/** @file The implementation for Ping6 application. Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "UefiShellNetwork2CommandsLib.h" #define PING6_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 5000 #define PING6_MAX_SEND_NUMBER 10000 #define PING6_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 32768 #define PING6_ONE_SECOND 10000000 // // A similar amount of time that passes in femtoseconds // for each increment of TimerValue. It is for NT32 only. // #define NTTIMERPERIOD 358049 #pragma pack(1) typedef struct _ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST_REPLY { UINT8 Type; UINT8 Code; UINT16 Checksum; UINT16 Identifier; UINT16 SequenceNum; UINT64 TimeStamp; UINT8 Data[1]; } ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST_REPLY; #pragma pack() typedef struct _PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO { LIST_ENTRY Link; UINT16 SequenceNum; UINT64 TimeStamp; EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN *Token; } PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO; typedef struct _PING6_PRIVATE_DATA { EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle; EFI_HANDLE NicHandle; EFI_HANDLE Ip6ChildHandle; EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL *Ip6; EFI_EVENT Timer; EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY TxList; EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN RxToken; UINT16 RxCount; UINT16 TxCount; UINT64 RttSum; UINT64 RttMin; UINT64 RttMax; UINT32 SequenceNum; EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS SrcAddress; EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS DstAddress; UINT32 SendNum; UINT32 BufferSize; } PING6_PRIVATE_DATA; SHELL_PARAM_ITEM Ping6ParamList[] = { { L"-l", TypeValue }, { L"-n", TypeValue }, { L"-s", TypeValue }, { L"-?", TypeFlag }, { NULL, TypeMax }, }; // // Global Variables in Ping6 application. // CONST CHAR16 *mIp6DstString; CONST CHAR16 *mIp6SrcString; UINT64 mFrequency = 0; UINT64 mIp6CurrentTick = 0; EFI_CPU_ARCH_PROTOCOL *Cpu = NULL; /** Reads and returns the current value of the Time. @return The current tick value. **/ UINT64 Ping6ReadTime () { UINT64 TimerPeriod; EFI_STATUS Status; ASSERT (Cpu != NULL); Status = Cpu->GetTimerValue (Cpu, 0, &mIp6CurrentTick, &TimerPeriod); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // The WinntGetTimerValue will return EFI_UNSUPPORTED. Set the // TimerPeriod by ourselves. // mIp6CurrentTick += 1000000; } return mIp6CurrentTick; } /** Get and calculate the frequency in tick/ms. The result is saved in the globle variable mFrequency @retval EFI_SUCCESS Calculated the frequency successfully. @retval Others Failed to calculate the frequency. **/ EFI_STATUS Ping6GetFrequency ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 CurrentTick; UINT64 TimerPeriod; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &Cpu); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = Cpu->GetTimerValue (Cpu, 0, &CurrentTick, &TimerPeriod); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // For NT32 Simulator only. 358049 is a similar value to keep timer granularity. // Set the timer period by ourselves. // TimerPeriod = (UINT64) NTTIMERPERIOD; } // // The timer period is in femtosecond (1 femtosecond is 1e-15 second). // So 1e+12 is divided by timer period to produce the freq in tick/ms. // mFrequency = DivU64x64Remainder (1000000000000ULL, TimerPeriod, NULL); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get and calculate the duration in ms. @param[in] Begin The start point of time. @param[in] End The end point of time. @return The duration in ms. **/ UINT64 Ping6CalculateTick ( IN UINT64 Begin, IN UINT64 End ) { ASSERT (End > Begin); return DivU64x64Remainder (End - Begin, mFrequency, NULL); } /** Destroy IPING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO, and recollect the memory. @param[in] TxInfo The pointer to PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO. **/ VOID Ping6DestroyTxInfo ( IN PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO *TxInfo ) { EFI_IP6_TRANSMIT_DATA *TxData; EFI_IP6_FRAGMENT_DATA *FragData; UINTN Index; ASSERT (TxInfo != NULL); if (TxInfo->Token != NULL) { if (TxInfo->Token->Event != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (TxInfo->Token->Event); } TxData = TxInfo->Token->Packet.TxData; if (TxData != NULL) { if (TxData->OverrideData != NULL) { FreePool (TxData->OverrideData); } if (TxData->ExtHdrs != NULL) { FreePool (TxData->ExtHdrs); } for (Index = 0; Index < TxData->FragmentCount; Index++) { FragData = TxData->FragmentTable[Index].FragmentBuffer; if (FragData != NULL) { FreePool (FragData); } } } FreePool (TxInfo->Token); } FreePool (TxInfo); } /** Match the request, and reply with SequenceNum/TimeStamp. @param[in] Private The pointer to PING6_PRIVATE_DATA. @param[in] Packet The pointer to ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST_REPLY. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The match is successful. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The reply can't be matched with any request. **/ EFI_STATUS Ping6OnMatchEchoReply ( IN PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST_REPLY *Packet ) { PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO *TxInfo; LIST_ENTRY *Entry; LIST_ENTRY *NextEntry; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, NextEntry, &Private->TxList) { TxInfo = BASE_CR (Entry, PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO, Link); if ((TxInfo->SequenceNum == Packet->SequenceNum) && (TxInfo->TimeStamp == Packet->TimeStamp)) { Private->RxCount++; RemoveEntryList (&TxInfo->Link); Ping6DestroyTxInfo (TxInfo); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** The original intention is to send a request. Currently, the application retransmits an icmp6 echo request packet per second in sendnumber times that is specified by the user. Because nothing can be done here, all things move to the timer rountine. @param[in] Event A EFI_EVENT type event. @param[in] Context The pointer to Context. **/ VOID EFIAPI Ping6OnEchoRequestSent6 ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { } /** receive reply, match and print reply infomation. @param[in] Event A EFI_EVENT type event. @param[in] Context The pointer to context. **/ VOID EFIAPI Ping6OnEchoReplyReceived6 ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN *RxToken; EFI_IP6_RECEIVE_DATA *RxData; ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST_REPLY *Reply; UINT32 PayLoad; UINT64 Rtt; CHAR8 Near; Private = (PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *) Context; if (Private->Status == EFI_ABORTED) { return; } RxToken = &Private->RxToken; RxData = RxToken->Packet.RxData; Reply = RxData->FragmentTable[0].FragmentBuffer; PayLoad = RxData->DataLength; if (RxData->Header->NextHeader != IP6_ICMP) { goto ON_EXIT; } if (!IP6_IS_MULTICAST (&Private->DstAddress) && !EFI_IP6_EQUAL (&RxData->Header->SourceAddress, &Private->DstAddress)) { goto ON_EXIT; } if ((Reply->Type != ICMP_V6_ECHO_REPLY) || (Reply->Code != 0)) { goto ON_EXIT; } if (PayLoad != Private->BufferSize) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // Check whether the reply matches the sent request before. // Status = Ping6OnMatchEchoReply (Private, Reply); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // Display statistics on this icmp6 echo reply packet. // Rtt = Ping6CalculateTick (Reply->TimeStamp, Ping6ReadTime ()); if (Rtt != 0) { Near = (CHAR8) '='; } else { Near = (CHAR8) '<'; } Private->RttSum += Rtt; Private->RttMin = Private->RttMin > Rtt ? Rtt : Private->RttMin; Private->RttMax = Private->RttMax < Rtt ? Rtt : Private->RttMax; ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_REPLY_INFO), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, PayLoad, mIp6DstString, Reply->SequenceNum, RxData->Header->HopLimit, Near, Rtt ); ON_EXIT: if (Private->RxCount < Private->SendNum) { // // Continue to receive icmp6 echo reply packets. // RxToken->Status = EFI_ABORTED; Status = Private->Ip6->Receive (Private->Ip6, RxToken); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Private->Status = EFI_ABORTED; } } else { // // All reply have already been received from the dest host. // Private->Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Singal to recycle the each rxdata here, not at the end of process. // gBS->SignalEvent (RxData->RecycleSignal); } /** Initial EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN. @param[in] Private The pointer of PING6_PRIVATE_DATA. @param[in] TimeStamp The TimeStamp of request. @param[in] SequenceNum The SequenceNum of request. @return The pointer of EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN. **/ EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN * Ping6GenerateToken ( IN PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT64 TimeStamp, IN UINT16 SequenceNum ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN *Token; EFI_IP6_TRANSMIT_DATA *TxData; ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST_REPLY *Request; Request = AllocateZeroPool (Private->BufferSize); if (Request == NULL) { return NULL; } // // Assembly icmp6 echo request packet. // Request->Type = ICMP_V6_ECHO_REQUEST; Request->Code = 0; Request->SequenceNum = SequenceNum; Request->TimeStamp = TimeStamp; Request->Identifier = 0; // // Leave check sum to ip6 layer, since it has no idea of source address // selection. // Request->Checksum = 0; TxData = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_IP6_TRANSMIT_DATA)); if (TxData == NULL) { FreePool (Request); return NULL; } // // Assembly ipv6 token for transmit. // TxData->OverrideData = 0; TxData->ExtHdrsLength = 0; TxData->ExtHdrs = NULL; TxData->DataLength = Private->BufferSize; TxData->FragmentCount = 1; TxData->FragmentTable[0].FragmentBuffer = (VOID *) Request; TxData->FragmentTable[0].FragmentLength = Private->BufferSize; Token = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN)); if (Token == NULL) { FreePool (Request); FreePool (TxData); return NULL; } Token->Status = EFI_ABORTED; Token->Packet.TxData = TxData; Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, Ping6OnEchoRequestSent6, Private, &Token->Event ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (Request); FreePool (TxData); FreePool (Token); return NULL; } return Token; } /** Transmit the EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN. @param[in] Private The pointer of PING6_PRIVATE_DATA. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Transmitted successfully. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No memory is available on the platform. @retval others Transmitted unsuccessfully. **/ EFI_STATUS Ping6SendEchoRequest ( IN PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { EFI_STATUS Status; PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO *TxInfo; TxInfo = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO)); if (TxInfo == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } TxInfo->TimeStamp = Ping6ReadTime (); TxInfo->SequenceNum = (UINT16) (Private->TxCount + 1); TxInfo->Token = Ping6GenerateToken ( Private, TxInfo->TimeStamp, TxInfo->SequenceNum ); if (TxInfo->Token == NULL) { Ping6DestroyTxInfo (TxInfo); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = Private->Ip6->Transmit (Private->Ip6, TxInfo->Token); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Ping6DestroyTxInfo (TxInfo); return Status; } InsertTailList (&Private->TxList, &TxInfo->Link); Private->TxCount++; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Place a completion token into the receive packet queue to receive the echo reply. @param[in] Private The pointer of PING6_PRIVATE_DATA. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Put the token into the receive packet queue successfully. @retval others Put the token into the receive packet queue unsuccessfully. **/ EFI_STATUS Ping6OnReceiveEchoReply ( IN PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&Private->RxToken, sizeof (EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN)); Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, Ping6OnEchoReplyReceived6, Private, &Private->RxToken.Event ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Private->RxToken.Status = EFI_NOT_READY; return Private->Ip6->Receive (Private->Ip6, &Private->RxToken); } /** Remove the timeout request from the list. @param[in] Event A EFI_EVENT type event. @param[in] Context The pointer to Context. **/ VOID EFIAPI Ping6OnTimerRoutine6 ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO *TxInfo; LIST_ENTRY *Entry; LIST_ENTRY *NextEntry; UINT64 Time; Private = (PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *) Context; // // Retransmit icmp6 echo request packets per second in sendnumber times. // if (Private->TxCount < Private->SendNum) { Status = Ping6SendEchoRequest (Private); if (Private->TxCount != 0){ if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_SEND_REQUEST), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, Private->TxCount + 1); } } } // // Check whether any icmp6 echo request in the list timeout. // NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, NextEntry, &Private->TxList) { TxInfo = BASE_CR (Entry, PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO, Link); Time = Ping6CalculateTick (TxInfo->TimeStamp, Ping6ReadTime ()); // // Remove the timeout echo request from txlist. // if (Time > PING6_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) { if (EFI_ERROR (TxInfo->Token->Status)) { Private->Ip6->Cancel (Private->Ip6, TxInfo->Token); } // // Remove the timeout icmp6 echo request from list. // ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_TIMEOUT), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, TxInfo->SequenceNum); RemoveEntryList (&TxInfo->Link); Ping6DestroyTxInfo (TxInfo); if (IsListEmpty (&Private->TxList) && (Private->TxCount == Private->SendNum)) { // // All the left icmp6 echo request in the list timeout. // Private->Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; } } } } /** Create a valid IP6 instance. @param[in] Private The pointer of PING6_PRIVATE_DATA. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Create a valid IP6 instance successfully. @retval EFI_ABORTED Locate handle with ip6 service binding protocol unsuccessfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The source address is unspecified when the destination address is a link -ocal address. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No memory is available on the platform. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The source address is not found. **/ EFI_STATUS Ping6CreateIpInstance ( IN PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN HandleIndex; UINTN HandleNum; EFI_HANDLE *HandleBuffer; BOOLEAN UnspecifiedSrc; BOOLEAN MediaPresent; EFI_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL *Ip6Sb; EFI_IP6_CONFIG_PROTOCOL *Ip6Cfg; EFI_IP6_CONFIG_DATA Ip6Config; EFI_IP6_CONFIG_INTERFACE_INFO *IfInfo; UINTN IfInfoSize; EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *Addr; UINTN AddrIndex; HandleBuffer = NULL; UnspecifiedSrc = FALSE; MediaPresent = TRUE; Ip6Sb = NULL; IfInfo = NULL; IfInfoSize = 0; // // Locate all the handles with ip6 service binding protocol. // Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( ByProtocol, &gEfiIp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL, &HandleNum, &HandleBuffer ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (HandleNum == 0)) { return EFI_ABORTED; } if (NetIp6IsUnspecifiedAddr (&Private->SrcAddress)) { // // SrcAddress is unspecified. So, both connected and configured interface will be automatic selected. // UnspecifiedSrc = TRUE; } // // Source address is required when pinging a link-local address. // if (NetIp6IsLinkLocalAddr (&Private->DstAddress) && UnspecifiedSrc) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_INVALID_SOURCE), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ON_ERROR; } // // For each ip6 protocol, check interface addresses list. // for (HandleIndex = 0; HandleIndex < HandleNum; HandleIndex++) { Ip6Sb = NULL; IfInfo = NULL; IfInfoSize = 0; if (UnspecifiedSrc) { // // Check media. // NetLibDetectMedia (HandleBuffer[HandleIndex], &MediaPresent); if (!MediaPresent) { // // Skip this one. // continue; } } Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( HandleBuffer[HandleIndex], &gEfiIp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Ip6Sb ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } // // Ip6config protocol and ip6 service binding protocol are installed // on the same handle. // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( HandleBuffer[HandleIndex], &gEfiIp6ConfigProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Ip6Cfg ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } // // Get the interface information size. // Status = Ip6Cfg->GetData ( Ip6Cfg, Ip6ConfigDataTypeInterfaceInfo, &IfInfoSize, NULL ); if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_IP6CFG_GETDATA), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, Status); goto ON_ERROR; } IfInfo = AllocateZeroPool (IfInfoSize); if (IfInfo == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_ERROR; } // // Get the interface info. // Status = Ip6Cfg->GetData ( Ip6Cfg, Ip6ConfigDataTypeInterfaceInfo, &IfInfoSize, IfInfo ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_IP6CFG_GETDATA), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, Status); goto ON_ERROR; } // // Check whether the source address is one of the interface addresses. // for (AddrIndex = 0; AddrIndex < IfInfo->AddressInfoCount; AddrIndex++) { Addr = &(IfInfo->AddressInfo[AddrIndex].Address); if (UnspecifiedSrc) { if (!NetIp6IsUnspecifiedAddr (Addr) && !NetIp6IsLinkLocalAddr (Addr)) { // // Select the interface automatically. // CopyMem(&Private->SrcAddress, Addr, sizeof(Private->SrcAddress)); break; } } else if (EFI_IP6_EQUAL (&Private->SrcAddress, Addr)) { // // Match a certain interface address. // break; } } if (AddrIndex < IfInfo->AddressInfoCount) { // // Found a nic handle with right interface address. // break; } FreePool (IfInfo); IfInfo = NULL; } // // No exact interface address matched. // if (HandleIndex == HandleNum) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, mIp6SrcString); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto ON_ERROR; } Private->NicHandle = HandleBuffer[HandleIndex]; ASSERT (Ip6Sb != NULL); Status = Ip6Sb->CreateChild (Ip6Sb, &Private->Ip6ChildHandle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( Private->Ip6ChildHandle, &gEfiIp6ProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Private->Ip6, Private->ImageHandle, Private->Ip6ChildHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } ZeroMem (&Ip6Config, sizeof (EFI_IP6_CONFIG_DATA)); // // Configure the ip6 instance for icmp6 packet exchange. // Ip6Config.DefaultProtocol = 58; Ip6Config.AcceptAnyProtocol = FALSE; Ip6Config.AcceptIcmpErrors = TRUE; Ip6Config.AcceptPromiscuous = FALSE; Ip6Config.TrafficClass = 0; Ip6Config.HopLimit = 128; Ip6Config.FlowLabel = 0; Ip6Config.ReceiveTimeout = 0; Ip6Config.TransmitTimeout = 0; IP6_COPY_ADDRESS (&Ip6Config.StationAddress, &Private->SrcAddress); IP6_COPY_ADDRESS (&Ip6Config.DestinationAddress, &Private->DstAddress); Status = Private->Ip6->Configure (Private->Ip6, &Ip6Config); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_IP6_CONFIG), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, Status); goto ON_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; ON_ERROR: if (HandleBuffer != NULL) { FreePool (HandleBuffer); } if (IfInfo != NULL) { FreePool (IfInfo); } if ((Ip6Sb != NULL) && (Private->Ip6ChildHandle != NULL)) { Ip6Sb->DestroyChild (Ip6Sb, Private->Ip6ChildHandle); } return Status; } /** Destroy the IP6 instance. @param[in] Private The pointer of PING6_PRIVATE_DATA. **/ VOID Ping6DestroyIpInstance ( IN PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL *Ip6Sb; gBS->CloseProtocol ( Private->Ip6ChildHandle, &gEfiIp6ProtocolGuid, Private->ImageHandle, Private->Ip6ChildHandle ); Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( Private->NicHandle, &gEfiIp6ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Ip6Sb ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Ip6Sb->DestroyChild (Ip6Sb, Private->Ip6ChildHandle); } } /** The Ping6 Process. @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the UEFI image. @param[in] SendNumber The send request count. @param[in] BufferSize The send buffer size. @param[in] SrcAddress The source IPv6 address. @param[in] DstAddress The destination IPv6 address. @retval SHELL_SUCCESS The ping6 processed successfullly. @retval others The ping6 processed unsuccessfully. **/ SHELL_STATUS ShellPing6 ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN UINT32 SendNumber, IN UINT32 BufferSize, IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *SrcAddress, IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *DstAddress ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; PING6_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO *TxInfo; LIST_ENTRY *Entry; LIST_ENTRY *NextEntry; SHELL_STATUS ShellStatus; ShellStatus = SHELL_SUCCESS; Private = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (PING6_PRIVATE_DATA)); ASSERT (Private != NULL); Private->ImageHandle = ImageHandle; Private->SendNum = SendNumber; Private->BufferSize = BufferSize; Private->RttMin = ~((UINT64 )(0x0)); Private->Status = EFI_NOT_READY; InitializeListHead (&Private->TxList); IP6_COPY_ADDRESS (&Private->SrcAddress, SrcAddress); IP6_COPY_ADDRESS (&Private->DstAddress, DstAddress); // // Open and configure a ip6 instance for ping6. // Status = Ping6CreateIpInstance (Private); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ON_EXIT; } // // Print the command line itself. // ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_START), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, mIp6DstString, Private->BufferSize); // // Create a ipv6 token to receive the first icmp6 echo reply packet. // Status = Ping6OnReceiveEchoReply (Private); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ON_EXIT; } // // Create and start timer to send icmp6 echo request packet per second. // Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, Ping6OnTimerRoutine6, Private, &Private->Timer ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ON_EXIT; } // // Create a ipv6 token to send the first icmp6 echo request packet. // Status = Ping6SendEchoRequest (Private); // // EFI_NOT_READY for IPsec is enable and IKE is not established. // if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Status != EFI_NOT_READY)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_ACCESS_DENIED; if(Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_NOSOURCE_INDOMAIN), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, mIp6DstString); } goto ON_EXIT; } Status = gBS->SetTimer ( Private->Timer, TimerPeriodic, PING6_ONE_SECOND ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ON_EXIT; } // // Control the ping6 process by two factors: // 1. Hot key // 2. Private->Status // 2.1. success means all icmp6 echo request packets get reply packets. // 2.2. timeout means the last icmp6 echo reply request timeout to get reply. // 2.3. noready means ping6 process is on-the-go. // while (Private->Status == EFI_NOT_READY) { Private->Ip6->Poll (Private->Ip6); // // Terminate the ping6 process by 'esc' or 'ctl-c'. // Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if ((Key.UnicodeChar == 0x1b) || (Key.UnicodeChar == 0x03) || ((Key.UnicodeChar == 0) && (Key.ScanCode == SCAN_ESC))) { goto ON_STAT; } } } ON_STAT: // // Display the statistics in all. // gBS->SetTimer (Private->Timer, TimerCancel, 0); if (Private->TxCount != 0) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_STAT), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, Private->TxCount, Private->RxCount, (100 * (Private->TxCount - Private->RxCount)) / Private->TxCount, Private->RttSum ); } if (Private->RxCount != 0) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_RTT), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, Private->RttMin, Private->RttMax, DivU64x64Remainder (Private->RttSum, Private->RxCount, NULL) ); } ON_EXIT: if (Private != NULL) { Private->Status = EFI_ABORTED; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, NextEntry, &Private->TxList) { TxInfo = BASE_CR (Entry, PING6_ICMP6_TX_INFO, Link); Status = Private->Ip6->Cancel (Private->Ip6, TxInfo->Token); RemoveEntryList (&TxInfo->Link); Ping6DestroyTxInfo (TxInfo); } if (Private->Timer != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (Private->Timer); } if (Private->Ip6 != NULL) { Status = Private->Ip6->Cancel (Private->Ip6, &Private->RxToken); } if (Private->RxToken.Event != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (Private->RxToken.Event); } if (Private->Ip6ChildHandle != NULL) { Ping6DestroyIpInstance (Private); } FreePool (Private); } return ShellStatus; } /** Function for 'ping6' command. @param[in] ImageHandle Handle to the Image (NULL if Internal). @param[in] SystemTable Pointer to the System Table (NULL if Internal). @retval SHELL_SUCCESS The ping6 processed successfullly. @retval others The ping6 processed unsuccessfully. **/ SHELL_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandRunPing6 ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SHELL_STATUS ShellStatus; EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS DstAddress; EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS SrcAddress; UINT64 BufferSize; UINTN SendNumber; LIST_ENTRY *ParamPackage; CONST CHAR16 *ValueStr; CONST CHAR16 *ValueStrPtr; UINTN NonOptionCount; CHAR16 *ProblemParam; ProblemParam = NULL; ShellStatus = SHELL_SUCCESS; Status = ShellCommandLineParseEx (Ping6ParamList, &ParamPackage, &ProblemParam, TRUE, FALSE); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_INVALID_INPUT), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ON_EXIT; } SendNumber = 10; BufferSize = 16; // // Parse the paramter of count number. // ValueStr = ShellCommandLineGetValue (ParamPackage, L"-n"); ValueStrPtr = ValueStr; if (ValueStr != NULL) { SendNumber = ShellStrToUintn (ValueStrPtr); // // ShellStrToUintn will return 0 when input is 0 or an invalid input string. // if ((SendNumber == 0) || (SendNumber > PING6_MAX_SEND_NUMBER)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_INVALID_SEND_NUMBER), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, ValueStr); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Parse the paramter of buffer size. // ValueStr = ShellCommandLineGetValue (ParamPackage, L"-l"); ValueStrPtr = ValueStr; if (ValueStr != NULL) { BufferSize = ShellStrToUintn (ValueStrPtr); // // ShellStrToUintn will return 0 when input is 0 or an invalid input string. // if ((BufferSize < 16) || (BufferSize > PING6_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, ValueStr); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ON_EXIT; } } ZeroMem (&SrcAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS)); ZeroMem (&DstAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS)); // // Parse the paramter of source ip address. // ValueStr = ShellCommandLineGetValue (ParamPackage, L"-s"); ValueStrPtr = ValueStr; if (ValueStr != NULL) { mIp6SrcString = ValueStr; Status = NetLibStrToIp6 (ValueStrPtr, &SrcAddress); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_INVALID_IP), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, ValueStr); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Parse the paramter of destination ip address. // NonOptionCount = ShellCommandLineGetCount(ParamPackage); ValueStr = ShellCommandLineGetRawValue (ParamPackage, (UINT32)(NonOptionCount-1)); if (NonOptionCount != 2) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_INVALID_INPUT), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ON_EXIT; } ValueStrPtr = ValueStr; if (ValueStr != NULL) { mIp6DstString = ValueStr; Status = NetLibStrToIp6 (ValueStrPtr, &DstAddress); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_PING6_INVALID_IP), gShellNetwork2HiiHandle, ValueStr); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Get frequency to calculate the time from ticks. // Status = Ping6GetFrequency (); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ON_EXIT; } // // Enter into ping6 process. // ShellStatus = ShellPing6 ( ImageHandle, (UINT32)SendNumber, (UINT32)BufferSize, &SrcAddress, &DstAddress ); ON_EXIT: ShellCommandLineFreeVarList (ParamPackage); return ShellStatus; }