/** @file Perform related functions for PCH Sata in DXE phase Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include /** Perform the remaining configuration on PCH SATA to perform device detection, then set the SATA SPD and PxE corresponding, and set the Register Lock on PCH SATA @retval None **/ VOID ConfigurePchSataOnEndOfDxe ( VOID ) { UINTN PciSataRegBase; UINT16 SataPortsEnabled; PCH_SERIES PchSeries; UINT16 WordReg; UINT32 DwordReg; UINTN Index; /// /// SATA PCS: Enable the port in any of below condition: /// i.) Hot plug is enabled /// ii.) A device is attached /// iii.) Test mode is enabled /// iv.) Configured as eSATA port /// PciSataRegBase = MmPciBase (DEFAULT_PCI_BUS_NUMBER_PCH, PCI_DEVICE_NUMBER_PCH_SATA, PCI_FUNCTION_NUMBER_PCH_SATA); PchSeries = GetPchSeries (); SataPortsEnabled = 0; if (MmioRead16 (PciSataRegBase + PCI_VENDOR_ID_OFFSET) == 0xFFFF) { return; } if (PchSeries == PchLp) { WordReg = MmioRead16 (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_LP_SATA_PCS); for (Index = 0; Index < GetPchMaxSataPortNum (); Index++) { if ((mPchConfigHob->Sata.PortSettings[Index].HotPlug == TRUE) || (WordReg & (B_PCH_LP_SATA_PCS_P0P << Index)) || (mPchConfigHob->Sata.TestMode == TRUE) || (mPchConfigHob->Sata.PortSettings[Index].External == TRUE)) { SataPortsEnabled |= (mPchConfigHob->Sata.PortSettings[Index].Enable << Index); } } /// /// Set MAP."Sata PortX Disable", SATA PCI offset 90h[10:8] to 1b if SATA Port 0/1/2 is disabled /// MmioOr16 (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_LP_SATA_MAP, ((~SataPortsEnabled << N_PCH_LP_SATA_MAP_SPD) & (UINT16) B_PCH_LP_SATA_MAP_SPD)); S3BootScriptSaveMemWrite ( S3BootScriptWidthUint16, (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_LP_SATA_MAP), 1, (VOID *) (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_LP_SATA_MAP) ); /// /// Program PCS "Port X Enabled", SATA PCI offset 92h[2:0] = Port 0~2 Enabled bit as per SataPortsEnabled value. /// MmioOr16 (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_LP_SATA_PCS, SataPortsEnabled); S3BootScriptSaveMemWrite ( S3BootScriptWidthUint16, (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_LP_SATA_PCS), 1, (VOID *) (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_LP_SATA_PCS) ); } else { DwordReg = MmioRead32 (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_H_SATA_PCS); for (Index = 0; Index < GetPchMaxSataPortNum (); Index++) { if ((mPchConfigHob->Sata.PortSettings[Index].HotPlug == TRUE) || (DwordReg & (B_PCH_H_SATA_PCS_P0P << Index)) || (mPchConfigHob->Sata.TestMode == TRUE) || (mPchConfigHob->Sata.PortSettings[Index].External == TRUE)) { SataPortsEnabled |= (mPchConfigHob->Sata.PortSettings[Index].Enable << Index); } } /// /// Set MAP."Sata PortX Disable", SATA PCI offset 90h[23:16] to 1b if SATA Port 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 is disabled /// MmioOr32 (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_H_SATA_MAP, ((~SataPortsEnabled << N_PCH_H_SATA_MAP_SPD) & (UINT32) B_PCH_H_SATA_MAP_SPD)); S3BootScriptSaveMemWrite ( S3BootScriptWidthUint32, (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_H_SATA_MAP), 1, (VOID *) (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_H_SATA_MAP) ); /// /// Program PCS "Port X Enabled", SATA PCI offset 94h[7:0] = Port 0~7 Enabled bit as per SataPortsEnabled value. /// MmioOr16 (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_H_SATA_PCS, SataPortsEnabled); S3BootScriptSaveMemWrite ( S3BootScriptWidthUint16, (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_H_SATA_PCS), 1, (VOID *) (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_H_SATA_PCS) ); } /// /// Step 14 /// Program SATA PCI offset 9Ch [31] to 1b /// MmioOr32 ((UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_SATA_SATAGC), BIT31); S3BootScriptSaveMemWrite ( S3BootScriptWidthUint32, (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_SATA_SATAGC), 1, (VOID *) (UINTN) (PciSataRegBase + R_PCH_SATA_SATAGC) ); }