/** @file Implement the socket API. Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include /** File system interface for the socket layer. This data structure defines the routines for the various file system functions associated with the socket layer. **/ const struct fileops SocketOperations = { BslSocketClose, // close BslSocketRead, // read BslSocketWrite, // write // // Not supported // fnullop_fcntl, // fcntl BslSocketPoll, // poll fnullop_flush, // flush fbadop_stat, // stat fbadop_ioctl, // ioctl fbadop_delete, // delete fbadop_rmdir, // rmdir fbadop_mkdir, // mkdir fbadop_rename, // rename NULL // lseek }; /** Translate from the socket file descriptor to the socket protocol. @param [in] s Socket file descriptor returned from ::socket. @param [in] ppDescriptor Address to receive the descriptor structure address for the file @param [in] pErrno Address of the errno variable @return A pointer to the EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure or NULL if an invalid file descriptor was passed in. **/ EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * BslFdToSocketProtocol ( int s, struct __filedes ** ppDescriptor, int * pErrno ) { struct __filedes * pDescriptor; EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol; // // Assume failure // pSocketProtocol = NULL; // // Validate the file descriptor // if ( !ValidateFD ( s, TRUE )) { // // Bad file descriptor // *pErrno = EBADF; } else { // // Get the descriptor for the file // pDescriptor = &gMD->fdarray[ s ]; // // Validate that the descriptor is associated with sockets // pSocketProtocol = BslValidateSocketFd ( pDescriptor, pErrno ); if (( NULL != ppDescriptor ) && ( NULL != pSocketProtocol )) { *ppDescriptor = pDescriptor; } } // // Return the socket protocol // return pSocketProtocol; } /** Build a file descriptor for a socket. @param [in] pSocketProtocol Socket protocol structure address @param [in] pErrno Address of the errno variable @return The file descriptor for the socket or -1 if an error occurs. **/ int BslSocketProtocolToFd ( IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol, IN int * pErrno ) { int FileDescriptor; struct __filedes * pDescriptor; // // Assume failure // FileDescriptor = -1; // // Locate a file descriptor // FileDescriptor = FindFreeFD ( VALID_CLOSED ); if ( FileDescriptor < 0 ) { // // All available FDs are in use // errno = EMFILE; } else { // // Initialize the file descriptor // pDescriptor = &gMD->fdarray[ FileDescriptor ]; pDescriptor->f_offset = 0; pDescriptor->f_flag = 0; pDescriptor->f_iflags = DTYPE_SOCKET; pDescriptor->MyFD = (UINT16)FileDescriptor; pDescriptor->Oflags = 0; pDescriptor->Omode = S_ACC_READ | S_ACC_WRITE; pDescriptor->RefCount = 1; FILE_SET_MATURE ( pDescriptor ); // // Socket specific file descriptor initialization // pDescriptor->devdata = pSocketProtocol; pDescriptor->f_ops = &SocketOperations; } // // Return the socket's file descriptor // return FileDescriptor; } /** Creates an endpoint for network communication. The socket routine initializes the communication endpoint and returns a file descriptor. The POSIX documentation is available online. @param [in] domain Select the family of protocols for the client or server application. The supported values are: @param [in] type Specifies how to make the network connection. The following values are supported: @param [in] protocol Specifies the lower layer protocol to use. The following values are supported: @return This routine returns a file descriptor for the socket. If an error occurs -1 is returned and ::errno contains more details. **/ INT32 socket ( IN INT32 domain, IN INT32 type, IN INT32 protocol ) { INT32 FileDescriptor; EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol; EFI_STATUS Status; // // Assume failure // FileDescriptor = -1; // // Locate the socket protocol // errno = EslServiceGetProtocol ( &pSocketProtocol ); if ( 0 == errno ) { // // Initialize the socket // Status = pSocketProtocol->pfnSocket ( pSocketProtocol, domain, type, protocol, &errno ); if ( !EFI_ERROR ( Status )) { // // Build the file descriptor for the socket // FileDescriptor = BslSocketProtocolToFd ( pSocketProtocol, &errno ); } } // // Return the socket's file descriptor // return FileDescriptor; } /** Validate the socket's file descriptor @param [in] pDescriptor Descriptor for the file @param [in] pErrno Address of the errno variable @return A pointer to the EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure or NULL if an invalid file descriptor was passed in. **/ EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * BslValidateSocketFd ( struct __filedes * pDescriptor, int * pErrno ) { EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol; // // Assume failure // *pErrno = ENOTSOCK; pSocketProtocol = NULL; // // Validate that the descriptor is associated with sockets // if ( DTYPE_SOCKET == ( pDescriptor->f_iflags & DTYPE_MASK )) { // // Locate the socket protocol // pSocketProtocol = pDescriptor->devdata; *pErrno = 0; } // // Return the socket protocol // return pSocketProtocol; }