/** @file Transformations between the EFI_TIME structure and struct tm or time_t. Copyright (c) 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include <Uefi.h> #include <LibConfig.h> #include <time.h> #include "tzfile.h" #include <MainData.h> /** Convert an EFI_TIME structure into a C Standard tm structure. @param[in] ET Pointer to the EFI_TIME structure to convert. @param[out] BT Pointer to the tm structure to receive the converted time. */ void Efi2Tm( IN EFI_TIME *ET, OUT struct tm *BT ) { // Convert EFI time to broken-down time. BT->tm_year = ET->Year - TM_YEAR_BASE; BT->tm_mon = ET->Month - 1; // BD time is zero based, EFI is 1 based BT->tm_mday = ET->Day; BT->tm_hour = ET->Hour; BT->tm_min = ET->Minute; BT->tm_sec = ET->Second; BT->tm_isdst = -1; BT->tm_zoneoff = ET->TimeZone; BT->tm_daylight = ET->Daylight; BT->tm_Nano = ET->Nanosecond; } /** Convert an EFI_TIME structure into a time_t value. @param[in] EfiBDtime Pointer to the EFI_TIME structure to convert. @return The EFI_TIME converted into a time_t value. */ time_t Efi2Time( IN EFI_TIME *EfiBDtime ) { Efi2Tm( EfiBDtime, &gMD->BDTime); return mktime( &gMD->BDTime); } /** Convert a C Standard tm structure into an EFI_TIME structure. @param[in] BT Pointer to the tm structure to convert. @param[out] ET Pointer to an EFI_TIME structure to receive the converted time. */ void Tm2Efi( IN struct tm *BT, OUT EFI_TIME *ET ) { ET->Year = (UINT16)BT->tm_year + TM_YEAR_BASE; ET->Month = (UINT8)BT->tm_mon + 1; ET->Day = (UINT8)BT->tm_mday; ET->Hour = (UINT8)BT->tm_hour; ET->Minute = (UINT8)BT->tm_min; ET->Second = (UINT8)BT->tm_sec; ET->Nanosecond = (UINT32)BT->tm_Nano; ET->TimeZone = (INT16)BT->tm_zoneoff; ET->Daylight = (UINT8)BT->tm_daylight; } /** Convert a time_t value into an EFI_TIME structure. @param[in] CalTime Calendar time as a time_t value. @return Returns a newly malloced EFI_TIME structure containing the converted calendar time. @post It is the responsibility of the caller to free the returned structure before the application exits. */ EFI_TIME* Time2Efi( IN time_t CalTime ) { struct tm *IT; EFI_TIME *ET = NULL; IT = gmtime(&CalTime); if(IT != NULL) { ET = malloc(sizeof(EFI_TIME)); if(ET != NULL) { Tm2Efi(IT, ET); } } return ET; }