/** @file Commond Debug Agent library implementition. It mainly includes the first C function called by exception/interrupt handlers, read/write debug packet to communication with HOST based on transfer protocol. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "DebugAgent.h" #include "Ia32/DebugException.h" GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CHAR8 mErrorMsgVersionAlert[] = "\rThe SourceLevelDebugPkg you are using requires a newer version of the Intel(R) UDK Debugger Tool.\r\n"; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CHAR8 mErrorMsgSendInitPacket[] = "\rSend INIT break packet and try to connect the HOST (Intel(R) UDK Debugger Tool v1.4) ...\r\n"; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CHAR8 mErrorMsgConnectOK[] = "HOST connection is successful!\r\n"; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CHAR8 mErrorMsgConnectFail[] = "HOST connection is failed!\r\n"; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CHAR8 mWarningMsgIngoreBreakpoint[] = "Ignore break point in SMM for SMI issued during DXE debugging!\r\n"; // // Vector Handoff Info list used by Debug Agent for persist // GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_INFO mVectorHandoffInfoDebugAgent[] = { { DEBUG_EXCEPT_DIVIDE_ERROR, // Vector 0 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_DEBUG, // Vector 1 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_DO_NOT_HOOK, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_NMI, // Vector 2 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_BREAKPOINT, // Vector 3 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_DO_NOT_HOOK, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_OVERFLOW, // Vector 4 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_BOUND, // Vector 5 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_INVALID_OPCODE, // Vector 6 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_DOUBLE_FAULT, // Vector 8 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_INVALID_TSS, // Vector 10 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_SEG_NOT_PRESENT, // Vector 11 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_STACK_FAULT, // Vector 12 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_GP_FAULT, // Vector 13 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_PAGE_FAULT, // Vector 14 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_FP_ERROR, // Vector 16 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_ALIGNMENT_CHECK, // Vector 17 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_MACHINE_CHECK, // Vector 18 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_EXCEPT_SIMD, // Vector 19 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_HOOK_BEFORE, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_TIMER_VECTOR, // Vector 32 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_DO_NOT_HOOK, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { DEBUG_MAILBOX_VECTOR, // Vector 33 EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_DO_NOT_HOOK, EFI_DEBUG_AGENT_GUID }, { 0, EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_LAST_ENTRY, { 0 } } }; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UINTN mVectorHandoffInfoCount = sizeof (mVectorHandoffInfoDebugAgent) / sizeof (EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_INFO); /** Calculate CRC16 for target data. @param[in] Data The target data. @param[in] DataSize The target data size. @param[in] Crc Initial CRC. @return UINT16 The CRC16 value. **/ UINT16 CalculateCrc16 ( IN UINT8 *Data, IN UINTN DataSize, IN UINT16 Crc ) { UINTN Index; UINTN BitIndex; for (Index = 0; Index < DataSize; Index++) { Crc ^= (UINT16)Data[Index]; for (BitIndex = 0; BitIndex < 8; BitIndex++) { if ((Crc & 0x8000) != 0) { Crc <<= 1; Crc ^= 0x1021; } else { Crc <<= 1; } } } return Crc; } /** Read IDT entry to check if IDT entries are setup by Debug Agent. @retval TRUE IDT entries were setup by Debug Agent. @retval FALSE IDT entries were not setup by Debug Agent. **/ BOOLEAN IsDebugAgentInitialzed ( VOID ) { UINTN InterruptHandler; InterruptHandler = (UINTN) GetExceptionHandlerInIdtEntry (0); if (InterruptHandler >= 4 && *(UINT32 *)(InterruptHandler - 4) == AGENT_HANDLER_SIGNATURE) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** Find and report module image info to HOST. @param[in] AlignSize Image aligned size. **/ VOID FindAndReportModuleImageInfo ( IN UINTN AlignSize ) { UINTN Pe32Data; EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHdr; EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_PTR_UNION Hdr; PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT ImageContext; // // Find Image Base // Pe32Data = ((UINTN)mErrorMsgVersionAlert) & ~(AlignSize - 1); while (Pe32Data != 0) { DosHdr = (EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *) Pe32Data; if (DosHdr->e_magic == EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { // // DOS image header is present, so read the PE header after the DOS image header. // Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *)(Pe32Data + (UINTN) ((DosHdr->e_lfanew) & 0x0ffff)); // // Make sure PE header address does not overflow and is less than the initial address. // if (((UINTN)Hdr.Pe32 > Pe32Data) && ((UINTN)Hdr.Pe32 < (UINTN)mErrorMsgVersionAlert)) { if (Hdr.Pe32->Signature == EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { // // It's PE image. // break; } } } else { // // DOS image header is not present, TE header is at the image base. // Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *)Pe32Data; if ((Hdr.Te->Signature == EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER_SIGNATURE) && ((Hdr.Te->Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) || Hdr.Te->Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_X64)) { // // It's TE image, it TE header and Machine type match // break; } } // // Not found the image base, check the previous aligned address // Pe32Data -= AlignSize; } ImageContext.ImageAddress = Pe32Data; ImageContext.PdbPointer = PeCoffLoaderGetPdbPointer ((VOID*) (UINTN) ImageContext.ImageAddress); PeCoffLoaderRelocateImageExtraAction (&ImageContext); } /** Trigger one software interrupt to debug agent to handle it. @param[in] Signature Software interrupt signature. **/ VOID TriggerSoftInterrupt ( IN UINT32 Signature ) { UINTN Dr0; UINTN Dr1; // // Save Debug Register State // Dr0 = AsmReadDr0 (); Dr1 = AsmReadDr1 (); // // DR0 = Signature // AsmWriteDr0 (SOFT_INTERRUPT_SIGNATURE); AsmWriteDr1 (Signature); // // Do INT3 to communicate with HOST side // CpuBreakpoint (); // // Restore Debug Register State only when Host didn't change it inside exception handler. // Dr registers can only be changed by setting the HW breakpoint. // AsmWriteDr0 (Dr0); AsmWriteDr1 (Dr1); } /** Calculate Mailbox checksum and update the checksum field. @param[in] Mailbox Debug Agent Mailbox pointer. **/ VOID UpdateMailboxChecksum ( IN DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox ) { Mailbox->CheckSum = CalculateCheckSum8 ((UINT8 *)Mailbox, sizeof (DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX) - 2); } /** Verify Mailbox checksum. If checksum error, print debug message and run init dead loop. @param[in] Mailbox Debug Agent Mailbox pointer. **/ VOID VerifyMailboxChecksum ( IN DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox ) { UINT8 CheckSum; CheckSum = CalculateCheckSum8 ((UINT8 *) Mailbox, sizeof (DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX) - 2); // // The checksum updating process may be disturbed by hardware SMI, we need to check CheckSum field // and ToBeCheckSum field to validate the mail box. // if (CheckSum != Mailbox->CheckSum && CheckSum != Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "DebugAgent: Mailbox checksum error, stack or heap crashed!\n")); DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "DebugAgent: CheckSum = %x, Mailbox->CheckSum = %x, Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum = %x\n", CheckSum, Mailbox->CheckSum, Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum)); CpuDeadLoop (); } } /** Update Mailbox content by index. @param[in] Mailbox Debug Agent Mailbox pointer. @param[in] Index Mailbox content index. @param[in] Value Value to be set into Mailbox. **/ VOID UpdateMailboxContent ( IN DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox, IN UINTN Index, IN UINT64 Value ) { AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MailboxSpinLock); switch (Index) { case DEBUG_MAILBOX_DEBUG_FLAG_INDEX: Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum = Mailbox->CheckSum + CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Mailbox->DebugFlag.Uint64, sizeof(UINT64)) - CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Value, sizeof(UINT64)); Mailbox->DebugFlag.Uint64 = Value; break; case DEBUG_MAILBOX_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE_INDEX: Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum = Mailbox->CheckSum + CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Mailbox->DebugPortHandle, sizeof(UINTN)) - CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Value, sizeof(UINTN)); Mailbox->DebugPortHandle = (UINTN) Value; break; case DEBUG_MAILBOX_EXCEPTION_BUFFER_POINTER_INDEX: Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum = Mailbox->CheckSum + CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Mailbox->ExceptionBufferPointer, sizeof(UINTN)) - CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Value, sizeof(UINTN)); Mailbox->ExceptionBufferPointer = (UINTN) Value; break; case DEBUG_MAILBOX_LAST_ACK: Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum = Mailbox->CheckSum + CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Mailbox->LastAck, sizeof(UINT8)) - CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Value, sizeof(UINT8)); Mailbox->LastAck = (UINT8) Value; break; case DEBUG_MAILBOX_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX: Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum = Mailbox->CheckSum + CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Mailbox->SequenceNo, sizeof(UINT8)) - CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Value, sizeof(UINT8)); Mailbox->SequenceNo = (UINT8) Value; break; case DEBUG_MAILBOX_HOST_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX: Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum = Mailbox->CheckSum + CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Mailbox->HostSequenceNo, sizeof(UINT8)) - CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Value, sizeof(UINT8)); Mailbox->HostSequenceNo = (UINT8) Value; break; case DEBUG_MAILBOX_DEBUG_TIMER_FREQUENCY: Mailbox->ToBeCheckSum = Mailbox->CheckSum + CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Mailbox->DebugTimerFrequency, sizeof(UINT32)) - CalculateSum8 ((UINT8 *)&Value, sizeof(UINT32)); Mailbox->DebugTimerFrequency = (UINT32) Value; break; } UpdateMailboxChecksum (Mailbox); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MailboxSpinLock); } /** Read data from debug device and save the data in buffer. Reads NumberOfBytes data bytes from a debug device into the buffer specified by Buffer. The number of bytes actually read is returned. If the return value is less than NumberOfBytes, then the rest operation failed. If NumberOfBytes is zero, then return 0. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param Buffer Pointer to the data buffer to store the data read from the debug device. @param NumberOfBytes Number of bytes which will be read. @param Timeout Timeout value for reading from debug device. It unit is Microsecond. @retval 0 Read data failed, no data is to be read. @retval >0 Actual number of bytes read from debug device. **/ UINTN DebugAgentReadBuffer ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle, IN UINT8 *Buffer, IN UINTN NumberOfBytes, IN UINTN Timeout ) { UINTN Index; UINT32 Begin; UINT32 TimeoutTicker; UINT32 TimerRound; UINT32 TimerFrequency; UINT32 TimerCycle; Begin = 0; TimeoutTicker = 0; TimerRound = 0; TimerFrequency = GetMailboxPointer()->DebugTimerFrequency; TimerCycle = GetApicTimerInitCount (); if (Timeout != 0) { Begin = GetApicTimerCurrentCount (); TimeoutTicker = (UINT32) DivU64x32 ( MultU64x64 ( TimerFrequency, Timeout ), 1000000u ); TimerRound = (UINT32) DivU64x32Remainder (TimeoutTicker, TimerCycle / 2, &TimeoutTicker); } Index = 0; while (Index < NumberOfBytes) { if (DebugPortPollBuffer (Handle)) { DebugPortReadBuffer (Handle, Buffer + Index, 1, 0); Index ++; continue; } if (Timeout != 0) { if (TimerRound == 0) { if (IsDebugTimerTimeout (TimerCycle, Begin, TimeoutTicker)) { // // If time out occurs. // return 0; } } else { if (IsDebugTimerTimeout (TimerCycle, Begin, TimerCycle / 2)) { TimerRound --; Begin = GetApicTimerCurrentCount (); } } } } return Index; } /** Set debug flag in mailbox. @param[in] FlagMask Debug flag mask value. @param[in] FlagValue Debug flag value. **/ VOID SetDebugFlag ( IN UINT64 FlagMask, IN UINT32 FlagValue ) { DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox; UINT64 Data64; Mailbox = GetMailboxPointer (); Data64 = (Mailbox->DebugFlag.Uint64 & ~FlagMask) | (LShiftU64 ((UINT64)FlagValue, LowBitSet64 (FlagMask)) & FlagMask); UpdateMailboxContent (Mailbox, DEBUG_MAILBOX_DEBUG_FLAG_INDEX, Data64); } /** Get debug flag in mailbox. @param[in] FlagMask Debug flag mask value. @return Debug flag value. **/ UINT32 GetDebugFlag ( IN UINT64 FlagMask ) { DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox; UINT32 DebugFlag; Mailbox = GetMailboxPointer (); DebugFlag = (UINT32) RShiftU64 (Mailbox->DebugFlag.Uint64 & FlagMask, LowBitSet64 (FlagMask)); return DebugFlag; } /** Send a debug message packet to the debug port. @param[in] Buffer The debug message. @param[in] Length The length of debug message. **/ VOID SendDebugMsgPacket ( IN CHAR8 *Buffer, IN UINTN Length ) { DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER DebugHeader; DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle; Handle = GetDebugPortHandle(); DebugHeader.StartSymbol = DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_NORMAL; DebugHeader.Command = DEBUG_COMMAND_PRINT_MESSAGE; DebugHeader.Length = sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER) + (UINT8) Length; DebugHeader.SequenceNo = 0xEE; DebugHeader.Crc = 0; DebugHeader.Crc = CalculateCrc16 ( (UINT8 *)Buffer, Length, CalculateCrc16 ((UINT8 *)&DebugHeader, sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER), 0) ); DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *)&DebugHeader, sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER)); DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *)Buffer, Length); } /** Prints a debug message to the debug port if the specified error level is enabled. If any bit in ErrorLevel is also set in Mainbox, then print the message specified by Format and the associated variable argument list to the debug port. @param[in] ErrorLevel The error level of the debug message. @param[in] Format Format string for the debug message to print. @param[in] ... Variable argument list whose contents are accessed based on the format string specified by Format. **/ VOID EFIAPI DebugAgentMsgPrint ( IN UINT8 ErrorLevel, IN CHAR8 *Format, ... ) { CHAR8 Buffer[DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA]; VA_LIST Marker; // // Check driver debug mask value and global mask // if ((ErrorLevel & GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_PRINT_ERROR_LEVEL)) == 0) { return; } // // Convert the DEBUG() message to an ASCII String // VA_START (Marker, Format); AsciiVSPrint (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), Format, Marker); VA_END (Marker); SendDebugMsgPacket (Buffer, AsciiStrLen (Buffer)); } /** Prints a debug message to the debug output device if the specified error level is enabled. If any bit in ErrorLevel is also set in DebugPrintErrorLevelLib function GetDebugPrintErrorLevel (), then print the message specified by Format and the associated variable argument list to the debug output device. If Format is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] ErrorLevel The error level of the debug message. @param[in] IsSend Flag of debug message to declare that the data is being sent or being received. @param[in] Data Variable argument list whose contents are accessed @param[in] Length based on the format string specified by Format. **/ VOID EFIAPI DebugAgentDataMsgPrint ( IN UINT8 ErrorLevel, IN BOOLEAN IsSend, IN UINT8 *Data, IN UINT8 Length ) { CHAR8 Buffer[DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA]; CHAR8 *DestBuffer; UINTN Index; // // Check driver debug mask value and global mask // if ((ErrorLevel & GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_PRINT_ERROR_LEVEL)) == 0) { return; } DestBuffer = Buffer; if (IsSend) { DestBuffer += AsciiSPrint (DestBuffer, DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA, "Sent data [ "); } else { DestBuffer += AsciiSPrint (DestBuffer, DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA, "Received data [ "); } Index = 0; while (TRUE) { if (DestBuffer - Buffer > DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA - 6) { // // If there was no enough space in buffer, send out the debug message, // reserving 6 bytes is for the last data and end characters "]\n". // SendDebugMsgPacket (Buffer, DestBuffer - Buffer); DestBuffer = Buffer; } DestBuffer += AsciiSPrint (DestBuffer, DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA - (DestBuffer - Buffer), "%02x ", Data[Index]); Index ++; if (Index >= Length) { // // The last character of debug message has been foramtted in buffer // DestBuffer += AsciiSPrint(DestBuffer, DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA - (DestBuffer - Buffer), "]\n"); SendDebugMsgPacket (Buffer, DestBuffer - Buffer); break; } } } /** Read remaing debug packet except for the start symbol @param[in] Handle Pointer to Debug Port handle. @param[in, out] DebugHeader Debug header buffer including start symbol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Read the symbol in BreakSymbol. @retval EFI_CRC_ERROR CRC check fail. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT Timeout occurs when reading debug packet. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Receive the old or responsed packet. **/ EFI_STATUS ReadRemainingBreakPacket ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle, IN OUT DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *DebugHeader ) { UINT16 Crc; DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox; // // Has received start symbol, try to read the rest part // if (DebugAgentReadBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *)DebugHeader + OFFSET_OF (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER, Command), sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER) - OFFSET_OF (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER, Command), READ_PACKET_TIMEOUT) == 0) { // // Timeout occur, exit // DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "Timeout in Debug Timer interrupt\n"); return EFI_TIMEOUT; } Crc = DebugHeader->Crc; DebugHeader->Crc = 0; if (CalculateCrc16 ((UINT8 *)DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length, 0) != Crc) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "Debug Timer CRC (%x) against (%x)\n", Crc, CalculateCrc16 ((UINT8 *) &DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length, 0)); DebugAgentDataMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_VERBOSE, FALSE, (UINT8 *)DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length); return EFI_CRC_ERROR; } Mailbox = GetMailboxPointer(); if (IS_REQUEST (DebugHeader)) { if (DebugHeader->SequenceNo == (UINT8) (Mailbox->HostSequenceNo + 1)) { // // Only updagte HostSequenceNo for new command packet // UpdateMailboxContent (Mailbox, DEBUG_MAILBOX_HOST_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX, DebugHeader->SequenceNo); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (DebugHeader->SequenceNo == Mailbox->HostSequenceNo) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } } return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } /** Check if HOST is attached based on Mailbox. @retval TRUE HOST is attached. @retval FALSE HOST is not attached. **/ BOOLEAN IsHostAttached ( VOID ) { return (BOOLEAN) (GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_HOST_ATTACHED) == 1); } /** Set HOST connect flag in Mailbox. @param[in] Attached Attach status. **/ VOID SetHostAttached ( IN BOOLEAN Attached ) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_INFO, "Attach status is %d\n", Attached); SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_HOST_ATTACHED, (UINT32)Attached); } /** Set debug setting of Debug Agent in Mailbox. @param DebugSetting Pointer to Debug Setting defined by transfer protocol. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The setting is set successfully. @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The Key value is not supported. **/ RETURN_STATUS SetDebugSetting ( IN DEBUG_DATA_SET_DEBUG_SETTING *DebugSetting ) { RETURN_STATUS Status; Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; switch (DebugSetting->Key) { case DEBUG_AGENT_SETTING_SMM_ENTRY_BREAK: SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_BREAK_ON_NEXT_SMI, DebugSetting->Value); break; case DEBUG_AGENT_SETTING_PRINT_ERROR_LEVEL: SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_PRINT_ERROR_LEVEL, DebugSetting->Value); break; case DEBUG_AGENT_SETTING_BOOT_SCRIPT_ENTRY_BREAK: SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_BREAK_BOOT_SCRIPT, DebugSetting->Value); break; default: Status = RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } return Status; } /** Exectue GO command. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to saved CPU context. **/ VOID CommandGo ( IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext ) { IA32_EFLAGS32 *Eflags; Eflags = (IA32_EFLAGS32 *) &CpuContext->Eflags; Eflags->Bits.TF = 0; Eflags->Bits.RF = 1; } /** Execute Stepping command. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to saved CPU context. **/ VOID CommandStepping ( IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext ) { IA32_EFLAGS32 *Eflags; Eflags = (IA32_EFLAGS32 *) &CpuContext->Eflags; Eflags->Bits.TF = 1; Eflags->Bits.RF = 1; // // Save and clear EFLAGS.IF to avoid interrupt happen when executing Stepping // SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_INTERRUPT_FLAG, Eflags->Bits.IF); Eflags->Bits.IF = 0; // // Set Stepping Flag // SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_STEPPING, 1); } /** Do some cleanup after Stepping command done. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to saved CPU context. **/ VOID CommandSteppingCleanup ( IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext ) { IA32_EFLAGS32 *Eflags; Eflags = (IA32_EFLAGS32 *) &CpuContext->Eflags; // // Restore EFLAGS.IF // Eflags->Bits.IF = GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_INTERRUPT_FLAG); // // Clear Stepping flag // SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_STEPPING, 0); } /** Set debug register for hardware breakpoint. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to saved CPU context. @param[in] SetHwBreakpoint Hardware breakpoint to be set. **/ VOID SetDebugRegister ( IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext, IN DEBUG_DATA_SET_HW_BREAKPOINT *SetHwBreakpoint ) { UINT8 RegisterIndex; UINTN Dr7Value; RegisterIndex = SetHwBreakpoint->Type.Index; // // Set debug address // * ((UINTN *) &CpuContext->Dr0 + RegisterIndex) = (UINTN) SetHwBreakpoint->Address; Dr7Value = CpuContext->Dr7; // // Enable Gx, Lx // Dr7Value |= (UINTN) (0x3 << (RegisterIndex * 2)); // // Set RWx and Lenx // Dr7Value &= (UINTN) (~(0xf << (16 + RegisterIndex * 4))); Dr7Value |= (UINTN) ((SetHwBreakpoint->Type.Length << 2) | SetHwBreakpoint->Type.Access) << (16 + RegisterIndex * 4); // // Enable GE, LE // Dr7Value |= 0x300; CpuContext->Dr7 = Dr7Value; } /** Clear debug register for hardware breakpoint. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to saved CPU context. @param[in] ClearHwBreakpoint Hardware breakpoint to be cleared. **/ VOID ClearDebugRegister ( IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext, IN DEBUG_DATA_CLEAR_HW_BREAKPOINT *ClearHwBreakpoint ) { if ((ClearHwBreakpoint->IndexMask & BIT0) != 0) { CpuContext->Dr0 = 0; CpuContext->Dr7 &= (UINTN)(~(0x3 << 0)); } if ((ClearHwBreakpoint->IndexMask & BIT1) != 0) { CpuContext->Dr1 = 0; CpuContext->Dr7 &= (UINTN)(~(0x3 << 2)); } if ((ClearHwBreakpoint->IndexMask & BIT2) != 0) { CpuContext->Dr2 = 0; CpuContext->Dr7 &= (UINTN)(~(0x3 << 4)); } if ((ClearHwBreakpoint->IndexMask & BIT3) != 0) { CpuContext->Dr3 = 0; CpuContext->Dr7 &= (UINTN)(~(0x3 << 6)); } } /** Return the offset of FP / MMX / XMM registers in the FPU saved state by register index. @param[in] Index Register index. @param[out] Width Register width returned. @return Offset in the FPU Save State. **/ UINT16 ArchReadFxStatOffset ( IN UINT8 Index, OUT UINT8 *Width ) { if (Index < SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_ST0) { switch (Index) { case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_FCW: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT16); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Fcw); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_FSW: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT16); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Fsw); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_FTW: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT16); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Ftw); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_OPCODE: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT16); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Opcode); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_EIP: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT32); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Eip); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_CS: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT16); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Cs); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_DATAOFFSET: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT32); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, DataOffset); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_DS: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT16); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Ds); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_MXCSR: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT32); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Mxcsr); case SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_MXCSR_MASK: *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINT32); return OFFSET_OF(DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, Mxcsr_Mask); } } if (Index <= SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_ST7) { *Width = 10; } else if (Index <= SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_XMM15) { *Width = 16; } else { // // MMX register // *Width = 8; Index -= SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_MM0 - SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_ST0; } return OFFSET_OF (DEBUG_DATA_FX_SAVE_STATE, St0Mm0) + (Index - SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_ST0) * 16; } /** Return the pointer of the register value in the CPU saved context. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to saved CPU context. @param[in] Index Register index value. @param[out] Width Data width to read. @return The pointer in the CPU saved context. **/ UINT8 * ArchReadRegisterBuffer ( IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext, IN UINT8 Index, OUT UINT8 *Width ) { UINT8 *Buffer; if (Index < SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_FP_BASE) { Buffer = (UINT8 *) CpuContext + OFFSET_OF (DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT, Dr0) + Index * sizeof (UINTN); *Width = (UINT8) sizeof (UINTN); } else { // // FPU/MMX/XMM registers // Buffer = (UINT8 *) CpuContext + OFFSET_OF (DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT, FxSaveState) + ArchReadFxStatOffset (Index, Width); } return Buffer; } /** Send the packet without data to HOST. @param[in] CommandType Type of Command. @param[in] SequenceNo Sequence number. **/ VOID SendPacketWithoutData ( IN UINT8 CommandType, IN UINT8 SequenceNo ) { DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER DebugHeader; DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle; Handle = GetDebugPortHandle(); DebugHeader.StartSymbol = DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_NORMAL; DebugHeader.Command = CommandType; DebugHeader.Length = sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER); DebugHeader.SequenceNo = SequenceNo; DebugHeader.Crc = 0; DebugHeader.Crc = CalculateCrc16 ((UINT8 *)&DebugHeader, sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER), 0); DebugAgentDataMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_VERBOSE, TRUE, (UINT8 *) &DebugHeader, DebugHeader.Length); DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *) &DebugHeader, DebugHeader.Length); } /** Send acknowledge packet to HOST. @param[in] AckCommand Type of Acknowledge packet. **/ VOID SendAckPacket ( IN UINT8 AckCommand ) { UINT8 SequenceNo; DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox; if (AckCommand != DEBUG_COMMAND_OK) { // // This is not ACK OK packet // DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_ERROR, "Send ACK(%d)\n", AckCommand); } Mailbox = GetMailboxPointer(); SequenceNo = Mailbox->HostSequenceNo; DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_INFO, "SendAckPacket: SequenceNo = %x\n", SequenceNo); SendPacketWithoutData (AckCommand, SequenceNo); UpdateMailboxContent (Mailbox, DEBUG_MAILBOX_LAST_ACK, AckCommand); } /** Decompress the Data in place. @param[in, out] Data The compressed data buffer. The buffer is assumed large enough to hold the uncompressed data. @param[in] Length The length of the compressed data buffer. @return The length of the uncompressed data buffer. **/ UINT8 DecompressDataInPlace ( IN OUT UINT8 *Data, IN UINTN Length ) { UINTN Index; UINT16 LastChar; UINTN LastCharCount; UINT8 CurrentChar; LastChar = (UINT16) -1; LastCharCount = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < Length; Index++) { CurrentChar = Data[Index]; if (LastCharCount == 2) { LastCharCount = 0; CopyMem (&Data[Index + CurrentChar], &Data[Index + 1], Length - Index - 1); SetMem (&Data[Index], CurrentChar, (UINT8) LastChar); LastChar = (UINT16) -1; Index += CurrentChar - 1; Length += CurrentChar - 1; } else { if (LastChar != CurrentChar) { LastCharCount = 0; } LastCharCount++; LastChar = CurrentChar; } } ASSERT (Length <= DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA); return (UINT8) Length; } /** Receive valid packet from HOST. @param[out] InputPacket Buffer to receive packet. @param[out] BreakReceived TRUE means break-in symbol received. FALSE means break-in symbol not received. @param[out] IncompatibilityFlag If IncompatibilityFlag is not NULL, return TRUE: Compatible packet received. FALSE: Incompatible packet received. @param[in] Timeout Time out value to wait for acknowlege from HOST. The unit is microsecond. @param[in] SkipStartSymbol TRUE: Skip time out when reading start symbol. FALSE: Does not Skip time out when reading start symbol. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS A valid package was reveived in InputPacket. @retval RETURN_TIMEOUT Timeout occurs. **/ RETURN_STATUS ReceivePacket ( OUT UINT8 *InputPacket, OUT BOOLEAN *BreakReceived, OUT BOOLEAN *IncompatibilityFlag, OPTIONAL IN UINTN Timeout, IN BOOLEAN SkipStartSymbol ) { DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *DebugHeader; UINTN Received; DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle; UINT16 Crc; UINTN TimeoutForStartSymbol; Handle = GetDebugPortHandle(); if (SkipStartSymbol) { TimeoutForStartSymbol = 0; } else { TimeoutForStartSymbol = Timeout; } DebugHeader = (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *) InputPacket; while (TRUE) { // // Find the valid start symbol // Received = DebugAgentReadBuffer (Handle, &DebugHeader->StartSymbol, sizeof (DebugHeader->StartSymbol), TimeoutForStartSymbol); if (Received < sizeof (DebugHeader->StartSymbol)) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "DebugAgentReadBuffer(StartSymbol) timeout\n"); return RETURN_TIMEOUT; } if ((DebugHeader->StartSymbol != DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_NORMAL) && (DebugHeader->StartSymbol != DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_COMPRESS)) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "Invalid start symbol received [%02x]\n", DebugHeader->StartSymbol); continue; } // // Read Package header till field Length // Received = DebugAgentReadBuffer ( Handle, (UINT8 *) DebugHeader + OFFSET_OF (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER, Command), OFFSET_OF (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER, Length) + sizeof (DebugHeader->Length) - sizeof (DebugHeader->StartSymbol), Timeout ); if (Received == 0) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_ERROR, "DebugAgentReadBuffer(Command) timeout\n"); return RETURN_TIMEOUT; } if (DebugHeader->Length < sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER)) { if (IncompatibilityFlag != NULL) { // // This is one old version debug packet format, set Incompatibility flag // *IncompatibilityFlag = TRUE; } else { // // Skip the bad small packet // continue; } } else { // // Read the payload data include the CRC field // Received = DebugAgentReadBuffer (Handle, &DebugHeader->SequenceNo, (UINT8) (DebugHeader->Length - OFFSET_OF (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER, SequenceNo)), Timeout); if (Received == 0) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_ERROR, "DebugAgentReadBuffer(SequenceNo) timeout\n"); return RETURN_TIMEOUT; } // // Calculate the CRC of Debug Packet // Crc = DebugHeader->Crc; DebugHeader->Crc = 0; if (Crc == CalculateCrc16 ((UINT8 *) DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length, 0)) { break; } DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "CRC Error (received CRC is %x)\n", Crc); DebugAgentDataMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_VERBOSE, FALSE, (UINT8 *) DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length); } } DebugAgentDataMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_VERBOSE, FALSE, (UINT8 *) DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length); if (DebugHeader->StartSymbol == DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_COMPRESS) { DebugHeader->StartSymbol = DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_NORMAL; DebugHeader->Length = DecompressDataInPlace ( (UINT8 *) (DebugHeader + 1), DebugHeader->Length - sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER) ) + sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER); } return RETURN_SUCCESS; } /** Receive acknowledge packet OK from HOST in specified time. @param[in] Command The command type issued by TARGET. @param[in] Timeout Time out value to wait for acknowlege from HOST. The unit is microsecond. @param[out] BreakReceived If BreakReceived is not NULL, TRUE is retured if break-in symbol received. FALSE is retured if break-in symbol not received. @param[out] IncompatibilityFlag If IncompatibilityFlag is not NULL, return TRUE: Compatible packet received. FALSE: Incompatible packet received. @retval RETRUEN_SUCCESS Succeed to receive acknowlege packet from HOST, the type of acknowlege packet saved in Ack. @retval RETURN_TIMEOUT Specified timeout value was up. **/ RETURN_STATUS SendCommandAndWaitForAckOK ( IN UINT8 Command, IN UINTN Timeout, OUT BOOLEAN *BreakReceived, OPTIONAL OUT BOOLEAN *IncompatibilityFlag OPTIONAL ) { RETURN_STATUS Status; UINT8 InputPacketBuffer[DEBUG_DATA_UPPER_LIMIT]; DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *DebugHeader; UINT8 SequenceNo; UINT8 HostSequenceNo; UINT8 RetryCount; RetryCount = 3; DebugHeader = (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *) InputPacketBuffer; Status = RETURN_TIMEOUT; while (RetryCount > 0) { SequenceNo = GetMailboxPointer()->SequenceNo; HostSequenceNo = GetMailboxPointer()->HostSequenceNo; SendPacketWithoutData (Command, SequenceNo); Status = ReceivePacket ((UINT8 *) DebugHeader, BreakReceived, IncompatibilityFlag, Timeout, FALSE); if (Status == RETURN_TIMEOUT) { if (Command == DEBUG_COMMAND_INIT_BREAK) { RetryCount--; } else { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "TARGET: Timeout when waiting for ACK packet.\n"); } continue; } ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Status == RETURN_SUCCESS // if (DebugHeader->Command == DEBUG_COMMAND_OK && DebugHeader->SequenceNo == SequenceNo) { // // Received Ack OK // UpdateMailboxContent (GetMailboxPointer(), DEBUG_MAILBOX_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX, ++SequenceNo); return Status; } if (DebugHeader->Command == DEBUG_COMMAND_GO && (DebugHeader->SequenceNo == HostSequenceNo || Command == DEBUG_COMMAND_INIT_BREAK)) { // // Received Old GO // if (Command == DEBUG_COMMAND_INIT_BREAK) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "TARGET: Receive GO() in last boot\n"); } SendPacketWithoutData (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK, DebugHeader->SequenceNo); } } ASSERT (Command == DEBUG_COMMAND_INIT_BREAK); return Status; } /** Get current break cause. @param[in] Vector Vector value of exception or interrupt. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to save CPU context. @return The type of break cause defined by XXXX **/ UINT8 GetBreakCause ( IN UINTN Vector, IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext ) { UINT8 Cause; Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_UNKNOWN; switch (Vector) { case DEBUG_INT1_VECTOR: case DEBUG_INT3_VECTOR: if (Vector == DEBUG_INT1_VECTOR) { // // INT 1 // if ((CpuContext->Dr6 & BIT14) != 0) { Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_STEPPING; // // DR6.BIT14 Indicates (when set) that the debug exception was // triggered by the single step execution mode. // The single-step mode is the highest priority debug exception. // This is single step, no need to check DR0, to ensure single step // work in PeCoffExtraActionLib (right after triggering a breakpoint // to report image load/unload). // return Cause; } else { Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_HW_BREAKPOINT; } } else { // // INT 3 // Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_SW_BREAKPOINT; } switch (CpuContext->Dr0) { case IMAGE_LOAD_SIGNATURE: case IMAGE_UNLOAD_SIGNATURE: if (CpuContext->Dr3 == IO_PORT_BREAKPOINT_ADDRESS) { Cause = (UINT8) ((CpuContext->Dr0 == IMAGE_LOAD_SIGNATURE) ? DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_IMAGE_LOAD : DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_IMAGE_UNLOAD); } break; case SOFT_INTERRUPT_SIGNATURE: if (CpuContext->Dr1 == MEMORY_READY_SIGNATURE) { Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_MEMORY_READY; CpuContext->Dr0 = 0; } else if (CpuContext->Dr1 == SYSTEM_RESET_SIGNATURE) { Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_SYSTEM_RESET; CpuContext->Dr0 = 0; } break; default: break; } break; case DEBUG_TIMER_VECTOR: Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_USER_HALT; break; default: if (Vector < 20) { if (GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_STEPPING) == 1) { // // If stepping command is executing // Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_STEPPING; } else { Cause = DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_EXCEPTION; } } break; } return Cause; } /** Copy memory from source to destination with specified width. @param[out] Dest A pointer to the destination buffer of the memory copy. @param[in] Src A pointer to the source buffer of the memory copy. @param[in] Count The number of data with specified width to copy from source to destination. @param[in] Width Data width in byte. **/ VOID CopyMemByWidth ( OUT UINT8 *Dest, IN UINT8 *Src, IN UINT16 Count, IN UINT8 Width ) { UINT8 *Destination; UINT8 *Source; INT8 Step; if (Src > Dest) { Destination = Dest; Source = Src; Step = Width; } else { // // Copy memory from tail to avoid memory overlap // Destination = Dest + (Count - 1) * Width; Source = Src + (Count - 1) * Width; Step = -Width; } while (Count-- != 0) { switch (Width) { case 1: *(UINT8 *) Destination = MmioRead8 ((UINTN) Source); break; case 2: *(UINT16 *) Destination = MmioRead16 ((UINTN) Source); break; case 4: *(UINT32 *) Destination = MmioRead32 ((UINTN) Source); break; case 8: *(UINT64 *) Destination = MmioRead64 ((UINTN) Source); break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); } Source += Step; Destination += Step; } } /** Compress the data buffer but do not modify the original buffer. The compressed data is directly send to the debug channel. Compressing in place doesn't work because the data may become larger during compressing phase. ("3 3 ..." --> "3 3 0 ...") The routine is expected to be called three times: 1. Compute the length of the compressed data buffer; 2. Compute the CRC of the compressed data buffer; 3. Compress the data and send to the debug channel. @param[in] Handle The debug channel handle to send the compressed data buffer. @param[in] Data The data buffer. @param[in] Length The length of the data buffer. @param[in] Send TRUE to send the compressed data buffer. @param[out] CompressedLength Return the length of the compressed data buffer. It may be larger than the Length in some cases. @param[out] CompressedCrc Return the CRC of the compressed data buffer. **/ VOID CompressData ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle, IN UINT8 *Data, IN UINT8 Length, IN BOOLEAN Send, OUT UINTN *CompressedLength, OPTIONAL OUT UINT16 *CompressedCrc OPTIONAL ) { UINTN Index; UINT8 LastChar; UINT8 LastCharCount; UINT8 CurrentChar; UINTN CompressedIndex; ASSERT (Length > 0); LastChar = Data[0] + 1; // Just ensure it's different from the first byte. LastCharCount = 0; for (Index = 0, CompressedIndex = 0; Index <= Length; Index++) { if (Index < Length) { CurrentChar = Data[Index]; } else { CurrentChar = (UINT8) LastChar + 1; // just ensure it's different from LastChar } if (LastChar != CurrentChar) { if (LastCharCount == 1) { CompressedIndex++; if (CompressedCrc != NULL) { *CompressedCrc = CalculateCrc16 (&LastChar, 1, *CompressedCrc); } if (Send) { DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, &LastChar, 1); } } else if (LastCharCount >= 2) { CompressedIndex += 3; LastCharCount -= 2; if (CompressedCrc != NULL) { *CompressedCrc = CalculateCrc16 (&LastChar, 1, *CompressedCrc); *CompressedCrc = CalculateCrc16 (&LastChar, 1, *CompressedCrc); *CompressedCrc = CalculateCrc16 (&LastCharCount, 1, *CompressedCrc); } if (Send) { DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, &LastChar, 1); DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, &LastChar, 1); DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, &LastCharCount, 1); } } LastCharCount = 0; } LastCharCount++; LastChar = CurrentChar; } if (CompressedLength != NULL) { *CompressedLength = CompressedIndex; } } /** Read memory with speicifed width and send packet with response data to HOST. @param[in] Data Pointer to response data buffer. @param[in] Count The number of data with specified Width. @param[in] Width Data width in byte. @param[in] DebugHeader Pointer to a buffer for creating response packet and receiving ACK packet, to minimize the stack usage. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Response data was sent successfully. **/ RETURN_STATUS ReadMemoryAndSendResponsePacket ( IN UINT8 *Data, IN UINT16 Count, IN UINT8 Width, IN DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *DebugHeader ) { RETURN_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN LastPacket; DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle; UINT8 SequenceNo; UINTN RemainingDataSize; UINT8 CurrentDataSize; UINTN CompressedDataSize; Handle = GetDebugPortHandle(); RemainingDataSize = Count * Width; while (TRUE) { SequenceNo = GetMailboxPointer()->HostSequenceNo; if (RemainingDataSize <= DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA) { // // If the remaining data is less one real packet size, this is the last data packet // CurrentDataSize = (UINT8) RemainingDataSize; LastPacket = TRUE; DebugHeader->Command = DEBUG_COMMAND_OK; } else { // // Data is too larger to be sent in one packet, calculate the actual data size could // be sent in one Maximum data packet // CurrentDataSize = (DEBUG_DATA_MAXIMUM_REAL_DATA / Width) * Width; LastPacket = FALSE; DebugHeader->Command = DEBUG_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS; } // // Construct the rest Debug header // DebugHeader->StartSymbol = DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_NORMAL; DebugHeader->Length = CurrentDataSize + sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER); DebugHeader->SequenceNo = SequenceNo; DebugHeader->Crc = 0; CopyMemByWidth ((UINT8 *) (DebugHeader + 1), Data, CurrentDataSize / Width, Width); // // Compression/decompression support was added since revision 0.4. // Revision 0.3 shouldn't compress the packet. // if (DEBUG_AGENT_REVISION >= DEBUG_AGENT_REVISION_04) { // // Get the compressed data size without modifying the packet. // CompressData ( Handle, (UINT8 *) (DebugHeader + 1), CurrentDataSize, FALSE, &CompressedDataSize, NULL ); } else { CompressedDataSize = CurrentDataSize; } if (CompressedDataSize < CurrentDataSize) { DebugHeader->Length = (UINT8) CompressedDataSize + sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER); DebugHeader->StartSymbol = DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_COMPRESS; // // Compute the CRC of the packet head without modifying the packet. // DebugHeader->Crc = CalculateCrc16 ((UINT8 *) DebugHeader, sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER), 0); CompressData ( Handle, (UINT8 *) (DebugHeader + 1), CurrentDataSize, FALSE, NULL, &DebugHeader->Crc ); // // Send out the packet head. // DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *) DebugHeader, sizeof (DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER)); // // Compress and send out the packet data. // CompressData ( Handle, (UINT8 *) (DebugHeader + 1), CurrentDataSize, TRUE, NULL, NULL ); } else { // // Calculate and fill the checksum, DebugHeader->Crc should be 0 before invoking CalculateCrc16 () // DebugHeader->Crc = CalculateCrc16 ((UINT8 *) DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length, 0); DebugAgentDataMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_VERBOSE, TRUE, (UINT8 *) DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length); DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *) DebugHeader, DebugHeader->Length); } while (TRUE) { Status = ReceivePacket ((UINT8 *) DebugHeader, NULL, NULL, READ_PACKET_TIMEOUT, FALSE); if (Status == RETURN_TIMEOUT) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "TARGET: Timeout in SendDataResponsePacket()\n"); break; } if ((DebugHeader->Command == DEBUG_COMMAND_OK) && (DebugHeader->SequenceNo == SequenceNo) && LastPacket) { // // If this is the last packet, return RETURN_SUCCESS. // return RETURN_SUCCESS; } if ((DebugHeader->Command == DEBUG_COMMAND_CONTINUE) && (DebugHeader->SequenceNo == (UINT8) (SequenceNo + 1))) { // // Calculate the rest data size // Data += CurrentDataSize; RemainingDataSize -= CurrentDataSize; UpdateMailboxContent (GetMailboxPointer(), DEBUG_MAILBOX_HOST_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX, DebugHeader->SequenceNo); break; } if (DebugHeader->SequenceNo >= SequenceNo) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "TARGET: Received one old or new command(SequenceNo is %x, last SequenceNo is %x)\n", SequenceNo, DebugHeader->SequenceNo); break; } } } } /** Send packet with response data to HOST. @param[in] Data Pointer to response data buffer. @param[in] DataSize Size of response data in byte. @param[in, out] DebugHeader Pointer to a buffer for creating response packet and receiving ACK packet, to minimize the stack usage. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Response data was sent successfully. **/ RETURN_STATUS SendDataResponsePacket ( IN UINT8 *Data, IN UINT16 DataSize, IN OUT DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *DebugHeader ) { return ReadMemoryAndSendResponsePacket (Data, DataSize, 1, DebugHeader); } /** Try to attach the HOST. Send init break packet to HOST: If no acknowlege received in specified Timeout, return RETURN_TIMEOUT. If received acknowlege, check the revision of HOST. Set Attach Flag if attach successfully. @param[in] BreakCause Break cause of this break event. @param[in] Timeout Time out value to wait for acknowlege from HOST. The unit is microsecond. @param[out] BreakReceived If BreakReceived is not NULL, TRUE is retured if break-in symbol received. FALSE is retured if break-in symbol not received. **/ RETURN_STATUS AttachHost ( IN UINT8 BreakCause, IN UINTN Timeout, OUT BOOLEAN *BreakReceived ) { RETURN_STATUS Status; DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle; BOOLEAN IncompatibilityFlag; IncompatibilityFlag = FALSE; Handle = GetDebugPortHandle(); // // Send init break and wait ack in Timeout // DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *) mErrorMsgSendInitPacket, AsciiStrLen (mErrorMsgSendInitPacket)); if (BreakCause == DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_SYSTEM_RESET) { Status = SendCommandAndWaitForAckOK (DEBUG_COMMAND_INIT_BREAK, Timeout, BreakReceived, &IncompatibilityFlag); } else { Status = SendCommandAndWaitForAckOK (DEBUG_COMMAND_ATTACH_BREAK, Timeout, BreakReceived, &IncompatibilityFlag); } if (IncompatibilityFlag) { // // If the incompatible Debug Packet received, the HOST should be running transfer protocol before DEBUG_AGENT_REVISION. // It could be UDK Debugger for Windows v1.1/v1.2 or for Linux v0.8/v1.2. // DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *) mErrorMsgVersionAlert, AsciiStrLen (mErrorMsgVersionAlert)); CpuDeadLoop (); } if (RETURN_ERROR (Status)) { DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *) mErrorMsgConnectFail, AsciiStrLen (mErrorMsgConnectFail)); } else { DebugPortWriteBuffer (Handle, (UINT8 *) mErrorMsgConnectOK, AsciiStrLen (mErrorMsgConnectOK)); // // Set Attach flag // SetHostAttached (TRUE); } return Status; } /** Send Break point packet to HOST. Only the first breaking processor could sent BREAK_POINT packet. @param[in] BreakCause Break cause of this break event. @param[in] ProcessorIndex Processor index value. @param[out] BreakReceived If BreakReceived is not NULL, TRUE is retured if break-in symbol received. FALSE is retured if break-in symbol not received. **/ VOID SendBreakPacketToHost ( IN UINT8 BreakCause, IN UINT32 ProcessorIndex, OUT BOOLEAN *BreakReceived ) { UINT8 InputCharacter; DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle; Handle = GetDebugPortHandle(); if (IsHostAttached ()) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_INFO, "processor[%x]:Send Break Packet to HOST.\n", ProcessorIndex); SendCommandAndWaitForAckOK (DEBUG_COMMAND_BREAK_POINT, READ_PACKET_TIMEOUT, BreakReceived, NULL); } else { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_INFO, "processor[%x]:Try to attach HOST.\n", ProcessorIndex); // // If HOST is not attached, try to attach it firstly. // // // Poll Attach symbols from HOST and ack OK // do { DebugAgentReadBuffer (Handle, &InputCharacter, 1, 0); } while (InputCharacter != DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_ATTACH); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); // // Try to attach HOST // while (AttachHost (BreakCause, 0, NULL) != RETURN_SUCCESS); } } /** The main function to process communication with HOST. It received the command packet from HOST, and sent response data packet to HOST. @param[in] Vector Vector value of exception or interrutp. @param[in, out] CpuContext Pointer to saved CPU context. @param[in] BreakReceived TRUE means break-in symbol received. FALSE means break-in symbol not received. **/ VOID CommandCommunication ( IN UINTN Vector, IN OUT DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext, IN BOOLEAN BreakReceived ) { RETURN_STATUS Status; UINT8 InputPacketBuffer[DEBUG_DATA_UPPER_LIMIT + sizeof (UINT64) - 1]; DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *DebugHeader; UINT8 Width; UINT8 Data8; UINT32 Data32; UINT64 Data64; DEBUG_DATA_READ_MEMORY *MemoryRead; DEBUG_DATA_WRITE_MEMORY *MemoryWrite; DEBUG_DATA_READ_IO *IoRead; DEBUG_DATA_WRITE_IO *IoWrite; DEBUG_DATA_READ_REGISTER *RegisterRead; DEBUG_DATA_WRITE_REGISTER *RegisterWrite; UINT8 *RegisterBuffer; DEBUG_DATA_READ_MSR *MsrRegisterRead; DEBUG_DATA_WRITE_MSR *MsrRegisterWrite; DEBUG_DATA_CPUID *Cpuid; DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_BREAK_CAUSE BreakCause; DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_CPUID CpuidResponse; DEBUG_DATA_SEARCH_SIGNATURE *SearchSignature; DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_GET_EXCEPTION Exception; DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_GET_REVISION DebugAgentRevision; DEBUG_DATA_SET_VIEWPOINT *SetViewPoint; BOOLEAN HaltDeferred; UINT32 ProcessorIndex; DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle; DEBUG_AGENT_EXCEPTION_BUFFER AgentExceptionBuffer; UINT32 IssuedViewPoint; DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox; UINT8 *AlignedDataPtr; ProcessorIndex = 0; IssuedViewPoint = 0; HaltDeferred = BreakReceived; if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { ProcessorIndex = GetProcessorIndex (); SetCpuStopFlagByIndex (ProcessorIndex, TRUE); if (mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex == ProcessorIndex) { // // Only the current view processor could set AgentInProgress Flag. // IssuedViewPoint = ProcessorIndex; } } if (IssuedViewPoint == ProcessorIndex) { // // Set AgentInProgress Flag. // SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_AGENT_IN_PROGRESS, 1); } Handle = GetDebugPortHandle(); while (TRUE) { if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { // // Check if the current processor is HOST view point // if (mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex != ProcessorIndex) { if (mDebugMpContext.RunCommandSet) { // // If HOST view point sets RUN flag, run GO command to leave // SetCpuStopFlagByIndex (ProcessorIndex, FALSE); CommandGo (CpuContext); break; } else { // // Run into loop again // CpuPause (); continue; } } } AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); DebugHeader =(DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *) InputPacketBuffer; DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_INFO, "TARGET: Try to get command from HOST...\n"); Status = ReceivePacket ((UINT8 *) DebugHeader, &BreakReceived, NULL, READ_PACKET_TIMEOUT, TRUE); if (Status != RETURN_SUCCESS || !IS_REQUEST (DebugHeader)) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "TARGET: Get command[%x] sequenceno[%x] returned status is [%x] \n", DebugHeader->Command, DebugHeader->SequenceNo, Status); DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "TARGET: Get command failed or it's response packet not expected! \n"); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); continue; } Mailbox = GetMailboxPointer (); if (DebugHeader->SequenceNo == Mailbox->HostSequenceNo) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "TARGET: Receive one old command[%x] agaist command[%x]\n", DebugHeader->SequenceNo, Mailbox->HostSequenceNo); SendAckPacket (Mailbox->LastAck); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); continue; } else if (DebugHeader->SequenceNo == (UINT8) (Mailbox->HostSequenceNo + 1)) { UpdateMailboxContent (Mailbox, DEBUG_MAILBOX_HOST_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX, (UINT8) DebugHeader->SequenceNo); } else { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_WARNING, "Receive one invalid comamnd[%x] agaist command[%x]\n", DebugHeader->SequenceNo, Mailbox->HostSequenceNo); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); continue; } // // Save CPU content before executing HOST commond // UpdateMailboxContent (Mailbox, DEBUG_MAILBOX_EXCEPTION_BUFFER_POINTER_INDEX, (UINT64)(UINTN) &AgentExceptionBuffer.JumpBuffer); if (SetJump (&AgentExceptionBuffer.JumpBuffer) != 0) { // // If HOST command failed, continue to wait for HOST's next command // If needed, agent could send exception info to HOST. // SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_ABORT); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); continue; } DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_INFO, "Processor[%x]:Received one command(%x)\n", mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex, DebugHeader->Command); switch (DebugHeader->Command) { case DEBUG_COMMAND_HALT: SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_HALT_DEFERRED); HaltDeferred = TRUE; BreakReceived = FALSE; Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_RESET: SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); ResetCold (); // // Assume system resets in 2 seconds, otherwise send TIMEOUT packet. // PCD can be used if 2 seconds isn't long enough for some platforms. // MicroSecondDelay (2000000); UpdateMailboxContent (Mailbox, DEBUG_MAILBOX_HOST_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX, Mailbox->HostSequenceNo + 1); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_GO: CommandGo (CpuContext); // // Clear Dr0 to avoid to be recognized as IMAGE_LOAD/_UNLOAD again when hitting a breakpoint after GO // If HOST changed Dr0 before GO, we will not change Dr0 here // Data8 = GetBreakCause (Vector, CpuContext); if (Data8 == DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_IMAGE_LOAD || Data8 == DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_IMAGE_UNLOAD) { CpuContext->Dr0 = 0; } if (!HaltDeferred) { // // If no HALT command received when being in-active mode // if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { Data32 = FindNextPendingBreakCpu (); if (Data32 != -1) { // // If there are still others processors being in break state, // send OK packet to HOST to finish this go command // SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); CpuPause (); // // Set current view to the next breaking processor // mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex = Data32; mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex = mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex; SetCpuBreakFlagByIndex (mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex, FALSE); // // Send break packet to HOST to let HOST break again // SendBreakPacketToHost (DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_UNKNOWN, mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex, &BreakReceived); // // Continue to run into loop to read command packet from HOST // ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); break; } // // If no else processor break, set stop bitmask, // and set Running flag for all processors. // SetCpuStopFlagByIndex (ProcessorIndex, FALSE); SetCpuRunningFlag (TRUE); CpuPause (); // // Wait for all processors are in running state // while (TRUE) { if (IsAllCpuRunning ()) { break; } } // // Set BSP to be current view point. // SetDebugViewPoint (mDebugMpContext.BspIndex); CpuPause (); // // Clear breaking processor index and running flag // mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex = (UINT32) (-1); SetCpuRunningFlag (FALSE); } // // Send OK packet to HOST to finish this go command // SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); if (!IsHostAttached()) { UpdateMailboxContent (Mailbox, DEBUG_MAILBOX_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX, 0); UpdateMailboxContent (Mailbox, DEBUG_MAILBOX_HOST_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX, 0); } return; } else { // // If reveived HALT command, need to defer the GO command // SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_HALT_PROCESSED); HaltDeferred = FALSE; Vector = DEBUG_TIMER_VECTOR; } break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_BREAK_CAUSE: BreakCause.StopAddress = CpuContext->Eip; if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport() && ProcessorIndex != mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex) { BreakCause.Cause = GetBreakCause (DEBUG_TIMER_VECTOR, CpuContext); } else { BreakCause.Cause = GetBreakCause (Vector, CpuContext); } SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &BreakCause, (UINT16) sizeof (DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_BREAK_CAUSE), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_SET_HW_BREAKPOINT: SetDebugRegister (CpuContext, (DEBUG_DATA_SET_HW_BREAKPOINT *) (DebugHeader + 1)); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_CLEAR_HW_BREAKPOINT: ClearDebugRegister (CpuContext, (DEBUG_DATA_CLEAR_HW_BREAKPOINT *) (DebugHeader + 1)); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_SINGLE_STEPPING: CommandStepping (CpuContext); // // Clear Dr0 to avoid to be recognized as IMAGE_LOAD/_UNLOAD again when hitting a breakpoint after GO // If HOST changed Dr0 before GO, we will not change Dr0 here // Data8 = GetBreakCause (Vector, CpuContext); if (Data8 == DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_IMAGE_LOAD || Data8 == DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_IMAGE_UNLOAD) { CpuContext->Dr0 = 0; } mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex = (UINT32) (-1); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); // // Executing stepping command directly without sending ACK packet, // ACK packet will be sent after stepping done. // return; case DEBUG_COMMAND_SET_SW_BREAKPOINT: Data64 = (UINTN) (((DEBUG_DATA_SET_SW_BREAKPOINT *) (DebugHeader + 1))->Address); Data8 = *(UINT8 *) (UINTN) Data64; *(UINT8 *) (UINTN) Data64 = DEBUG_SW_BREAKPOINT_SYMBOL; Status = SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &Data8, (UINT16) sizeof (UINT8), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_READ_MEMORY: MemoryRead = (DEBUG_DATA_READ_MEMORY *) (DebugHeader + 1); Status = ReadMemoryAndSendResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) MemoryRead->Address, MemoryRead->Count, MemoryRead->Width, DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_WRITE_MEMORY: MemoryWrite = (DEBUG_DATA_WRITE_MEMORY *) (DebugHeader + 1); // // Copy data into one memory with 8-byte alignment address // AlignedDataPtr = ALIGN_POINTER ((UINT8 *) &MemoryWrite->Data, sizeof (UINT64)); if (AlignedDataPtr != (UINT8 *) &MemoryWrite->Data) { CopyMem (AlignedDataPtr, (UINT8 *) &MemoryWrite->Data, MemoryWrite->Count * MemoryWrite->Width); } CopyMemByWidth ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) MemoryWrite->Address, AlignedDataPtr, MemoryWrite->Count, MemoryWrite->Width); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_READ_IO: IoRead = (DEBUG_DATA_READ_IO *) (DebugHeader + 1); switch (IoRead->Width) { case 1: Data64 = IoRead8 ((UINTN) IoRead->Port); break; case 2: Data64 = IoRead16 ((UINTN) IoRead->Port); break; case 4: Data64 = IoRead32 ((UINTN) IoRead->Port); break; case 8: Data64 = IoRead64 ((UINTN) IoRead->Port); break; default: Data64 = (UINT64) -1; } Status = SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &Data64, IoRead->Width, DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_WRITE_IO: IoWrite = (DEBUG_DATA_WRITE_IO *) (DebugHeader + 1); switch (IoWrite->Width) { case 1: Data64 = IoWrite8 ((UINTN) IoWrite->Port, *(UINT8 *) &IoWrite->Data); break; case 2: Data64 = IoWrite16 ((UINTN) IoWrite->Port, *(UINT16 *) &IoWrite->Data); break; case 4: Data64 = IoWrite32 ((UINTN) IoWrite->Port, *(UINT32 *) &IoWrite->Data); break; case 8: Data64 = IoWrite64 ((UINTN) IoWrite->Port, *(UINT64 *) &IoWrite->Data); break; default: Data64 = (UINT64) -1; } SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_READ_ALL_REGISTERS: Status = SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) CpuContext, sizeof (*CpuContext), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_READ_REGISTER: RegisterRead = (DEBUG_DATA_READ_REGISTER *) (DebugHeader + 1); if (RegisterRead->Index <= SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_MAX) { RegisterBuffer = ArchReadRegisterBuffer (CpuContext, RegisterRead->Index, &Width); Status = SendDataResponsePacket (RegisterBuffer, Width, DebugHeader); } else { Status = RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_WRITE_REGISTER: RegisterWrite = (DEBUG_DATA_WRITE_REGISTER *) (DebugHeader + 1); if (RegisterWrite->Index <= SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_MAX) { RegisterBuffer = ArchReadRegisterBuffer (CpuContext, RegisterWrite->Index, &Width); ASSERT (Width == RegisterWrite->Length); CopyMem (RegisterBuffer, RegisterWrite->Data, Width); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); } else { Status = RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_ARCH_MODE: Data8 = DEBUG_ARCH_SYMBOL; Status = SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &Data8, (UINT16) sizeof (UINT8), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_READ_MSR: MsrRegisterRead = (DEBUG_DATA_READ_MSR *) (DebugHeader + 1); Data64 = AsmReadMsr64 (MsrRegisterRead->Index); Status = SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &Data64, (UINT16) sizeof (UINT64), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_WRITE_MSR: MsrRegisterWrite = (DEBUG_DATA_WRITE_MSR *) (DebugHeader + 1); AsmWriteMsr64 (MsrRegisterWrite->Index, MsrRegisterWrite->Value); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_SET_DEBUG_SETTING: Status = SetDebugSetting ((DEBUG_DATA_SET_DEBUG_SETTING *)(DebugHeader + 1)); if (Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); } break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_GET_REVISION: DebugAgentRevision.Revision = DEBUG_AGENT_REVISION; DebugAgentRevision.Capabilities = DEBUG_AGENT_CAPABILITIES; Status = SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &DebugAgentRevision, (UINT16) sizeof (DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_GET_REVISION), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_GET_EXCEPTION: Exception.ExceptionNum = (UINT8) Vector; Exception.ExceptionData = (UINT32) CpuContext->ExceptionData; Status = SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &Exception, (UINT16) sizeof (DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_GET_EXCEPTION), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_SET_VIEWPOINT: SetViewPoint = (DEBUG_DATA_SET_VIEWPOINT *) (DebugHeader + 1); if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { if (IsCpuStopped (SetViewPoint->ViewPoint)) { SetDebugViewPoint (SetViewPoint->ViewPoint); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); } else { // // If CPU is not halted // SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED); } } else if (SetViewPoint->ViewPoint == 0) { SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); } else { SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED); } break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_GET_VIEWPOINT: Data32 = mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex; SendDataResponsePacket((UINT8 *) &Data32, (UINT16) sizeof (UINT32), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_MEMORY_READY: Data8 = (UINT8) GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_MEMORY_READY); SendDataResponsePacket (&Data8, (UINT16) sizeof (UINT8), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_DETACH: SetHostAttached (FALSE); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_CPUID: Cpuid = (DEBUG_DATA_CPUID *) (DebugHeader + 1); AsmCpuidEx ( Cpuid->Eax, Cpuid->Ecx, &CpuidResponse.Eax, &CpuidResponse.Ebx, &CpuidResponse.Ecx, &CpuidResponse.Edx ); SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &CpuidResponse, (UINT16) sizeof (CpuidResponse), DebugHeader); break; case DEBUG_COMMAND_SEARCH_SIGNATURE: SearchSignature = (DEBUG_DATA_SEARCH_SIGNATURE *) (DebugHeader + 1); if ((SearchSignature->Alignment != 0) && (SearchSignature->Alignment == GetPowerOfTwo32 (SearchSignature->Alignment)) ) { if (SearchSignature->Positive) { for ( Data64 = ALIGN_VALUE ((UINTN) SearchSignature->Start, SearchSignature->Alignment); Data64 <= SearchSignature->Start + SearchSignature->Count - SearchSignature->DataLength; Data64 += SearchSignature->Alignment ) { if (CompareMem ((VOID *) (UINTN) Data64, &SearchSignature->Data, SearchSignature->DataLength) == 0) { break; } } if (Data64 > SearchSignature->Start + SearchSignature->Count - SearchSignature->DataLength) { Data64 = (UINT64) -1; } } else { for ( Data64 = ALIGN_VALUE ((UINTN) SearchSignature->Start - SearchSignature->Alignment, SearchSignature->Alignment); Data64 >= SearchSignature->Start - SearchSignature->Count; Data64 -= SearchSignature->Alignment ) { if (CompareMem ((VOID *) (UINTN) Data64, &SearchSignature->Data, SearchSignature->DataLength) == 0) { break; } } if (Data64 < SearchSignature->Start - SearchSignature->Count) { Data64 = (UINT64) -1; } } SendDataResponsePacket ((UINT8 *) &Data64, (UINT16) sizeof (Data64), DebugHeader); } else { Status = RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } break; default: SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED); break; } if (Status == RETURN_UNSUPPORTED) { SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else if (Status != RETURN_SUCCESS) { SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_ABORT); } ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); CpuPause (); } } /** C function called in interrupt handler. @param[in] Vector Vector value of exception or interrutp. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to save CPU context. **/ VOID EFIAPI InterruptProcess ( IN UINT32 Vector, IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext ) { UINT8 InputCharacter; UINT8 BreakCause; UINTN SavedEip; BOOLEAN BreakReceived; UINT32 ProcessorIndex; UINT32 CurrentDebugTimerInitCount; DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle; UINT8 Data8; UINT8 *Al; UINT32 IssuedViewPoint; DEBUG_AGENT_EXCEPTION_BUFFER *ExceptionBuffer; InputCharacter = 0; ProcessorIndex = 0; IssuedViewPoint = 0; BreakReceived = FALSE; if (mSkipBreakpoint) { // // If Skip Breakpoint flag is set, means communication is disturbed by hardware SMI, we need to ignore the break points in SMM // if ((Vector == DEBUG_INT1_VECTOR) || (Vector == DEBUG_INT3_VECTOR)) { DebugPortWriteBuffer (GetDebugPortHandle(), (UINT8 *) mWarningMsgIngoreBreakpoint, AsciiStrLen (mWarningMsgIngoreBreakpoint)); return; } } if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { ProcessorIndex = GetProcessorIndex (); // // If this processor has alreay halted before, need to check it later // if (IsCpuStopped (ProcessorIndex)) { IssuedViewPoint = ProcessorIndex; } } if (IssuedViewPoint == ProcessorIndex && GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_STEPPING) != 1) { // // Check if this exception is issued by Debug Agent itself // If yes, fill the debug agent exception buffer and LongJump() back to // the saved CPU content in CommandCommunication() // If exception is issued when executing Stepping, will be handled in // exception handle procedure. // if (GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_AGENT_IN_PROGRESS) == 1) { DebugAgentMsgPrint ( DEBUG_AGENT_ERROR, "Debug agent meet one Exception, ExceptionNum is %d, EIP = 0x%x.\n", Vector, (UINTN)CpuContext->Eip ); ExceptionBuffer = (DEBUG_AGENT_EXCEPTION_BUFFER *) (UINTN) GetMailboxPointer()->ExceptionBufferPointer; ExceptionBuffer->ExceptionContent.ExceptionNum = (UINT8) Vector; ExceptionBuffer->ExceptionContent.ExceptionData = (UINT32) CpuContext->ExceptionData; LongJump ((BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER *)(UINTN)(ExceptionBuffer), 1); } } if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { // // If RUN commmand is executing, wait for it done. // while (mDebugMpContext.RunCommandSet) { CpuPause (); } } Handle = GetDebugPortHandle(); BreakCause = GetBreakCause (Vector, CpuContext); switch (Vector) { case DEBUG_INT1_VECTOR: case DEBUG_INT3_VECTOR: switch (BreakCause) { case DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_SYSTEM_RESET: if (AttachHost (BreakCause, READ_PACKET_TIMEOUT, &BreakReceived) != RETURN_SUCCESS) { // // Try to connect HOST, return if fails // break; } CommandCommunication (Vector, CpuContext, BreakReceived); break; case DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_STEPPING: // // Stepping is finished, send Ack package. // if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex = ProcessorIndex; } // // Clear Stepping Flag and restore EFLAGS.IF // CommandSteppingCleanup (CpuContext); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); CommandCommunication (Vector, CpuContext, BreakReceived); break; case DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_MEMORY_READY: // // Memory is ready // SendCommandAndWaitForAckOK (DEBUG_COMMAND_MEMORY_READY, READ_PACKET_TIMEOUT, &BreakReceived, NULL); CommandCommunication (Vector, CpuContext, BreakReceived); break; case DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_IMAGE_LOAD: case DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_IMAGE_UNLOAD: // // Set AL to DEBUG_AGENT_IMAGE_CONTINUE // Al = ArchReadRegisterBuffer (CpuContext, SOFT_DEBUGGER_REGISTER_AX, &Data8); *Al = DEBUG_AGENT_IMAGE_CONTINUE; if (!IsHostAttached ()) { // // If HOST is not connected for image load/unload, return // break; } // // Continue to run the following common code // case DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_HW_BREAKPOINT: case DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_SW_BREAKPOINT: default: // // Send Break packet to HOST // AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); // // Only the first breaking processor could send BREAK_POINT to HOST // if (IsFirstBreakProcessor (ProcessorIndex)) { SendBreakPacketToHost (BreakCause, ProcessorIndex, &BreakReceived); } ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); if (Vector == DEBUG_INT3_VECTOR) { // // go back address located "0xCC" // CpuContext->Eip--; SavedEip = CpuContext->Eip; CommandCommunication (Vector, CpuContext, BreakReceived); if ((SavedEip == CpuContext->Eip) && (*(UINT8 *) (UINTN) CpuContext->Eip == DEBUG_SW_BREAKPOINT_SYMBOL)) { // // If this is not a software breakpoint set by HOST, // restore EIP // CpuContext->Eip++; } } else { CommandCommunication (Vector, CpuContext, BreakReceived); } break; } break; case DEBUG_TIMER_VECTOR: AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { if (IsBsp (ProcessorIndex)) { // // If current processor is BSP, check Apic timer's init count if changed, // it may be re-written when switching BSP. // If it changed, re-initialize debug timer // CurrentDebugTimerInitCount = GetApicTimerInitCount (); if (mDebugMpContext.DebugTimerInitCount != CurrentDebugTimerInitCount) { InitializeDebugTimer (NULL, FALSE); SaveAndSetDebugTimerInterrupt (TRUE); } } if (!IsBsp (ProcessorIndex) || mDebugMpContext.IpiSentByAp) { ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); // // If current processor is not BSP or this is one IPI sent by AP // if (mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex != (UINT32) (-1)) { CommandCommunication (Vector, CpuContext, FALSE); } // // Clear EOI before exiting interrupt process routine. // SendApicEoi (); break; } } // // Only BSP could run here // while (TRUE) { // // If there is data in debug port, will check whether it is break(attach/break-in) symbol, // If yes, go into communication mode with HOST. // If no, exit interrupt process. // if (DebugReadBreakSymbol (Handle, &InputCharacter) == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { break; } if ((!IsHostAttached () && (InputCharacter == DEBUG_STARTING_SYMBOL_ATTACH)) || (IsHostAttached () && (InputCharacter == DEBUG_COMMAND_HALT)) || (IsHostAttached () && (InputCharacter == DEBUG_COMMAND_GO)) ) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_VERBOSE, "Received data [%02x]\n", InputCharacter); // // Ack OK for break-in symbol // SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); // // If receive GO command in Debug Timer, means HOST may lost ACK packet before. // if (InputCharacter == DEBUG_COMMAND_GO) { break; } if (!IsHostAttached ()) { // // Try to attach HOST, if no ack received after 200ms, return // if (AttachHost (BreakCause, READ_PACKET_TIMEOUT, &BreakReceived) != RETURN_SUCCESS) { break; } } if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { if(FindNextPendingBreakCpu () != -1) { SetCpuBreakFlagByIndex (ProcessorIndex, TRUE); } else { HaltOtherProcessors (ProcessorIndex); } } ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); CommandCommunication (Vector, CpuContext, BreakReceived); AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); break; } } // // Clear EOI before exiting interrupt process routine. // SendApicEoi (); ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); break; default: if (Vector <= DEBUG_EXCEPT_SIMD) { DebugAgentMsgPrint ( DEBUG_AGENT_ERROR, "Exception happened, ExceptionNum is %d, EIP = 0x%x.\n", Vector, (UINTN) CpuContext->Eip ); if (BreakCause == DEBUG_DATA_BREAK_CAUSE_STEPPING) { // // If exception happened when executing Stepping, send Ack package. // HOST consider Stepping command was finished. // if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex = ProcessorIndex; } // // Clear Stepping flag and restore EFLAGS.IF // CommandSteppingCleanup (CpuContext); SendAckPacket (DEBUG_COMMAND_OK); } else { // // Exception occurs, send Break packet to HOST // AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); // // Only the first breaking processor could send BREAK_POINT to HOST // if (IsFirstBreakProcessor (ProcessorIndex)) { SendBreakPacketToHost (BreakCause, ProcessorIndex, &BreakReceived); } ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.DebugPortSpinLock); } CommandCommunication (Vector, CpuContext, BreakReceived); } break; } if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { // // Clear flag and wait for all processors run here // SetIpiSentByApFlag (FALSE); while (mDebugMpContext.RunCommandSet) { CpuPause (); } // // Only current (view) processor could clean up AgentInProgress flag. // if (mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex == ProcessorIndex) { IssuedViewPoint = mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex; } } if (IssuedViewPoint == ProcessorIndex && GetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_STEPPING) != 1) { // // If the command is not stepping, clean up AgentInProgress flag // SetDebugFlag (DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_AGENT_IN_PROGRESS, 0); } return; }