFO_SIGNATURE; CopyMem(Info->Set, ArgSet, StrSize(ArgSet)); NewSize = StrSize(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1]); CopyMem(Info->Set+(StrSize(ArgSet)/sizeof(Info->Set[0])), gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1], NewSize); Info->ReplacementName = Info->Set+StrSize(ArgSet)/sizeof(Info->Set[0]); Info->CurrentValue = (CHAR16*)Info->Set; Info->Step = 0; Info->Current = 0; Info->End = 0; if (InternalIsAliasOnList(Info->ReplacementName, &CurrentScriptFile->SubstList)) { Info->RemoveSubstAlias = FALSE; } else { Info->RemoveSubstAlias = TRUE; } CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Data = Info; } } else if (gUnicodeCollation->StriColl( gUnicodeCollation, L"run", gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[2]) == 0) { for (LoopVar = 0x3 ; LoopVar < gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argc ; LoopVar++) { ASSERT((ArgSet == NULL && ArgSize == 0) || (ArgSet != NULL)); if (ArgSet == NULL) { // ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L"\"", 0); } else { ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L" ", 0); } ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], 0); // ArgSet = StrnCatGrow(&ArgSet, &ArgSize, L" ", 0); } if (ArgSet == NULL) { ShellStatus = SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } else { // // set up for a 'run' for loop // Info = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(SHELL_FOR_INFO)+StrSize(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1])); ASSERT(Info != NULL); Info->Signature = SHELL_FOR_INFO_SIGNATURE; CopyMem(Info->Set, gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1], StrSize(gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[1])); Info->ReplacementName = Info->Set; Info->CurrentValue = NULL; ArgSetWalker = ArgSet; if (ArgSetWalker[0] != L'(') { ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, ArgSet, CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { TempSpot = StrStr(ArgSetWalker, L")"); if (TempSpot != NULL) { TempString = TempSpot+1; if (*(TempString) != CHAR_NULL) { while(TempString != NULL && *TempString == L' ') { TempString++; } if (StrLen(TempString) > 0) { TempSpot = NULL; } } } if (TempSpot == NULL) { ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { *TempSpot = CHAR_NULL; ArgSetWalker++; while (ArgSetWalker != NULL && ArgSetWalker[0] == L' ') { ArgSetWalker++; } if (!ShellIsValidForNumber(ArgSetWalker)) { ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, ArgSet, CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { if (ArgSetWalker[0] == L'-') { Info->Current = 0 - (INTN)ReturnUintn(ArgSetWalker+1); } else { Info->Current = (INTN)ReturnUintn(ArgSetWalker); } ArgSetWalker = StrStr(ArgSetWalker, L" "); while (ArgSetWalker != NULL && ArgSetWalker[0] == L' ') { ArgSetWalker++; } if (ArgSetWalker == NULL || *ArgSetWalker == CHAR_NULL || !ShellIsValidForNumber(ArgSetWalker)){ ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, ArgSet, CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { if (ArgSetWalker[0] == L'-') { Info->End = 0 - (INTN)ReturnUintn(ArgSetWalker+1); } else { Info->End = (INTN)ReturnUintn(ArgSetWalker); } if (Info->Current < Info->End) { Info->Step = 1; } else { Info->Step = -1; } ArgSetWalker = StrStr(ArgSetWalker, L" "); while (ArgSetWalker != NULL && ArgSetWalker[0] == L' ') { ArgSetWalker++; } if (ArgSetWalker != NULL && *ArgSetWalker != CHAR_NULL) { if (ArgSetWalker == NULL || *ArgSetWalker == CHAR_NULL || !ShellIsValidForNumber(ArgSetWalker)){ ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, ArgSet, CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { if (*ArgSetWalker == L')') { ASSERT(Info->Step == 1 || Info->Step == -1); } else { if (ArgSetWalker[0] == L'-') { Info->Step = 0 - (INTN)ReturnUintn(ArgSetWalker+1); } else { Info->Step = (INTN)ReturnUintn(ArgSetWalker); } if (StrStr(ArgSetWalker, L" ") != NULL) { ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, ArgSet, CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } } } } } } if (ShellStatus == SHELL_SUCCESS) { if (InternalIsAliasOnList(Info->ReplacementName, &CurrentScriptFile->SubstList)) { Info->RemoveSubstAlias = FALSE; } else { Info->RemoveSubstAlias = TRUE; } } if (CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand != NULL) { CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Data = Info; } } } else { ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM_SCRIPT), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, ArgSet, CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { // // These need to be NULL since they are used to determine if this is the first pass later on... // ASSERT(ArgSetWalker == NULL); ASSERT(ArgSet == NULL); } if (CurrentScriptFile != NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand != NULL) { Info = (SHELL_FOR_INFO*)CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Data; if (CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Reset) { Info->CurrentValue = (CHAR16*)Info->Set; FirstPass = TRUE; CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Reset = FALSE; } } else { ShellStatus = SHELL_UNSUPPORTED; Info = NULL; } if (ShellStatus == SHELL_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(Info != NULL); if (Info->Step != 0) { // // only advance if not the first pass // if (!FirstPass) { // // sequence version of for loop... // Info->Current += Info->Step; } TempString = AllocateZeroPool(50*sizeof(CHAR16)); UnicodeSPrint(TempString, 50*sizeof(CHAR16), L"%d", Info->Current); InternalUpdateAliasOnList(Info->ReplacementName, TempString, &CurrentScriptFile->SubstList); FreePool(TempString); if ((Info->Step > 0 && Info->Current > Info->End) || (Info->Step < 0 && Info->Current < Info->End)) { CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Data = NULL; // // find the matching endfor (we're done with the loop) // if (!MoveToTag(GetNextNode, L"endfor", L"for", NULL, CurrentScriptFile, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) { ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SYNTAX_NO_MATCHING), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, L"EndFor", L"For", CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR; } if (Info->RemoveSubstAlias) { // // remove item from list // InternalRemoveAliasFromList(Info->ReplacementName, &CurrentScriptFile->SubstList); } FreePool(Info); } } else { // // Must be in 'in' version of for loop... // ASSERT(Info->Set != NULL); if (Info->CurrentValue != NULL && *Info->CurrentValue != CHAR_NULL) { if (Info->CurrentValue[0] == L' ') { Info->CurrentValue++; } if (Info->CurrentValue[0] == L'\"') { Info->CurrentValue++; } // // do the next one of the set // ASSERT(TempString == NULL); TempString = StrnCatGrow(&TempString, NULL, Info->CurrentValue, 0); if (TempString == NULL) { ShellStatus = SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } else { TempSpot = StrStr(TempString, L"\" \""); if (TempSpot != NULL) { *TempSpot = CHAR_NULL; } while (TempString[StrLen(TempString)-1] == L'\"') { TempString[StrLen(TempString)-1] = CHAR_NULL; } InternalUpdateAliasOnList(Info->ReplacementName, TempString, &CurrentScriptFile->SubstList); Info->CurrentValue += StrLen(TempString); if (Info->CurrentValue[0] == L'\"') { Info->CurrentValue++; } while (Info->CurrentValue[0] == L' ') { Info->CurrentValue++; } if (Info->CurrentValue[0] == L'\"') { Info->CurrentValue++; } FreePool(TempString); } } else { CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Data = NULL; // // find the matching endfor (we're done with the loop) // if (!MoveToTag(GetNextNode, L"endfor", L"for", NULL, CurrentScriptFile, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) { ShellPrintHiiEx( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SYNTAX_NO_MATCHING), gShellLevel1HiiHandle, L"EndFor", L"For", CurrentScriptFile!=NULL && CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand!=NULL ? CurrentScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line:0); ShellStatus = SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR; } if (Info->RemoveSubstAlias) { // // remove item from list // InternalRemoveAliasFromList(Info->ReplacementName, &CurrentScriptFile->SubstList); } FreePool(Info); } } } if (ArgSet != NULL) { FreePool(ArgSet); } return (ShellStatus); }