;; @file ; Serial port debug support macros. ; ; Copyright (c) 2008 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
; ; This program and the accompanying materials ; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License ; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at ; http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. ; ; THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ; ;; ;//--------------------------------------------- ;// UART Register Offsets ;//--------------------------------------------- %define BAUD_LOW_OFFSET 0x00 %define BAUD_HIGH_OFFSET 0x01 %define IER_OFFSET 0x01 %define LCR_SHADOW_OFFSET 0x01 %define FCR_SHADOW_OFFSET 0x02 %define IR_CONTROL_OFFSET 0x02 %define FCR_OFFSET 0x02 %define EIR_OFFSET 0x02 %define BSR_OFFSET 0x03 %define LCR_OFFSET 0x03 %define MCR_OFFSET 0x04 %define LSR_OFFSET 0x05 %define MSR_OFFSET 0x06 ;//--------------------------------------------- ;// UART Register Bit Defines ;//--------------------------------------------- %define LSR_TXRDY 0x20 %define LSR_RXDA 0x01 %define DLAB 0x01 ; UINT16 gComBase = 0x3f8; ; UINTN gBps = 115200; ; UINT8 gData = 8; ; UINT8 gStop = 1; ; UINT8 gParity = 0; ; UINT8 gBreakSet = 0; %define DEFAULT_COM_BASE 0x3f8 %define DEFAULT_BPS 115200 %define DEFAULT_DATA 8 %define DEFAULT_STOP 1 %define DEFAULT_PARITY 0 %define DEFAULT_BREAK_SET 0 %define SERIAL_DEFAULT_LCR ( \ (DEFAULT_BREAK_SET << 6) | \ (DEFAULT_PARITY << 3) | \ (DEFAULT_STOP << 2) | \ (DEFAULT_DATA - 5) \ ) %define SERIAL_PORT_IO_BASE_ADDRESS DEFAULT_COM_BASE %macro inFromSerialPort 1 mov dx, (SERIAL_PORT_IO_BASE_ADDRESS + %1) in al, dx %endmacro %macro waitForSerialTxReady 0 %%waitingForTx: inFromSerialPort LSR_OFFSET test al, LSR_TXRDY jz %%waitingForTx %endmacro %macro outToSerialPort 2 mov dx, (SERIAL_PORT_IO_BASE_ADDRESS + %1) mov al, %2 out dx, al %endmacro %macro debugShowCharacter 1 waitForSerialTxReady outToSerialPort 0, %1 %endmacro %macro debugShowHexDigit 1 %if (%1 < 0xa) debugShowCharacter BYTE ('0' + (%1)) %else debugShowCharacter BYTE ('a' + ((%1) - 0xa)) %endif %endmacro %macro debugNewline 0 debugShowCharacter `\r` debugShowCharacter `\n` %endmacro %macro debugShowPostCode 1 debugShowHexDigit (((%1) >> 4) & 0xf) debugShowHexDigit ((%1) & 0xf) debugNewline %endmacro BITS 16 %macro debugInitialize 0 jmp real16InitDebug real16InitDebugReturn: %endmacro real16InitDebug: ; ; Set communications format ; outToSerialPort LCR_OFFSET, ((DLAB << 7) | SERIAL_DEFAULT_LCR) ; ; Configure baud rate ; outToSerialPort BAUD_HIGH_OFFSET, ((115200 / DEFAULT_BPS) >> 8) outToSerialPort BAUD_LOW_OFFSET, ((115200 / DEFAULT_BPS) & 0xff) ; ; Switch back to bank 0 ; outToSerialPort LCR_OFFSET, SERIAL_DEFAULT_LCR jmp real16InitDebugReturn